Prince Rupert Daily News -, . Ml . III!.. MM. I. 9 W " T'T JB 18 I Greatest omAw HuNToTi You'd Be Happy Too! OKLAHOMA HtSroHyf y i,-u 7 ffftv if u Oklahoma -Jfi Monday. March 19, 1951 Flu-Stricken Mean Surveyors Are Flown Here From Kemano Special flight by the Queen Charlotte Air Lines on Saturday afternoon brought from Kemano Bay, in Gardner Canal, Garth Nicholson, one of the surveyors who are engaged in running lines for the route of the road, and later a railway, which the Aluminum Co. of Canada is constructing into the powerhouse site on the Kemano River. Pilot Norman Jermyn was the " pilot of the plane which made the ... ... mercy flight to Kemano Bay. ' A f fprri Hit Mr. Nicholson had en strick- V ff V. J ICI 1 1 I 1 1 1 en witti Influenza and the plane j f I ' II was sent for to bring him to the; NhfiWinfl HPTf Geargt macrtaiiy iouisi kiidiiiiod John lulim 1 . ! ' Virjinii Huston Charles Kemper T' Hit new Carter Outfit wgs bouqlit on Monday - Tuesday Shows at 7 p m., 9 p.m. Wallace's z k 'Wf. ''i'l ksaT v ; h v L v j- 2 v . & p jl u; - i I 1 ! ' ft 1 S 'inl - , - fvir ;lf Ii - - , ; . rv ", E 'il'.J'j 2 I); J.,! ! si' J 1 : r - If: ' x$)$,' f LIGHT UP Convenient Rotating Credit Plan. ? ot Prince Rupert General Hospital when1 he is doing well with ex HOTEL FRASER HOW pectation of being out within the next few days. Earlier last week, Bruce McLean, ' another member of Mr. The story of the. exploiLs of u family of bandits who made their names more feared in the days of the old west than even ! that of Jesse James is recorded on the scree nin "The Doolins of - 3 ' if- 'r'"'":" :- Nicholson's survey party, having ALL THE BETTER contracted pneumonia, was j Oklahoma" which shows this brought here by plane and is also MAKES Ave you i -i ii (:-: 1 1-, 1 v short of u" II).' c:i. h you need? Wallace's B ii (1 g (! t Credit rinn nrnnils v:m ladies to get vour Ka. 'iT Clot ill's now - a leu' inuli'e down pay-iiKi' plus n good credit 'Oft nl is all ynu ni't'ti. iri 1.,- T ..H ! .,. jf at the l i 'r rinq Hubby In Too! nome of Friendly Service Monday and Tuesday at the; Capitol Theatre. ; Produced elaborately with fast action and beautiful, if rugged scenery, the picturo is filled with the roar of guns and the fury of i flight as it excitingly narrates how outlaws rob banks, trains and stage coaches and then make daring escapes. Randolph Scott tops the cast with Louise Allbryton. George ( Macready, John Ireland. Virgin-1 ia Huston and Charles Kemper, featured in the principal sup-; porting roles. MANSON'S JEWELLERS WINTER SCENE A scries of blizzards hit Vancouver early this month, crippling transportation. Robie Wood and two companions took advantage of the snow to make this statue of "Harvie," mythical rabbit of stage and screen fame. (CP PHOTO i : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE progressing well in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mr. Nicholson's party of five men is located at the power house end of the projected road from Kemano Bay, a distance about ten miles. It reached there a few weeks ago by helicopter which is stationed at Kemano. Nicholson hiked out when McLean became 111 and it was necessary to obtain help. The party has been camped in tents which Nicholson admits are none too stable shelter when blizzard gales blow seventy miles an hour, and the temperature is ten degrees below zero. There is about seven feet of snow on thj ground where the party is located. atiFsatigaiiaciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnn, Blackwood on vr? VA I By Easlcy Blackwood Parliament to Rise Wednesday OTTAWA Parliament will adjourn this Wednesday for the Easter recess and is due to reassemble April 2. Before the adjournment, however, several important items of business are to be dealt with including the $05,000,000 wheat payment bill, the new amending bill to the In- 5 My friend, Miss Lucy Brash, is at times extremely