I 1 'I F Prince Rupert Doiiy. News Wednesday, April 25, lltjl Wx Wartime Camaraderie Still Prevails in Old Land Ulster Eyes Friendliness and consideration one for the th' r which people of the Cld Country developed under the stress and sufferings of the war are qualities which - in mmi m ( y.A r. ; ' ) i 1 J Have Baby, ' ! rpt Hnnco nOU56 I RICHMOND, Surrey, England , P - Britain s housing shortage j Is resulting in a sort of "baby : race," Councillor I; W. Peh- i gilly told Richmond council. I 1o qualify for a house or flat,; couples sm to concentrate on having the greatest number of children in the shortest time, said the councillor. ; Counfy gm ase Adjourned The County Court case of Saanih Plumbing and Heating versus Charles K. Ytreberg, Set for hearing by Jud"e W O Fu! ton. Monday, has been e" aaiuur- adioi.rn" cd 0 ' Ma ,'.1ir, B 1h 'l T l ' lr1 jy nYVb" r ,,5 vlX ' " 1 vsps m. v 1- $ have projected themselves into the nost-war period , 1 W Undoubted V Contributory 4. "kv', "ll factors L"' toWird LUWcllll t''C I...". lorutude ana understandiiijif with which the people tear shortages and restrictions , - : V 1 ", Keeps oivL. ulating on its possibilities for future development. "One can b i j- vr 4 LCflillPU Pr0Ud 0f the ld Country but It K'ai to De home in Canada e r W. J. Scott, president of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia- is leaving by car tomorrow afternoon tor a brief trip to Terrace to confer . with Duncan Kerr, secretary of the Associated ! Boards. J - ; Tea in Ceylon grows anywhere , irom one foot to 7,000 feet above i spa !eve'- ' Black wood supplied and delivered." Solicitors for the defendt int. arc McLcod and Ray., I'tiiu nth'Pr. iviminiii . . . . j, Pengllly said he has personal r Knowledge of such cases. For iiistiuice, one coupie wno married inree years ago uamiuea mey -jelibeiRtcly hart children in the hope of improving their accommodation. Another couple, living in one room with two children, was tild by the authorities there would be a greater chance of a home if there were three children. They obliged and called again at the council offices the day after the third child was born. Pengilly warned that "each child rates only one point under the priority systvm for housing. "It's much simpler to get housing priority points on things like overcrowding, war service, or separation." 5w MODERN PORTIA-Marguerite thoquette of QmoUc City, 25, I studying Brili.;ii methods of dealing with Juvenile delinquency at the University of London on a Viscount Bennett. scholarship. A full-fledged lawyer and gradute of Lavul university, Marguerite is the daughter of Mr. Justice. Fer- nand Choquette of Quebec Superior Court. .iCP PHOTOi on EricL r By Easley Blackwood led Mr. Dale's nine to hold tho trick. Mr. Dale continued with the jack of diamonds, and Mr. Muzzy ducked this also. For .1 moment, Mr. Dale had visions of winning all the tricks. He shift - " " " puimsiird or dNpUrnl 1 -'"ir0.lJi!ard r bv U" Government of BriiUt,, re the "mec.'hxnic's lien act" TAKE NOTJ".;E tliat Reginald S. Ounnnnot &. Hawiton, BC. bavin nweii uon mr:-.er Limited of Print' Rupert. B.C . the sum of 118 iH) n lieriod ol over three months Hi Inbotir nnd miitrri-ils besUiwed on 1929 Chevitilet Light Deliverv. 1H4S Licence No. rsfl:)3. Eni.