Prince Rupert Dallv News 'PCRSONALIZED Thursday, November 8. 1951 i ffi&fr UMllcSS CARP ENTERS (CLOSIKE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In. advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c pel Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage tu:d Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. MARGARET V 1 FOR SALF WANTED - .. If you want to sell it, adversise. WELDING Government 0:iiiVd Operators High IT'SKure Tanks Rcf ieciatinn Stacks anil Fire Fsraprs INDUSTRIAL WELPft!G CO. 22.- -lt F. D.tinj Orel ': HX4 M$mm lii ltl:l.i:.:.l;!:!!i., till,'1 FOR C See on larq selection of Holiday Card"; in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. BESNEK 151. Ol K Boby Pontics Bibs SlcCp3fS Sweaters Corduroy Overalls i'!!IIM!irr:'i!it!'';;!P ti:jj!"!i;i''fn.!: vv; !::' r' '!'i:""";i i:i!,i.iil..liln;;il!:'l!:!,.!li;:J,( Uf- l::tfi. ,'risi : .i'1 .1...'! !'.:... 'Sil HRISTMAS 1947 Austin 8 Sedan Phone Green 217 Have nil of your uwi fll! on our prvcitnoo nmrhin. Mrrhanirully i-turml joint- itiK. fMiiiK and artimir, Thty'H ut v--uitTt truer, PRECISION SAW FILING i:m I'KiCiwTT PLACE Cox Kii .station B (Aent: Eiis Terminal) lei rare ll.iil.l.ry Siiii John F: L. Hughes, D.C CHIROPRACTOR Hi'.-: 10:.".;)-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Uvea ; by appointment only 21 - 23 Hcsiier Blrtrk Phone nine 442 , , . . -r-r- C- k l I a r- I I VCIAKtN chakte::kd accountant rnmcj Blr.clc C13- 3rd Ave. W. Prince Uupeit, DC. "Iione 347 P O. Box 374 A P nArcDNFU c rn i CHARTLKED ACCOUNTAN1 .-, A. L. Bell. C A. 325 -4'h Avenue East P.O. Iiox 1217 Phone Hed 79 Cotir-si's Mu3ic Store A;:ents for the finest lu Musical Instruments piANoti tu::i;d AND Ll'Ct 'iNUlTiONED iio - nil fit f'h Bine 3H'j rsrvder dooic s' rn ACCOUNTAM6 AUDITOR Be, nrr niixk Phone 337 P.O. T.ox 130 HELEN'S DEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavjng Beauty Culture li: bl) its branches 204 -411-. K'lvet Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS. CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phono Blue 939 QUALITY KEPAIR3 For Downtrodden Heels . and Wc.m boles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC .SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER Fur Prompt and Courteous Srrvlrp Phone 67S 214-4th Street, Proprietor': Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander -Jl. ... 1 I WW itMUKlA- l II i I JOHN 11. BULGER Optometrist John Sulger Ltd. Third Avenui PlI0,-j BLUE. 593 P0. BOX m, wro-j "ulea air" o.. w' UJLL!', Ptionc B!u mo phor.p nr ,1 ? TERMINAL MESSENG5 All deliveries h'J; j FOR YOUR., finclc, St-,nc a::dE.! Tiie Selling ar.a p,, Wone K. SC'RB II! ue 8'M after!- HANDYMA' HOME SERV. OENERAi. C0J.TF.1.! fe.iil.lmg awl R,;i. . Rtxira - ciitsr OIL Bl'RMFi' PMOKES: P.O Box IS70 SIDNEY GON OITOMKiilE Complete Visual A: OFFICE 'IK 9 a.m. to 5 pa Oo. Conk's Jew MATTS0N UPHOLSTERS Phone Blue 126. PO 234 3rd Ave t Prince Rup'. h. g hflgfr: LIMITED REAL ESTATE i ST.: Phone 99 Evenings 8 Oil Hcatina So- LAWRIE MACKAT Blue 167 - B;i Complete service a ' hiirners and s'W Stoves, Healers, S.i PLUMBm end mm The Reliable Prompt Servie You Knc PHONE Jj ind All" For Repai" t "V WANTED TOP MAHKK'I i'niLiio f'Ai.D lor si'iao iiuu sieel. brass, inooer. lead, etc Honest cMadinrr. Prom in rjuv-nient made. Atlas lr.:n k Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. 3. C Jiione PAcuic tiitriT it?. WANTED Pinno in good condition. Phone Red 831. (2S2pi CASH lor ycrao cast. bra.s.s. cod-T)er. batteries ind ladiaiors Phone 543. Call iiZd 6lh Avenue West.. Cnv. It'P FI K KEPAIKS EXPERT fur repairs ' and remodelling. Fast service and low cost..' Fowiie & Ruttle Ltd. Phone 522. (tf AOIOIMANTS PUBLIC ACr.TJNTANT. Iniimir Tfx sneciaiist. S, (1. Fork Stone Building. Red f!!3. I2timi NOTICE TIIE Morrison-KiimKen Com-1 pany of Canada, Ltd., has no authorized personnel representative or agent in the ' Prince Rupert area, and any j person claiming to repr?senl this eoimiany for any pjrrose; whatKi)fer shall be nroset nt- j erl unless in nossession of a letter of authority s'gned either by the Project Manager or the undersigned. Signed: R. ti. B. Holland, Ptrsornl Director. 