r v i : i - l a r -' I VOTE Dec. 13th at CIVIC CENTRE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Var V c,s Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Courtesy Ormes Drug IiKIHO IHSI'ATCHKH ' VOL. XI., No. 284 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1951 ' PRICE Fi VIS CENTS r IU1 in 7 nlll sm PACK Slavs Free Archbishop ROME h Italian News Agen ITU Island Prince And For Emergency '.In Egypt lew Pulp Pacific Mills Has cy reported last night from Belgrade that Yugoslavia had Ireed Archbishop Alojzijc Stepinac of Zagreb from prison Tuesday. Vatican sources said they had no information concerning the reported release of the Archbishop who was arrested by Communist Yugoslavia in 1946 on charges ol collaborating with the Nazis and sentenced later to six- Chilco Lake Crash In Grenville Channel Collision last night of a 500-ton coastal freighter 5 CAIRO fc A state of emer gency was proclaimed in Cairo today as Nationalist demonstra Interest in Project teen years in prison. The Archbishop will be allowed to return to his native village of Kraslc, near the Croatian capital of Zagreb. with a herring packer 60 miles south of Prince Rupert has been reported but most of the details were still in confusion at press time. I VANCOUVKIi (CI') A new $21,000,000 pulp tion! 1 tared violently here and hi other cities. j One of the ugliest outbreaks occurred whm University students paraded. i 6hoU were fired by the police, tear gas bombs were Hung 'and youths were soaked with lire boxes. They were protesting at Hie government's failure to oust Island Prince, BC. Steamship Co. operated freighter, Capl. w - k " . ' ' - V l 'I' o " - y. O O ' I o o -I t n r ;r I'.i itish Columbia is being planned, II. J. Mac-lnrsi'li nL of Canada' Western LumberCo. Ltd., Tuesday. I'iic mill, for production of sulphate, would be l,v the Klks Falls Co. Ltd., firm which is eon- Fraser Valley Farms Flooded Dikes Collapse to Inundate William Owans. was reported early this morning to have three feet of water in her forward tunlo; anri down hv the stem ritons Irom the Suez Canal me. t ' . with decks awash, following col ,in a newsprint mill at Duncan Bay on the east lision with B. C. Packers owned Chilco Lake off Ormiston Point,' Surrey Municipality Going to Civil Defence Parley : of Vancouver Island. Klks Kails Co. is owned by. Pacific Mills Ltd. and .,ian Western Lumber, Co. lower end of Granville Channel. VANC0UVER' TwCnty-five Crew of 14 were reported safe vmiwuvan. and on their way to Prince Ru- fans near here were under pert on the Chief Tapeat, which water Tuesday as galc-lashed started towing the damaged ilieh tides pushed through pro- Police Shoot Down Bandit TORONTO "(Pi Constable' Dick Deadman shot and killed one of two bandits who tried to rob a drug store in central Toronto Tuesday night. The officer himself suffered five bullet wounds in the exchange of gunfire. The slain man's fingerprints were taken later in an effort to identify him. Police said that money from the till of the drugstore was found on the body of the dead gunman. .'VICTORIA -Hon. W. T. Strailh Har.ncd production for the mill would be 210 tons minister of education, ' under whose department civil defence j packer but later abandoned her tectlng dlkes :' comes as far as the province is i w uj, mpmb(,r, of thJ With most of their stored win- 8 '." 'Britisl,! Chilco like and her skipper ter feed ,ost. farmers said they Columbia will en to OlvinDla!Sam Hunt, also were reported were preparing to slaughter their jiployment Normal Here Washington, t attend a civil safe- 'cattle. I Demand Active For Several Lines of Work defence co-ordination confer-, V rM-Kei" "",l-'B' 'f'" ""f The flooded area is in Surrey eiu.p i morning on another packer, W. ' . . i T,H . i,it vn wnrrt municipality, some 25 miles VICE-ADMIRAL E. ROLLO MAINGUY, OBE CD, RON. right, oceanic Chief of the Naval Staff of Canada December 1, suc- ( . dull; Vice-Admiral Harold T. W. Grant, CBE, DSO, CD, RCN, win has proceeded on retirement leave after 37 years of service. In the photo above, Admiral Grant is shown as he "turns over I he helm" of th,.