Prince Rupert Daiiy News Thursday, November 8, 1951 How Pioneers Came North News pf the District Jameg Newman, 1905. James Morgan, 1909. Harold Bennett, 1906. Ranger Band, who took psses-: sion of the Island. The clearing, beaulification, and protection of j the forest and wild life were the aims ol the Young Ranger boys and girls, under the guidance of Walter Wilson, former Forest Burns Lake Smallest Public Park By EVANGELINE VANN Ranger Island Testimonial To Youthful Ingenuity And Industry glittvred in the sun. The red of the buckbrush vied in brilliance with the stems of the rose bushes. A flight of mallard passed overhead. A "bulterbail" swam ahead, as we chug-chugged dawn the lake. The aa k green .pruce, whoi.5 cones glowed warmly red, showed up amidst the olive green of the leafless Continued on p:'.re 8 Victoria Machinery Depot, who Is supe, intending the operations. : "I came out from John Brown's .shipyard, Glassow, in 1942," volunteered Jim. 1 "She is R0in to be cut into six ' sections, the whole ships weighs sixty-eight tons. This piece Recorded in Interesting Book in Walter Wilf-an's Possession BURNS LAKE Excerpts from the register of attendance at a banquet of the Pioneer Association, held in Burns Lake in 1944. under the chairmanship of A. M. Ruddy, will be of interest to readers. This book is now in the possession of Walter Wilson. Those who entered the district after 1919, were not eligible to Young Prince George Farmer Awarded Trip ,.... Tommy McKinley, 1910. Cecil Bennett, 1907. William Nelson, 1908. John Matheson. 1909. J. V. Henkel, 1904. Tom Allin, 1910. Edward Blackwell, 190?. Those Who Entered Via the Skeena: Michael Tuohy, S.S. Fort Simp I Ferry Jut up . v.NGnLINE VANN 1 , lake Vessel as a! m H t,i'" B"'11 ,11 KllMTt Ranger here, who took me out to . the island in hia canoe. j The day was Irosty, and sun-n. The )ook-out on the hill I wnii n is CIHB cut off now, I weighs six tons, and the next piece 6'i tons. She will bs I pulled luruier up the ways as we cut her. .Then she will be loaded son to Haz-Jlton, by foot to Tat- attend the banquet. Included in i aho-f 1908 h .. . . , ft : a the following analysis., are somej Antnony RuadVi ss. skeena The character of the kaleido-icope is it's unpredictability. Turn it, and it changes from the cold geometrical design of commercial enterprise, beautiful in itr way, to something warmer, if of those pioneers, who entered jgjg bis LAKE The old 011,0 low bed trailers for Burns . icrry Is beiiiR cut L. and then onto flat cars by japped out. Quite a rail to Chase, where she wiij be up to 1912, and 1913. The names, Henry Hansen, Skeena, 1910. George Lawson, Skeena boat, lifi-f" in "'u iiu usea as a lerry on Shuswap Lake, i tins been obck ana after being welded together. Erie will have a new steel deck, I, the lake for twenty- ' If v . -j A - I f: 'At ,i more elusive, the fruit of ful ideals. The tmallest public park in I Canada, an island of an acre, one ! mile down the lake from the ! village of Burn3 Lake, is the re liH.t as sound as she wonctpn saloon house, new wheel t was maue in i i mix ..-uo.., .v fcvwu olicw mjain .11.: some of whom arc now dead, fall into natural categories. Native Daughters: Dorothv McLarr;-. born Ootsa Lake 1913. Kathleen Kemppio, born Ootsa Lake. 1912. Luly Morgan Beaver, first white child born at, Ooisa lHkt 1911. Vera Frank (Mclnnis), native daughter, bom round about this time. 1909. D. Malkow, Skeena, 1908. Jack McNeii, Skeena to Hazel-tcn. 1905. Mrs. Larry Warner, steamboat to Hazelton, 1911. C. H. Sawle. Ske-.-na, 1911. R M. Carro!!, Skccr.a, 1303. Dune McGibbon, 1908, SS. Distributor, 1908. J. E. Anderson, boat to Hazel- of ttva engine. t-M Jim I"v' sult of the work of a Young Itral Interior TRAVELS ton, walk to Telkwa, pack by Ivy Strimbold, Topley, 1909. ! Houston to Ootsa Lake, 1911. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLERS STIDIO 215-4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Tifliini, Rnnn'i fbv storki, written tnus in reg- A. R. McDonnell, steamer to Lster. Hazelton, 1908. Thoe Who Entered Jas. A. MacDonald, Vancouver From BHIa ( oola: . i to Prince Rupert, S.S. Camosun, George I. Culp, 1910. Rupert to Haeelton, S.S. Inland- J. C. Uarker, 1905. . j er. Olaf Anderson, 1907. ' 'Continued on page 8) 1 ) psyalqtv I CANNED FOODS i RADIO & APFLIANCL SALES SERVICE CAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC rhone Blue 99i ill:.? to Ramble on what i Royal visit, has only had time iif roads will be from to kiss his wile, before he has ' flirmr. around Burns had to be off again. aj whole gamut from i Lift to Decker Lak with old mirv through chocolate ' acquaintances Erwl Achelik, and :;Sji! and carmel fudge, Paul vidmann, and ntv; ones , plough. New flight Walter Lipke from Belgium! and -t friend in all al- Steve Gross, in latter old Chev. $.1 xnirsions. All new Canadians, and glad to iji:!iK of alarms, still be here. X9md of n"1" o'clock J Mr.;. Parker hit the u.