1 2T3o IMPORTANT NOTICE I DI E to line difficulties manv of our customers have found it imnossible to oMain an answer hen calling our office during the past few davs. Ynti have our assuran (hat th's matief r c-'lfi.'rt a -non !s rosi-!e. t,A e riratt''"'. i 's re".ptrt'l iia o'" rii. toniT! , t'i w'th us in this regard. )) Taxi Co. 2n- TENDERS TFNDERR will h? received hv , v, undersipn"d un to S pti..! Fridav. Noveme- 0 10"1 iiin hit"'''.-' "r 1:' tjcMP ' office- ft ih". Cit" H ill, priii f?miert. Sne-lflcat'ons roav h"1 . o'-ta'ned from tbn nffiep of the Roerintendent of Work". Th highest or any tender ivill i-ot ne"ssirily be aceoted D r. PtnWa!t, Suprinte-''em of Works. (2H2-I :.N m FS.ATJ C- BRCCE BARCLAY STEVt. S. DiICEASEi.. TAKE NOTtC.-li Unit S3 Admlnli-trrilru, dmy fijipnlntf-a i.y the f'ourt. of tho fst:U(? of Dnici H.;rcl:iv St. V-m. wlio tilp'l m ,'rmct itllllTt. British Columljia. on the mh tly of SepttmbiT, 5i. I require all j creditors and other.n having claims ! anainst tho said estate to wild the i same to nle, prop.-f.y verilied, at tlR-address mpntioneti below on or h -fore the loth day of December. 11)61. after which date I siiiiH proceed la flisti ibute the estate to thore rn- I titled by law. having' rceartl only to such claims of which I .shall then have been notified AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that oil persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. this 23rd day of October. 1 !5 1 . Dorothy Stevens. Administratrix of the Estate of Bnice Barclay Stevens, deer-used. eo Brown & Karvev. Barrls.era and Solicitors. Box nsn. Prince Rupert. B C IO20 27.N2.3) GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT ( Sect ion 27 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE Is hereby fiivcn that, on the 3rd day of December next, the on-derslKned intfuids to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence number 9270. Issued In respect of premises beini; part of a building known as Savoy Hotel, situate at 618 Frnser ...... ... ,1, vii,; ,,j r nice ItooerL, In the Province of Briiisla Colombli. upon the lands described as Lots 11, 12. 13. 14 and IS. Block 33. Section 1. City of Prince Rupert, Map number 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbin, from Willis 1, Woods to Hart Investments Ltd . of 426 Standard Biiildinit. 510 West Hustings street. Vancouver, British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 5th day of November. AD. 1951.1 HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant and Transferee. By: Max Osten. Esq.. 42 Standard Building. Vancouver. B.C. IUi Solicitor, (270c) VANCOUVER Just a few minutes after the policeman on the .beat had stopped for his niiihtly chat and departed, the nifrht attendant at a garage here was confronted by an armed hold-up man who robbed the till of $35. Fabrication A f'ift tf a Watch is always appropriate. E.:o :i e today about our convenient Iuy-a-vay plan. GEORGE COOK j,..,lL PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE FOR SALE 50 Morris Minor, 7000 miles. Also garage. Owner forced to sacrifice. Phone Dave Jones, Green 328. or can be seen at 1233 Water St. j 266pi FOR SALE--52 horsepower Viv- inn dies?! engine. Can be seen j in running condition. Phone Black 935. (234p) FOR SALE Cream enamel oil burner fan?e, coal grates in-i eluded. Phone Black 052, (265pi FOR SALE Remington type- j writer, practically new. Phone I 352 before 5 p.m. 2G2p FOR SALE 1950 Flvine Standard two-door sedan. Hiahest bidder. 