-ino No. 4SUB3 j-verini No. 37inoi. Model interna - ! tional. tne sua Bob Parker Limited i will offer die sflld vehlele for sale at ; its reml-l. on Third Avenue. Prlnee I Ruiiert. be. on Tuesday, May a; aj. 1 mm, 111 .111 .mocK AM. unless i.ll l(BM!ild S. Ounain.t shal u ! Hoonrr iwy to the aaid IV1I1 PurK r lilmimt the stifd mini of Hlfl'io nnd Itw ctv.u ttt adverllsiiit; nils Nntiee l)A Tia nt Prlnee Ki'U. ii,(j., this Jfltli iiiij of April, uir.i IKHI PAHXKII LIMITHD. (ios) I ; Chop 5uey - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Thone 133 THE BEST IN QUALITY PRINTING Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNEn BLOCK Re-roof with ACDLJ A! T SHINGLES n n3 World Trade BELFAST, Northern Ireland - Col. s. g. Haunhton, president nr ' tho Roifnt nmK. ' nI p., t l ? lnerce has h launnhed a fund , , to link Northern Ireland with the ?rl.tlsh lrade Pwm"n centra " mm una 10101HO. Colonel Hauahlon, who has JtkI r,.iir.n.,l n in i. ,,v ' ml 111 II II Olll U lU-WL-'IV visit to the United States and Canada. ..aid lie w,is lmnrrt !----'. t" oy the sueecss ol the Scottish Council In athaelinu new in jdu.str.es to Scotland by working Ihrout'h the centre.s. He had followed their example by fnrminj entnmi'.tees cf men interested in Uister affairs to advance Northern Ireland's interests in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Toronto, and Montreal. 'I am certain that Northern Ireland's link with the two cer. tres will lead to a development in reciprocal trade with Amei- ica and Canada," he tokl the chamber. Really, you should know how delicious food tastes when flavoured with Oilman's mustard from England. Prepare it in your own kitchen easily; simply ! follow the directions on the label. Write to Keckitt & Col man (Canada) Ltd., Station i T, Montreal for free recipe book "Culinary Art". , . l l mshT iJm - My friend Mr. Champion plays his cards so well that he can afford to bid very aggressively. The trouble is that he bids just as aggressively when his partner is going to play the hand. When his partn"r is Mr. Muzzy, that can be bad. . Nortli dealer . .' '.. t ,..f . ... -.4, I i l.rv, .. .-;r i . , 15 v:. Ill !!.. ' " I'-i ' Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Ph ase refrain from Mrphonine ' r u;i,i-.t 1W r hvnHlon m I ,4 ( 444 ,4 4,1... r.i r4l,l 44 . , .... vL mingc juu. uirui nouees sue. Lards of Thanh i, Marriage and Engagement Annul unocmcnUOO. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICK FOR SALE liorsn TO trailer. New chassis, wiieem luur-Ornroum n, and tires. $27o.0ll cash. 123 j went. W.e Park Avenue (lOlpi Have S2W ce. I-.44-.r4 44.4,4, 4 , ,1 S- ed to the eight of hearts an l Mr. Masters' Zn coyZj.EV. my's jack. Mr. Muzzy couldn't ' keep on giving the opponent tricks forever, so he won wl'n the ace and tried the club fin-1 esse. When thia lost, Mr. Mas- ters and Mr. Dale took two more heart tricks for down two. i Cleaned ud consirierahlv wh:it 1 Mr. Chamninn .s:iiH wna Knmp. thins like this. "When vnu h. WANTED to bu-Cash it mm area be'n :. Piiune Green l: East- Vest vulnerable. (Mr. ( I11111111I1111 1 S A K H H J 5 O A 6 4 C A Q J 7 3 (Mr. Hale) (Mr. Mailers) 89 7 5 3 8-10 B 2 H K 9 8 2 H Q II) (1 3 ! D J 9 D K Q 8 3 C--8 0 2 C K 5 (Mr. Mll7Z) S Q J 4 H A 7 4 j D 10 7 5 2 i C 10 9 4 The bidding: j North Eat South West ; 1 C Pass 1 N T Pas.s 1 3 N T All pass Mr. Dale opened the deuce of , hearts against Mr. Muzzy's three no trump bid. Dummy played the five, Mr. Ma.sters the ten and Mr. Muzzy held up. playing the 1UU1- Now Mr. Ma.sters didn't blindly "return partner's lead." He thought first a neglected but commendable practice. The ' opening lead of the deuce to.d r i ,i Aix - on o v carnage in KOOd condition. 1035 1st West, 19701 FOR SALE Kelvlnator frig. Green 491. (102cii ,' n , . - ! oalci uiie -ioot troiiins H ... i Uk.,. r'...... t,,, .in:.., boat. Phone Green 803. ( lOoci pnBL,c ftC " ...4-..., ..omnium Funeral Notices, IX MEMOiMAM Ar 25- If 8 r'eaceiullv sleeping, resting at lasi. Th ..... U-OrM'B 4. ,44, f 44,,K1AD 4,..,,44.. 