optimistic in the bidding. But in the play it's different. There she usually gives herself every chance. , For example, in today's hand 3"3 she would tnen Pick Mr. she didn't blandly count on the Abels remaining trump and heart suit breaking 3-3. Without ean her 13,n nearl- If the risk she Bave herself an Pvira hearts broke 4-2 in the oppon I" ft Hospital Audit Only Partial v a 1 1 a c e PHARMAC HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9o.m.toJi SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to! 7 p.m. to : PLmc 79 : SIXTH STKtIT AM) llllltl) AVtM'E '-wwrvj chance and won an extra thC dian Act and the supplementary Financial statement of trick. Prince Rupert General Hospital , estimates, will be presented to the annual NEWCASTLE, England (CP) general meeting of the Associa ents nanas mere was still the chance that the hand with the remaining .trump also had the four-card heart length. As you see this last alternative was the actual situation and so Miss Brash was able to trump her fourth heart with dummy's 10 of spades and make Both sides vulnerable. ' South dealer (Mr. Hull-) ' s in t 2 K--A 7 4 D Q 8 6 2 (J B 7 6 tion unsigned, it was decided at Butchers have been corseting the monthly meeting of the ln eye-catching window notice,. since the meat rationing got hospital board Friday night. really tight. One sign here said. "Bring your own meat and we'll supply the paper." A complete audit of the accounts receivable has not ben martp for IQfn n C stnv.non 3 If she had taken three rounds nriministiotnr '..niatnin. v, f V ' hern) (Mr. H) S- 8 S HJ H J A n10 8 6 2 1) J 0 7 4 3 I)- K in ft C--K Q J 3 2 (; A 10 4 ' Ml. Hr;ih) S - A K Q J H 5 . H K Q S 3 D A r-g 6 T. f birldinc: smilh -sl Ninth Fust 1 S Puss 1 NT Pass 4 S All pass This deal is another illustra of rumps early she would have h,arf, meeting that the auditor rat to lose a heart. Of course, simply had not. had time to make it didn t make too much differ- ;ho delailed audit. n,' )articujlllfhant, ,a,s 'Only some 13 percent of the he contract was only four-odrl. acrollnts receivable are affected, ,,l sometimes this set-up po- being those concernlng unlnsurJ cure when a lot of points depend Pd pbtiPMts. The olhBer 87 on using the same technique Pby rent are accounts covered Miss Brash used. jta, lllsurance and &umd V' i -'? V F3 111 Live In COMFORT! u miss wra.sns Didrllng was as at Victoria.) tion of when not to take out all tight as her play, she would win ANNUAL RED CROSS FUND DR A One Nite Whirlwind Campoir To Collect Prince Rupert's Quota i;jt more often. Dr. L. M. Greene of the finance committee was unanimously supported in his motion that in future a "complete audit of hospital books be made." C i Kjcirdcnuifj of the opposing trumps. Mvs Keen opened the king of cluos, i noted the play of the 10 from Mr. Abel and continued a third club which Miss Brash ruffed with the five of spades. She now took two rounds of spades hoping they would break' 2-2. When Mrs. Keen showed out on the second round, however, Miss Brash stopped leading, trumps, leaving the 10 In dummy. Visit our 2nd floor Furniture Department and , choose from our modern CHFSTtRHELD SUITES BEDROOM SUITES - CHROME FURNITURE liVIiilVTHlNG FOR THE HOME GORDON & ANDERSON other kinds because these are the only ones that contain the right proportions of various MONDAY EVENING FIRST jorr niiTnnnRs a a general rule it certainly does passes lor permanent results, not pay to rush th? season with 14 ls mu:h easler to 8ot the most gardening ooerat'sns, and ground fine and level in new especially in the planting of lawns and in "''P!ring old ones Startinn at 7;30 p.m. "LIGHT THE PORCH FOR THE REDC: t'jfore the seed is She started the heart suit fig tnings tnat don t ' appreciate a .sown than should be 654 Seed uring that if the hearts broke 'ate frost. For the great major- afterwards itv nf .;"Pris sinrtPri thrn i m nt. broadcast