817 9th West. (2';6pl FOR SALE Kitchen tables, chairs and two electric ranges. Phone 437. i263ci LOST LOST Brown handmade leather wallet with initials J.D. Re- ward. ' 2fi5p for nr. t IFOR RENT Sleeping room, Green C98. G13 6th West. 1 263c) FOR RENT Two-room cabin, furnished. Suitable for couole. Apply 612 7th West. iltpi !L03T Small blaok nurse con- taining glasses and keys and change purse. Finder please leave at Dailv News. (2R2p FOR RENT Housekeeping room t r working man at !K0 l ;t We t. Aoniy 221 5th East (252?) fOT A NKW HERTZ U-DHv phone 530. Bus Terminal. ?nrt ciV"l 2nd. (233o Fnw RifMT (jen"-al Eiectr-o V,s(.n fiine 1(92 Pacific E'""- r'e ftfl 41 IT-DRIVE CARS. Phone 11. "It Orenville Court. (tD rO'l RPNT Smi' r.leening room. Phone Bla?l: 232. (202ni WAXT..I) TO RENT WANTED Government employee seeks furnl-hed housekeeping room or apartment. Phone 540 betwen Oam. and 5 p.m. or se?, Eric MarUn at Court House. 1232'j1 WANTED TO RENT Immedt-1 alely, bv Cellulose cmplovre, -two .'".-hGol-ae children, fur- ni.shed suite, house or cabin, i Phone Dick, Black 241. (232p) URGENTLY REOUIRED Two' or three room house or suite, respectable "oupie, two children. Ai?e Hansen, co Dom- i inion Construction. 264m p ! WANTED TO RENT Reward $25 00 for suitable 3 or 1 room suitn or house. Couple, one j child. Can give references. Red 505. 204p) HOrSES WANTED TO Bl Y I WANTED to Buv or Rent-House. close in. Wiil pay cash. Box 232, Daily News. (2G2pi REAL EST AVE FOR BALE Pronertv situated on 203 3-ri Ave. W consisting of a good dwelling of 4 larue rooms and a bathroom. One of the best business locations in the citv. Brings in stood revenue. Apply at B. C. Clothiers in person. (206c ' SEE THIS! The last eood view lot on Fourth East. 65 feet wide and 150 feet I deep, .sweeping view of entire j narrmr. rseven new nomes ail with'n noo feet distance. Close to schools, stores, and all services. If you are thinking of building you could find no better prope-ty or location. Price reduced for immediate sale. See Frank Wilson or Alton Armstrong at ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Eves. Green 297 (2G7ct FOR SALE Indntril lot dl and 49. block 17. Section 1. Next Imnerinl M;'clrr" Works Tots am pleaded and fined Annlv Standard Machine Rhon ' (H) CARS FOR SAt.E FOR SALE 1951 Studebaker Reaal rieluxo five uas.s5ncer coune. verv low mileice C"n be financed. Contoc R. Pavis No. l, Summit Apts. wrt 271'. (2f,nD FOR SALE 190 Pontiac four door sedan 2 tone. Can be financed. Apply 415 7th Fust. (264p) Light Conversation is a VOU'LL FIND lit WHATEVER VOU WANT IN 3) THERE T3S ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Eastern Star Bali. Nov. 9 at Masonic Temple. Prc3iy!oriitn Church Ua.-.iar, November 15. - Conrad P-TA card party, November K, 8 p.m. The Women of tiie M:?-).se Fail Bazaar, November K:. Cathedral Bazaar. Nov. it. l.O.D.K. Fail Bazaar fJoeemusj 12. KeLstered Nur.T.Vs Association dance, F.'iilay, Nov. 23. St. Peters fa;: bazaar, N.a vember 29. Job's Daughters S.-otch dance, Friday, Novemji r 30, Ai :iiories. Salvation Army Heme League sale and tiu, D?:. 5. Sa.vation Army Hail. . United Church V. A. Fall Bazaar, Dec. 6. I'KKSONAL j COASTAL CAFE i O.con All Night j 3 1 8 6th St. . I Tak? Hi mo j FISH & Cfiirs, HAMBURGERS j ! cv Piionc iwd 92 for (U live, y ; ATTEND the dan:e of the year,' Monday, Noveir.ji'r 12. Cuna- than Ltgion Bad, Lsiwa and:-' t .riL'.m. Eve:ytoJv " ax-Ijohu. ' S1.;;U p. r eop.e. (2G4c : iMAI.t UV.LV WANl'F.U WANTED -"iM-abTcma:-. as l;av:er;h A line o.)- liurtuni. v to t,.n ilito a iiro-i'. loIc bu.sir.Ci.i neve llavvleiiih j r Products have hem ;;old tcr years. Exp-.Tkncc not necessary. Writ.! Ra-,v:ei.ih's, Dept. - W(j-K-rj'j-lj3. vVim.i)Ji. - SALESMEN W ANTl3 j CALENDAR SALESMEN . Or Experienced specialty salesmen required. Must have good connections and be accustomed ti travelling. Weil-. known and very pop.ilar line results in top earnings on hi'h ' commission basis. Full range ! of advertising sp"cjalties also1 carnea. rj.rz season just starting. No objection to other non-competing line. Car necessary. Write Box 234. Daily News, today. ( 203 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE Oak buffet $25.00, china cabinet $20.00, coal and w-od heati.r $15.00. Phone Had 928. t264p) FOR SALE -Two kitchen chairs, baby crib complete with mattress, Baoy stroller, pr. ice skates, single hot plate, combination radio and "records, buffet. Bla::k 022. I203pi FOR SALE-1 torchiere lamp, 1 table lamp, 1 reading lamp 2 dressers, 1 bookcase, 1 radio. 