Princ Rupert Daily News Wednesday, April 25, 1951 -21 - oca COM. I and PERSONAL S rnfrt nit-,i nil '. X J vvnuniraw v. en am SPECIAL! TO CAFFEIN-FREE I mo swiTCWNGTO A Meat ion ail Elks. Monthly Walter Sheridan was fined $15 general meeting Thursday and costs by Magistrate W. D. night. (98c) Vance in city police court yes- ..., . , i terday for infraction of the cify J. Rossi- L Shaw H. Neville,' apeedlng bylaw. berta Deep Seam rwium POSTUM ( f -jC if r " f If ! ! I'M SLEEPING I AVF IK MGNEY ) " . .M I wmm f $ 75 PER TON For all your spring painting and gardening needs, call Hays TOO I among the passengers sailing for Vancouver on the Princess Louise Saturday. All members of the 120 H. A. A. Battery Soccer team and those interested in playing report at the Armouries, Wednesday, Ap- 10 SACKS 8.50 ONE 116 -117 or 50 Cove Hardware, your Gliddcii dealer. Phone Green 441 for free delivery. (tf-c) Silas Johnson, chief councillor of the Interior native village of Kispoix, is at Bella Bella this week attending the convention of the Native Brotherhood of BrttUn Columbia as delegate ot his village. i There will be n men's soft- jj 1 nags! , ill 25, at 8 p.m. (D7c I Report From Parliament, Ted I Applewhaite, .Station CFPR I Thursday, April 26, 6:45 p.m. i (98c) ert & AAcCaffery The Prince Rupert Fisher ball meeting Thursday, May 3, LIMITED men's Co - operative farewell at 8 n.m in the Civil- Centre. 4- 1 -- dance for local fishermen, to be world tierie baseball films will held Mjndav night was post- be shown. Team entries lor Ism poned to this Friday. are invited. (H) '? ReSu!"' monthly J. D. M:Rae, iviLA for Prince Ci. a meeting Wednesday Ap- Rupert, was the speaker today at L'tTfc ril 25 at 8 p.m. Guest the weekly luncheon of trn f$f speaker J. D. McRac, Prince Rupert Gyro Club, tell-MLA. Subject: Hospital ing.of some of the proceedings Insurance. Refreshments. (97c) at the recent sessiou of the Legislature. President Don For- Notice-Parents and friends j ward was m the cnair over a of Job's Daughter's. A meeting I good attendance of members will be held at the Armories with a few guests. Next week 'i Wednesday at 8:30 to discuss Gyro Club speaker will be James Cancer Fund j Subscriptions LS-ki lc - v CAUTIOUS,"PUP" The young St. Bernard seems a little dubious about the drink preferred by two-and-a-half-year-old Carol Ann. Conley of Windsor, Ont. Perhaps he has vague memories of oak casks his foiebearers carried. Carol Ann took pity on the "pup" during -the Windsor Kennel Club dog show. (CP PHOTO) 1 With the houJC-to-house can- vass largely completed except for some call-backs, Prince Rupert's 1951 Conquer Cancer Fund ' plans for Jamboree May 31, June Nicoll who is Just back from a I 1 and 2. (97C) trip to Scotland ENJOY SOUND SLEEP -SWITCH TO POSTUM! Jin rnnomiceinenli "Robert LeCIalre was fined $50 and costs by Magistrate W. D. i Vance In city yesterday for supplying. Kenneth Powell, a native, was fined $25 for possession of an intoxicant. Two other natives; Charles Robinson and Abel Paul, were each fined $10 City Police Court Having Busiest Month on Record City police court is experiencing the busiest month on record. April has still almost a week to go but there have already been 256 ca&'js before Magistrate W. D. Vance. The