aw. - ifr, rr r-, - ir. m -x--- ,. '! s . ' ' i ", '1 WHO Teams of Experts Cover tile C,loYe in War on Disease 'I Prince Rupprt Dnitv News Monday, March 19, 1951 , , . , ' I K... i CFPR RADIO DIAL K. H. 1 . i 1210 Kilocycles : . ' . ' i. -i' : i v W MPT f.'V " (Subject to Change) 4 ' 1 MONIMY.P.M t - Maci.: u .eiuiuvx 4:45 - Stoclc Quotations and Inj Tl . ti . U Si 4:j.r V.UC Ni 1 . v. - r !i '-'- w 4 f "a. : .Viit: I'lle! n-itiiinal Comty. ft 1 m fm t f . " , , 5: It-- liauliid j j-Mt- iJuiWui.J Ja7z 4' iij Mipi-er St-ii-naiii-j: ' ,' t V ' ... '- ,i H I - j '.:: 1" Mi: tinl Ails Vaiiillt-S L' '44' f , MOW! leva!-'. - i rf ffl ! .-...-.r'i- 0:45.-"Saddle Itockin" Iihythm .i5 CP; News Roundup 7-3(1 ,"..i;rs lor f-r Kvt-nlii! 7:10 - A;;.; t'lmi nt B.C. :i:ll! -t.i: Wild 3:;- told Venture f. -Nat:nal F'aim Radio Forum 0:33--Melody frc:.i the Sky IO IX) 1IJC Hi-wh 10:l(l-cric Newi 10:30-cnc Chorkters. 11. uU -iiralii. I I. I atlii !.ia-off 7' . M.i.,;.-ui t'li ci m i in; m-'. H:10-Iv Bill Oooa . . ,. t. . : 4 $ ij The World ITeaHh Organization' light against diseasa is being carried out on every continent of the world, wherever its services are needed. Above right, a British member of a WHO team in Istanbul instructs a nurs on chest x-ray technique. At left, is shewn a child J. it 1 1 crocks ore clearer) wo offer the following Alberta Coals at bargain j prices: I I 1J , in Malnail, India, with pronounced oedema due prob-ably to dysentry, according to WHO specialists. WHO is one of the Specialized Agencies of the L'nited Nations. a1 "4I 0 .. eo aearn Lump 1 5 A 7 LETTERBOX oca 16.75 per ton 15.75 per ton 13.75 per ton 21.75 per ton jbirsat Egg p.lcmot Nut r In nil Trifiiiiii4 and PERSONAL Editor. Daily News: The latest scheme to put a huge number of Doukhobors on the Queen Charlotte Islands is ger unquexies BULB QUEEN Vancouver Tourist Assocwitioir Is trying to raise $75,000 among Vancouver business men to .-nublicize the. city's atractions. A .standard, but attractive photo of model Louise Otsen among hothouse tulips is one method of-attracting attention. ' . , ; (CP PHOTO) DoiiiR your spring cleaning? treatment at ShauRhnessy out your clothes claset and tury Hospital. H: IS- M;.nlng sonti 8:30 Morning Devotions :45 l.itf. Conceit 9:00 BUC News and Commentary. 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:20 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Charlie Kunz Presents let u.s have any wearable used clothing. Call The Salvation Army at Black 2c,9 or our agents, o PHONE 116 -117 or 53 C. Messenger, 078. (G7c) ' . uccived with mixed feelings and Mrs. Hans Hansen and son, Ci.s(.Us.sions that are amusing, Harry, of Hays Cove Avenue will ri,lcuioui an,j otherwise. he!" n.HKXt .mnlh. UV ykM. P experience recalls that to U, then nauv, home in Norway. thrw prev,0U8 s(.hem. OPEN FOR INSPECTION es 111 1900, 1920 and 1842 were Two new homes at 677 Fourth eumijltle failures. nnounciinenlS Pover Rates Irking Board Miss A. M. Sinclair, RN., returned to the city on Saturday aiU'rnooiis plane from Vancou- 11 11 : :00 u-Kmdergarten Kindergarten i of the Air ver where she attendvd meetinps Ave- E- n Friday, Saturday and Doukhobors are practical far- of tin. i),.i.iji(.i,.,i Mn,,iuo' i-'uiidav afternoons from 2 til 5. mers and it would appear likely ll-l: nunaup lime i - J Card party, Catholic Hall, April 5. Oranee Ladies' tea and -eale, March 21. " ! Job's Daughters Easter tea and sale, Mason:c Temple, March. 22. Students' recital, violin and piano, ' Common Lounge,' Civic Centre, March 28, 8 p.m. rt & McCaffery ioe The board of directors of I Prince Rupert General Hospital are not ;atisfied wi'h electrical J power rates in effect or with the j proposed new rates. i LIMITED tialiim of British Columbia. These homes include such feu- that, alter they examine the best 11 :3b-Weamer Report tures as ' fireplaces, oak floors, larm lands, nothing would cuius 1 1 :31-Message Per;o(i In"e Jeir en, Ril lor Pembroke baths and showers, of it. Tomatoes do not ripen and 11:33-Recorded Interlude some yiars on the musing staff modern design, plus many other, several other vegetables are not i;45 Scandinavian Melodies of the Print Hupert General interesting details. Construction successfully grown. The soil in p.jvt. hospital, left on Friday night's by Fraser Valley Builders Ltd. the muskeg region is somewhat J2:00-Mld-Day Melodlw train for Huxley, Alberta, where urni.