SPHE RE OF SPORTS Mi0IMJfM"''JIH''f,'mt ' J'fXtrr,,-e-'"'- -J ' .............. ........ 'J .J J rirrt. Jtt w W , . 4. .a..... fcawf v - w V . Iord Calvert i U 4, . ,.. ' The Sport Letterbox id Catchers Help to Make' fat Pitchers -Mickey Owen i 'i )S ANGELES As a lon-established major I catchi'V, Mickey Owen has a profound respect i men who throw to him. Mickey almost believes1 Sr- r- -r "W?s r. Served with prkle LJ I THANKS, JOE WARD! ! Editor, Daily News: Sports enthusiasts particularly, but all citizens generally, must be gratified at the fine record j made by the four boxers from the I on those special occasions ditcher's best friend Is his pitcher Ilit'Ve mure young, lnex-, Id catchers have been'j,,,, town... 4 kiok koucI by the veteran ! "I have found that whpn T J I when only the finest ?aiJii2al T 4V,nn Wu . . J DOWN AND OUT Nanaimo Clippers' goalie Mi ks Rivers sprawls as teammate Crushed Conway knocks puck inta his own net. Fort Frances Can adian;.' Ed. Kliner, reaching into the net, got credit for thj goal, final of the series. Canadians won the game, 11-5, and took the best-of-seven sf rh In the western Allan Cup final, four garr.es to one. Behind the net U Clippers' Bush Jackson and Rusty Waldriff wilh Goudreau in th.- "foreground. Mickey Lynch is the other I'oit nlayer. iCP PHOTO) I tr.ey Luugui. iu llme and g0 out tQ ulk t0 a rity wh() ma(e m(.h a gof)d show. uy around,' Owen re- , pilehrr, the less I say to him the ing at the Golden Gloves tourna- ! louring spring tralnlnS. better. Usually .1 trv to take hn mr!t lust concluded In Vaacou- ! cniuer uuck when Hai ly mind off of what he Us con(,en. . ve Congratulations are in order ! IBM 'MX .- rrp-.. Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, April 25, 1951 P j , Tv. , ilrallf8 on. I mighrtell him that;ti each of the four and especially Giants. One of the first lf ba)1 ls nlt back hlra h, I a at to the two who won their charop-jl,e caught was tan HuD-jia t0 mJk4, lne pluy at sucn aml lenKllil)s Th(,h. floi-ls brlng jjulsohappedDanmnKSUchabafce-ThatgeUhlstnlnk. crc(Ut U) Ult,msPlV(s aiu, l() Ul(, jbijell and the Giunta alljing 0Uf0( the groove into which community ,id clay that afternoon. Ws concentration on the hitter I ,. Li a couple of hits andhu., snaped H Another thin)?, I V' suww re uue to pitched one of his typ-. usually try to encourage Pitch- various factors. There mint have n 1240 Kilocycles HADIO DIAL CFPR (Sul)jei t tu Change) a -scoring B-ain. iut Crj, I have found that way Ls i " , " ,"""-,l' " iy a .-poi lawiiwri niwnoie lot niore effective than . V " . """" been determination and confi as the coming major bawiin him out. ii.hiT mind vou. be- ... Terrace Women's Softball TERRACE -Sponsored by' Johnstone and Michiel and J. Ii. Smith, Ltd, the Civic Centre's Women's Softball Club have started practicing with a good turnout of players at the Ball Fark on Monday evening. It is the only organized club in the district and there are now enough members to form two laams. WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 - Leo Barkin 4:15 -Music by Goodman I " I no mi V mn 1 upt nn n dence; and there must have been sacrificfs. They must have done what the writer called pitcher Is when he shifts the Y'-ft 1i with wnicn ne naa 11' , f,w !,m have given up much time to train 4:45-Stock Quulaiions St In rim Once i in a a while pitcher will a and to condition themselves for 4:55 CBC News m tiro On nriuiltim L'hnwr tfinr'i i-H All credit to ; :,z c:: Lr:"z competitions. President of the club is Mrs. George Grant and secretary Miss Irene Haugland. each of them an error. When I see that " Owen retorted, "I get out there fast I Hubbell.' " Owen snort-J dcrisian. "Why, there a.i a pitcher easier ta fi;1n Curl Hubbell. Bii.nv t mean that Dannlng the ability to be-great fave catcher all the Jjn-key explained. "After I can't bring out some- But I know that the boxers' themselves will be the first to 5:00 -International Cointy. ' 5:10-Rawhide 5:30 - Prelude to Dusk 5:45 The Question" Box 0:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Freddy Martin & Orch. 0:3a -Mus.cal Varieties and really give it to the pitcher, i And you know, I've never had J admit that there was someone a pitcher who pulled something el; e who deserves recognition. He like that eonie back at me for if Joe Ward, the quiet, unassum- ing coach and trainer. Joe has 6:45 "Smiley Burnette Show" the bawling out I gave him.' CALVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LIMITED AMHER3TBURO ONtARIO The slouch hat worn