WAKY OK TKEATMKNT cuted. The man .said lie lui&iltfr BKLFAST A lather who 1 feml fium the same coniplrUrit, Prince Ruuort Daily News Thursday. November 8, V.i'jI ieiu;((i to let his nine-year-old DAILY NEWS bad l.ceived the same tem-" ment, and believed it to be hartum ful. daughter .ret.?ive special treat-meat for an eye complaint was warned that he might be prose- Dodgers Now 'Baseball and ;lp 0 CRT S Trust Laws i Losing Money WASHINGTON, DC. Q- Chairman Celler (Democrat, New Yorkp of the House monopoly committee, yesterday released figure showing that Brooklyn Dodger? earned profits of more rds on ; Game Rec LOC ANGELES C? Federal ' Judge Ben Harrison yes'erday di:miss:d a $375,000 anti-trust . altc brought against organized baseball by George Earl Olson, former player, who claimed he had ben placed on the "ineli-gibjj list." The decision was viewed with intense .iucresi Dy baseball official' here. . Judge Harrison said he was bound by a 30-year-old Supreme J F 1 f I tWest Coa t Possible than $2,364,500 fn m 1945 through 1949. Celler's committee is investigating organized baseball to find out whether it is operating in violation of the anti-trust law. A Brooklyn .spokesman said he thought it was appropriate to re 5 rtt-rs in this area have he best chance of anv , America to come in or special attention Court decision which held baseball was "not a trade or com-mertv" but sport. ..I Li,J a La X. ....... 1.3 wide publicity, Thai lease Dodgers' figures now since the owner, Walter O'Malley, announced recently that, the club lost $229,318 in 1350. a. is, ever since it has - coast of British in which Columbia Covered that the west 4 practically the only a The 7-at.M-s that pour over Niaga a T; Us .ome from a drainage area oi 255,001 square mi'es. J'. For Action Advertise! ON CRUSADER BRIDOE-Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh stand on the bridge of HMCS Crusader while the roya! couple travel from Nanaimo to Vancouver recently. Beside Hum is Rear-Admiral Wallace B. Creery, flag officer, Pacific Coast. (CP PHOTO) ,4(1 deer are pure-bred ' y liii is the prime factor the tost for coast or -Tall deer, v triuidit Mr. and Mm. area ,, fiti all the way from Blacl l n,lt. In Spt 1IU A UlWilWl III g Taeg Rjp.rt and on yuecii l.-'ands. Biitls ral years ago, Dr. I. Mc-?rt-Cowan, of University of li Columbia, established the liat somewhere in southern n and Northern California . nterinr Mule Deor betran - breidlng with the coast lOUKIMK ' "i""u ,, jpt t- thai the Islands and (,,.. stons of the West Coast t, 5 on the ALLEYS .( Diiuiv a recuru-grciin- inter Colu bia Black-Tail. j4f "coast" deer. Mr, ' r'rK uiive member of the ..A ('mr-liPf Club of New Tr Is startling discovery." says .i ta, "Ihrewacrick in all our Js ol Black-Tali deer heads, ". snunsors bis earned" F ,,,H ihp Miff (lamp e biggest ones were obvi- lur c :0 5i; tfircnce book. Is Inter-) Mi lured- md "' , ' Boll led in ously-In thss Dr. worki. Ladier.' Bowling saw some high scoring Tuesday when H. Schmidt of McKay's, in "B" division, rolled 312 for high single and 802 for high three. In "A" division, M. Haugan of Stars, rolled high with 273, and J. Walker of Dibb Print- hybrkls lor they were shot 1 1 area " McTaggfrt-Cowan now is ir on maps to show a line Hamilton to Football Final EiHllaiuL,. of de arkallon where this inter- . (fr.vune who may have Am a "bin head." - -jj m ivivate business a .jjiio illustrator for na-advertlsing agencies, Is Ulrica's greatest big sjjers when on holidays. . jpi iiis trips he Is ac-4 by his wife, a nimrod 11 p-owess. i. hotel room waiting to treri Mr. I