444,.., liouuivn and trials are past In silence he suffered, in pa- 414, IH lit" UOI C, Till Ood called him home to suiter no more. j Ever remembered bv Mummy Daddv and Brother Carl. ilLni . Road Graders; Littleforrl Hrns Black Tup Road Maintenance Equipment; Owen Clamshell tUi smftrr.?-."Wi,'?r ! Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders lor Stockpile ana onow Kemova ; nice Pun- uble Centrifugal Pumps; Na- tional pragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: Nv tional roiijoie bawmills; National; Rotary Screens and Conveyors. ! Full information from Na- j tional Machinery Co. Limit pH. AtTOlM Tax siM'ia.iii ojuue burnt Mr leason to fear another suit you. FOR SALE shouldn't hold up. Diamonds TZ 7. , v j,,, were just as dangerous as hearU.,N&tY SoeeTrN Shov3 Besides, the opening lead indi- Crane"; Draglfnes? Adams LOST - Oransf-s: oat. 9 mouth.. Edirard Scim Prince Rror.l CARS FOK SALE FOR SALE One '48 ',-ton Pick-up. one li50 Hiltman Panel. CJood condition Prince Rupert Plumbing and llejtiii". Phone 108. 1 101c 1 - OR SALE 1939 Chev. sedan Good runniiiir ortier. SaOOUO. Phone Red !)j2 alter fi p.m. isnpi - roll RENT . FOR RENT One-room cabin LOST-Pet du:t him something that Mr. Muzzy ten tricks. If it failed you would had missed that Mr. Dale had lose one club and almost surely exactly four hearts. The dummy only three heart tricks, still mak-looked very forbidding. It seem- ing your contract, ed that a diamond shift would "It Is all right to know how to ward. Phoiu Br: West, PEKSO' per batterw Fnone WJ-a which no other nation in the worid misht tolerate. ,, n ..l 441 4. Ie; "i Ja"ff L T ! I'll " .4i,,.4 I "","a'r" II i-rwtj-l f I.. t iu li a niln it.. nt nrinH or n o . . , ... a.tij i "Pitiful" is the way Mr. Nieoll describes the war casualties among the civilian population which are still so evident in the Old Country. They seem particularly numerous among the young people due to the bombings by the Luftwaffe. Mr. Nicholl's visit was con fined largely to the centre of Scotland but he saw again many of tne old historic points includ- in Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood i -Castle, Linlithgow Palace and aiming uastie. As if for diversion, many people in Scotland 'seemed to be more interested for the time in the fate of the Stone of Scone (removed from Westminster Abbey at Christmas and found a tew days ago at Arbroath Abbey in Scotland 1 than in war and rumors of war and economic conditions. An amusing incident occurred in Glasgow. The Lord Provost of Glasgow had expres-sed disgust jat Scotsmen (they were sus-jpectedi stealing the stone. The next morning a big stone was found in front of his house. NATIONALIST SCOTLAND "There seems to be a strong renewal of nationalist feeling in Scotland," Mr. Nicoll reports. There is much talk of setting up a separate provisional governmentand they seem to have some good arguments too." Like many of the industrial ctties of the world, Glasgow i-suffering a power shortage. With no electric signs and curtailment of street lighting, it Is remindful of the dark days of the war. Rationing and shortages are still patiently borne. Mr. Nicoll found. They even line up for horsemeat but few people will admit they eat it themselves. They just want it for their dogs, some will say. Canadians have much to oe thankful for Mr. Nicoll feels, even though they may have to accept controls on account of the requirements of defence and possible war. It was a '"wonderful educa linn in" " Sillrl said Mr Xr Mi4.r,ll Nienii t f, 1.. I across Cannria anri 'iv,o ! ness of the open country- spec- ' HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEY.S-OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 