-hed by Gordon and And- sour and much of the other is i2 i5rHr Nowr she will be joined by her mother, ersons. Sales representatives are too sandy. For a large settle- ,. p,,om jc The, railing gave way, and he fell Mrs. Asluug Jensen, with whom Armstrong Agencies. Everybody nient like the Doukhobors ou!d nr Knrm 10 le"t to tl.o Ground, landing on the will proceed to Norway. They welcome. (09c consider, the land and climate 12(55 p Rec T Int. t Luck But on Job ii'f! liea-.!. will sail April 5 on thj Norwe- ..... , . are unsuitable. aid was administered bv Eiun-Americun I'viL .tf ufif VnUnl "office "' rea,lv, ua up ,is, th J Steanwiap Co. sailed DU"1"4 , to o Vik Vik Jcnne-stail Jennestad. . . . low esteem nhieed on us is kind ! h!s son, Bill, but William, senior, for Oslo enrnute ! "We have never been E'von an Cathedral spring sale, March olfer in writing from Northern 29. B.C. Power Company for instal- ' ef" Auxiliary Spring Sale, lation oi a substation," Dr. L. M. APr" 4- , Greene tod tiie board at their Presbyterian spring sa.e, April 1 meeting last night. 12. . :. Dus of Edinburgh It was the board's opinion that "Lai Chapter, LO-DE homecooking aTreement shouia be a made ! . between ; the ,,,.!,, hospital a ., d sale. April 14, Gordon Anderson, the power w,l'e,,"; White Elephant sate antf team, tlon of rates. Opinion of the u at 2 d m that ' proposed rates company Vo.T.M. Spring bazaar, AprU would reduce the annual electric B . ... .. , ..I . ' l,4 l". . . ' I luiii. (ill II I t ii iN'il ill ti.i nact to go to the Oeneral Hospital Norway. M-ss Jensen will en- ...,,".,. ,,.,. . ,v people that theso beautiful is- '" Ix'thersome time to have : titehes applied to his gage in her nursing protession in If,,, 1 V.tnmuver and iUWS should be made into a ,m IlMlhwell. senior, loieheud. Norway. ' J ' .penal colony another Devil's on flu- waterfront. I But bluck eve. stiff ankle nml ' C. E. Salter, northern Dioduc- Island. We rin not tiretend to 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Musical Program 1:45 You & Fashions; Comty. 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Records at Random . 2:45 Behind the Scenes in Government 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Western Five 2:30 Listeners Choice , .:u . iiMaineu a uro..-n patclivd head, Mr. Rothwell was "eiayeo uy waning lor irans- tion manager lor Canadian Fit h- know all about the Doukhobor n a iimiuie oi papeis on the jov) Friday, welcoming the continental trains wnicn had nig Co. and former manager of way of life but, if the nuisance m while unloading the Trince-is Norah to port. St. Peter's Spring Sale Aprll Din "wasn i guou eiiuun, iu . Aid. H. S. Whalen, City Council reDresentative. 26. r(.. ut; i.irely after his east t k. ii ill' his anki?, m en nviu up oy prairie storms, carusie cannery on the Skt ena they are chai vu viui is correct, the tram Irom t he East, due River, arrived in the city on' the it is a matter that should be In re at 10:15 Saturday night, was i.amosi.n yesterday atlernoon straightened out. where they are ten hours late, not arriving until from Vancouver. He Is here m now living. Moving trouble does 8:15 Sunday morning. business in connection with the not settle it. P fklJs United W.A. Spring sale', May 3. Sonja tea, May 12. ' if you want to sen It, adtertls It. News classifieds. , ., ,,t The federal and provincial i ' company s new salmon cnnii : Freda Hilton PUN of the pkmi on the local waterfront. f '.'11 litisl a snow-tobog- v. Iilii right eye off "' iie was unloading. Wi.lnewlay night lie on to liis back porch. governments are playing a game iocui ruoiie neaiui unit reuirn- Ji're T. A. V. Tremblav of the lot-- uf burk-Pussing a h"1 potato. eauinn ed to the city on the Chikotin yesterday morning from a week's T ' Z i dipartiiifiit of try Columbia We people living on the Queen 'C.