TODAY 7-9 P.M. Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. April 25, 1951 IN OF THE DISTRICT "THE ENft5 NEWS Whs Clmnhid a. s erven Jlere I ! Terrace- mc Ms kew TECHNICOLOR Anniversary of MUSICiii TERRACE 1 1 n I Chairmen for :! Civic Centre ReU-halrcd, green-eyed Sarah Churchill, actress daughter if Britain's famous war-time Prime Minister, makes her debut in the Technicolor musical, Royal Wedding," coming to the OPICS Stewart Lodge I Wrt Bit you " IN ftt AstUrt f f"ll,nllliaL Stewart is j Indignant j STEWART. Orders to cla.e down the Atlin district olfice of the Department of Public Wonts STEWART Celebrating Ihl 12th anniversary of their in- Totem Theatre here this Thurs- auguration- Portland Canal i day, Friday and Saturday. TERRACE Commiltee chairmen were appointed by President Darrell Collins at Friday The picture tells the story of Women of the held open house on Thursday in the Moose Miss Edith Little, R.N.. of the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert Hospital, was in Terrace at the weekend to visit with her father, George Little. i were received here last ween RIIPERT PEOPLE'S STORE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Baker and children arrived by car on Sunday from Prince Rupert to spend a few days with Mr. Bakers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker. a Broadway singing-dancing team who repeat their slajje triumphs In London and who encounter respective romances there. Jane Powell, distaff member of the team,- falls in love with an English lord, played oy Peter Lawford, while Fred Ao-talre loses his heart to Miss Churchill. Most of the action takes place against scenes of London during a royal wedding celebration. NU-s Churchill became Home. Including members of jMoose Lodge and gue.sts there was 57 present to enjoy the en-I lertainment and excellent re-! port provided by the homo-making committee under the capable direction of Miss Violet ! Manojlovich. i Several tables of whist were played, winners being: Ladles' first, Mrs. Marie Burnett; consolation, Mrs. Louise Hutching.?. 'Men's first. Al rhllllps; c'onso-' latum, Nick Gillof. night's meeting of the Civic Centre directorate which was held in the Civic Centre. These are: Membership and Organization B. R. Dodds. Finance D. Bain. Building and Maintenance J. MacKay. Choral and Dramatics P. Van Heck. . i Choice of chairmen of the ' childivn's rrerratlon committee and the a'hletics committee is pending until principals of .the Hish School and Elementary Sclr-il can be approached to appoint repre cntatives to tho Di- and all records and office per-sonnel left for the divisional office at Prince Rupert on Mon- j day. The action of moving the district office outside the area is unprecedented in the history ol British Columbia and an effoU: is being made to find out the reason. i Had it merely been a move from one part of the Atlin electoral district to another pa'l. ' there miglil lv.ivc been some j reason, out to move the district office out-side the district is quite another thing. Liberal and ILMlir . L John Ihi.iland has returned to Terrace from Winnipeg where be h.i.s spent p.ut lo in thic" weeks. 'clearing; bargains; r 8m Ihi cilln, till"Hiill"Bumbl. interested In the theatre through her study of ballet dancing. With the outbreak of World War II she enlisted in the women's Auxiliary Air Force, An amusing ankle competition ended in a draw for first prl,e between Mrs. Catherine M:Leod and Mrs. Louise Hutchings, the nc in lou Mom I'm Btn A Lit! AIIMylilt-'ctnudnduatl ihnlli J"! 'at W ' f low twip il midnnhil rectorate who mav Is interested CoaliLicn Aviations are in former winning on a cut of the serving cards. 