I I was NOT lixking at Just an Prince Rupert Daily News ' "J ..1 m It Is a fact that' the Jews t M' l)il!a!1 As I See It Wednesday, April 25, 1951 Finns Are Anxious HELSINKI Finns foresee a possible tightening of Soviet influence cer their little ' western" democra.-y situated at the gale-way to northern Russia. .lackers. "r I Bllt the In,. iMui-i, uiiu i-eiuiiiuy ine army of Israel, does not look so "Jewish looking" as we imagine that groups of Jews look In our own lands. Some wise or witty fellow explained this to me as follows "Most of the Jewish people in Western lands look pretty much An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnet Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. D. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director a. - ahivi.i 1 1 f f TV, ' more . . . I' 'Per j like everybody else. But some are clearly reconnizabl' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: as Jews. Hence, everybody assumes that Bv Carrier. Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c: Per Year, 1 obviously to "li-iKliborj.: ': They express apprehension that a change in the Soviet min-.ster here, announced April 8, might indicate a "get tough" .joliey on the part ol Russia, a hose puss has been firing $8 00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; P.r Year, $8 00. all .Tews look different. Here you know that this Is not so." Whether the above theorv U ISRAEL'S 1931 ARMY Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily Newt: i.ttf., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. J ? I . .-, - j-y iV " ' ! ' 1 i., ' !'. ,"''1 tpi AVIV TCP AIT? ! sound or not. I do not know. I 1J.UAV1V, J.-MvAL.. k10W thal tn., mpn ftnd m If J'OU travel quickly Over Ipeclally younger officers, look so fl,'rt ""I. Pur' H tiMi,,,,,. ; .; broadsides at the Agrarian-led Innish coalition Cabinet. Observers pointed to the fact that Lt. Oen. OrlgorJ Mikhailo- uarn crni.-n mat i iel a sham the whole state of Israel, as I did in the past few It "s fl'"m str,.n.k Ach Savonenkov, the minister, relieved of his duties" by the Kiv'mhn, was generally regarded ness. J sudden pang of sorrow that they are NOT now a part of the Com-monwealth. Had we had wiser leaders, realistic enough and honest enough to fctand likj a rock on Jays, you cannot help but be impressed by the size, efficiency and alertness ttRAELKTaP , "fc"url 1M lift th, wn b".em to relalt; : the Balfour Declaration we would never . have lost what Should have bid. "The Seventh rinminiftn " nn,l i t..,.i.i u Ulld klill l ,k i to-- s -& v f v -. at i -. f " .- here as a moderate. He headed the Allied Control Commission j here before being appointed head ii the Russian diplomatic mission. The observers said the newly appointed minister, Viktor Zak-harovich Lebedev. was "a different type." Mr. Lebedev a graduate of Moscow University, was previously Soviet Ambassador to Poland. of the army. Actually. Lsxae; lias an army, navy and air force, but lt was the army ot which I saw most, for I saw the army on training tperutlons, even In the middle of the nlyhl when I arrived at Lyddu, from Pakistan. oOo OF COURSE. YOU DO NOT - nuuill 11UVC Ulff had a firm and even fanatically "f drctinj. fenent friend where riht n()W, ' 1 drovt aiTWl ., wc need friends. wlle mijihty ' oOo , . PW. Eu y,"- CONTRARY TO ' ALL THE ori-'r ''''"C fo.igtn ft 3illy talk that preceded the act- baUt's; ana -t ual war of 11M8, that followed Pr,il'hcts have urHii-:'. According to reports here Mr. Lebedev played a leading part the proclamation of the sove- Krtllt '""'nactic te.. ask questions about military Teivn stale ,o( jHt.fl(,r B lti.sh aw pi' m hitching Poland s economy prised at the outcome.. A I re- P"W('r Nltics ar.d r. ported In my own column before aml m Possible . the event (not often, British u"llw wurW la. way for the appointment in ' ' ,nt.y.ao b Yel u rea1 November. 1949, of a Russian t ;y . .' , y Marshal Konstantin Rokossov- lhut on the ul-cale manoeuv-sky-as Polish Defense Minister r B Iew mwlns - Israt'1 had and chief of the armed force, l"000 lro,1)!, et"y " the . ; field. generals knew the quality of the FIRST PRIZE This photo o! a Vi.:oi:aii order nurse ana a little boy won first prize of $25 for R. Clare of SackvUle, N B . in the annual competition sponsored by the V.O.N. Runners-up were T. Van of Ottawa and Kosher's Studio, Truro, N 8. (CP PHOTO) comparative armies. . . , a classified J The If-ratl at my of. 1048 was a find It. There is universal conscription Contrast In Politics IT HAS boon interesting during recent days to I' observe and compare how politics work in Great Britain and the United States both of which countries have been' having their crises of sorts. " Reckless- of the serious reactions which might result both at home and abroad, politicians allowed-a-great storm to' develop in the United States overv the case of Generai Douglas MacArthur. Losing fight entirely of the simple fact of the case which was that General MacArthur had put himself in a position where there was nothing for the President to do but