752 ked 894 P.O. Box 1670 II. G. IIELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL colussi's music store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th .St. Ph. Black 389 ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTiNO AND PAPERHANGING Phone 22 or Black 280 General Delivery luilv turnisiieu. disnes. oeu-! CASH for tmtu FOR ESTIMATES SEE phone 909 GREER f'o. & BRIDDEN LTD. box 721 Vancouver. B.C. (tfliFOR RENT Suite with furni cny. TASTY TEA RM tained tuta 1' the Ruuert R: 6-13 fur onto I lrojeteioncil llllf ! A VACANCY n pji-iis uesi' of Prince jt able-ouiii v silinn oliffi.-with free aim teieptii1-' lor uar iiiuinns and ics for t'fiw: Total reBtacr. i? $15(M reoreatwn,' Hi it should ' i amoimi. ! lars mav undersunM Hall and be in mfj Lien Secre-. Board, Citv ,.v . i i;rV : i ! ' -1 WANTED - cated each of the opponents had Ju-st four hearts. j "What you should have done; was to take the first trick and! finesse clubs at , once- If the; finesse worked, you would ta!;e! make a certain play, but it is; more important to know when to make it." WANTED WANTED -- TOP MAKr.El PRICES PAID lor scrap iron sieei, brass, copper, le-aii. etc Honest grading Prompt payment made. Atlas iron Si Metals l.ui.. 25U Prior St. Vancouver. B. c. Phone Paciu; tija?. ui WANTED to rent 2 or 3 fur- nisned rooms or suite. Couple. with no children. Room 5 Com mercial Hotel. (97pi WANTED TO RENT Small furnished apartment. A J. Sollo-wav, CP. Airlines, phone 79a. . (98pi WANTED TO RENT Two-bedroom house bv local couple. Black 72(i. (97pj WANTED Small trlmleln good order. Phone 622. (97ci ASK fOR SCOTIAND FAVOURITt SON JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY MB Sum 1870 - Still Golni Stioni A Dint Wed, Mended unit Hot tied in Siot land Contents 2fVi m. OHN WALKER ft SONS UD. Scofch Whisky Ditlillen KIIMARNOCK, SCOTLAND 1 This advertisement. i not published ? 1 or displayed by the Llquoi Control Board or by the Oovernment at British Columbia. 1 sibie an""-"" cv. retau ana districts Cf-of'e. This.-. Unlimited w--the rbjjt r va in i P0. Boi; I Cloverds:'; Uiiii; eic. Available Mav 1 Phone B.ue 82i. dtp) ture tor sale as is. nine ui 197 lit 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phune 41. II Urenviile Court. ttw ROOM FOR RENT 221 5 ah tast. (98c I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Four roomed wartime house 9th Ave. W. at McBricle. Phone Blue Ma. (II-11CI TWO SPECIALS A LOVELY family home, right large rooms uieludiim den with lireplace. Spacious living room, open lireplace, lanulv sue dinuie room, hardwood floors. Pembroke bathroom, cabinet kitchen, 4 large bedrooms unci bathroom upstairs. Cement basement, hot water healing 'coal stoker, garage. Lot auxiuu, excellent view. Price $12.aU0. Easy terms. FIVE-ROOM house (Section 21 full cement basement, hot-air furnace, .patent roof. Good earden. This house is in ex cellent shape. Price oniv $7000. Terms $2500. down, balance monthly. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or Black 298 1 97c 1 FOR SALE Lovelv home with harbor view, two lots in earden and lawn, greenhouse, cement basement, furnace, hot-water heating system, ultra mode r n kitchen, living room with open fireplace, dining room, and two bedrooms up. ' This is a fine home and is available lor earlv occupancy. Full price $9000.00 Willi $6000.00 down and balance on easy term". For Inspection and further particulars nlione 57 - PERCY TINKER & CO-LTD. Eves. Red 578. iti.i. FOR SALE Five-roomed house. hiirhor view. Price $5000. ! 