by Australian soldiers was first used by the Victorian Mounted Rifles, a volunteer corps, in 1885. Water buffaloes have increased so greatly in Northern" Australia that thousands are shot annually. tut Lsn't already there. DIZZY DEAN given a lot of time for weeks and ':u cm- News week- tc train the lads. He has! 7:15 CBC News Roundup i :jncan that for a while, B and the other greu "If he is smart, a pitcher can A the skill and knowledge, he ran 7:30 Zara Nelsova. Cellist 3'his advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia aluhe s made Harrv liKjk '" 8:00 Prades Festival imytxii u uie taus una ne nas nls teammates. I remember whsn , ., h rH!n m i 9:20 Mleczclan v.w inn", fcl.l Horszowski the LllK patience UlLlfl ll!f to L(l p-ersevere iriTWVHrP and W thH " r. . ... i . .. . i.. ljly.v.v ocn uu wiTn t np tar-1 j ucrru is a peni, - ,. ""-"" " I develoD their skills It must he a ' iu:uoCBG News 'hat I'm talking about. 1 . eM u- 60urce of joy , to tn him M , to have t'v j i lOiiii-mn 10:10 CBC n News Round-up fc he's the best catch-r : calea. DUl "e wa3 awiuiiy smart, frill. Yet a few years at(0 Every time it was hi turn to pitch he'd get the whole team boys do so well. And it is surely : 10:15-Su:plemenl the least that we can do to pay '10:80 Therese Dcni.srt, Sop. tribute to the coach who has 11 :0u -V.'eat her Report brought the boys along to that : H:M -Sign Off around him and make the name little speech. 'Boys,' he'd say. 'Ole Dht Ls pitching today. That IN RE ESTATE OP OILLES ROYEB. OTHERWISE KNOWN A3 JOSEPH CilLLES HOYER. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that a Administrator, with the will annexed, duly uplHiintecl by the Court, of the estate of -Gilles Hoyer, otherwise known us Joseph Gilles Royer. who died at Prince Kupert, British Columbia, on the 12th day of March, 1U51. I require all creditors and others having claims against the- said estate to send the same to me. properly veriried. at the address mentioned brlow on or before the 15th day of June. 1151, after which date I pitch wheia they can win pro- ; means we're gunna gel a lot ol ! vint'iu championships. To brins two championships home wilh runs and hits. four contestants is- a worthy record. "Diz told that to the Cardinal ball players so often they actually got so they believed they fas he? An outfielder! if 1 think Raschl and Lo-I Pae and those other fctd Yankee pitchers iake it a lot easier for i become a catcher than f ive been the case lf he ki with some other club? ipiv ihey did!" tin outspoken Indebted-ijpiichers is not intended ffi.ection upon the men the bulky, uncomforl-tihlng equipment. "The S i.s the one man on the InURKUAl- A M 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00-CKC News 8:10 Here's Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Mu.-ic for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert t : HELP WANTED Permanent positions for suitable men. Most desirable working conditions. Top wages. Two weeks holiday with pay after one year employment. 50 Medical Services Association fees paid hv firm. 2 First Class Automobile Mechanics. ' 1 First Class Automobile Body Repair Man and Pointer. 1 Helper and Clean-up Man for general garage work. Apply: Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS Good sportsmanship, good 7JX shall proceed to distrlbut the es physical condition, good training! hit better when he was pitch' tate to those entitled by law. having mf 1 ing." Mickey laughed. "He won mane good athletes, but even ) a lot of 10-6 ball games that way. more they build tin good citizens "Another thimr Whenever and therefore a goM community. ! regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND further take notice that all persons indebted to snid estate are reqv.Ued to pay their Indebtedness to anyone made a particularly fine Tc Joe Ward and nls boxers go 9:59 Time Signal me forthwith. fielding play behind him, Di;:' our sincere congratulations and i0:oo-Morning Visit DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this to controls the sneed and -used to call tim He'd hold nn a thank you from the whole i 24lh day of April. 