previous high record was 252 cases in a month during the latter part of the war. 1 The large number of traffic prosecutions, since the city council needled th police a few weeks ago, have caused the increase. campaign has reached a total ' of $1280, It is announced by ! Chairman D. C. Stevenson. Returns are still awaited' from outlying points In the district as well as Industrial concerns ' and Mr. Stevenson Is confident that, when these are in, the ! total will be well over the top. f Following arc recent Individ-! ual subscriptions: j and costs for Intoxication. James Inncs was fined $10 ana costs under the Government Liquor Act. Canadian Lesion card party April 25. St. Peter's apring Sale. Apii. 26. United WA Spring sale, May 3. H.M.C.8. Haida Chapter toa sale, May 5. Card party, Catholic Hall, May 10. Sonja tea, May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hall, May 16. Eastern Star Tea, Masonic Temple,. May 17. Lutheran tea, May 25. Job's Daughter's Jamboree, May 31, June 1, 2. I Posium cult beverage -costs as much as Yi Get the big 8 ox. size of Poitum ... it makei up to 100 delicioui cups . . . more than twice as many cups a,s a full pound of coffee, and yet it costs much less. Yes, pockel these real savingsorder Postum today! A delicious flavor 1 The whole family enjoys Postum's distinctive, hearty, grain-rich flavor. No more"Caffein Nerves" when you drink POSTUM! While lots of folks aren't bothered by caffein in tea and coffee others suffer sleeplessness, nervousness, indigestion. Postum is 100 carein-free contains nothing that could possibly make you nervous, spoil your sleep. J Ba zaar an PDC Villi Presbyterian Men Hear Story f-faimetl nut Ormes Drugs 30 Thomas McMcekin 4c Son .. 5 Shenton's 2 Kairn Indus! rlcs S Wilford Electric 5 Dr. W. 8. Kergin n Mary L. Starratt 25 City Transfer 3 Crawford Moore 5 Mrs. J. Eidden' 2 D. C. Stevenson 2 Mrs. R. Fossum 2 M. B. Lemon 2 Plans for a spring tea and bazaar were completed and ar Arininc Boas, sanl'.ailan of the Prince Rupert Public Health Unit, was the, speaker at a meeting of the First Presbyterian Church Men's Club Mondav ; i night, telling of his experien ces ryllC tviorilol comaant n.ith IViii D. J. MacBridc 2 rangements made for a friendship session to be held In May at the regular Women of the Moose i meeting. Mrs. F. Parlette was in , the chair. ' Lucky box was won by Mrs. A. Hamilton. . 1 l A short comic play in which I ' Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mrs. M. Heise took part, t f INSTANT POSTUMN VIQ0a CAFFEINREE 1 j no u ill., v.. v ui ... ' f. . i. ... nt.ii ' 1 Royal Canadian Air Forces in northern Newfoundland durini; the war. About thirty members of the club heard Mr. Boas wno was introduced by George Mitchell and thanked by Fred Conrad. President Bob Fby was in the chair. ' The Men's Club decided to take over sponsorship of the 7 i!i 1 1 ttI ft Mrs. O. Mostnd 2 P. A. Brri 2 Oblate Fathers 5 A. Sandlas j 2 R. B. Morgan 2 T. Moorehouse ., 2 Miss Marie Boulter 2 P. Phlllipson 2 D. H. Stewart 2 Mrs. G. Greene 10 Prince Rupert Parent Teacher I Council, at its monthly meeting ; last evening, received various reports and also heard the president. Mis. R. E. Mortimer, preview tr.e items to be conside-e 1 in preparation for the May