2nd Ave. West. Phone KedM- QUICK SALE for cash -5-nxmi house with basement. Closf in. Phone 88 or Red 928. (101P1 REPAIRS OIL BURNER SPECIALIST - Stove service ana reuaus-D. Ronson. Black 503 itf' WATCH REPAIRS rforaut- ' ficient service. George coos Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran- best the hand or nothing would, So, at trick two, Mr. Masters l"d tne lnree of diamonds. Mr. Muzzy was In a quandary. On how many suits can you afford to hold up? He played the deuce of diamonds and permit- ffii SAFE BUYS 1950 Monarch Sport Sedan 1950 Ford Custom DeLuxe Fordor 1950 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 Ford Fordor A few new Pick-ups in stock Bob Parker Ltd FORI) - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert. B.C. SEE MAC for your . . . ROOF RE-SHINGLING or SIDING Phone Black (ilill (M19p) For Your PAINTING DECORATING See SPENCE&MATUICK Phone Black 215 - FOR SALE New and used furniture- hardware end tables, chests of drawers, beds complete, bedroom suites, small size carpets. Held glasses, used longing boots, sewlne machines, radios and bicycles, also other useful household articles at lowest prices. See B. C. Furnit.ure Co. Black S24. (tf-cl V T 7 "S1 inree single win- dows 3x6'. one triple 6'xia', uieai lor uaraie or workshop cheap. Picture table, lovely piece of furniture. Two-burner hotplate. Ladv's suit, she 1. 1353 Frederick St. Phone Red 739. (102pi FOR SALE One Frigldalre like new. One tricvcle. new front -wheel, very good condition. One iron bath tub. Phone Blue 939 between 0 and 7 p.m. I98ci FOR SALE McClarv cream enamel stove. $50.00. Girl's bicycle, $20.00. Electric heater, $5 00. 975 7th East. Phone Red 663evenlngs only. (97p) FOR SAT E 3-whppl millnrevnlo- 330 rifle; 410 double barrel shotgun. Cabin behind 1425 Uraham Avenue. llOlpi FOR SALE Tennis raouet and baseball glove, both in perfect condition. Apply 318 7th Ave. EasL itf-nci FOR SALE Four spools Lemeo eurdies. new with wire, $90 .00 Tran.smis.sion and other trolling cear. Blue 924. UOOpI FOR SALE Olrl's bicycle nnd small kitchen coal and wood stove. Cheap. 1329 1st Overlook. (. 07 p ) j FOR SALE 5-room float house 1 Well finished inside Can be seen at New Float. east of I Drv Dock. (lOlpi FOR SALE Johnson Sea Horse I outboard motor, 2','j h.p. Box 85, Daily News. (98d FOR SAI.E-150 chickens $2.50 each. 1865 11th Ave. East. (98p) FOR SALE AteClarv oil range, wick burner, good condition. 326 7th Ave. East. (97pl FOR SALE White cnampl'" oil stove. 2 years old. Black 977 after 6 p.m. (97pi FOR SALE Pot burner, like new Sl.iO.OO. Dresser $25 00. 215 7th West. lOOpl T"i" rut n t- .1 .1 T, nn,'VSi ?P2Snct ar0P,: .sld.LCOULhJ.Blac.k 660. (tf) Prio cite- rw.. . t.u pH K, TrY.,. i .U4.,,KV- a lid MATTSON'S UPIIOLSTERINQ Thonc Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block C08 - 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 R0R1E & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN V. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 udineSS MARGARET McLE01) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 3TONE BUILD1NO PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 A. T. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SHAND, C.A. 353 -3rd Ave. W. Box 203 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOr Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street. Phone G55 ELECTROLUX Sales anc Service R. W. COLLINS ( Phone Blue 970 Box 1G26 For genuine parts and service phone or WTite above. VVANTED-F',. ialtv sf Si' and $! "-W MJr'W i. Personal intc1' Wr.it. arnt'IRED W58 ear trifk - Terrace B.C. WANTED - male or f- alterations, ' 1 1 1 Laundrv. . J STEADVlfn 0. B'1"- fur Please '-"'-- ...14 - 1 n-NI pTfiviBINO AM) HEATING and HELP , sheet metal work. Phone ;"' ait"1' - call 629 6th West. . --- f