1951. fa game," Mickey point- the game just to go over and community. I JACK 'WILSON. I if Hus biggest job ls to Gordon Frnscr Forbes. Onlclal Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C. lApr2a. M2.9.10I shake the infielder's hand or put his arm around his shoulders to 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the WalU 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report ' 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude C PORT OHOTS $ own pitcher -from work-iin-st himself slowing Sjtu much or working too fi Different pitchers re-fileient handling. Some iffcc slowed down constant-ijei's," Mickey shrugged, iivf to keep after once In flio keep them from bog- show the crowd what great support he was getting. What cffe.;t do you think that had on the infielder? The next time a ball was hit in his direction, the fellow likely would have dived through a wall just to save Ole Diz' game." nn in iy Charlie Oa diner, then with the Winnioeg team of the American Hockey Association, was signed by Chicago Black Hawks 24 years ago. The Scottlsh-bon Gardiner was a stand-out goahe with ithe Hawks until his death in June, 1934, two months afU-r helping Chicago to win the Stanley Cup f,)r the first time. oOo Joe Jacob, popular boximr 11 :45 Scandinavian Melodies 12:00 Mid-Day Merodlti e.TA. 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 This Week's Composer 1:30 Musical Program l:45-UNESCO: Comty. 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 At Home With Your Hobbies 3:00 The Music p,ox 3: 15 Western Five Record Set By Globe Trotters UN CEMENT ANNO manager and promote-, died 11 years ago Tuesday after a heart attack. At the time he was managing Tony Gal?nto but had Longest single bridge span in the world is the central span of the Golden Gate Bridge at San been better known as manager cf Max ?hmeling when the latter won the hfavvweisht titlT from Jack Sharkey in 1930. oOo Francisco, 4200 feet total. A dew-dampened court lent zip to his antics and for a while all the players were slowed by skidding falls. Eventually they became accustomed to the poor playing conditions and used the court like a skating rink. ' ALL SUSCEPTIBLE Pneumonia, fourth in the list of major death causes in Cana AN INCREASE OF 2c PER QUART OH ALL BOTTLED MILK WILL GO INTO EFFECT APRIL 26th. A meeting was held in Smithers April 13, with the Bulkley Valley Milk Producers' Association , , &ENA. California The as loose and the crowd M as the Harlem Globe- well known In Princ? I slipped and slid to a p tory over the College rs in the Rose Bowl's sketball game. . " save the Trotte-"s a 7 (l in a 19-game cross-I tour. The crowd of jfcas believed to be the ever to attend a caga i iGoase) Tatum was a t both in the laugh de-f" and on the score-is He scored 24 points, half the winning team's BiU Quackenbush, great de-fenceman of the Detroit ReJ Wings, two years ago was announced winner of the Lady Byng trophy. He was the first defenceman ta win the National Hockey League award for the most sportsmanlike conduct da, strikes any age from Infancy on. THE INCREASED COSTS OF FARM MACHINERY DELIVERY VEHICLES Here's Why combined combined with with playing playing ability ability;! ; II 1 since since Its its inception inception in in 1925. 1925. I II t 1 For Action Advertise! ! J W FOREIGN INFLUX The number of foreign workers absorbed in British industries in 1948 and 1949 was about 180,000. IMPORTED FOODS WAGES BOTTLES COST OF BEEF INCREASE IN TRANSPORTATION FARMS AND DAIRY MAINTENANCE : ,ft u f T r m r- Compare this Increase with Other Essentials 1 rr-.r-T-V. ir-r. tr YA .... itVOtf1 Coffee has inereoied 70 Canned Goods 33 Baby Food 33 Clothing . 33 Since June 1948 7 i1 -- oV ' Xw - JSA tkil UrtnitiM it sot F.Uuh.J w Uy4 r t Liquor Control bW w by iho GoxfrixMot VyrzO MILK IS NOW INCREASING ONLY 8'2 Milk is slill your Best and Cheapest Food. 7 At the meeting the farmers stated that unless they got an increase in the price of milk they would convert their herds to . beef cattle. ' ' We feel that in order for Prince Rupert to get this fresh supply of milk this request is justified. All tickets ia customers hands at face value Ps RETURNLcthbridire MaDle Leafs, who won the world hockey championship in I I i wren " '" ' . 12 noon to 12 midnite Phone 658 Corn.-r 3rd Ave. and 6th St. "uined to Canada last week aboard the Canadian Pacific liivr Empress ci trance. "Tp shUWn here as the fhip pulled, into M ontreal harbor. The World Hockey Trophy and burchill Cup, won in England, are displayed in front of the team. Led by 31-year-old manager and playing captain, they touivd the Continent and Britain, piling up f"ies in 55 games. Left to right, front row, are: Bill Gibson, Don McLean, Bill Chandler, ellughps, Nap Mllroy, Karl Sorokoskl and Bert Bibbs. Back row, Tom Wood, Dick Gray, ' I(ill'stead, Lew fiiray, Hec Negrello, Don Vofjan, Stan Obodiac and Nicky Roth. J CP PHOTO) Ml i i