- Royal Canadian Navy to Admiral Mainguy. Prior to assuming the duties of Canada's naval chief, Admiral Mainly was Flag Officer Atlantic Coast at Halifax, He was succeeded In that position by Rear-Admiral R. E. S. Bidwell, CBE, CD, RCN. (National Defence Photol has been heard irom any oi uie uw ncic. - sseis -ir-e the collision eport.l ; WtSay "Yes' 'Jn'tSay "No" Employment sit uation is nor- j mal in Prince Rupert, with a: sliidit. increase tn benefit nav-1 Seeking New due to bad radio reception, says the company. Fenth Day of Jet War Air Channel Knilirr of Commerce ns in Silrnce to i ir's Idler on Telephones inents due to the end of the fishing season, a National Employment Service spokesman said today. There is still a demand for skilled tradesmen, experienced pulp mill help and experienced female office help. Christmas rush for store clerks has not yet started but tire local NES office is now taking lists of persons for., temporary postal work. ', , Mining situation In the north NO WORO Island Prince was expected In Prince Rupert last night, said' agents. W. G. Nickerson ii Co. today. No word from the freight-. cr has been heard. Early reports indicated the freighter had been hit below the waterline forward of the engine room and was being kept afloat by buoyancy of her tanks. Marine Cadets Killed as Bus Crashes Into Parade-Worst British Road Accident . Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is asking the Department of Transport for a separate ridio phone frequency for Prince Ruport from Vancouver. jA month ago, the Chamber lizard complaints of continual a- c Rupert Chamber of tit. ii)j)iirently thinking u,"ui the power rcf.rcn-Imli II vetoed, didn't say iiid didn't say "no" when i-r was rcatl at Monday SEOUL United States 'pilots today reported shooting down five Communist MIG's and damaging another five in the tenth straight day of let warfare over North Korea. No American jets were lost or damaged. Ground action was minor. An Allied announcement said I meeimg from Mayor H. confusion which was being caus CHATHAM, England Twenty c cd in local radio-telephon! com three Royal Marine cadets were ; i y regarding the i h mnlum at. Hie . ni n election. immication as a result of being B.C. Packers officials, however, hardly think it likely that ki. led In a strange accident here of! the same channel as Van Is well in hand, said the spnkes- Nominations For "Chamber llie freighter xould have heea i r UU.wy.wuK rallying lo.Jiai. hewnil npmilnjitv lor , yr.sterdit Whpi a bus ran. into. Wver and referred the matter i their ranks while they were on,' to tlw radio committee. 1 parade. j C. G. Ham, reporting for the ji iiiihimiinTi which had been nun i.l if Chamber in re-ii llir rlly telephone ser- experienced nun are on hand from Smithcrs and Hazvltm. Herring reduction plants, now In full operat ion al Seal Cove and that a United Nations raiding party stormed ashore deep behind Red lines, on theeast coast Monday in a second hit-and-run raid in two nights. British and United States commandos struck at vital communication lines. The Allies suffered only two casualties. The raiders left an unknown number of Communists dead. With T N. YouiiKS, f.rr presl-; Police described the plowing radio committee at Monday dent; O O. Stuart, for vice-pre-; of the two-decker suburban bus "tents meeting, came up with iidenl, and P. M. Ray for secre-,i,o the squad of marching confirmation of the confusion lary-lreasurer, the only nominees cadets as the worst road accident and offcri the granting of a ill us the utilities com-! port. Edward, have taken up "a realize the situation, 1 good oral oi ine recent, siacn. lie mayor, explaining that Meanwhile, lugging operations lor those ouices, uie i-rince m Britain's history. 