Prince Rupert Doiiv i iev Thursday, October 11, laii school children on Australia. Thought I waj 'djuu jjuiler'' from the heat in the up-to-date building" but knew I wasn't as j Central Interior TRAVELS an excellent color film of T ' ''Jt ' ' ' r"T 'jVfi t , graph Creek, taken by Jack. WnrkpH till mill RlnnnpH hilt. Il . . .. ', 7 7v eline Uann i JJi rormer Local T: Banker Moved was haunted by memory of the he wakes wneri it stops. A picturesque crowd in IIous- ; ton Hotel- Cafe Claude Parish' surrounded by children 'eating out," so that his wife co.ild prepare for W.I. meeting. A collit dog with a dollar bill In his mouth, to buy a feed-nothing urder these days. The Inevitable drunk; a mining expert from Manitoba returned from a trip with E. O. BelUeinl, and fourj handsome cowboys, eyed bv both men and girls, but for different lvasons. J Ran Into Mr. and Mrs. Craker. ! revolting carcass 01 skinned timber wolf. Was at the toast and marma- window. Crackly pillows, stage, when I heard the ed In plastic, and sawdust burn- ' 4 amving train. Clarence Bug-singer collected me and we arrived at the station b.-fore the train stopped. Reminrls me of the time when, nearly missing a bus er, emulating burning .fiery j furnace, made it frightenlnglyl realistic. Got up, and had a bath, j thinking of the time in the sum- j mir, further east, when I bathed ! th-e children wore shoes and socks. Were most interested !n the animals and had difficulty in believing that "jopy" kangaroos are only an inch long when bcm. When signing the visitors' bock, noticed that Eva Hasell of trw Anglican Mission Vans, had passed that way exactly the same cay twenty-three years ago. She is now finishing her trip in the Yukon for the third year in succession. Was invited to the bachelor apartment of Jack Andrusko, and Norman Schulberg. pedagogues, to eat supper. Dorothy Allcock and Dempsey, a wee kitten, completed the party. Saw j C. W. Dawson, who several ! years ago was a' countant in the local branch of the Bank of Montreal and more recently has 1 been manager at Ganges, Salt i Spring Island, has been trans ! ferred to White Rock. Before ; leaving Gangv-s, Mr. Dawson was ' given a farewell dinner by the ; Salt Spring Island Board . of,', 1 Trade. in Victoria, I seized rnv cookies I in a farm yard, behind a hen I 7 F , A V FIRE WAS MISSING KENTVILLE, N.S. 0 The Kentville fire depur.ment has been informed from Ottawa that the moving picture of Kentville and its volunteer fire department in action, taken by the National Film Board, will be released in December. The only serious deficiency was lack of a big fire, "but we could hardly wish that on Kentville," said the producers. and put one in the box, instead of 1 a ticket. Suffered torments of Hades,! with Houston planer mil work-! ing to full capacity, until two in the morning. Just outside my houre and In front of the prlvvy,j and gazed through ths trees, ; from a long galvanized bath, i complete with plug. Vowed would ! wo; k till early hours next night' more profitable. Manager says He. being English, and hil wifej Canadlati, his offspring was' heard to say: "Do I say, harf and hai 1, or haf and hof, or harf and haf" 1 Was a-ked to speak to the For action use News clajsaified V 7 2 r 1 jit iWa.a3affR " f nil ""2 j ;D PLAYER - When delec-dies to the Var Amputation of Canada convention in Montreal were by Mayor Camillieri Houde, one of the amps, Frod jgx? did "iie entertaining on his own. Despit an d he coaxed westvrn tunes from hU guitar, sang plains and won the applause of the mayor and the 1 CP Pljotol app'uval uf the tlie board ,-lwis, m. at Its meet-uiM, sraiiii'd ad-Hdl! to J. S. Wil- of Burden Street 1 of liavinn taken ju;rfs Willi full jut .school in Vi- 150,60?" (011 re Crazy a! wcmen ell "..LI " Trf U ri: milliner fpfi uf. tiit ISrMR... l Dump Bodlci sizes Heavy and it Frames and rr Takr-Of fs, fifii Operators 1 pressure and il trilling SQUIRREL FOOD Stephanie Atkins. 12, of Vancouver, Is feeding Jvrry, b.iby flyiiiK fftilirel .from a baby's bottle. Her brother found the hungry lit tie animal and Stephanie adopted it. iCP Photo 1 USTRIAL i'NG CO. Phone Green XK4 DISTANCE NO OBSTACLE FORT FRANCES. Out. (f Mr. 