School Board- Prince Kuperr Loiiy iNews Wednesday, fjecember 5, laol ward, furl Simpson school Willi , be closed down ul the end of I this month for lack of sufficient; ; enrolment, now six pupils. 3L DAILY NEWS Pulp Mill Cagers Edge Students in Second Win request by Principal A. M. Hurst j announced appointment of S. A. Looking Into Light Bills Cheeseman as vice-principal for i r . ... r.j j ; 101 a hospital bed for the nurses' I PrT"Ke ng . Edwrd quarters at Booth Memorial. Borden Street school and Mrs. C, Weise, vice-principal of Conrad Street school. . r, 'IChairaan Dr. R. O. Large and , as soon as possible in preparation trustees agreed that an ordinary Resignations and fo resurfacing cot would be suitable. Appointments I The steam plant at Booth ' i - CCC300 49, Rainmakers 40; .Mansions (J!), Cordon & Anderson 49 By EOALD FENESS Alarm,d at the high electric !"r '! Further negotiations on teach- W. D. Lamble returned to the city on ! the Prfnce George this morning from a busines trip to Vancouver. power bills lot schools, school i . t1 . . t fV,. i ers' salaries were discussed in t,r:u ,.ti,t u: v. .W nnn ' w .lasLniiht ke1 St'frelary board will investigate further j committee. Meanwhile, the board .mn ,-,uU uiJjJUMiiuu uuni -Pr to mtei view . uicsiuuciiywv-'j p0KiU)miy of piplng hot watr last nient took the last srame 01 the twin senior noo; .:"::; .:r .. ..... K ' ilrm the new annex to the. old fixture by a hard-earned nine points starring Mar- Last ,mor,th's bin for lighting Clothiers Hold Winning Streak in Fifth Victory shall. Thompson and Ratehford for the r;ulo cantr and building instead of putting in a new hot water tank, which would cot more than $600 and about $200 a year to operate. Purchase of four 12-foot trucks I KrLstman.son and Morrison for Rainmakers. and power was $1300. At that rate we are paying $13,000 a year for electrkly alone;" pointed out Mrs. Earl Becker, trustee, "and I think that Setting a gruelling pace from for transporting chairs and a I " VJ 111 w i !!7- -j l is far too much." j janitor's wagon for King Edward j the start, held a firm I lead throughout but not without IVaser & Payne 57, Merchants 22; Maple Leafs ,,, Bulgers 10 Cther trustees agreed. They; school was approved, but the said they didn't know what kind jt.ard turned thumbs down on a Boston Takes Third Place1 ! danger of upset, featured by the j tough checking of Morrison, fast ; shooting by Watson and the By ROSS INGRAM of rates the schools were being charged. Thev asked Mrs. Roper to get a clarification. BOSTON Boston Bruins a 3 to 1 National Hockey Winning their fifth straight, fashionable I whitewashed Merchants , in last night's inte:'-ihool"u'r-fliaU- hoop hill with ,nore than a double wore which ! JK mteTnd S&St iill'td (Hiristolf and Wesch in a Kcnrinir lun uitli i plays was his steady Job. Mar- Two resignations from teach- Chicago ers were received last night and League victory over Black Hawks here last night and j two appointments made as re- hall Droved deadlv under the moved into third place in the 1 placements. Mrs. N W. Youngs i, each. ! : ; w basket and Thompson was a?- standing ahiad of Montreal I resigned from King Edward gressive all the way. These three ; Canad.ens. school: Mrs. Mary Hutchinson, standouts each scored 12 points, i jjm Henry, Boston goalie,! Irom Digby Island school. Marshall, Thompson and Du - ' turned in a superb performance Mrs. Vein Faulkner, following mas landed on the bench via the and tallies by Dave Creig.iton approval by ,the board .of her application, was appointed to Digby Island, while Miss Jane Common, teacher at Port Simp-sun, was transferred to King d- foul route in the last half. , and Bill Ezinicki insured the A last minute uprising which f triumph Of the Bruins, had all the makings of a fisti-j Tonight there will be two NHL cuff settlement landed pulp 1 games-Detroit at Toronto and mill's Tcichman on the bench , Boston at New York, for misconduct after taking a N H L. STANDINGS Intermediate i Frasf-r & Payne Christoff 22. Wesch 22, Peter.on 5, Enredge 4, ft. Smith 4, J. Smith. J. Parnell. 1 Merchants Brown 6, Enkson ! 