n jn Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. March 19, 1951 f-rinc in r ITk f f ! ' .'' S t- m p" P(caSant 1AJorL Jl'avee oCaualiinq 'ocluct in jforl jUlio MlanclL jfi jii, B a Men tiers From Vancouver (Saturdayl D. Macqtiistan, O. Benson, J. WhittniKton, A. Lund, Mrs. R. O'Conner, Mrs. A. M. Uutuiair, Mrs. Martin, L. M. 'flseiun u. tains t're.ien, C. Ander.soii. Ki'Lia Hand.-pit (Saturday t- U. Jji!ii:on, I). liron. To Vancouver llodayi A. OI-;tn, Cap'., ii. V. Uanluroane, A L. iMiAWfil, U. lii.;, F. 11. lualiti, ti. M.Kenie, I). Mc-uiston. II. Coojter, W. A. Holder, .V. Oalhtnt. M;s. Taylor. To Kandsp.t (today) J. J. .ill Uoi.aUl, 11. Erick.Sjii. 1 o Masset ( today I II. O. 3niith, Mrs, Dunders and three chliihen. Mr. and Mrs Minaker 'I.. l i i'. l . t , T It., aw ii.iii.. uiu 'wai.p a. Aa.J- bar, W. Machina, f. T'arane,er, H. Gardner. J. Cacs, P. N. Bland, .'. h. Clark, A. V. Bossons, C. U. Korbes, Mr. Cooper, P. Maloiiey, :-W . .'ill r.J CI fl 'aitc oruin for Ladies and Gentlemen LING. tailor S'iO .Sixth St Phono 619 Call 363 K)U tun-rut . . . Planning Building or Repairing . MITCHELL .& CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors a, j11 - fw VUomen 1 ' vSCS, Lf Ar R Kyinchuk, CI. Dick, U. T. Creenwr'U, A. BiaiHlstroiii, 1). J. ltat;vn,jurv. Tj Saivjs;ll (Sat. I II. t,rlck-i sen, Mu.s K. Mathers. From Vancouver i Friday iL. Wise, R. Irving, Miss MeUoimld, li. Kliea. down. W. O. Kheardovm, W. Siymore, W. J. Slieppard, Mr. IliRKinx, Mr. Marshall, J. J. Tay-lo. . J. J. Karr. From Sand.' pit (Friday Cf. Hansen, Coast. Gordon, Miss E. Mathers. DKNMAHK'K "EMPIRE'' Greenlanrl '.s the only colonial nossewsion of Denmark. ! A ! j j I , I Use Classifieds for Results. - orfj ii h " ' I If (M- Thil advertisement b not publlihcg of diipliycd W H Uaill Boerd or fay the GovwraDem 4 Bdu Cd 1. FIRST STEP in pn paring table fillets is making incisions qi:ckiy and accurately, removing only the flesh of the fish, as (!o:ij by Mrs. Hope Lundri;;an (from leftl', Mrs. Marie Fitzgi raid, ,Tane In'ermela an Delby Brunelle. 2. CANDLING the cut away fillets for marred or bruised spots are I: f'l Mrs. Lillian Greening and Mrs. Pauline Viktil. 3. FINAL TRIP of the fillets is riding down the conveyor after o re-noun' pa-aue bave been automatically labelled. Machine-operator (front is Mrs. Irene Martodom. Feeder is Mrs. Joseohir.e Murr'son, w' i'e Con Stordale (extreme leftl is f ii s- a''' man. Haro'd Tbom, assistant manager of Atlin Fi-h'-'is , makes a routine inspection. 4. THE PA' 'KINO "ine s where the processed fillets are wrapped and Dacked in one-pound card boxes. From the" front aj j oackers Kli.abetli Summer, HazezI Greening and Mrs. IWurKuret Rose. "Pop" Ted Strand, supervijor, inspects weigh-in; and packing. Urn iramc Changes Madej MONTREAL Promotions t-o, top ranking positions 1n the traffic department f the Canadian National Railways were! announced at headquarters here, last weik. j Ii. W. Craig, very well known i:i grain trade circles in Winnipeg atiJ 'vKf.tern Canada: is appointed assistant to John Pullen. vice-president in charge of traffic, and H. L. Lapointe is ap-, pointed asJ..tai.t to J- A. Atro. j assistant viee-pre: ident freight j traffic Canadian lir.es. Or the wes'.-Tii region J. V. ' Hie. humeriy chief clerk to freight traffic manager Winnipeg, is made assistant general freiehl a,rent rates at Winnipvg :uid 1). J. Scott, formerly district frt iplit. aiteiit, is appointed division freight afient at Port At- j thur. j Mr. Ilice joined the Grand i Trunk Pacific as a stenderapher I in 1916 and transferred to the freight traffic department the u-iii" year. He had service in the traffic bureau since '!:-!6 and; ;n tries an extensive knowledge of the rate structure into his new-position. I Mr. Scott started railroading with the Canadian Northern as a night yard clerk at, Port Arthur and served in several positions thei-.' for 17 years. He then worked in Winnipeg and Calgary offices before returning to the l.