-k-pot ii-nt!y started again, when community effort bid th rushed out thinking . rarkers farewell with handsome Selected to attend the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Nov. 13-21, to compete a British Columbia candidate for the T. Eaton Company Scholarship, which will send the winner to agricultural college for a four-year course, is Keith D. Johnston, of Prince George. Winner of the scholarship will be .selected tru; first day of the fair by a panel of six judges. Johnston, who has been farming since he graduated from high school, has elected to enroll at the Unlver-fty of Saskatchewan, if he wins. S'W of a Pr'nee Gorge fa'mer, the 21-v. ar-okl can- rfr-, aiiti louna sn ny Rift money. Mis. Parker going to ;.;: :!ine silting peaco- buy new bracelet for watch, and '. tli.w:ovcred brlu? rlwn rhiR. when she gets to i .uri to be ddivvrcd Vancouver m.i Mr nr..) n 1 mm warn unro &m mm 'Eans, newly arrived partners of! didate has been ytive in calf clubr since 1043 ana has twice IT PAYS TO PAY PROMPTLY Crediv is n nreat convenience . . . this ptivilznc vill be yours, if you pay your Charge Accounts bv the 10th of Each Month and Installment Accounts on Due Dates PRINCE RUPERT RETAIL CREDIT GRANTORS' ASSOCIATION ment. um living: in thr- K ins, who have taken over .-$-:! c. Fneid Margaret cafe. Mrs. Parke: going to stay room, -'aid: "Oil. I with Mrs. H. 1. Ccvaln, Clemrct-lot'll you when you first ta, before !(&. ng for Vancouver. r1jt i,(. you had visitors, At home of and Mrs. Cai-Ki:iss ln yur tran- wa, smonR s:ketion of healthy ' ;: duster neatly plains noticed African violet, . fc'n hallway, by way of filVorilc of mine, propagat- viii. Visitors or no, Cd leaf, and becomine verv been a member of the local team selected to c iiiipete in finals. While in Toronto, the candidates will tour the fair, attend dinners as nests of the Royal and Eaton's, see the Santa Claus parad a hockey (tame and tour local industries. The World's Largest Selling Light Portable Sawmill Make big profits cutting lumber with a Bctuw portable MwmiU for locl yards, neighbours or for your own use. Belsew it simple lo let up end operate even beginner get good results. MORE "WATTS" FOR YOUR MOJfEY! DepcnrY:le Morriton Diesels now develop more electric power: 3000 watti and 6000 walti tl 1800 R.P.M. First cost, operating and maintenance costs arc lower than gasoline or other deisel sets . . . World (amoui Morrisons arc "Self regulating" and "Switch -ilarting," come fully equipped, ready tor use. Order your compact 1 Mormon plant today . . . new stocks in transit. Price complete 6000 Watts S1 760 3000 Watts $1 340 Write for "Free" illustrated literature. '""'t.""Urt, 1 -16 , Fast mechanical feed, post tire top dogs, steel con-structton and built-in a'sff?iaSiat z. 3MkaV safety features make -v the Beltaw pon r I ill L Hwmin in KV 4. . V : I 1 lield. For full infomte lion, writs, wke hoi, r"'V('r k""P" popular. Mr. and Mrs. Oust An-' i:o;.(l to keep out derson had prepared for Hal-' t i'as ,(l through what lowne'ers with big bowl candles,! Jl mind, that ready fur "treats or tricks.'" j . ; . ,u-;;i.uly ke-n, ah Consumed delicious cake com-; I :,"s ' V('ry 6nor -'r "' mrntliig on rum flavored icing.! I "Its a man's icing, though to be! it.uf'.it now desirabk truthful, I like It myself." Learn- i ' f sn tf'nH would be ed Mrs.. Anderson's daughter-ln- j I ar.ii c!.i:ren. Village law. Principal Pendleton Bay! 4 wnpe for between school, and Kennie Anderson,1 '4 ' thousand Peonle proprietor cafe in Houston. Was t'.is'rii t. Ni, where for able to show snap I had taken of : 1 baliics to go while Kennie, with mountain goat he f: wen folk. had .shot recently. ! ivi h Mrs. Kflway. son Black magic indeed abroad !-f!'!l finally got away tills Hallowe'en. No vehicles for filter washout on line. Burns Laka for ages, so walked j RCN.. so will not with black cats and rode-with I ;l t Xmas. witches on their broomsticks, and B' ll here on business, was that the wail of a lost soul? i .ViUiam Rumvey com- Thought of fun ln youth at home, Ti::ii;e.'t to be General .