1 , nt the interruption was j are active, keying a large num-j Rupert Chamber or Commerce cadcts from ten to four-1 Th rhnmher 9rtH the taiHiy cable. A,o the ber of men - jrorWn. Jha. fiffl tof agere on their coito mlat workers ex- ioi e kih sum on uw i-mmm: damaged. "The Chilco Lake is only a 60-ton wooden vessel, compared to the steel hulled freighter. We don't see how the freighter could have been damaged," said one official. Meantime, the two company packers are expected in port here some time tonight and clarification of the Incident .may be received sooner when radio contact is made. Included in general cargo of the freighter were also 60 tons of canned milk for Prince Rupert, according to agents. V are iitinge uuaiu was Constiuction ....Mu..u.. ,.v v. .wav through tlinily-ltt Streets to that l.h. Meiwrtment of TranK- mmm I1 was the desire to peeled to be In demand when council in iimj. he set vice and. with ! extension work at Columbia Ccl- j The council nmnincPg arc: E. Weather a boxing match in navy barracks port be asked to grant a separate at I his Royal Navy arsenal. channel. mi in vww. a referendum luioxe vo. Liu. puip mm oegius Bonner. A. Bruce tirown, a. r. NOMINATED TODAY . . . II. M. Daggett for mayoralty Nineteen boys were injured. I Increased industry In this area II. r,.......!-..!....,). f K In January. HUWJt'.v. " i,iui.roiiiiiv, t,. .... mill ho ,,ffnrH nnn l tu f.,uPntl,.,l i),, Forward Q D llio driver- oi ine ous, a man m V IZ i portant reasons why there should to E R Gor Ion r. M of frty years' experience, was Clrne.'c. G. Ham, J. T. Harvey, have received a medal today for be a separate channel. Ii' siiluiiitted at the forth- j : election whlelv would, i.e i he city to enter Into1 iiii'ii-, with til.-- Automatic1 ii- Co. whereby 500 ad-il instrument would be "I I he city without obli- The mayor hoped that ehiscite would be .support- Storm Off Columbia R. Synopsis Northwest winds which developed along the coast last night are bringing clear skies to some areas. The active storm which brought rain to the coast yesterday has now moved into Alberta leaving two to three inches of fresh snow in the valleys of the southern Interior. Temperatures will be some- G. A Hunter, H. P. Kraupner, years oi saie u. iyiub-Dr. R. O. large, P. H. Llnzcy, G. The bus was smeared with F . Lyons, II. J. Marchant, G. C. blood and one fender was crumb-Mitciiell, Crawford Moore, R. E. led as it careened into a lamp Mortimer. J. McLcod, A. S,. Nick- post. Daggett in Mayoralty Robert L. Eby Nominated as Candidate for Farks Commission Junior Citizens' Day to Come. up in January Future Citizens' Day sponsored here by Junior Chamber of Commerce during which senior high PORTLAND Oregon and r-rson, C. R. Roberts, W. J. Scott, xh.; driver. George Sampson, "I inn a.s taken by the Washington coasts bore ine w. F. Stone brunt of a Pacific storm which ; wiialen A. D. Vance, H. S. was taken home "in no condition ! to see any one." , I Que witness, a Navy petty offi bore down from the northwest: Two more nominations were what cooler along the coast to-filed .W- In the interior cold air Is at for city hall today, one park commissioner, the other for Vhlng Southward into the Can- cer, said: "1 saw many grim i school students "take over" operation of the citv f fit- things in many places during the ntario Egg uoo ttliu unuw ficiu MriiilJeittluirs war hut this was ton much fori . ... , , , , . , . , . . I . . . . .. l:i rmv u'lll tut nihl in .lunimev fuel I um raui I u: yesterday, skirting Vancouver Island and southern British Colombia. Winds reached gale force of .ixtv "miles