Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, March 17, 1951 'UDER (Thrilling Nearly $5 Million Co-op Big Business , Propose to Can Tuna on Queen Charlottes concert PERSONAL -dnnottncernenfj Card party, Catholic Hall, March 17. St. Patrick's Tea and card party. Catholic Hall, March 17. S.O.N, brothers evening March 17. Sonja ladies, members and escorts Invited. Orange Ladies' tea and sale, March 21. Job's Daughters Easter tea and sale, Masonic Temple, March 22. Students' recital, violin and piano, Common Lounge, Civic Centre, March 28, 8 p.m. Cathedral spring sale, March 29. Dollar value of fish production but season were endorsed by the of Prince Rupert Fishermen's meeting and a camp will be in-Co-operative Association for the ; stalled at Gilten Harbor. It was L NOW! tiisu ueciaea mat icea Ilsn in good condition may be taken on in nil nf t.ho nnmno him through the parliament buildings. Rent a sanaer OR have your floor sanded by experts. Phone 909 for Greer & Bridden Ltd. (65c) atLr,r?n AuxlUary sPrln8 Sale. tauici vjt. a, vjiiiitinL. iur manvi years Roman Catholic priest Skagway. was in the citv vestpr- day enroute aboard the Princess' HCIAL oL.1"6 tv,. nrh(so Duchess of Edinburgh been on a f.rin t R.atti- Eugene Band Heard by Bd-Me-Hi Assembly As u hundreds iiuiiuieus 01 of city city students stuuents ; cheered the visiting Eugene Hitrh School Ranri hr. vsei.r. aay from Oregon, the Eugene school principal's wife, Mrs. Dean Mickelwait, stood at the back of the Civic Centre stage .wiu.u miv wanu UHU Bald. "I wish kari that mn.k nn ' - " uiuui plause in our home town." Like real stage troopers, the young Alaska-bound band under t ...... Vl a i 1- H-tnm TJ "..n cjiun u. sauiei, stepped off the steamer Princess Norah Norah and and head headed for for Civic u. i venue 10 present a snappy pro- ! gram, i , The Norah, due here at 12 i noon, was 40 minutes late and the sailing time for Ketchikan, ! where the Eugene band was to play last night, was 1::45. It was a u race lace for tor time ume as as princl- princl- pals of th Booth-Mpmnrrai High Schools. A. M. Hurst and R. H H. H rnttrlDK - 1 1 Davidson, rushed iica their wieir Experiments are beine made with the canning of tuna at Masset. If this experiment is successful, it will be possible to retain this valuable industry in the north. . to ' " "i wi, Up iu the me present prcscuv tuna has been sent from this ' district to Vancouver or Ore- gon for canning. Tn meetjne received reDorts oreanizationl fro. froma ,a number numBer ol of organizations inciuaing me nsnermens cooperative Association of Vancouver, the B.C. Central Credit Union, the B.C. Co-operative Wholesale Society and the Prince Rupert Fishermen 's Credit Union. An outstanding item kimnnliF . . t U 1 1 . . utuuKiik uui 111 wie liibtcr reuurL, . ... 1 18 t. fact t that ,;,. the. as mucn as Until stocks are cleared wc offer the following Alberta Coals at bargain pricey oca and Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Mrs. D. R. Whitmore returned here on the Princess Norah yesterday after a three weeks' vacation in the south. She visited with Mrs. J. Walker at Victoria. Balagno Florists Order your Easter flowers and plants now! (65) Miss M. Fraser, formerly of thU city and now carrvin on : work of her Northern Northern Licht Light ! j Book Room at Terrace, arrived in the city from the interior on Thursday night's train and will be here for the next two or three weeks. S.O.N. Brothers evening, March 17. Sonja Ladies, members and escorts Invited. (65) I George Fourniotis, . ... who nuu if t : , Prince Runert som snmr months orr f""C.KUPe" m?nths ago . visit vuit. In In ottaa-u Ottawa. It t was ui his first 1 trip to the capital citv and was full of varied Interest. He met E. T. Applewhaite, MP, who showed seeing that these resources are adeauatelv nrotecti-ii Other resolutions urged the ; Department to continue its work ' on tagging, the development of tuna fisheries, and the continued war on destructive sea lion's. 1 DIRECTORS ELECTED New directors elected were Jacob Strand and R. J. Walker. Re-elected directors were Mar- ) Seam Lump 16.75 per ton "omat Egg 15.75 per ton jmatNut 13.75 per ton r Briquettes 21.75 per ton visitors mio waiting cabs to unued to improve and no diffi-transport them to Civic Centre culty is foreseen in meeting the auditorium. 