in? cr?o- Prince Rupert Daily News ray . . As I See It hsim than r.nllup snrt On j 1 MAF.ITED" TOCTilUT" The official figures show j WELLINGTON, N.Z. -Vls!- U Labor 13.911,582 itors to Nt'w Zland In futuie Conservative .... 13.721.340 ! will be marked rnvi and women. Under the professors' cube-1 The government tourist denart- Thursday. November 8. 1951 Reflects and "'ported t,H the-ratio formula you would do mt nt has Issued a sticker with a t'iUl SO! this nieture of a Kiwi .(h . """"" . . e " 48.72! wrH n u. . ... -"".u 48 72 48.72 Reminisces n independent, daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulations .. - Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 0. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: L K "aKa- "e Is T already 7- j i label i also i bears tine words "visitor visitor Mature mhJ" t, X X 4805 48.05 ci 4H.IM:t-, new Zenlnnrt " Contort Pl,;froll The answer to the v.uiilTlfir, aoove is : r By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, $800; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00 the number of seats by whicn ; Labor should have beatien the! Tories, by the professors' for-1 ! mula. Actually, the Tories beat : i Labor, in seaU. Those Opinion Polls Public Should Be Told i 455 POOR OLD C,l I Monday saw another anniversary of Guy Fav.kes Day. Guy, as you know, managed to wangle 35 barrels of gun powder wherewith to blow up the British Par- i liament. This was ever so long ago. Fawkes, of course, failed. Just what his main kick was we haven't the faintest notion but doubt if It could have been the i high cost of living, Inflation, ' ' housing shortage or even what to do concerning margarine. j Churchill announces ha is cut-j tint? the s ze of his cabinet down ; to sixteen. Ottawa, however, re- j cmires twenty. As fur British! Columbia, nothing less than j eleven is considered essential. '' Christies ADVERTISING OFFICIAL A. L. Cawthoi ne-Page, MBE, manager of publications for the Canadian head officeOttawa, of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is vlc-president of the Life Insurance Advertisers' Association. In recognition of his s-ervices as publicity direc tor of Canada's War Savings PORT ARTHUR. In the t believe!!, o nion poiV restaurant of the Houa! aan and d0 serve a verv use-, . . : fut purpose. But I also believe of Commons the other day it ls au to the good mat people 'some MP'S Came over and ve learned, once again, that , .. iyou just cant know the answers congratulated Ilie for call-, in advance, even If you hilt iing the shot so closely in 'ndsking people 10 K'J jthe British election. I In Britain the opinion poll- i Well we can't always be wrong sters listed Conservative, La-iand this time I happened to hit bor, Liberal and then about 10 pretty near the bullseye. j per cent "don't know." j I confess I went out on a limb1 Next time they would be wiser : deliberately because I thought to list the laH-numecI as "won't this was-a pood ohanee to help tell " 1 debunk those public opinim! Obviously in Britain many i polls. They are useful but not ; people just would not tell the : infallible. , prolessior.ul poll taker.",. So the j ! results were a-s far off the beam i NONE of the opinion polls which as they were when Truman beat I saw recorded In Britain came Dewey and almost as wrong a, within a niile of the actual re- they were recently in Australia suit for all of them showed the where the polls predicted a lurge Conservatives leading Labor by: majority in the referendum to a margin of several percent. outlaw the Communist par;y. The actual result, a.s we all There the vote went heavily the now know, was that Labor led other way. f -a. t, of ' 7"W Then, counting Yukon, Canada Committee iflul Inter as director has nine moiw sets of govern-1 f Information for the War- iiieuts. Nor does all this include ! time Prices and Trade Board, the number of small fry of fice ! he was made a member of the holders, the payment of whom ; Order of the British Empire. must also come out the tax-j CP PHOTO i 1 " payers. Out Jt! in si. wuu-caiung was common A LITTLE MORE WESTERLY Scouting for oil began in Alberta thirty-three years ago. At mwm enough. Many a somewhat discouraging year passed before the great splash at Leduc heralded to the trade that Western Canada had arrived. British Columbia cannot show so much history. Hen , Fort St. Jchn has a well of top qua'ity grade and all In a few years. only pure can iiji the Conservatives in the total LETTERBOX If you want to sell it, advertise ; it. News classified. j