4, Jelfeiies 4. McF.irlane 4, Mc-! Intwh 2, Wing 2, Phipps, Si-dg-i wick, Waters. Juniors j Maple Leuis dtrand 8, Shen-! ton 7, Morrison 5, McKay 5, I Stuart 3, Parnell 2, Forbes 2, Nelson 2. l I Bulgers Smith 5, Demon 2. i Sedgwick 2, Saville 1, Newfiekl, 4,-thaijts just never had a ji,f. In Hie first minute aftiT A parting jump, Christoff in fi,ur baskets and from ,i un pl-ived flawless ball, it 12 points in the first ,,r. In the last quaf'tci', t, na'.p Wesch broke through ji:.-h olf his heavy scoring 10 qui "k points. Dp.,ld Ken ess "reffod" his first .ufdiaU game, helped by .jr.-oii. Only five personal were called on the wlnneg, it:ime on (he losers. W D L F A P Oid Country FOOTBALL swing at Nickerson. Making up i lor lack of iize by tenacious. Detroit bull-dog checking, Rainmakers' : Toronto ... blond-headed toughie sprawled j Boston ..' to the floor with Teichman in a ' Montreal sci amble, near falling foul to a ohicago backhand swing by the irate ' New York Three C's eager. 6 4 59 40 30 6 6 55 40 28 8 7 41 41 22 3 11 57 58 21 3 14 54 09 19 5 11 50 58 17 ...12 .. 11 .. 9 ... 8 ... a AAartin-Scnour finihi offer a womirfui chok of itylot and colors to moot ovory decorating neod. They ore exceptionally economical have outstanding coverage and hiding qualities, stand up to yean of wear and weather. Be sure to see ut for lhe complete Martin Snour lint points, vorniihei and enamels for every job. Pillold. Flood, M-'Neil, Stan wood, at l'i is took their luurtn li nt diicut night, thi.s Hu-svik; I-ootball Association cup first j round replay: ! Ipswich Town 1 Mefhyr Tydfil '0. by a wa-shout from high j f . s Maple Leafs, leading 24 j at the final whittle. Ou-:-j .i ing for the students were i lO fTAItl LIVE Mill: AM.W Continued from pae Z) Gordon & And " 311,1 sncnton- . sc,"ri,,8 ! the Lesion. Punishment, even foi t and seven respectively Uy offenceSi Ls yf lhe ervsl erson Ltd. Referees Slatta and Davidson ' ruled a foul on each player, but sent Teichman off the floor. j MANSONS J Right from the start, jewellers grabbed a lead, but lo-.s it twice as Holkestud and Pierce com-: bined to drive through with a! scoring spree giving them l;j and 10 points respectively. j m scored four of " his "! i kind A favorru mmnltv for eat- Phone 46 (Ipswich now meets Exeter in second round Dec. 15.) Association Matches Wales 3, Rest United, Kingdom 2. Football Association Ttaai 4, Hoyal Navy 1. 1 CLASSIC GAME The most ancient gam' flayed with ftiek and ball is beneved to have been a form of polo played by the ancient Persians. fit in the quarter, and .k & his team rolling. In the .$:.!, Morrison with height i .f:ito;e, scored five and Shen- j iifl .liowed with a similar score j i Muin-stay for Bui- i Hockey Scores National Boston 3, Chicago 1. Pacific Coast Calgary O, Vancouver 4 Edmonton .4. Saskatoon .4 ' tie i Western International Spikane 4. Kelson 1 " Okanagan-Pacific Coast Vjrnon 3, Nanaimo 5 Remember when? Ivan Parke, champion American Jockey of the year, rode Spring led the scoring for Man- , ing a few pieces of potatoes , while doinj kitchen duty and this happens often was pa.k! drill, which meant carrying 50-pound pack supendi?cl by; wire only on a bare back in the ! desert sun. Marching around the i parade square of crushed rock : was done with bare feet. i "That was a minor penalty."! When the Legionnaires are in training, much attention is glvjn ! Uj developing physical strengtu. , "But when they are lighting,! their foundation ls alcohol. Most i .'.as Smith, who scored hali 1 s jm's points. i jf sici-t:'iil;.r shot followed j lis. Maple Leafs' Forbes tipped : iLjund for a basket, which u i;uu.U leat lor juniars. i Oi:IM.: ! ons with 18 points, assisted by Webster and Arney with 14 and 13 points. SCORING: CCC 3u0-Dumas 5, Marshal 12, Ratchford 12, Hougan, Thompson lfi. Teichmaii 2, Peterson 1. Hill 5, Brew. Rainmakers Young 4, Mor- t , Seagrams Crown Royal Staxam'i V.O. Stagranvs "83" Seagrams King's Plate Seagram's Special Old five straight winners and a of them are half-drunk all the 1 (.I.OKt.K IMWhS AUCTIONEER time" And that is one reason,! rison 5' Ciccone 2, Sather 4, Tait second at Jefferson Park 28 he believes, for so much violence! I2' Nickerson 2. Clark 3, Rhodes, years ago today. Park finished firern 8iJ and Ket! Yl Watson 11, Knstmanson 5. the season with 173 wins on 718 mounts. He was champion jocKey ' Mansons Spring 18, Webster again the following year, In 1924, 1 ntre are a few, himself, he says, who lead tiieir own lile their own way as much as possible. But they are few. In Canada for his twenty-first day, he says he dreamed of coming to this country when he was 14, Arney 13. McChesney 9, Bill with 205 wins In 844 races. All 8, Olsen 7, Walsh, Youngman. records were bioken last year by , J. Culmone, 363 wins in 1,570 O & A Holkestad j 15, Pierce T,. 