ant; begins. II Is likely, says itz. that this line will be here In Northern Oregon rn, . . "nt. captured high three with 620. TORONTO (CP) Hamilton Khsi i.tm Tiger Cats Slithered to a 24-to-7 "A" Division Stars 3, Lyon 3, victnrv nvxr Tornnto ArennanU Ro 'ce 3, Wrathalls 2, Claverleafc some or W.shlngton. Th sg slates, however, have been o widely hunfcd that the yesterday, taking a 17-polnt McMecklns 0. savoy, o.' Dibb Print-lead in liome-and-iiome total inj 1, Skecna Grocery 1. Lucky-points Big Four Football Union strikes l noiiH.i-ts.So"5 mm mm semi-final second game at Hamilton. On Saturday the winners meet Ottawa Rough Riders in the final. deer r re far and few between. "Tl jt B.C. west coast area is there JCi"irc Hie likely place from wlier our fiitur; recci'ds for this leer . come.'' In lie Boone and Crocket Club annuis.l big game competition, ,hi.v ofjfi, V0 prizes for the More nd more ihopperi rc reiching (or Chsllenjer SALMON . . . popular became of iti fine, uniform quality. Tender and tasty because ft ii processed within a few hours after catching. Vini oukt on the Prince lie couple were enthu-jr their holiday here, ji vrr anywhere met so .' xepcnit've people , , . anted to help." is this couple a pair &if hunters. They are j ani of free-lance writers tors 3. Manson'a 3. Cook's Jewellers 2, 7S Taxi 2. Rupert Radio 2. Co-op 3, Shenton a 0. Commercial O. Sun-rl.se 1, Toilers 1, Seventh Ave. Mar. ket 1 KT.IMHNU "A" Division Lyons 24. R:ta Lee 19. Oordon & Anderson 16. Mc-Mrckins 15. Annettes 14. Savoy s 13, CloverloaJs 13. Lucky Strikes 12. ROYAL NAVY IKS T! Hockey Scores am .Stars 11. Wrathalli 10. Dlbb Print- M Hi e- IBM! on larges. and finest head in each c'assi s'irallnnof big same, a new D S !1 E R A R A R U IY1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the iJqgbrJ,,',, Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia lug 8. Skeena (jnx-ery l. -B" Division McKay's 21. Man SiHiasttaliia ion s 21. Commercial ;8. Big Sisu:rs Tioduced by Fishermen's Ca-operative Federation, Vancouver, B.C. ii 'i magazines, and their s fppear frequently In wsj as Outdoor Life, True "f in. i yueen Charlotte Is-,'4 and Mrs. Fitz were 14. Btirx-rt Radio I' 75 Taxi 1J Cook's Jewellers 1? Shenton's 13 Toilers 13. Seventh A' -.. Market 13 Sunrise 7. Co-op 3. National Dtt oil 4, New York 4 (tie) 1 J.onto 1. Chicago 0 Pacific Coast Victoria 5, Seattle 5 , tie i Tacoma 2, Edmonton 6 Okanagan-Wtst. International i Kamloops 7, Spokane 2. stand -rd lor measurinB heads hi'. L -.en adopted. Mr. Fitz was onco-KSr the first exponents of the new r-miethod which Is based on an a fr it regale measurement of both i. aorin, xz3t or rcrord-slzed be a rs, the I v ' ;ti il if ihcir UHir g Riiide, George tai lake out a II- i:st to '.lie r vs'lls. "on'y' measuriiirii1,, which hole! " any v - ater In the ivrord system Hon of the deer in Islar islands. Among that area," , th they saw Ron- 'i skiK: II npisiirtinent. e.l , from the author-hunter feels. Anyone Interested in establish $'. well-known outdoor front - ho the Iircis' Fiis irnl a "fine sue- ing a record for his trophy should contact her. says Mrs. Fitz, for r he k secretary of the Boone and Crocket Club. Her address is: Mrs. Granccl Fitz, secretary, Beone and Crocket Club, Records unadultortcd" Black (Mish not a record- -ceth lo base of skull added " tt'iig'li betwce.r theeye ' r (liinc has saddened the is (lie way the deer are d on thr Island. c are M hat Mint people practi-live on Hit deer all sum-a.nd winter, and that any-sjtn get awav with shootins; s maay ol them as they orket 1'IIt:c- "It hunt told ca'ly me:' our Just like. of North American Big Game,! 