-Hii'Mi-e Co. relumed to llu eilv Charlotte Islands do not take vtwrii'rrti The board did not see why, at iiesrnl, the hospllal could no; tie tliawd. -according to the lower used, instead of on a de-iiind load basi-i. and tlii wilh-iut Inrtall: lion of a liub-slation. E'ectii-t Itiil (o the hopnilal last was a,133 2:!, thousht by the on;-d awav in e tzcri of wiial hould he paid. A'd. Whalen w.n a;:k'.-d hv lhe ,i,ard to rontlmie sekh)3 na igreement with the p.iwer coni-jany lor special rates. . After more than thirty years trip to the Queen Charlotte of st rviee here Willi the Canadian lslH,,ds " ufftciul duties. 1 ' i u' t t " i.' ' ' .T:. 1 it .. .. v - '. - . . Mi ' i. h i .. ': f -. . ' .. ,., I j ' ! " , ii. r , -. "";t , 1 I 1 . -.- n 1 ,11 1 I. 1 I 1 . 1 i.f- f'T. f 'j i ' ' it , 1 1 , Mi i 1 "' i ; r' . f . i t!t' 5 i 1 1 . . . " , ' ' ' '- ":''; -i ! ' ' 1 ft kindly to the way the Doukhobors are being handled and we do not like this latest scheme. o.i lire Camosuu yesterday after-noun from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. O. Goodwin and child John Wilkie of the customs F' V r I National Railways. A. R. Nichols, chief clerk to the divisional engineer here, is about to retire. Willi Hn: Vi,.i.,K. ....H hi..,- CHARLES VALLEY itpnn ft menl lipr ln.-t Mi.,lif the Chileotin Iirrm'd iu l"p c'nn Cam- Qun Char on for a brief trio lotte City. c,ln y'sl-y aitenioon irom ancouver on oificiul bust- ..... :.'. , ..." . . ' til xui, lie. win leave lor wie touui vaiieoiiv'er to join Mr. uootiwiii ness. He will return home Friday. April 5 and they will make thir .for a quicker, j nicer, blacker 1 shine! wh arrived in the city recently to join the office Uaff of Albert tz McCafferw lierj: Alcan Filrrib Coming Here liitujv home near Lantzville on Jack Cobb well known pioneer, '' the east coast of Vancouver -m .' -:rient . infltiensia suf-Island a short distunce north of ferers, will be leaving for homo NanahllO. thi. nlti.r li'ivinif Im-.i.m The Orange tea which was This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor .Control Board or by the' Government t! British Columbia ' Action, Advertise! Mr. Nichols has been promin- nut. ni. in tne i-rince' Riifiert tu bc heW 011 Wednesday, March nt in the nffntrs of the nun;.-! nt.,,!.,-..! ii,,Ui,ii-.i f. ii,.. 21,, has been cancelled untif Prince Rupert - - , i. dian National Reereation Asso-' couple of weeks, elation here as well as being at i ... ....,,., James Hrei,.lf : w:ik In lenvn March 28. (C7el Miss Cla're Trlhhle was a pas- The sights are set on Prince Rupert by the Aluminum Company of Canada's Montreal office. Over 100 films from the com- JOHN H. I R. s! Cooper, W. A. Ruhler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Krtihn, E. Johannes, E. Johnson, D. H. Burrows, W. A. Williamson and A. C. Bennett, Vancouver; D. Ma- ir.iuin ; uii-inoi r Ul tile wiusonic , : -.,., nlinir.l ll.r .mm auiun' the t-amosim craft. Prince Rupert General Hospital . . yes- 4'w PC. SCOUT HEAD Mr. Justice John O. Wilson, judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, has betm elected A round of social functions is f:r i,0",,, la1:,v ll:lV1" ,1 Z ,, t i T panys library have b.'en put at BULGER i .... . riOi'l. o iMillinil fdr I no ivic runinhi """ 1 i-c in Pat Mrs. president of the Boy Scouts quiston, West Vancouver; Association of British Colum carcv, Terrace; Mr. and commencing to larewell Mr. anu -""- a visit wUh her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. One of these was)01 W,K'V Mrs. G. B. Tribble. Mr. Tribble yesterday afternoon when o!d Mrs. p. T. croncli, wife of Hie is manager of the Torbrit mine friends gathered at the home of Rnval Canadian Mounted Police at Aliee Arm. neigilbors, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. nflieer ill. Rfem-nvt. was n rm.. Opt n... the disposal .it of tills city through the National Film Hoard, according to Sgt. L. A. N. Potter-ton, president of the. local NFB council. 