1 first major commitments in Jan- "I don't like having to hurrv uarv of 1952 of rertppmlnir rnirf oran, returning north. He has elsewhere elsewhere in in the the south. south. I Doing your spring cleaning? Turn out your clothes closet and let us have any wearable used clothing. Call The Salvation Army at Black 2ii9 or our agents, B. C. Messenger, 678. (67c) Capt. Ernest 6anturbane, who came nome for the funeral of Kie 1 " me late unver ban- . , . tltrhno ...u... i 1., 1... w vu'""c. 'eaves Dy jvionaays pune on his return to rtutv with 1 urhara ho i.nt .nnJ - o oiauuiwu. Daffodil tea, Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.K, pltpS from March 26 to later date. . (ltc) j No further word has been received of the whereabouts nf' -onesagu Louis Gendron, 25, Fisheries Department engineer, 1 belteved drowned near Queen Charlotte City this week. His fa-1 ther, Fortunat Gendron, lives in j St- Noe1' Quebec- j Four representatives of the i United Fishermen's and Allied 1 Workers Union left on today'o LIGHT through our music from one , port to another." said Banrimas ter Miller, as the 27 musicians filed onto the stage. Thursday night they played to a sell-out urowa uu in in ocean ucen muj. rails, ; , "They do things right there's1 HONE 116 - 117 or 58 no use talking!" said J. L. Mc-1 emphasizing the competition spirit of the meeting, which wel-Intosh of the Civic Centre, which now has to be met on the corned the firmer stand taken by "We're afraid to spend a dol- Atlantic coast by halibut, fresh the Federal Minister of Fisher- ert IL AAcCaffery LIMI I tU un arisen ana r riiz Mosiaa. piane to attend the U.F. & A. W. Directors continuing In office convention in Vancouver. They are Pete Husoy, Hans Petersen, are W. Machura, of the fisher-Jack Prince, Barney Roald, Chris men's local, and J. Gazes, it. Berg, Hans Pettersen, Anton Gardner and Paul Taranger ot Martinusen and Bernof Pedersen. the shore workers local. Immediately after the annual y , iar, aaaea the caretaker as ne saw the Eugene band, dressed In their $6500 uniforms and rnuippcu wnn iuu oana lnstru-i ments, even to an oboe. Trim- mer in the school colors, the uniforms are white, blue and Brey. ; Mrs. Mickelwait whn salri that her htlXhanri thu nrlnrlril I 1 i. .....tu, v4 Eugene Hinh School, wiu nnihls to make the trin Hup to haelrot. ' iiouLiiiiviio vu'wuci awrc A tV4 . eration from the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union and B.C. Central Credit Union. Reg Mawer, field worker for the Department of Extension, UBC, also reported for his organization. The meeting heard a talk from Dr. l. h. Hart, director of biolo gical Blcal research researcn for ior the me Pacific. racnic. What he said fitted in with the lKS "le n!,n- w- Maynew ana the Deputy Minister, Stewart Bates, at a meeting of the in- """"j "e'u " Vancouver in ue- cemoer, with reference to the evident increase In Illegal fishing By resolution, the meeting endorsed the stand of the FriWatinn krj ; ..,u;i, k. r..i . .. f.vgcu guijui I ui Ally fiu(iaill 1.1 ta parrv carry out nt rich fish conservation; as well as making certain practical suggestions for voluntary patrol by fishermen. The following resolution was also passed : "Whereas it is proposed by the Provincial Government to permit the use of our water power resources for industrial development, such as indicated by the proposed aluminum project; and Whereas we appreciate the worth-whjleness of such development, and Whereas the livelihood of the fisherman of this province depends upon adequate protection of our fisheries resources, Be it therefore resolved that this meeting go on record as urging the fullest and continued cooperation between the Provincial Government and he Federal Department of Fisheries in r 1 1 , - PHONE 909 For Efficient Building and Remodelling YOUR BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS HOTEL FRASER HOUSE ball tournaments that were be- which left the audience laughing held in the south, explained lng. that the uniforms were bought INTERVIEWS by the band parents' organiza-' What some of the visitors, Hon and the effort of the play- band members and audience