meeting at whizh the election of officers for the ensuing year takes place. Reports -show that the organization is functioning actively and progressively. Greeted with favorable comment was the iepoit on the provincial annual convention by Mrs. J. Bowman. This report had already been presented at the dljferenjl Parent-Teaif icr Associations and each had bee l .stimulated by the lnopiratim that, the rielpuate had na.ssed on. Tins advertisement is not published .closed .the meeting. With Mrs. R. B. Skinner in j charge, the social committee I served refreshments. or dismayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. Ron-rort t Cub Pack of First Presbyterian Mrs. H. G Mrs. L. Felscnthal 2,'-"urc"' Property Sales Made by City The increasing volume if wor The following property sales For the MEAL that REFRESHES Mrs. Dale 2 Mrs. O. Christoff 2 Mrs. Cearley 2 S. Hamblin 2 Mrs. J. Jolnifon 2 Mrs. G. Rodger 2 Mrs. Martin Ericksen 2 Mrs. Maguire 2 Rev. Dr, E. A. Wright 2 Mrs. J. J. Payne 1 to be done at the n:aCiquaitc s were announced Monday night in Vancouver has now grow.i by Aid. T. B. Black, finance com- beyond the capacity of volu.i- mlttee chairman, at city coun- teer workers and a paid staff cil meeting: RASTER IELS tduccd ;c each i THALL'S I Finishing id Ave. W. Rupert JAILS FOR :ncouver ftormeiliate Ports h Thursday !U:l."i ETCHIKAN p.m. DAY MIDNIGHT v at Low Cost or Reservations Write or Call IITY OK DKPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rprn rincj for i Gentlemen Jailor J Phone 648 MONE EN 884 ion DING 'CL TYPES rial elding f 5 M P A N y H. 4 ! i GER I i'gor Ltd. 4 Avenue i r. e and Service BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF ' COOKING Yacht Race Coming up ' Prince Rupert, will be the finishing point for one of two major motor boat races in June. Originating in Juneau, Alaska, and Bremerton. Washington, the annual Capital-to-Capltal race starts at Bremerton, June 16. The finish line for tne Brem-lerton-Prince Rupert leg of the race will be the extension of the oil wharf at Prince Rupert. The finish at Prince Rupert b Mrs. J. C. Ollker 5 Mrs. M. L. Biggs 3. 8chubert , a Mr. and Mrs. H. Vandcrhlde .. 2 will be necessary. This may ra-! Easterly half of Lot 2, Block suit in an Increase in the an- 26, Section 5 for $125, to C. T. nual fee. Youngs. As a result of the represent;!- Westerly half of Lot 33- Block tions of the Safety Committee, a 28. Section 8 for $70 to Mrs. sidewalk at Hays Cove Circle is Chris Fox. being built. Traffic zone sigiw Lots 50 and 51, Block 27, Sec-have been erected on Frasc tion 8 for $235 to C. B. Lceman. Street below the northern a,)- Lots 40, 41 and 42. Block 7, proach to Borden Street School. Section 1 for $825 to H. M. Lind-Congratulalions were extend- seth, subject to veterans' rebate ed to Mrs. H. Lindseth who had on portion of lots actually used been given a certificate on sue- for construction. "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim - Phone 17 for Orders To Tske Out Commodore Cafe FOR TAKK OUT ORDERS l'HONE 2(10, BROADWAY CAFE L W. Murrhv 2 Mrs. Y. E. Thomas 2 Mrs. Sherry 3 Mrs.' A. Newton 2 Mrs. Redhead 2 Mrs. McKay 2 Mrs. Vickcrman 2 Mrs. Larson - 2 M. Holkestad 2 Mrs. M. Rhodes 2 ADVEHT1S1NQ IN THE DAILY N1.W8 BRINGS RESULTS. i set at 1 p.m. PSTI, June 20, TtTnTTTFITTlilTTrilTnTt IIIUIIU 7TTT Tim mr Jim )i!H TnrinTTinT nin mr mn m m.';wwTi--rm:z- cessfully completing the course in leadership. The treasurer's report showed it with the finish at Juneau calculated for 1 p.m. fPSTi, June 23. 