-poanir.g out mashed potato, in! -jSci Tri'i'iimiilr Motors, wlrch was hidden silver coins.! : at hospital to see bobbing for apples ln bowl of! : v-inyit, burned badly water, biting apples on strings, ! j Fox lost Hie in cabin ' and parading with turnip lan- :f n wirks ago. Michael terns. By this time, feeling lost Ha-i badly burned ; soul myself and very cold, until 'f under heated tent. : ' tescued by truck driver. On entry out accident policy to Burns Lake found road strewn f b lure fire, so hospi- with hazards, and progress like ! irtunutely taken care I obstacle race. Children had p 1 ' be out just yet, Itakm over, the fire bell clanged, ! mil chat with SkI. I soap for windows demanded or phone: LX . exausivt a c tMSinamon HEAPS WATEROUS LIMITED It WtSTMINSICa afclTIStf CfMUMBM Special Announcement for Persons Not Registered With B.C.H.I.S. or Persons in Arrears of Premium Payment 'Witigs ever the interio: 47 lo tf'-rtnn. M 'I lll!J. J here from Ru- i "In ats." or else. The curfew Terrace daily Prince George C! extensive terri- I wa'ls. treats and tricks are over. tMlCh 'er. an. and being extra ! gntwl will triumphs over evil, and lo Hities c.onneeted with I till is well. TITANIUM . . . the magic ingredient rnakes it . . . You mav ow qualify for B C.H.I.S. benefits after 14 davsfrom date of payment of current premiums und?r the following conditions: Poy 6 months premium for the lost half of 1951 ond 6 months premium for the first half of 1952 ' and Agree to pay your arrears in rcqular instalments of $4.00 a month starting by December 31, 1951 The acceptance of these terms must be made before Nov. 30, 1951 HOW TO ACT Go to yiiir nearest B.C.H.I.S. Collection Off ce or lo the office of any Government Agent tc lnalce the nece.siary arrangements OR fill in the form below and send it with your remittance direct to the Commissioner, B, J.h.I.S., Victoria, B.C. RFMEMBER this arrangement must be completed before November 30. -1951 and that after that date it is the intention of B.C.H.I.S. to ENFORCE PAYMENT OF ALL ARREARS in any manner permitte.'. by the Act, without further delay. INSTRUCTIONS RE FORM: Complete this form and mail it to the Commissioner, jiCHIS, Vatoria, together with a cheque or money order for one year's premium, ;;., ,.mrii .in Timo an 1155 ( ssfl. for ft sinelp Derson. $42. for a Derson with one V? ..will ond Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kifimai end Kemano Daily ExceDt Fridays from TERRACE B.C. LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince Kupcrt Terrace Phonp Black 907 Phnr.e 133 to iltfl glossier quicker-drying better covering for kitchens and bathrooms. .. . .'..,- annnHnntvi if vnn hiivp not. nrpviouslv reeisterefi or do m Check Below For Your Nearest Bapco Paint Dealer not know your registration number, writs to B.C.H.I.S. for a registration" form. You will be eligible fur benefits 14 days after mm TU Inrann'mn U fk rcult tf Brifish Columbia - IIW .Vl,w..-J - Hospitcl Insurance Inquiry Board recommendations. BRITISH COLUMBIA HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE r;ftT"' ElTI lj 'I E ET EN j! 0?& i aink iho YLVIA HOTEL your home and revel in Wis of beauty beyond your window as you Kenurst for Instalment Payment of Hospital Insurance Premiums Hospital Insurance Commis ,ioner, Victoria, B.C. j Hor pi tal Insurance No -t (print fuli.namel ' 1 0. B.C., hereby make application to pay my Hospital iprint fuii address l Insurance premium as follows: (1) Payment of one year's premium, amorp'ing to $.. Is enclosed herewith (see above for rates i CM Payment of my premium arrears will be marie bv me in regular monthly instal- mentr cf $4 00 each The first instalment will become due on Dec. 31, 1951, and subsequent instalments will be due on the last day of each month following. (S I will be notified of the amount of my arrears and will be sent a schedule of my instalment payments. jiline in the sky" . . . enjoy the comfort of sleep-I inviting rooms away from the rush of I traffic, but close to town . . . luxurious service 'spitality that has a warmth to it. 1 Olorlon, vlawi of a Bly-ilUUi rric t. and nmnMUIn. V 1 ISHAT; VSSV''' JK. XtHRIFTY CHOPPERS . ARE SAYING! yy- I JACUUM PACKED J'ITAMin d increased VAPopaTI Ml M0on,, .. A Dlninr-room and Ooff Bar racUltlei lor oooklnf jour own maala. Ifi "U-contaln.a Cloa. to utt. town ,rtM"lf Atmoaphara O Bataa (ha moAarata kind. n-:r ' Signed Aif 3J1 H.lltard C. lyla, Mono9'n" Dlraclo J