er"- . said: "They pracise one hour a day Mrs. A. T. Ford "I came along in school and play for dances with the band from Eugene and public shows," said the what beautiful scenery." principal's wife. She said that Mrs. D. Spicer, mother of the t eer & Bridden Ltd. P.O. Kux 731 Prince Rupert. B.C. ... Presbyterian spring sale, April 12 , ' homecooking sale, i. April 14, Guidon Anderson. Conrad Street School P.T.A. White Elephant sale and team, April 14 at 2 p.rn. W.O.T.M. Spring bazaar, April 20. St. Peters Spring Sale, April 26. United W.A. Spring sale, May 3. Sonja tea. May 12. Const. G. R. Gordon of th. Queen Charlotte City RCMP do Xarn'TTlPnT. WhA ro c I - m JrTyZ 6 m, retJ,rn: t a 1 " ' For Action, Advertise! Oi'n e5e Chop Suey - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 UP at sign that says to stop for your engine with Fn sKnlino Fill Esso or Esso Extra. Take vour car mir(. fiR . k.u.ll 1. c . ..,UUIIU penonnante. continually beinjr improved to give th starting, good acceleration, power aod you'te always ahead! protection against repair Dill Is with Imnerijl pcn Specialized luhrirariita ' every point carefully serviced by chart according to car manufacturers' specifications. By CHIC YOUNG. was cunsiacrauiy higher than in previous years in SDite of xllehr. ripcrpag in Innri- InB. the Association was inform- ed at its annual meeting which. after three and a half days of conference, concluded yesterday nibciuuuu. : Total sales of all denart.ments I i i 01 the Association amounted to W,m for 1950. . . A lar8 falling off in value of I vit.nmin nil. ml An If nnniinflfiikln I : u.m.ic f extensive fishing of dog - ' "sh fish livers livers and and almost almost eliminated eliminated , """'bs " nitsn potency viscera. Imports of cheap Japanese liver olIs wer the chief cause of this and wne the situation has tm- proved to some extent, there is I'ttle hope of the old prosperity returning. rrora rrum a a financial iinanciai standpoint. sianapoini,' the auditor'. taiPnt. .hnLn . good operating picture for the year. jrci. TU. The xnc financial mmuuiai 1 J picture picture con- con-' Storage Bond Issue, and meeting the first payment of the fish revolving fund deductions. FEDERATION REPORT Reporting for the Federation. Manager manager T. t. H. H. Sorensen Sorensen gave gave an an i account of market conditions, we year round, as well as land- ln8s by Norwegian, English and Icelandic boats. 4 mnumgs in me Maritime pro- vinces have increased from two to eleven million pounds in the I last year. This probably effects Prince Rupert more than any other cnmmnnltv I PrnnrUiale ... in Avna nH Iha rinmn - - L,j npauu w.c vumaw : ano Sound area rinrlntr t.h Viaiu pianist, Ronald Spicer "It's a lovely trip but a little rough on the ocean!", i Henry Pluym, B.M.H.8. teach- er "Wonderful they must be music conscious in their schools, practising a lot." otto Crumroy, Grade 11, vio- 1 inisl" Whan T loaua ctirtnl T hope to go into church work or business, Charlene Welch, violinist "When I graduate this year, I want to train for nursing." I Ronald Spicer, pianist 'I will go on with my music when I leave school I Lerov Hershiser. cello "Whpn I leave school I want to go in - for church .I'U'.II education kUUVDUUll Ul or 1 X mignt llllgllli have to be a chaplain, now 1 'm ll.. " iicoilllg tile CllllLlIUMlL uge, Aloys brown, bass drum "This Is my first time to the north. I like the mountains." Jim Colburn, snare (pcrcus- sioni i was here last year. But it was sure rough in the sound!" Bo-Me-Hl: "More!" The Eugene school band, which has left to play at Ketchikan, reieraourg, juncau and Wran- gell, is due to return to Prince upert lale Wednesday after- neon, March 21, for an after- noon tea-dance. PROGRAM ' March, "Invercarglll" Lith- gow. Overture, "Triumph of Ishlai Ollvadotl Cornet solo, "Le Secret" Hazel (Bob Warren). j "Alouette" Arranged by Her- 1 bert W. Fred. j string ensemble, (a) Serenade I Espagnele Bizet; (til Marion- I eltes Isaac. 