two ways, once across 'to be gained and considerable a"d once lengthwise, for even Northern B.C. Power 0 :risk in getting them in the rv!""1 allQ. " course, wnen mere ! ground before the soil and the ,s lltUe or 110 wind' A little brush or wno will protect from birds I'linnr i!ll) Prince Rupert itii dvfrtiitmint i no publtincd or dtipUyvd1 by j until the grass gets well started. K-.r the first cutting a verv V) Liquor tpntrol boors or by th uov'rnmtot ' sharp mower ls advised, other- V' Cei. air have definitely turned warm and cu' long C"n-lian win',e,s are really over. But, of course, there are some exceptions, j Jobs that might have been i done last fall, if the weather or : some other reason in terf erred, I are an example. Under this I rough classification will corr.i the planting of trees, shrubs, and mo-1 lawn work. In this category, too. will be sweet peas, which COOL SMOKING - SLOW B wise the tender grass may be pulled right out by the roots. Grass like othv;r plants will benefit, from good nrh soil and an annual application of well rotted manure or a chemical fertilizer rich in nitrogen. An occassional application of bone meal will add to depth of color. Well must be planted as prHv -,s nr. fori urn a- ii.Ill n-... r..,i r sible e v, . . will 1.1UWU U I tt 11)1, I 4 ,. , f thev are to ri0 well. This ,oHb hllt . ,, . L i. ft tilS'I SHlii V -ort of gardening can start Just always t f th one and th,5 soil, is dry enough spuddinR or di in , i0 d!S w,thout ""ddlmg. however, has been almost eli.n- SAF.ET FF.AP-With sweet peas inaed bv the; new 2-4-D cheni--i Fh-..M four. ntanting riirec- leal killers now on the market, lions closly, that ls, sow in the '.uo Anv time fr-m now tih-t "ossible sol and in a until june -, the best, time for shallow rench. These plants pruning most shrubbery and -in-, ret growth before the trees A eood general rule to re-weather turns warm. For their member is that early blooming 5 "hev love a. good mulch of shrubs like Forsvt.hia nnH ni IHpe Tobacco fOR ROLLING YOUR 0WH TRY OLD VIRGINIA FIN. rotted leaves with some well rot- should be pruned after bloomin"-ted manure. On top place a few , later blossoming ones before or ir.-hpc "he"! nf of soil soil. i . .i-i i . Your Easter Seal dollars really go to work... because no other fund covers the field of handicapped children so thoroughly . . . sick, crippled, spastic or mentally -retarded, from every part of B.C. This year, only a limited number of households have received seals. IF YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED.:. please don't wait . . . send in your contribution now to Lions Crippled Children's Fund of B.C., 407 West Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. iiiai iiung in ine spring. ft) fl'r"' 6y CHIC BLONDIE Just a Human Guinea Piq Children's Hoipiul, Preventorium, Vancouvw Vancouver S"ol T ' jSSi' v ---.-'T c SoUum, . . . V,clo. ,. . . St. Chriilophtr'i School, North V.ncoUv Alio Spastic Paralyiit Society ol B.C. nd the Travellinj Clinic pjpi7 nfi " U-q II -ii WHAT DQ VOU ) - Z7) :t -V A fZi ' THINKOFMV ( EV.'-WW.M HAVE A S 31 CESTAINIY 0VGA JS ; UEMOM CREAM ) f IT'S TOO, V DPlNK OP ) tT --OUTOTeVMV ANO I WAMT 9 I S?. ' PIE, MR. sweet) wat?pA fQmK jP'ti? flf fern i on must he nrovided. Best mater-1 ial for this are some of the branches the. niii gardener will be pruning off his trees and shrubbery jus row. Normally sweet p-oa3 will grow about three to four feet tall, but- in Western Canada and some other areas where this ilant reallv flourishes much more than this will be necessary. Whan bloom starts there should be removed daily ln order to encourage long stems and r itinuons bin-cnr-Hnr? LAWN WOPK EARLY Grass 'eed is another thine that should -n in while the weathsr is cool. H'gh quality mixtures as put up hv reputable Canadian seed houses are murh the best. Good seed mixtures cost more than the -oi,?'W'. Jy W no) on ilnrj I1 ft