5 Tudor City Place, New York 17, j Mirror, -; rrrrrrntsr . . x tn SUPER WASHABLE! IMrs. Filz shot a black A. spoilsman, the hunt- 4 am'oiiim is to bag a i!5ti:r,rii r( every sp.cle a(j on North Amcrl- -!aent. he says. 1 ihik I've come t tills 'han anv olhnr I I wo SUPER SCRUBBABLE ! Rich as velvet. . . tough as rubber. . . newest miracle of research BASKETBALL ' SHOES ; in ll.e US." and a Tne '' t'il-niado photographs te'- s iifci beside his trophbs no 11 ' M:'0 ir. the North. vest wolvc N.Y. Ail entries for the next publication ol the Big Game Records library, to be published next October, must be in by April. 1952. .FORT FHANCI3. Ont. C, - A record size for this district, a stuii'.eon weighing C3 pounds was car, IT. by Milton Hirst in Lake of th. Woods. Up to this yeaf few ;turgeon have been caught in that spot, though it is famous for other types of fishing. Islands are Weal spots for s.ays Mr. FUz. for there are Srtural enemies, such as . coyotes or cuar. And r-i imuld be nunU.'l to kr-:p -a umbers Irom inbreeding -mjch, he maintains. deer t V I , -nali!r ;'jfoniy five hnie IS. today v io : -4 basRed '-he four "Bu such indiscriminate kU!-we notioed can onW end thing. Compictrt ejttinc- "iif pear'' big feame anl- Ing af men i .v?51 IS3SS2l J-&Qi' . fe'one. Dahl and Big- M and the coat. 1 f is fortyish and looks f " Uki' the founder nf ih i General Electric ana BOYS " and Crocket Club, Theo-R i velt, Including mous-' ':ed endsi and plncc- i.s;- a lot of B.C. game rV for many f the finest onipcord came from this :v..i From Smithers area, :"ar'-a,i: head won the :ort Hill Trophy for the " -mi.nd head of the year, !n ft, Musqua River coun- 'iio the nrize head of a ! S1D and from th same tn ,ho Prophet River 'i v.uiadian Moose have rec'ird firowth. M"T, way Mr- F'tz the B.C. west coast SHOES FOR M t N-S R , unc.S- I h "!.""! ,,vh S,.r K II ,. ,. lMsis I--s WITH PUMP SEE TIIEM TODAY AT -S4 P ..wirt" 3 REAMER FASHION footwear tomm bx. power Co.m YES - WILL AMAZE YOU ij- :ce George V Bcsncr Block l'hoiie 210 I 7 Prt rrr-m Rupert, B.C. r-1frrt-( '3 if - KAILS FOR beautifully, in minutes . . . lias no ollcnsivc' odor. One co.it covers most surfaces. Made by the makers of Kein-Tone and Keni-(tlo.$7.85 PER GALLON. SiiiH i Kciii- 1 'one conifs ready lo use. It needs no primer or uuder-toatt r .. . applies easily, perfectly on wallpaper, paint, plaster, wooi I or tnelal. 1 1 dries evenly, Va ncouver If sniM'U h Qi Intermediate Purls JFax I Eoch Thursday al u:i5 p.m. "Hi NOW ifcale Jhrco - ...for first-class spare-time training ashore and afloat which can help you get ahead in your civilian life! Now is the time! k1..KETCH'KAN H"SI)AY MIDNIUHI "u'V lit T.M.r rv. VltW ..... ' w ' jr& iWk .lfs. KEMGLO IS miracle lostr en-omel for kitchen ond bot' -oom wa ll looks and wolin tike lit baked notnel on yowr '''or Reservatluiu Write or Call tTY OR DliroT OFFICE U'lflranteed bv (6,2? Qfiron. The oiiginol o.l pjmt tKot nitKs wjth wtil?r. One gotlon. ihinnrd wilh wvtttr, mok on onei L Good Housekevpine Use all 3 of SI "i3M Slicse great homo c'ccraSinq aids 'itss' I'ltlNCE RUPERT new refrigerator actual cos) pr grillon U . I quart. only $4.20 BC. t 1 sk k fo Fua PAitncuuss on how you can rwor thi ADVANTAGES Of H.C.N.(k) TRAINING, PPiy TO. NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER H.M.C.S. CHATHAM, PRINCE RUPERT PHONE: 526 The Canada Paint Company Ltd The Lewe frothers Company l.ld The Martin-e-our Company Ltd. The Sherwin-WiHiarrs Ccmpuny of Canada, Ltd. - Distributers and Dealers from Coast ; 3 Coosf - KK 32