'Swing Genevieve Jazz specialty. Deep River Rhapsody Walters. Vocal solo, "O na Hill" Dea-jton (Leroy Hershiser). "Princess of India," overture -King. j "Guess Conductor," novelty-Arranged by Yoder. "Ood Save the King." Jlf i I .1 RIETY A lrr Cards ted SEE THEM NOW ! Wri i STARTS TO work 17JK T injua- mill meeting uujuunieu, uie meeting of the new board elected as President, Martin Erlksen and vice-president, Pete Husoy. ' Votes of thanks were passed to directors and staffs nf both th. I Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative and the Fishermen's I Co-operative Federation. 1 Tne Fishermen s Co-operative federation commenced annual meetings yesterday in the Civic i Centre. They will continue today. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will be held in the. Civic Centre, Common Lounge Room, on Tuesday, March 20th, 1951 at (1:00 n.m. Rusincss: To receive President's report. To receive Auditor's report and Balance Sheet far 1950. To elect five members of the Board of Management. To appoint an auditor. Membership fee is $1.00 per annum which may be paid at I he Hospital or left at Ormc-s nrugs prior to Saturday, Man-h 17th at 5:00 p.m. on which date the membership list will close. D. C. STEVENSON, Administrator. C5 -Boys Will Be Boys 2 For Economy I Switched 5o Marvclubc You get more engine protection under all driving conditions with Marvelube the premium motor oil that meets all car manufacturer's, ( specifications for correct lubrication. Marvelube is a detergent motor oil. It not only lubricates it cleans. A clean engine free from gum, sludge and abrasive particles lasts longer and gives you more trouble-free performance. Let your Imperial Esso Dealer protect the investment you have in your car with his "Care-Saves-Wear" service. mere still aren't enough unl- forms for the 90 students en- rolled from the junior and sen- lor grades in the high school, , The high school band, which has a 20-year-old history, open- ed their program here with a rousing march. A hichlteht of the r.nnwrt. U;aia the cornet solo by Bob Warren, playing "Le Secret 1 "The boy did very well and the whole band is worth hearing. I hope they come again," said E. C. Trumbell, cornet play er in the local Shrine band. He thought the trombones were '"very good." Mr. Trumbell also pointed out that this high school oana had three . imuorlant . ... ., v . in. 11 - strumenta that are missing from tllP PHllfA Plinoi irrnon fl..(. vu Bivuii liUbla, French horns and an oboe. For the high school taste the classic march 'fi Plurlbus Unum" was changed to "Swing ucuevieve, jazz number. Depth of feeling was trans- mitted to the audience by the vocal solo, "On a Hill," sung by Leroy Hershiser, with piano ac- companlment by Ronald Spicer. j 10 ciose me concert. In re- ,sponse to Principal Hurst's urg- nig that the boat was ready to ( sail, the band played a frantic novelty number, "Guest Con- ductor" and "Poet and Peasant" - "Z1I " I "iJ PORTRAITS j Films Developed and Printed , PROMPT SERVICE HANDLER'S STUDIO 216 4Ui Street Box 645 Hione Uretn 389 Prince i ! Rupert j REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. W. FISHERMEN . s,f"v fit if our door. roN's OF CANADA , J, " lll Mil f I 1 1 1 1 (Ssso) the balamid performinte from ! i Wallace PHARMACY HOURS: WEEK DAYS: j .9 a.m. fo 9 p.m. j SUNDAYS: ' 12 Noon to 2 p.rn 7 p.m.' to 9 p.m. Phone 24 : SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE . i your tank with "up-to-date" nut nn rhp mail V.tnr tsso and tsso Extra re best balanced combinatiyn of fast mileage. Switch to Esso Gasolines nd guaranteed tire life with the famous Atlas Written Guarantee whirh covers all road hazards and is honored by over 38.000 dealers in Canada and the United States. 3LONDIE F- Join the EASTER PARADE ihrouqh the pages of EATON'S SPRING SUMMER CATALOGUE T. EATON C ? ''iiiijilllllilllllilllllniiilii' piiipp; ip- r ' N, CvjT-qr) tuatTX. SEVEPAL PEOPLE ) "V ' K WHG MAN; GIVE ME ) IwS wavLs 1 TO SeE V0U' V iTi a A' f That time-waster . ccveut oPTufs I R. oaneRS J i te.l EM liTJ . ;-c,veve that thing v fpc Tn For cuinplctK I'.erliuul of yow High Setid Ousoline fcngiiw, see Rupert Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanics ;..iJ specialized equipment to 1 CANT l-i- r i ALEXANDEf? TO DO A ?w ME Since HE SOUGHT y-M. TKAT VQ.VO JftSjb pertorm this work for you efficiently and economically. m ess. m Ms, m To avoid delay this spring when the ru.h is on, let us have that Job now. sill J IWp Rupert Motors Limited , ; '" ' "iJ