an hour. fine man whs killed when a truck was blown of-f the road. Beer Strike Nesring End inc. I had to come away. i -"J "- j. - "v ,r o brket Weak event was held prior to election day in December. Others described the scene a.s t.'lng gory as a battlefield. All mini I lv hrnken band instru- (ONTO At. Vancouver, Washington The egg market mayor. Aid. H. M. Daggett is the latest mayoralty candidate, proposed by A. B. Brown and seconded hy Philip H. Linzey. Robert L. Eby, 400 Fourth East, a carpenter. Is the only parks commissioner candidate so far. three vacancies exist. He was proposed by Dr. Duncan VANCOUVER (CPl Initial plans for the day werei laid la.st night at a preliminary teacher; Rena Ingram and Leona meeting of Jaycees, high school Webster, president and secretary students and teachers. 1 of the students' council, all of Opera- , nt horiie of the dead. are expected in the northern sections tonight. Forecast North coast region Variuble cloud'ii-'ss aind widely scattered showers. Rain and snow mixed. Cooler. Winds northwest (30i in exposed areas, otherwise westerly 20. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 36 and I imam here yesterday as telephone and electric light lines ; d Unllm rPprpScntative.s j ,,,,ff ii,,ii loHou l-iincu uiriui'ii i" say i A junior city council will be whom will take an active Dart exeeedci demand. Grade were out oi commission ior dmpiied to 38c p.-r dozen, era1 hours, cities reported a similar All air line flights were 1 column of boys. ' marching which has brought . a beer I drought to British Columbia. elected and all civic departments in the event, such as telephone board of Mr. Hill told the meeting that Works and fire department will cltlzens. Day recelved the lie manned by students, who also full co-operation of the city and take over operations of Indus- of bnslness men and lt nad Bcen Black, seconded by McRae. Duncan 42; Ssnrispit and Prince Rupert, 30 and 40. Hopes for an early settlement ! of the strike, involving 431 C Planning New $305,000 Ivrwery workers, which started il.s seventh week today, bubbled following negotiations here last tries, mercnancusing nouses ana government offices. This event is held to acquaint students with business men of TODAY'S STOCKS a great success In the past two years. After the event, an essay contest is sponsored by Jaycees, In which any student taking part in the activities of the day is Bank Manager Moving South j f.raot Slewarl Transferred to Vancouver Itcgina Man I oming jilrjit presided over by the pro .(I our If v B. II. Johnston ( u. I l.l 1. their city, with industrial and civic lead6rs and to give them a better knowledge of how the city functions. vincial Labor Relations Board. Another negotiating conference is called for tonight and some sources said there was a eligible. Topic will be a report ransmitter at Prince Rupert ITTAWA A .plo.OOO radio transmitter for i'l' Uiiiei't is planned under a new Canadian '"IchsLinjr Corporation approiiriation bill which iv''l approval of the radio committee of the K(' "f ('ommons vesterday. How soon it will be PROCEDURE on any feature of Future Citizens' Day, good chance that beer may be i Manager of the Prince Rurcrt flowing again by Saturday. branch of the Royal Bank of The strike started October 23, Canada for the past three-and-tlirowlng an estimated 3,000 been --tiait years. D. W. G. (Grant) parlor employees out of work. Stewart, has been transierrea 10 the managership of the impor I'. however, was uncertain, A Davidson Duntor, r'al manaeer nf t he CM), said. Students first conduct their own civic election in the school, electing their mayor and aldermen for the day. AH candidates for office will have to file nominations in regular manner, prepare a brief platform of activities for their campaign. When the council has bcen elected, it