'KOTO mm 's 1 -- 3 i-fSTi-- "'-SW " ' rt , i NISHING arid Mrs. A. J. Challis from London, Enitlsmd, think the folk back home would be amazed at tile way people treal distances here. They were surprised to see irop'e from Fort Frances travelling almost 200 miles to Winnipeg for a day s shopping. HOME FOR BLIND PORT ARTHUR. Out. it A new home for the blind to be built here will provide classhooms and workshops for some ISO blind V..'rsona of the district. The $150,000 structure will also have I 1 living" a 'commodations for some j of lilt 111. NO. PRINTING -AKOINO HE METERS R SCPPLIES 3 ' -,e. 1 - CI' 1 t n u : -t .-"''4 .1 ! 1 1 : Xwi "t 5 . .. . w4 i ! . j- . - : "t : - r M:4 . .ul i - v . '"t 1 w '....."" i : ' :. M. 4. ft" . t-''1 . .if P" 136 Sn 418 yevrij& WAiMtv,,. -s A1 f 'ifcXwS otS t t ' My Fl7-,-r. - ' 1 r. -i- ' "it-iurnm,ttttintirMittf'r,"it tr How did you buy your Canada Savings Bonds ? Through deductions from my pay at the office, I have seen so many people get behind with things just because they have no regular system of saving that I have an extra appreciation of this method. You know ... I always remember the depression 'days when so many people found themselves in difficulty because they had not - saved regularly. Do you expect to buy the new Canada Savinas Bonds ? . Yes. I will be signing up for them as I always do. Mn Dorothy Constable livms at 8 Black friars St., London, Ontario, and is one of more than a million Canadians, who nave invested regularly in Canada Savings Bonds. She is assistant to the personnel manager of Somer-vrfe Ltd., in London, Ontario. She is a member of the Highland Golf Cfub, Vice-President of the Businnss and Professional Women's Cfub and Secretary -Treasurer of the Personnel Association of london. She finds time in her active business life for many community activities and teaches a Sunday School class. She has no particular hobbies but when time permits likes to swtm and take it easy in the sun on a sandy beach. She has one sitter now living in Montreal, MRS. CONSTABLE... . . . Mrs. Comfabe, hav you been a purchaser of Conoda Savngt Bonds? .. .. Yes. I've bought bonds every year. What ed you fo buy fhem? Well, it really began back in the wortime days. At thnt time I was working in Toronto and I began putting some of my pay into War Savings Certificates. Then, as my work improved and my pay increased, I added the increase to my purchases. 1 What was uppermost in your mind when you mode these investments ? ' 1 '".. Savings. I have always felt il was important to have cash put by for things you might need later on. I like to pay cash for everything. Paying up for things on a time payment plan seems to me like "mortgaging" your income. Hove you had any occasion fo use the tavingt that have accumulated in Canada Savingt Bonds? Yes. Some time ago the plant where I work was moved to the outskirts of London and the question of getting to and from work became a problem. Because I hoJ bought Canada Savings Bonds in past years I was able to buy a car and the problem was solved. I paid cash for it too. vi Matured NOW BtTJER THAN EVER Canada Savings Bonds 6th Series mature in 10 years' , a and 9 months from date of issue and bear ten 3 Vi coupons. ( e The first coupon covers 1 year and 9 months and is payable e e on August 1st, 1953; subsequentcoupons come due August 1st e yearly thereafter until maturity. If cashed before August 1 st, 1953, simple interest is paid at 2 per year, calculated J monthly. If held to maturity the overall yield is equivalent to . 3.21 per year. The limit for holdings in any one name is e $3,000 in the 6th Series. The bonds are cashable at full face e value, plus interest at any time at any bank in Canada. They are registered in the owner's name. They are non- assignable and non-transferable. a in Eiuilaiul m ROYAI MAliv OS on sak SOONl AT INVESTMENT DfAUKS, BANKS AND THROUGH THE PsriOU SAVINGS PLAN. .1 1 1 . . . Vi V. j 9 L'ftRA RUM ward 'S,n0,Lpub,ished or displayed by the Liquor j r the Government of British Columbia