dismiss him, political passion and vituperation, fanned by the American love for sensationalism, threw the nation into a virtual frenzy, And it certainly has not been conducive to national unity in the face of a, grave international situation. There seemed something more honest and dignified about the crisis which developed in Britain due to the cleavage within the Labor party over the ' A 1 1 1 e e government's budget. Notwithstanding fundamental differences which led to the final split between the two wings of the Labor party, there was always that restraint based on the consideration of the national if not the party interest. It va,i the cool, steady and deliberate British way of doing things a way that is confidence-inspiring, too. Politics in Britain seem inherently imbued with a sense of statesmanship and responsibility which is perceptible in so few of United States top public men. One wonders which line Canada is more inclined to follow. It is probably a middle way not quite so staid and respectful as Britain but certainly not so excitable and reckless as that of the United States. In Israel. Both boys and girls must aerv for two years from quite correct in his campaign if ever he's to get the Tory party back into power. Politically speaking, the next two years are going to be very Interesting. VICTORIA Rep6rt'- ...byJ.K. Nesbitt SELLING OEF Hoys' and Girls' FLEET FOOT II SHOES All sizes, at LAST YEAR'S Pltl(t MEN'S DUESS SOCKS - All kinds to choose from ... MEN'S PANTS -.Fur dress and scml-Uress. Coxl !ii tailored. From jIUl ( IIII Dltl N S ITI.LOVEK SWEATHtS Fancy trim " flizes 22 to 2D. Real narp.atn at VICTORIA. Officers of the British Columbia Liberal Association are convinced that Tory chieftain Herb Anscomb outmanoeuvred Liberal chieftain Byron Johnson when it came to announcing that the Coalition won't go to the people at the next gener.il age 18. Up till now, girls have not served (officially i in combat units, and theoretically are not lluble for service nearer the front than divisional headquarters. But as all the world know.;, or should know, girls fought with the nren in the actual war of 1948. In fact, men, women and children fought In the plon-cir settlements, just as they used to in America In the old days of the "Wild West." Also, up till now, any girl could claim exemption from military or national conscript svrvlec on religious grounds, lt teems to me tremendously significant that, although Israel's parliament Is just winding up its busl-n( ss before the general election ot early July thev are rushing through a bill to end this exemption. That Is, despite the objections of the conservative re LIUKRAL CONVENTION It could well be that the Liberals may call a convention within a few months. There's a stirring to this end throughout the province. If President H. O. T: Perry, now living in Victoria, receives 10 official requests he must call a convention. Such a convention, it Is believed, would re-endorse Premier Johnson as leader but Insist that Liberals get out of Coalition right away, so In two years it would be a Liberal government that will appeal for re- election as a Coalition. , Mr. Anscomb was the first one other trt inalra tViA ntinnnnppmpnt T'nP rnake cabinet minister couid a success of his part of government policy. hop and Liberal Association feel people people such an announcement should have come from Premier John- ANSCOMB ON MARCH ave at eon, as indeed it should have. ' Whatever way you look at jt v,tQ,.. o fhot ts Mr. Anscomb is on the march UUi'ic uuotfvcw onj v..-- alanHr.r, Premier should have immedl- ?e is rany.ng nis onservauves ; ately asked for Mr. Anscomb's in all paru of the province. He s ; resignation on the grounds that Blng t0 "eht to the last ditch COMPLICATIONS to get a straight Conservative 1 The situation Is complicated. no cabinet minister should run KITCHEN WAR the country annouclng suvcllilllcl11- wo yais num nuw. naeu wun intrigues, out people fc,v,..,.,.-., n.c muiuuv; V around with- c ii- who iuve ooiHics can ininK ana ' " "-j"e v...vv, vthj major government policy Alaska Too ine vonservauves win oe me tam oi notning else the.se flays. I"1' person musi siana reaciy to Opposition for four years and There are so many po&iibles j help defend our land." then, as oppositions usually do, 'and probables, so many hypo-; oOo out the Premier's permission. There's no indication that tne Premier kniw what Mr. An.