1 china cabinet. 1 fridne, 1 washing machine, mirror. These are all in first class condition, .selling very cheao. Phone Black 243. tf) FOR SALE Rifles: The accurate hi?h powered Canadian Ross .303 British caiibre 6 shot repeater. Three models to choose from at our amazingly low nrice o' S3 9 50 Write for free illustrated folder. Dealers' en-nuiries invited. Target Rales Com nan v. 2G1 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario ITF.S-H) FURNITURE for Sale-Bedroom rues, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) NATIONAL Machinery Co Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawnill. LoERine; and Contractors' Equinment. Enauir-ies invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1. B.C. FOR SAT E Bovs- and girls' all-wool lined jackets, eonts and ski oants. verv attractively tailored. T ess than ffctnrv cost. B. C. Clolhiers, Th'rd Ave. (tfi FOR SAI E Fawcett oil burner. Phone Red 232. (205p) BLOND1E ( I'LL GET VOU MV BIG I CAN'T FIND THE) WOPC I WANT IN MV LITTLE j I DlCTlOMAPV vs . AWARDED MEDAL Pte. Cur tit Ora Bell, 25, of Sussex, N.B , has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in action north of the Imjin River in Korea last August. He is a Bren gunner with the Royal Canadian Regiment. iCP from National Defence i he P. asscnteri To Vancouver ( today t Miss I.. Younpnian, G. C. Taylor, W. Tochvr, Mr. Harrison, J. Sadler. Annual horse sales at Ka-punda in South Au.strajia attract buyers from India and other parts of the East. c;i:oiu.e uawes AUCTIONEER fhnn r.rrcn 810 and Hed 127 Ceil 363 I FO!t r.ETTI.R . . . Planning Cuilding or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE I.IMITFD Builders & Con traitors VANCOl'VLK VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STnWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QVEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Nov. 9 and 23 ss. Chilcotin FOR SOI 'Til QIT'.KN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S3. Chilcotin, Nov. 2, 18 and 30 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince, Rupert Agent Third Aver.ue Phone 568 pKiNr:E m;i'EnT land recopdino Ij I STRICT TAKI5 NOTICE thut CoUimbl:' Cellulose Company, Limited, tit I'rinc Rntrt. British Cfjlumbla, intf-iuls t,o ;ipp!y for a least- fur the purpiw (if loK stfirap b'nmliip Krounas on lund.i ' dcsrnbffi as follows: CommciKini; at a pnst wliich if; srt. at thp NoriJjwefit cornpr of Iot, 7HfJ3, ndnu-p 6. Const ntstri;.. unci running Westerly alonrj the snore to the Northerly rxtrcmity of lcjdley Island; thenre Southerly to the Northwest corner of Jit 7:(B4; thence Northerlv alon the North boundary of IJtt 7384 to the Northeast corner thereof: thenrp Northeasterly to a nnint on the South bomulurv of Irt 7riH3 1033 3 feet E:tH?erly from the Southwest corner tnereof ; t hence Westerly and Northerly alonj; the lound;try of Lot 7383 to the point of nelnntnf and containing an a re of .SIXTY aeres more or imm CrI,TTMHI CKl.M'LOSE COMPANY. LIMITED Hai- L. Johnson A"ent. (018 25, N1.81 By CHIC YOUNG yiITt'",!l"KC l.iti" ... hi ,i,i.i.ii..:L;Mo:..;h-iili,..1!iiii,iii:..itt;..,iijii:ii.-,iit..;''...;;i,,,::,; ;,:,;',!:,;. i,j 1 1950 Austin Pond 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 11950 Prefect Sedan 11947 Crosley Coach Superior Auto Service Ltd. - '4 - 4 Third Ave. VV. Cone to the aid ol the pcity with . . . TO -FLOOR SANDINC Rcnf a Sdndcr . . . or hove your sanded by experts GREER & BRIDDEN 215 1st Avenue we p()B0,: -J SJ 'A, zl I'"' .' I IX, f . H ( VJWDS VWEPE so ; Baptone Basic Tone' In 10 deep base colors thW " -mnlrm modern decorat decorative color su. easy to obtain 1 Thompson Hardware aJtiimie!it it not put.lnhed or displayed by the l iquor Conlrol hoard or hv tti Government ol British Columbia.