-.kchead in 1949. 1 UMITED, AMHERSTBURO, ONT. I 11 cm cl f- rof MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 81rt P.O. Box 520 3?.() Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B C. HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional . Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733-5th Ave. W. Black 503 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block COS - 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besnrr Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 Fire and Frost Proof Storage for Rent Central Location Phone 422 Classified Advertising is payable In advance Pit a.se refrain from telephoning. Cltsst-wold per Inseition, iMiltlliium charge Mr. Birth Niiflcen iOc. Curiln of Tliaiiks. Deii-Funnal Notices, MarrliiKf and K n;.iy, nieul Aiim.uni eim liLs $2(J0. SI'KC'IAI. DI.S1T.AY, lJlilH.K I'Klt'K FUR SALE bEwiNU machine dealers and rt)R SALE -10 otiieis. Vvu can suuoiv oeauu- station wasuo. YES THiS TiME TO tJ Ll " latity rill PiPr, tail I SPENCE 4 MA' GREEN ft;1 F( WELDIf! Ur ALLTKfi Industrial . Well cum CAltS fill i AI.'COlMl' u...e Buiimi ' BITMKKS It'' PI.UMBINU aimB1' Sheet liwlKl "'' Kiavel iuuium West. Huue ' and so. Hixrw'1 BARTENDER W. ....... im-terred. " Atlin Fishery ftupulllliue"- FOFt" RliNT-R!" 232. FOR RENT-UfWj -- ...I'll PER'" CASH for gySj per ua'Vfjjdl Phone "J-0 city. MORTHI AND WW Cl" . nl,n-J Ilk more r e.it for WANT'" n W A N J i ofl) s eel. rfHie r Honest erafV1 meiit ni3f,i- Metals i"' ; ( coiiver. 6357- ... WANTED T?.fli " r.L r tca'ir.,, room accun! ntshffi or iDtd em chemirl after t- B.C. Working in a fish plant is not nearly as revolting as many people seem to think. Anyway, among ,f!0.or lul new reverse tiuiueii .- 4nu.uu . Hiunt lnu machine heads. Verv latest' al Wl 11111 Calvert .Xj - .-'V IB f ; i 1 . in oil-skin aprons, gloves I nsi, which in Prince Ruoert iS' big business. Wint to know how bie? More tZtv 'X lets were produced here last year, which sell on the retail market ut close to a million dol- jals "I've worked here for six i years," vearx." .said said Mrs Mrs. Lillian Lillian Green-i Green-j mg, a widow whose fisherman hic tand lost his life on a gale-! tos:cd sea four years ago. -r j don't even smell the fish any- more," she smiled, and after j work, a change of clothes, a bath and a quick hair-do "you'd think I was a lady of leisme. ivns. oieeiiing woiks lor lilt Fisheries in the filleting department and her attitude seems to be that of the other 30 ladies there. CLEANEST PLACE Theodore "Pop" Strand, .supervisor of that -department, says that fish smell like fish, just like beef smells like beef. Under proper conditions, a fish plant is "the cleanest place to work." 'Mr. Strand has been with the company for 25 years, and was a fisherman before that. He came to Prince Rupert in 1918. He has no trouble overseeing the ladies, for they are good workers. "As a matter of fact," he said, his eyes twinkling, "I get a great kick out of my job." Mr. i Strand likes Prince Rupert and will slay here as long as he lives. ! "I've been through most of Canada, and in some parts of the States. I think Rupert beats J them all." 1 I'sed for fillets are several 1 different varieties of sole, the main fish for this purpose, j Other fish are flounders and the cods, such as rock, ling j and sablefish (Alaska black). ; Unloaded from the boats, the fish are kept In ice-bins until i required by the filleters. They 'lay Uu? fish on the cutting boards which are continually flooded with fresh water. The filleter uses a thin-bladed, long knife. First cut is Just back of the head which removes fillet from the ribs and backbone. . Then the fish is turned over and the other fillet removed the so women, all decked out style Fit Sinner .stands, either treadle or eiectnc. and all uarts interchangeable. Price SoV.aO or discount in quantity, t ruBi ll, Ai