votes, even though the Tories did win the most seats. Some prolesors were even 5 further oif the beam than thv Food imports, particularly routine polls. They had worked meat-, are being substantially out a fanta.stic formula which, cut in Bnta'n. Austerity is bat k. they claimed, would give in ad-No more than fifty pounds can van-e the exact number of seats RATS AM) ( ATS Editor. Daily News, How appalling it is to read of the tremendous destruction wreaked by ttie almost unchecked rat Donulation here in COLD f - L" tiiKen out or the country at bv which the winning parly m LATE last week a delegation from Ootsa Lake, here to see the government, made public the settlers' protests against offers of compensation received from Alcan interests for homes and holdings which will be flooded in the company's B.C. hydro development. Members of the delegation said they consider the offers too low. They feel that they are being unfairly treated in the present negotiations, and they are not convinced that an arbitration hearing would bring them justice. The public of British Columbia is in no position to judge the merits of their case. The public knows ' little if anything about it. The public has been given as. little information on that question as it has on several other matters concerning the change in the country's topography which will result from damming rivers, flooding a large area of the interior, and diverting the water through a mountain tunnel to a new outlet. British Columbians appreciate the value of a half-billion-dollar aluminum industry, the payrolls it will bring this province,- the new wealth and the new development. They would still like to know what the project is going to do to Tweedmuir Park. They would like to know if the flooding is going to leave that territory's beautiful lakeland a cemetery of marginal dead trees. They would like to know what has been done to salvage the timber that will be inundated if it is not harvested. And they would like to know whether or not the settlers of Ootsa Canadian citizens who pioneered a rugged country are being pushed around. Preliminary inquiries made by this newspaper last year indicated that the great Alean project could be undertaken without substantial loss to British Columbia either in fisheries, park beauty or water use. The clear implication was that the province could acquire a huge new industry at a minimum cost in injury to 'other industries or other resources. Nothing has been said officially to contradict that impression. Nothing, in fact, has been said recently. The complaints of Ootsa settlers serve as a reminder of other questions that have been asked and have not been answered.-The people of British Columbia would appreciate word from their elected representatives on these different points. Surely they are entitled to that information. Victoria Times. Prince Rupert. Not oniv do they ulu 0 vn tourist. uouDie naa would win in a two ay fight, i damage marketable goods but, 'el1 allowed. Bankruptcy, which' i (1(,y raid : I most important, constitute na iln J-1 ys:,unl. rnust decline ' they Plnd the rali .tween par'v a real health hazard. ; and disacepar. Tne new chancel- A ad parly al)(1 lnen m, The amount of food.sturf.s ac- re'u.!'-es to a,nx",ly- e that ratio to the third power . . ., Mud rhmirt; Mill IIImIu ivt.rn r : (fanned V , s-r&illOl! many eaten Dy the rooentfl is ' "J " " That is, "Cube It." The aiuwer nlmnst nnllrihu n ..,. ,-tuir, ueiore urmir iney wiry 0 ilt:i e c o uiue m e better Ijrilt'l. ...... ...nt U . u.. ..f juii i will uc UH iiuiuuri ii i) to what thev foul ! Spending abroad, will be slashed seats by which the leading party If anyone needs eye glasses, ho will win. They cited several rat ex f will pay the shot. and not the ex- i - "5 ing th firf4 . am pies to prove It npplyl This certainly calls for the utmost in planned action. It is most commendable that govei nnunt. H YtniH CDOCESS lormula to piist elections, FOR THE benefit of old timers like me who either never could do tills 'Tube It" stuff or el'e the health authorities, as well ,, ," a civic authorities, have set up 'T s FAKl'LOl'S a special committee to delve On, of the most fabulous cn- into methods most effective to RlneerltiR jobs, under way in rid us of this bane. North America today is the have forgotten how-get your The three pdints already Aluminum Company of Canada's hiov rhn,.i nnt t dn it Everybody's Talking About This Great Razor iarp "' ' .established are all excellent in power project in British Colum-' - . . controlling rats, but