1 "Their catalogue and letter frisf tome Pt-uey . rhow Mpin spiiovr nhonr.1 the fiiininsnn i-1Ui Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williamson Elkins, on Fifth Avenue East. ol A. McArlhur, city; L. H. Wlld-fong and Inspector A. T. Lash-inar, Prince George; Mrs. M. Dongers and children, Masse t: Mr. and Mrs. G. Ratcllffe, Prince George; T, A. V. Tremblay, Vic-, toria; A. Ackerley, Toronto; Mrs. G. Gibson, Annette Island. evening retuinintr north after n Uywood cafe bia. Mr. Justice Wilson, formerly a barrister at Prince George and one time County Court judge of Cariboo," was a Boy Scout himself at Nelson at the age of ten years and, as such, received a Royal Humane Society medal for gallantry. Mr; Justice .Wilson is well khown in Prince Rupert. John Bulger Ltd. Third; Avenue !" t. me I'fit e-lf "-"id Potterton, who has written for trip to Vancouver. . sun yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. Mrs. Williamson re- le Orders Phone 133 Mrs. J.'Fropsr), resider.t nurst' turned lo Vancouver on the two films, for the Department of Indian Chileotin last niuht while Mr. "These films have been taken Altairs at Kinrolith, was a pas- WilliaiiKon. who is' general man- in many parts of the world, senger aboard live Camosim last riecr of tJn Cnnndian "nenernl Mast of them average between . ,:: t -, ,' 1 -- . I . For Aetlon, Advertise! Fast Relief for SCIATIC PAIiJ rmvl.lm T-RiC't nolfd for Urt, tomlorlini rdiel irom the ilurp tlibbmi paw oi icialicv Silt, r.Ublr, T-K-C' will bnn you loo tl. tomloit you lon lor. Gel ditpend-.1.1. T-H-C'i ll, ! "Iwl evening returning to the Naas Electric Co., remains here for a two and three thousand feet of ; River village after, a trip to Van- few days on company business, colored film," said the council ,n the.' film supply situation has couver. i president who hopes to have at 0eeu m-ade I Sailing south on the steamer , ioast two films in the local li- A jump from seven to 12 films Thomas II. Lee of Stewart was ChilccUn last night w e r ; brarv at all times. ,m h. i,r, in ih. p,i, notice , 1 is lii'i-eliv sven that ":! Oenerai; Meeting '""''i1 Hupert General 1 A ,n will be ri "'c Civic Centre, ii Liiuii,.,. nmnn, on March 20th, 1!)51 at VARIETY A blaster Cartli I a passenger aboard the Camosun tl. Parrot, T. Bradfield. R. J. With stronr renuest from the Rert council a month. Last y-crnC-llltiy l fiui Ilil ift I"-H LII Ul Lfl iVIUlrVCi, MY. UllU IVlla. ItUy nUrll a trip ) VaiH'tnivpr to nvtMV Mr. nnd Mrs- ,T. Rapp. local council for action from the month 12 films were bought as Vancouver NFB, Mr. Potterton part of the council's stock, the (Jailer oveflt teS j iv' Proud'i.nt's report. 1"'' Auditor's report M says says that that definite definite improvement improvement -hairman -hairman reports. reports. j n : rj. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMFr SERVICE ''HANDLER'S STUDIO I0 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 339 Prince Rupert SEE THEM NOW! Lalance Sheet for t I' five members of the '1,nf Management, f an auditor. I'I'V"' is $1.00 per "fl.itai mil nt left at, , viuiiii Ormcs fi":nr a . .. ti. o .. ,.l,l,h at 5:00 nm REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED RSE. MORTIMER 353 -3rd Ave. W.' ;'iale n)c membership I 'iwie. FISHERMEN . . ",C-. WEVENSON. ! A"m'iMrator. For complete overhaul of you: High Speed Gasoline EnginnH, I MEAL that REFRESHES i see Rupert Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanics ipectalized equipment to pertorm this work for you . . . effi-a atly and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on, let us have that FINEST OF COOKING Job now; j ) pfiiYALClTV S ! Tl"-r,f""" '"""' inr ' I 1 CANNED F"0BS 3k 1 "Rememlwr last whiter, dear, when you fell through the hole L .0 f'iOlb V J ' J in the ice?" w b. 1011 TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 Rupert Motors Limited Roadway cafe