cuu.it; CAIVERT DISTILLER A (CANADA) and turbans, this opinion was aired with enthusiasm. These women -ranging from same way. When a small stockpile of the fillets have accumulated the women deftly use their knives to shear away the skin, From the cutting table the boneless fillets go to the cunur 'ling machine. Here they pass over a heavy glass surface through which shines a strong light. Any blemishes or marred flesh is quickly detected and removed. Fillets are then put through, the brine and from there reach the packing table. All through the process the fish are continually washed and handled in wire baskets. Carefully weighed, then wrapped in cellophane, deft hands quickly make up one- or five- iJ0l,na Packages, niimg a tny 'artistic wrapping That artistically designed and colored wrapper on the outsat of the packages is put on by a machine which wraps and f.lae.s '" all in one operauo.t. A Uie machine kit-pa '"- '""Bi's 'oning hi, wnue in ,Ule "er tnd lncy are removed in trays and immediately put in a "cleL'P frL'ezt" refrigerator In ; mperaiures "- oi i zu to m 10 Dfiow. v.;, Even though each lilleter will, Process an average of 40 to 70 ' pounds an hour-and that's not (lown 011 Ule either-1 f "ZL 7hTn '"V at h? P ant than at , some Partles-, A B00'1' I'armless prac- !p,,n; 8tris f,lnv,,t ,i,,Jn the line to brighten the day and across-the-board teasing is al- ways in good nature. I lins advertisement Is not pulilished or displayed by the Ltquoi Cttntrol Koard or by the Government of British Columbia. Ku.-n oruer to numeii ptwun Machine Co., Box Jill. ienm-nal A Toronto, or Edmonton, Alberta Hi' . SAI.E-Oil stove pot bmn- oil healer, wasluim ina- -li.n vaciium cleaner, Uxa caipet anil felt, 3 piece eties- terlield suite. 3 end lames, bedroom suite. Binder Sewing Machine 4 scatter rues, radio. 2 Klaiidiip; lamps, dinner set, lawn mower, lul 5th Ave. East. Green 955. lutipl 3 BIKTII NOTIC E K1RBY To Mr. and Mrs. Al Kirbv of Premier, B.C., at toe Prince Rupert General Hospital. March IV. a son, Mictiaei llcw- son. (ltai t'ARI OF I HANKS It it with heartfelt thanks that I wish to acknowledge tlie Hindness oi trie Catholic clergy iiuu ui tile moo.ie vJ-iOlme. ULSiJ Hie numerous expie.nii.s i4 es- a.-irrl.X' P a'JV '" i-n,,1," Hubert. , Mabel Rover. Quebec Per Mis. G. 1. Blaln. (Hi .r,- ,:1(, CARO , rS'A Til INKS I liave be e n UxlW!,to rxteiul giHeere U.anki to Kt,v father F. itavner, O M L, and to 537, WJ. 33. 537 349 and nated for the funeral oi tne inbiTrlen Mhelr beautiful floral tributes and ex- nressions of sympathy and to raiigements. ii. J. u.i;:on. local supervisor. (ltd FOR SALE MATfONAl.I.V WMOWN MAMI?S LinR-belt Soeeder Shovels; I Cranes: Draglines: Adams Road Graders; Littleford Bros. I .- . man f- m.f FOR SALE IS h o. Vivian , loom house cylinders heads, pistons used available in , 4 seasons, Aiit.oLite Ignition. Kkeeiia H"M-1 or write Box 622. Prince Ru-, WANTED, VAN I W -?f, , r . p;w. pert. (67pi FOR SALE Automotive engine 2 to 1 reduction gear and marine clutch $175. complete. Apply Joe Stace-Smllh, Gen. Del. Prince Rupert. (OOpi FOR SALE Sunshine buKgy, iikiH liil,,,i iiuir iii-ice. room. A" "Maybe we look a little dan- " U,Y" rlilK'rs ",,r e'r gerous at times, but it's all inTJtlt the frV arl i'hoieUreeiM9. (67p I "pRIVE f FOR SALE -Dining table, chairs, 711 OreitvUIe oil raii"e, bathroom cabinet. 1 lrMTRocni Black 831, I70p PORJRNig. I ' FOR SALE House trailer on it to new chii.ss s Interior unfm- i urj"""". iillUllllUI. silH the smiling, bantering youthful type to the more serious and matronly were filleting flat- , eSSiona I HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS j PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Bnx 1070 II. G. IIELGERSON . LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phono 96 Evenings Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL colussi's music store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210-4th St. Ph. Black 389 ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Blue 961 Box 1819 241 West 5th Avenue u&uie&S MARGARET McLEOi) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 iTONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 5!):) P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS " A. L. BELL, C.A. T ROY SHAND, C.A. 353 3rd Ave. W. Box 203 . Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 -4th Street. Phonp B55 F.LECTROLUX Sales anc Service I R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1620 For genuine parts and service "" phone or write above. Hlack Too Road Maintenance' , , , . . ' v,i,, machine. Ediiiimient: Owen Clamshell FOR RALE-Washli Buckets and Ruck Grapples: " f;rst '' us,!;(l'ull,1ll'n- VL''-T. 1- r. 907 Borden. I.. Smith Concrete Mixers; Galbrailh, ,(08pi Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket 1 waders lor Stockolle " in-pmru and Snow Removal; Rice Port- .... km tins able Centrif uual Piiinus: Na- ji BURNER .SPT!1AI.TST - Uonal Dragline Scrauers and f;loVB .rvi'ce and repairs. G Buckets: National Ail Steel n " Ronton Klm'n- Rliek Mlai Wl tf Oasollne Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National i uATf?if RF.PAlRR-r'romnt et- lun, suiu ivns. greening, who admits she's an arch-teaser her At 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. "Pop" Strand rings a bell which gives everyone a break for coffee. All I agree the 10-mlnute rest Is al great boost and makes the day I seem much shorter. Three other companies be-1 sides Atlin Fisheries processing fillets in Prince Rupert are the j Fishermen's Co-operative plant at Fairview, B.C. Packers, Seal Cove, and Nelson Bros., Port Edward. Production of fillets is the one operation in fishing which Ls not so seasonal, although the slackest time is in winter. "Fried fillet of sole, please," von said a few minutes nan Now the waitress places before you the steaming dish a prod uct of the sea by which you live. L. M. Felsenthal returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's plane from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Roy Moulton, who has been relieving pilot for Queen Charlotte Airlines here, returned to Vancouver today. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE . EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW FOR Surlnir Ex- amlnations. Write M. C. C. School. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg. Man. (h tshed. 1235 Park Ave. I Clip' FOR RALE Bedroom suite. complete, spring filled mat- tre.ss. Phone Black 924. (u6p) n(.t,.,,t. service npurve Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction Riiaran- teed. REAL ESTATE ' FOUR-ROOM Wartime, Terv close to McBride. Occupaiiv ; on I April 1. Newlv decorated. 1 down, balance as rent, ror immediate insnection nee Armstrom; Agencies, phone 342 or 207 (eves.l. 67c) n.m nnt.K irnmeaiatviT. ir', i five rooms and bath, coni- nlefelv furnished, centrally located, garden .soace; also 1- ! room furnished cabin In rear, i 740 Fulton St. (08p . . Lentil;; rour warume on line nenr Cnnrnd School. Ex cellent condition. Terms to suit purchaser. Owner. Blue 804. (Wp FOR RALE House. R rooms and 1 bath. Clnse to Conrad School. I Phone Green 482. (68p) Rotary Screens und Conveyors Full inlornation from Na tional Machinery Co. Lainited, Vancouver. B.C. tti F3, SAL?-f1L'w and, u'Sed0 f"f: logging booU. National cash register. OilchrLst logging iacks and scores of other ar- ticio nt vprv lnu) nrir-ex H C Furniture, 3rd Avenue W. (tfi FOR SALE Model Q D. John- , sun in ti r. .nit h.i'ii-rl m.ttrii- In ciofl condition. Phone Green . C20 t67u v FOR SALE One Folev auto- matic saw filer complete: elec - trie or hand power. Box 9, Burns Lake. B.C. (77c) FOR SALE Walnut oedroom suite complete. 2 nanel chairs, clrl's noat and bonnet, size 4. Red 892. 745 --. 5th West. (66p '""i" FOR RALE General Electric washlnc machine, $60.00. 1724 8th East. (Wip)