1 i, : M a satisfactory bank balance and 0m m&W'ftf Mrs. J. Feasby 2 Anonrmous 2 Mrs. R. B. Wilson 2 B. Windle 2 Mrs.'F. Schroeder .. 2 Mrs. D. Main 5 Mrs. R. Whit more 2 Mrs. D. Sievert 2 Mrs. N. Mlntenko 2 I Mrs. R. N. Green 3 1 Mrs. O. R. Wilson 2 II. A. Pluym 2 Mrs. Agnes Murray 2 This v-or an earlier fhvsa lime at Prince Rupert is set far the first letr of the race. "Lay-ove"" time 1 granted to each contestant: Bremerton , Prince Rupert is 2 hours. Princo Rnncrt to Juneau is 12 hours. Fr the fist part of the ra::ft cruisers mav coine hv f-vmoo" Narrows or Yuculta Ranids. nrt'i the last lei of the re 'via a donation was voted lj the Civic Cantre Association. M s. Greisl reported that .slie had obtained billets for nine contestants in the Music an I Drama Festival. A nominating committer of Mrs. Flocd, Mrs. Dominato, Mrs. Mark and Mrs. J. Denning was named. Mrs. R. E. Mortimer presided, and other-) piesent wciC Mm. PUMPS and SANDALS Step out into, in in cr fid ZlnoviB or Eastern Passaac. M. u.. r it iit, o ll. 111.1 ivil O. IV. 11. llnili.1.11 .... . m ,ii , m Ti.r,rhtp-m,ni he given for each jL-hn Denning, Mrs. H. Lind-1 in I k willi Claie anil Comfovl seth, Mrs. F. Mark, Mrs. K. Hardy, Mrs. J. Lju.nan and O Freeman, T. G. Bateman, W. V. oruiilhs and J. S. Wilson. or the two legs. Mrs. G. Sclvig , 2 Mrs. O. A. I'unt- 2 Mrs. R. C. Webber 2 Mrs. J. Zt'oudnet 2 Mrs. C. dipstick 2 F. Cavenailn ' Mrs. W. Fleming 2 Mrs. G. Fcrsfuson North Star BotHin? Wki. ...... ' Malt.on's 2 Christine Mont,5omerv ? Ivic Centre Dinin? Room, ... 5 E. D. Forward G. C. Sessions 2 Come in and make your selection from our new stocks of lovely Ladies' Shoes HVr u"t:un Ktv.s cIuskiUcU1. n Bayvicw Hotel Mr. J. Smith All, COLORS AA to C Widths In High or Cuban Heels A Friend ' o This Week's BUYS PRETTY FOR PLAY! Easy on your Mtss M. A. Way A. E. Norton " Mrs. J. S. Irvine 2 Mrs. J. P. MacDonald 5 Mrs. E. Tclscth 2 .ludgc W. O. Fulton 5 Mrs. Alec Mitchell 2 No. 1- 7-Tubc Sparton Console Radio Budget! Mr. & Mrs. W.R.C. Jones 5 Mrs. A. C. Cromp 5 PLAY SHOES Wm. Logan 5 E. Bradley 2 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Moore '! Mrs. C. WcLse - 2 Mrs. M. Souter bishop J. B. Gibson 1-1 Mrs. C. G. Ham 2 Mis. P. Anderson 2 Anonymous ? 3-SpcccJ Combination $210-00 No. 2 6-Tube G.E. Mantel Radio Combination 125 No. 3 7-Tubo G.E. Console Radio 3-Spsed Comhinaf ion $2fi9-50 Nc. A 6-Tube G.E. Radio Long and Short Wave $175-00 No. 5 4-Tub G.E. Mantel Radio $19 95 Northern B.C. Power Co., Ltd. In All Colors, Including White Priced from $2.95 ro $7,95 I IE 174 Mr. and Mrs. Rae Johnson-.... i i Mrs. W. M. Gormely 2 I Mrs. R. H. Benson 2 Mr. & Mrs. D. D. Carr Harris h Mrs. D. Scherk 2 ! '! Allerli..n. o fashiomi ffooVecair o. Skins LM. Mr. and Mrs. j. j. iwnaiason i Mrs. H. S. Ward 2 x 274 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Davidson 2 Phone 210 Besner Block Mrs. James Hadden 2 Prince Rupert, rt.c. Stewarl, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. E. Soiland 4