- Tinware-Bread Pen " Coke Ik mmh iian coin? tn lav And re-. " iu lijnmiuii inc. ianncul KMI WfcAKa :..,;... ;.." J government. That won t be un-; que.nions, so many impossible British stvle uniforms Believe it Aluminum-Pots, Pons Kettles Coffee Mokers tainly announcing the end of . T 1 1 ira a nna.rqnno v aw nnimnmnnt (v. ..ll. w,-.. . ... ears is malor , , 6 " .i-nu.iiiciiB which uu..i,or noi, n s more Diond man foallLlon Coalition in in two two i - j k,unociiai.i'co uivii.uiM i une ui ier itme, i naa to government policy Cookie SM lock at it, but Mr. Anscomb is finding themselves. pinch myself to make sure that Plastic Dishes LIBERALS ON DEFENSIVE Liberal cabinet ministers are going on the defensive over hos- I pital insurance. The big guns ! the Premier, Attorney General , Wismer, Education Minister; Straith, Health and Welfare Minister Turnbull, Lands and is THE FACT that great cellulose pulp and aluminum manufacturing plants have been or are being established in British Columbia does not deter the hopeful enthusiasm of Editor Bill Baker of the Ketchikan Chronicle for the ultimate establishment of like industries in southeastern Alaska. Baker sees renewed hope for the pulp mill project at Wacker City, a short distance out of Ketchikan, by reason of the fact that the House of Representatives in Washington a few clays ago passed an appropriation of about $3,000,000 for pulp mill access roads in Tongass National Forest. He also takes hope from the fact that market conditions are good and prospects are for shortages for some time to come. . As for aluminum, Baker says: "We can only hope that the way the world is using aluminum, Alaska will have to be used to some extent, no matter what Japan and Canada have to offer." Forests Minister E. T. Kenney are going on province-wide 'tours in an effort to explain the necessity for increasing hospital insurance premiums. - rp J The Conservative ministeis don't feel the same necessity for Don't Wait For Your Co-OVERHEAT Bring It In For A some reason. Premier Johnson .has said so often that he takes I full responsibility tor hospital j ; insurance and will sink or swim 'with it that the Tories are quite' ff tutetvt feu tverk autC t ' ' 1 ' I : PRESSURE- 06 kcUejCry tfdhy... I I' ifV... 'willing to let him have his way 'hoping of course, he'll sins his Liberals with him at the next ! general ejection. Hospital in Is vital to the Wm Your cooling sysUu. as car as the Brakes or Motor. PRESSLRE-ri-RGING is the newest appr"'' surance was the Premier's baoyj j in the first place, so let him j worry about -raising it ' to a healthy adult. Thats the way' Cleansing tni? nuuwvui PltESSlKK-rtKlif' Wo h'lvn insl. installed a nvw Tod' the Conservatives figure it even though they must bear their full share of the responsibility. But you can see th? way the Drive up for o Demonstration wind, blows when you look back to budget days and recall that i Auto Se Suoerior Mr. Anscomb stood in his pla'e in the House and gave facts and LIMITED STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN iSS3 figures about hospital insurance' and then said he doubted if the new increases would work un Thinl Avenue ac rais One Way Of Figuring . AN OLD-FASHIONED Hebrew employer re-"monstrated when one of his employees asked for a raise on the ground that he worked too hard. "Why," protested the employer, "you have an easy time of it. You do not work at all. Look ! There are 365 clays in a" year. Eight hours each day you sleep. That makes 122 days, leaving 243 days. Eight houra of every day you have all for yourself. That leaves 121 days. I give you an hour for lunch every day and that amounts to 15 clays more, leaving 106. You do not work on Sundays 52 more days oif, leaving 54. You get Saturday afternoons off another 20 days, leaving 28 days. You get two weeks for vacation every summer and you take off about a week for sickness. (My seven clays a year to work and New Year, Good Friday, May 24, July 1, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas are holidays. Besides you take Yom Kippur off. I should give you a raise? You owe me money!" less Health and Welfare Minister Turnbull took a realistic view. That, in the opinion ol many, was a most extraordinary statement one cabinet minister doubting in public that an- WHILE THEY IS An electric range puts a bigger OK in your coOKing taste-tempting results just watch the family brighten up at the first bite . . . and say "more". It means better appetites, more nourishing food a healthier family. Come in to see the latest models or set your electrical dealer. , 3.0 o:;.n 1 STOCK C i OUR COMPLETE Disposable Pods for AAHCY DIDEE PANTS It's like having your own cook. Want the afternoon off? With an automatic electric range it's easy as flicking a switch. All you hav lo do is to pop the entire meal in the ovea set the automatic timer and jorgtt it! As for proof of electric cooking's FRIGIDAIRE Now in REFRIGERATOR - The Shoppe JoJait Scrlplure passage for "Peace be unto you." Luke 24:36. Selling OLD EVERYTHING PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE "HANDLER'S STL'DIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Oreen 339 Prince Rupert "GRIPE" OFFICE j ORNERY WEATHER RIO DE JANEIRO Ot A public ; OSLO, (CP) Prolonged drought complaints department has been In western Norway Is seriously set up at Brazilian labor min- affecting power supplies and lstry where anyone who wants to Bergen, Krlstiansund and Stav-may complain about any subject anger are putting up with night within the ministry's jurisdiction, black-outs and daytime rationing Complainants must accept re- of electricity for homes and ln-sponsibillty for their statements. dustry. GORDON &