considers applications from other students for all other positions available. tant metropolitan branch at Torbrit Strike Settlement VANCOUVER Torbitt Silver Mines Ltd. management and the United Mine, Mill and Smelter wiciisttnK Impr ovetnents ""(I would involve expendl-)' $2.l()0.00fl for Vancouver. BC Logging Showing Drop third reading. It will then go to the Senate. , Mr. Dunton gave the committee a broad outline of how some N'iic a new transmitter oar Granville and Robson Street in Vancouver. Business, financial and social circles in the city were learning with regret today of the departure of himself and Mrs. Stewart and family which will be on December 20. Mr. Stewart's successor here llrl.V lor the Viiknn iS.5nn.- VANCOUVER American Standard 28 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress 06 C-onin Babine 49 Giant Mascot 90 Indian Mines 25 Pioneer 2.00 Freniier Border 34 Privateer . 08 Rfves McDonald 6.30 Reno 04 ' Sheep Creek 1.60 Filbak Premier .58 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold .02 Spud Valley .18 Silver Standard 2.50 Western Uranium 4.15 Oils-Anglo Canadian ; 8.25 A P Con 69 Calmont 1.58 Central Leduc 2.50 Home Oil 16.35 Mercury 22 Okalta 3.40 Pacific Pete ; 10.50 Royal Canadian 15 TORONTO Athona .08 Aumaoue .24 B.-attle . .. . 20 Bevcourt ' 62 Buffa'o Canadian 1 .18 Consol. Smelters 178.00 Donalda 55 Eldona 19 East Sullivan 9.20 Giant Yellowknife 11.15 God's Lake 36 Hardrock .13 Harricana 07VJ Heva .104 Jollet Quebec A - Lynx U"'2 Madsen Red Lake 2.02 McKenzle Red Lake 46 McLeod Cockshutt 2.76 Moneta , 30 N.'gus :. 70 Noranda 79.00 Louvicourt 37 Pickle Crow , 1 67 San Antonio 2.51 Senator Rouyn .17 Sherit Gordon 4.00 Steep Rock 6.80 Upper Canada 1.60 Already appointed is Verna Graham, as city clerk. Jaycees President Geoff Hill Workers' Union are reported to have reached a basis of settlement of the strike which has VICTORIA (Pi Til ii her scaled In BritHi Columbia during October totalled 37G.657.517 board feet. will be J. E. Taylor, senior assist- outlined the plan to R H. David w Toronto, $1,200,000 for "'PR unci $75,000 for Reglna. r DuiUuii said it was dlffi-10 say how many of. the new "' could be carried out. f"' committee approved an illll Pai'linnirirf ui. rrMt' nf Booth 1 closed the mine at Alice Arm. son, vice-principal of compared" with 500,079.467 board! ant manager in Reglna. No details are yet announced. Memorial High School; J. Henry Mr. Stewart has been in the service of the Royal Bank for 23 years. He started with the Vancouver East End branch at Main of the money would be speni. part of It going in improvements to coveraee and facilities. E. G. Hansuld, Social Credit, Alberta, thought that the CBC. being in reality a commercial organization, should operate without government grants. Donald Fleming, Progressive-Conservative, Toronto, thought CBC granU should be on a one year and not a five year basis. He favored removal of the annual licence fee for radio P'1.000 Her ven.r tor flvP vears Nanaimo Wind TiDES - - feet in the same month a year aKo a 25 percent drop the Department of Trade and Industry showed in figures released Tuesday. Current logging activity is now running close to capacity In an attempt to recover from the effect of forest closure this '"C CBC. ';" bill providing the grant ''6 BIlbllClv-nunoH I'RC has f"dy been approved in prin- and Hastings and was stationed j StrOnHc " Shin at various times in Victoria, New , Westminster and the southern NANAIMO A freighter was interior. He came here from the blown on a mud bank during a managership of the Mackay gale here yesterday. It was rebranch at Burnaby. " 1 tioated without damage. Thursday, December 6, 1951 High 7:39 189 feet 17:53 17.0 feet Low 0:59 6.3 feet 13:57 8.2 feet w ...v nuuse oi commons Wit K . ..... ,?"'0er for ret.aileri at.nrlv and i J