10. Boulter 9, Currie 7, Hebb 4, Kristmanson 2, Christoff Cic- j If you want to sell it, advertise cone, Smith, Moore. it. News cla-ssified. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia N BETTER USED CARS 9. . 1 in high school. He read much I about this country and studied t the Er.glish language diligently, i He still speaks it, even tnough i with a heavy accent.' Three days ago he arrived from Vancouver where he had 1 been two days. He says he loves the west coast with its "remark-1 abie nature." He hopes to find opportunity here for his spoit-! ing artivities, especially In bas- ketball and boxing. He luis been ! invited to attend the basketball practice by Civic Centre sports i director Fred Calrieroni. esc cars are older : it?,tev jsliifts-: sZZzZr? l"-4 f 1 M l ; ' I dels but thev ore in d condition . . . and rt imoaVtant of oil y ore priced so that 'Winqs ever the interior' i con afford to buy. 47 Austin 8 Sedan 4- fJJ:A I I' I I 50 Prefect Sedan "8 International Pickup in very ! good shape f38 Ford Coach 50 Austin Sedan I with radio N Thames Van '37 Tcrraplane for I good transporta- . I VOTE DEC. 13 To Terrace daily fo Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kilimat and Kemano Daily Except Fridays from TERRACE B.C. -XJ LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince Rupert Terrace Phone Black 907 .Phone 133 Because you are actually the person who sets the price you pay for automobile insurance... that is, you and every other driver in your area. Superior Auto Service Ltd. W Ave. v. Ph. Green 217 There is neither mystery nor magic in the setting of automobile insurance costs. These costs are based on the amount paid out in claims in the different rating areas across the country. If, during any period, losses are lighter than the earlier period on wh'ch the rates were based, your costs will go down. If accidents occur more frequently and bring about heavier losses, damages awarded become larger (as they have progressively done), then your costs must go up. Every attempt is made as far as practicable to reward the good risk and penalize the poor one. That is why drivers under 25 are charged so much more for their automobile insurance. On the average about 14 of the people who drive motor cars are in this young, age group . . . but they are involved in 28' ,' of all fatal accidents. Automobile insurance premiums are, in general, consider, ably higher now than they were a few years ago. That is because accidents are far more numerous these days and each accident tends to be more costly. That means more and more money paid out in claims. When the cost of accident claims goes down through more carelul driving automobile insurance costs will go down and you will profit. Remember too, when you drive carefully, you save more than money you save lives. And the life you save may be your own. ; u m m i Ask Your Insurance Agent Rely on jour Insurance Acnt for all martcrs pertaining to your insurance. AH his efforts are dedicated to bringing you the fullest measure of protection and security for your everv insurance dollar. Don't hesitate to cail on him forajiy information or hclpyou may want. His time and talents are always at your service, and his knowledge can save you money. ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION I-" :i BUCHANAN'S ilia & WHIT SCOTCH WHISKY All Canada Insurance Federation Dii"d, Blended and Bottled in Scotland Sold in 26' i oi. bcltle. For your h copy o( "Checked Yout Driving Manners Lately ?' write to P.O. Box 778 Vancouver. 's a,1vertisement Is not published or displayed by le Liquor ",r" Koarrt or hy the government of British olumhia.