1 1941-4S. through the period of At the cessation of hos- y pert dignant and are taking action to have the matter cleared up to their satisfaction. Meantime. Harry King received word by wire on Friday morning from .Ta'-k Maltman. organizer of the B C. Liberal Association, of the coming to Terrace of Hon. A. D. 1 1 umbull and a meeting has been arranged for Friday evening. iMnv 25. In tho I.O.O.F. Hall at which the Minister of Health ! and Welfare will be the speaker. In hcadin? these two commlt-tes. Revision of the constitution ADDED Life on the Thames Wanted An Err Jerry and the (iuldfisli SHOWS at 7-9 P.M. it has taken place. First the sub- was hroueht uu as President Col Peoples Store lins felt that some of the clauses aftcncy and mln1"8, conters tilities she resumed her theatrical career and for the next five years appeared In plays in England, France and Italy. In addition, she acted in a number of English motion pictures as well as in two filmed In Italy. district'officc. Miss Violet Manojlovich, who left the district on Monday, was presented with a silver spoon with the Moose crest engraved on it and a beautiful bouquet of roses. A very active member ol the chapter, she will be missed. It was recalled by Recorder Hazel Tooth that nine charter members arc still active. The eviing was a very enjoyable one. QffiiirS of ISdleNowOnl: TODAY J. Stewart in 'TIIK j.tKPor 7:30 Only L. Darnell in "TIIK 13th Lm- I Clean-up week has started in Terrace in readiness for the sutn-' nier season. The Columbia Cel-hitlnse Is having a big Job on I hand cleaning up after the long ' winter and the extensive alter-! nl ions that have been going on 1 in the buildings there. Trees ate Miss Churchill is married to the well-known photographer, Anthony Bcauchamp, who accompanied his wife' to the coast, where they occupied the Santa Monica beach house of Ben Lyon and Bebe Daniels during filming of "Royal a da oir were not applicable to Terrace. The matter will be gone into (horouehly by the executive and hroueht before the next meeting. 1 MORE INTEREST In order to increase the attendance at the monthly .meetings, the members decided to ask the organisations to replace delegates who had missed more than two consecutive meetings. Mr. ;,-ewhnvcn. Columbia Cellulose delegate, felt that the directors would havj a greater interest in the affairs of the centre if each one contributed personally to a loan to meet the being planted in the grounds and everv effort is being madv to beautify the surroundings. Commonwealth Navy Ends Its TERRACE The Civic Centre Choral Club held the annual meeting on the stage of the Civic Centre on Monday evening and ofliccrs for the coming season w-'re elected. Harry Philip was re-elected president and Mrs. hotel arrivals Clouds gathered over Terrace on Tuesday after ten days of Manoeuvres exceptionally fine sunny weathvr, i Van Heck was elected vice- prescnr cieiieit. u tnev were willingHo do this, he would start' Presilent- The new secretary- m treasurer is Mrs. D. Collins. with cold nights and frosty: MELBOURNE- Ships from the mornings. The snow has gone 1 Navlcs of Canadai Australia, from the town and highway but i Britain, New Zealand and Pakis-there is still a lot lying in the j tan recently ended the longest -- i niiitj mum presents HPf tin 14 :p' I 7eektMA ijrM .iraiiAimni the loan "'ith his contribution of $1,000. This was left for fnr- Prince Kupert C. McNeil, E. A. Allan, T. M. McCaskcll, A. Van Snellenberg, D. McCarthy, E. S. Butterfle.d, P. N. Bland and John Stewart, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Terrace Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc-Adams and Miss M. Miller Terrace; Mel Burrison, Edmonton. ther discussion C. J. Norringlon will continue as conductor with Mrs. Norring-ton as accompanist.. A music selection committee, twvv.o why vy... iiuiui. m nun masr. rrn is p maneuvers The weekly Friday night's 'J Ins advurtiwuiciit ifi nut puhli.shcd r displayed by the Liquor (Vjntrol Board or hy the Government of British Columbia. verv heavv on Lakelse Avenue and. desnite several annlieatlons ever held in peacetime in Australian waters. , dances in the auditorium will be headed by Mr. Norrington. was of enleium chloride r.imr u tiit The ships dispersed for visits a certain amount of dust flying.' to Australian ports after the commonwealth fleet maneuvers SWANSEA, Wales (CP) A local appointed, consisting of Mrs. Alice Onmpbell, David Hamilton, Oliver Baxter and Mrs. T. Fraser. These will choose the music for kept going and more publicity given to them. The orchestras, "Terrace Ramblers" and "Mell-O-Tones" will be hired for these dances on a fifty-fifty basis. Once a month, the dance will be for the teen-agers. Nick Schmeling announced church "that had collected 400 pounds of old wool to sell in aid nffflsJA nrm cfnoiuini Local collections to date for the Conquer Cancer Campaign amount to $238.60. of parish funds stored It In the LH 1 til lllmlll II I off the New South Wales Coast. The maneuvers tnded with a spectacular display of slx-innh gun firing by the Canadian cruiser Ontario. vestry. It all went up in smoke when a. fire broke out. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353- 3rd Ave. W. the next production, practices for which will begin early in' the fall. j The group is interested in get- i ting new members, particularly ' UNDERGROUND CRICKET KINGSTON, Surrey, England iti Two deep air raid shelters have remained idle here since the Second World War. Now, boys with bright ideas have turned them into cricket schools. male singers of whom there are at present, only six. his program of coming events at the cent e which includes: May 4 Firemen's Ball. May 10 Calgary Range Rid-, " crs. 1 May 24 Kinsmen activities! and dance. BAKEWELL. Derbyshire. England (CP Part-time volunteer firemen rushed to answer the fire alarm here and found the blaze was on the roof of the fire station. HIGH SOURCE The Indus River near the boundary of Kashmir and Tibet runs at a height of 13,800 feet above sea level. W5-! LUKAS J $PT0L mi rs. Show 7 - 9:19 . 1 il. 1 SAT. MAT. 2 - 4:15 " ZJe. 'race July 1 Celebration. oniiiu. Moving, racking, Crating Shipping Fiiri General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable am'. Efficient Service. Also agents for mini fanaiHan Tirmii-1 A!,. rn Ttrt Tide Lake Ore Proving Rich STEWART. Al PhilliDs. nn TERRACE A number of the I Terrace elementary school chil-J aren will participate in the vocal solo classes in the Prince MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FRASER HOUSE has just returned from his xide'RuPert Music and Drama Fes- for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. r LINDSAY'S CARTAGE t & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 191U Phones 60 and fig tlval to be held next week They are: John Gillanders, ! Lake property on the Upper Salmon River, reports he did 14 feet of drifting and that the ore ! Still persists. He has Inst, rp- Marilyn de Kergommeaux, Lynne 1 Byjork, Gabriel! e TetreuulU 0r Seagrams Sure Seagrams "V.O." Seagram's "83" Seagrams Croiuti Royal Seagrams King's Plate Seagrams Special Old 'M1LY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BWNO&j , smener returns irom the Diane Peters, Pat McLachlan and I last shipment of 166 tons net- Judy Spicer. I Their accompanist will be ; Lorna Melvin who Is also entering in the pianoforte solo class.! The Civic Centre Drama Club : expected to enter a play but thi.; , had to be cancelled. i ting S4&85. This compares well with former, shipments. Nothing definite has been decided about work on the property this year, the deterrent factor being the high cost of transportation, whether by plane or pack train. SCUBY'j For Action, Advertise! Thindvertisementis not published or displayed bylhe Liquor Control Baardor by the Government of British Columbia Lead in UONDED fh t VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotln Tuesday, 12 Nuon CamuKUt) ' M.ICE ARM, STEWART ANI POUT SIMPSON ' Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. srinht-nnvwhere v loohs right-feel FWSTORAG w w r mm m uaw w - otFURS. w cfpvic IOII NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotln April n U p.m.'1 . for sni'Tti CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, s-. Chileotin, May 4 and 18 tl p.m. I RANK J. SKINNER Priin f klHH-rl Aotit Third Avenue Phone 568 PHONE 97 A rail 11' All...,-,,,! M-MB-r will 7 HE BEST... COSTS NO MORE BIL.L SCUBY FUR! Call 363 Planning ' Building or r.Tl,BC iinx i3Ga, riiiiw O 10WEST PRICED FUtl CONVERTIBLE IN A (OOTU OtOUf PRODUCT CANg- Repairing,,! 'V: ? iinnnrv7iAfn It's a knockout-the BIG-NEWS convertible of the mm). LnJ U LaLrLluUjAxAJ year trim, handsome, eye-catching. Thrill to its sparkling performance, smooth, balanced ride, its up-to-the-minute features and amazing gasoline economy. ROOTES MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED MoMrtal TORONTO . V.wvvr CanCMtionainw for Hi IntH Oroupi and law tniwH 4Q0 DEALERS COAST TO COAST - DL Pioneer M MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors BOLL' LWHC DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 PRINCE. RUPERT, B.C. Want Ads. bure Kesultsl