are self- bia, savs the Canadian Geora-' 'i hJIVk, rf . hllI. fnl limiting, s iney do not begin phical Journal. It's completion TJrlJtTL?,rZ observation is they are more i to attack the rat in eithr home will lnerena r-nriov i my i.,'.,r...,. , " ' ' ' , likely to have the-riKht answer or warenouse. j and powep amonj the world ,t : Gillette nsms&M tha.i the .son I Poisoiii is not too effective family of nations and provide ' around the home, as only too benefits and optvirtunitios wrrtvh often our dwellings are made flew from constructive and suc-t .f ful enterprise. But don't do it expecting to get some marie key to the rii-'ht answers. Fur the EnKlLsh professors with their "cube it" fo-mula were even further off the COMPUTE WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE ILADES IN DISPENSER! (most unpleasant by the burial of stricken rats in inac big $a.oo value X A cessible places. ' j It does strike me that we have bl,t 'l assuredly is the most I too long overlooked one of na- economical and utmost the most For Only V. " Sk V logical. JERE'S thf grenlrst baignin in shaving ni.ioryi history! U' i . th m new new Gil let tc Rocket Rror and the mazing Gillette Blade Dipensrr, now packed in & permanent Styrcne rvrl cote. This razor charges blades inttantly, shaves like a dream. For tops in shaving ease and convenience, buy a Gillette Rocket Razor Set-only $t 20- Too few of us realize what a willing worker and natural friend we have in Fells Dumes-' FIRST AID FOR BABY'S FIRST SNIFFLE A nt''P In tim oftt-n mivwi nine. Ko I ture a most elfective controls by not encouraging cats! Now our feline fellows may not be everyone's idea of a companion but, rest a-ssured, he is one of the best rat traps. It has been proven that the domestic cat hunts best not tica. H Ft 13. NAVAL RE-UNION LONDON l Canada's high i when, forced to do so to exist but from the compulsive instinct commissioner in London, L. D. j Wugress. will be among guvsts to destroy his natural prey in . . Instant ch.9,9 Had. Iv' " sfi ' Real Shaving iK'X t comfort rSr'sc r-" Wi-.e, him UiKe tm airnjii imitsiU ion fit hfil.y's lii-t ffiM-.- or sniffle. iiw Hfl.y Own TaltleU to cUnr littlt bowel of iin-ttt irnr at mler inN that makf lul. fl'l'tilll, f-Vtrixh iilili liltM-'iurtHf Kht- v-- ( to n itd io kel p u tM-nlh. lji-iwm-H iiully for Iml'v'fl (it in tttc h1i ui. Mm! v Own TrIiMh hv a InxRtivi' m-luifi m Kt-nll. yft niMMily ant tb- rhef xh-y tuintr K"k a long way tnwni'l kivuxii t-i'.iiy cmi-fot-t white natiirf v-rrs to rm- -(. Hwt'l-UtinK. i'.miiy'n Own 'i'at mv b-n iim-iI dy rnoitt-!'" fi.r ? u n. n putkuffv tiKlay. HOP lit tirLlKlstS. at the annual re-union of the Western Approaches Command on Nov. 23 honoring the part; the Balance of nature. The average householder could very easily discourage rats by Scripture f-aiiatfe for JoJai simply keeping a cat. I do not played by the Canadian Navy imply by this that he tnust be witn Bnash forces in the Battle "Thevc went virtue out of him, made Into a pet. In our mild ol the Atlantic. and healed them all." St. Luke 6:19 climate, all the animal needs is some form of shelter and to be fed fairly adequately. ; For a warehouse operator, it ; entails a degree more planning. ! Each floor would require its in- I dividual hunter who should be provided with food and fresh ! water constantly. The cat tribe ' Is usually very fastidious, so I some provision must be made ! for sanitary purposes. Usually a box of sand suffices. i No doubt this jvlll prove to be a controversial suggestion, ' PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING. DEVELOPING, PRINTING ' w. ENLARGING EXFOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 13G Box 478 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage CompMv Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 ASK FOR SCOTLAND'S FAVOUKITE SON il'Cy?.')&l Spread ths uosdmvs fnrnm ; -- 7 with a fbvor"sivest as cl01' WALKER General Electric WASHERS SCOTCH WHISKY IORN 1 820 STIll GOING . STRONG $gO.50 real good Scotch up J , it. I., Rupert Radio & Electric 1 Shines brighter than ever! 2. Shines longer than ever! 3. With less polishing! 1890 Distilled, Blended una Bottled in Scothind Content 26Vi oa, JOHN WALKER & SONS LTD. Scotch Whfcy Oilfillers KILMARNOCK, SCOTLANO Freshnc5 Exclusive new blendinv of the C. JOHNSON & SON, LTD. Brantford, Ontario guarcn' ly Kraft basic ingredient perfected by Krttftn'akcs Parkay taste even better than be for el This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED .-.PVERTISHMENTS BRING RESULTh