yi Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Milk Price 1 ?onr w . Table cream cream wr a; ,, pr. Takes ! mam si.se " 15 Wednesday. October 17, 1951 Jump of Prince different!,,! 11 'Pi, As milk prices went up three i Vancimvr n 'l cent a quart in Vancouver this i prim ax being iLi Cunore week, an Increase of three cents! freight cist . ' V a. nuart in Prince Ruoert is an- hleher hn.,. Csrtai t b I At 1 f nnnnred. ,charppu (Charge, u-. here " ailfl ' T The 'yasie prl-t of fluid milk n Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding Rupert and Northern and ''entral British Columbia, idemuer of CanHdian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association ii A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Sy Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, $S0O; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year. $8 00 Housing nmm In Vancouver new Is 22c per 1 ' quart. : Here H will be 29e. Other Vancouver milk prices are: tpei-iul. 24c a quart; buttermilk, ltfc; skim milk, 18c; sut-rtandard cream, 49c; table or mm mi II Til V Zii I I ill -utn j A rvv and exciting MAGNIFICENT "T7YVl I collection of: Best Show in Britain LONDON. The best show in Britain, especially at election times, is in Hyde Park of a Sunday afternoon. Two weeks aao there was a definitely hu.shed note to the proceedings with the King on the opi'tating table. Last winter, when I was here before, the .speeches by the Tories, for Instance, had a studiously jolly air a sort cf lets go slumminij. you chaps." It is very different now. They had the bisnejst crowds I ever saw in Hyde Park this afternoon and the Tory speaker had the biggest crowd of all, but it was mostly hostile. action on the long-mooted low rental EA'ULY .housing scheme for Prince Rupert is a matter ;f of' much gratification. It is certainly not coming too soon and most certainly it will be no more than iTnecessary to fill the need. Even with its accomplishment, it is to be anticipated that there will still ;he a housing stringency in Prince Rupert what with the new industrial development of city and district which is constantly bringing new people here and 'leaving others who want to come, j Meantime, it is to be hoped that something also Imay be done before lone in aiding builders of their !ovn homes herepeople who are now almost priced 'out of the market. Very wisely the federal government has eased ft : ; i.. . j 1 - . ,, x i Cjcncn.i Llr!c RADlC C.E. Radio', arc available for every trr,te every budget . . . every room. The Northern B. C. Power Q i its restrictions on mortgage money under the Xa- i heard about six religious . . ' " usually with small , T ,t,t 4.1,,, ! -speakers, AT STATE DINNER-Prlncess E'zafcth and th: Uukc 9f Edlnbuigll are seen with Oovernor-Oencral V.scount A.exander and i.acly A.examer outside thv! dining rK,m in Oovernment Husr Ottawa, following the state dinner to th : Royal couple Wednesday night. Princes, is ..,,!r , ik. ouppIiib eowns uhe brounht to Canada with the sash of the INVHES YOL' TO DROP IN AND DISCI'S! HIE PERFECT RADIO FOR YOL'R HOME .crowds, some telling of the sc.--' coaat-to-couAt I CP PHOTO NORTHERN B.C POWER Co.,11 Crtler of the Garter and a diamond tiara. Daraifc Ine dinner she spoge on b.-oadrast in French and English It was the tw md broadcast of her tour. llt-sncr lilui k Pbunc 211 rrt- KnnH. nr. trtt in. It's a change that's muking Icing more pronounced. .lioiiai mousing ni l. it miwh ni-'iuuim ni. ."-Istispension of the one-sixth loan available under iNHA was too drastic. : Even with the new regulations, automatic provision of badly needed housing should not be taken forjrranted. The shortage of mortgage money, ;thoitgh easing, is still reported acute by lending institutions. There has been no assurance that house .appraisals by Central Mortgage" & Housing Cor-!;ora6ion will be made more realistic than they have been--on a basis of costs prevailing nearly two end coming of Christ. I U-:rned ; a tew minutes to two youn Spiritualists, with their hair studiously pulled aown to make them look unusual. 0:.e was in hot argument with a British housewife -about which produces what mind matter or matter mind, I saw one heckler so badly worst a Ireakish. bearded young speaker that the lat-ter simply quit and left his speaking place. I lis-.ened to half -a dozen Irishmen, all "aain" the (British) Rich Tuna Disappear ray.. Reflects and Reminisces : It wen t be the fault of this , country if the roya' party fail to be reminded of Canada in the montht to come. Latfst posses-! ons Includ.' a suit of buckskin, r. totem pole and case of maple stiear. Appear to Have Gone Aliogether Krom B.C. Water BELIEVE IT OR NOT 'year? ago. Also, no system has been set up to chan- government. Also i heard a Fas- , , , . , . , A , ., , c;st, with an audience of five. Think what you could buy in ' A MASTER Uh - VANCOUVER (CF) The elusive ar?ue that Britain had Fascusin Victoria, back in the nineties In Disraeli has been dead for tuna, worth more than U.lJU.OVl already under Mr. Attlee. I aw the way of a square meal! Two many a year but could he hear la; t yea.- aitj more than that m a fierce two-man argument be- tits would purchaae this, in the Esypt tr'Ur.g Britain to get out, 1918, have again disappeared. ' tween a speaker who said thnt Poodle Djg cafe: consume, fish, cf Sura he might havj a few The sleek, rich fish appeared Britain go; no help from Am- talad. ham, ovfters. chicken. pe Unent remarks to make. It In uanutit lit Brltkn Cbtumom e;icu in the recent war and i rum cmlttte. stuffed turkey, was in 1872 that Lord Beacons- waters a few years ago and liav very dirty, dishevelled, but roast beet. lamb, sprouts, vege- field, as British Prime Minister, Just as sudJenly vanished, stroiieiv outnionateri man w ho tuhle. nlum nnrlrllnr. hard ard s.itwpriprt in uurchaslnE the Suez Two of the best -equipped t ;nel a"steacly now oi esseniiai material to ounuei i However, the government's action on mortgages ishoull help the immediate housing problem. If other 'issues are tackled as courageously and promptly, as 'the -arise, there can be no doubt that Canada's 'shelter position will be immeasurably improved. You cannot do better than In est Your Savings in Canada Savings Bonds Canada guarantees the security of both pfincipil inj intt-reu . . . You call il Canstls Saving B-jfl.lut jij tune for what you fwi.1 for theifl, piui intorst. Denominations: JW, $100, $1,000 and $,00a Up to $1,000 allowed pel individual, I t slull he gUd to IikiIc sfter your or.let. M4 plmne or w ire your order to our mint convenient utii.t answered: brandy sauce, p.cs, mixed fruit, Cana! controlling interests. Few search vessels in the Canadian and United States government. cake and Canadian premiers have ever put over Immunization Week "Aw, come off it where wuz assoited ycu. anyway blindfolded down cheese the bleeding cellar?" i deal that had such momentous Patrol neeis nave ,nu... - - v.. of empty hook, after tensiv., results from the standpoint national weal. d 0fe4ll bnw-e1 j A totem pole will be ptcsente "HIS is Nation; Immunization Week in Canada . . - Cape' Blanco and' the Queen a: James Richardson & Sons A NEGRO or the Colored Work- ,o Princess Elizabeth In Stanley ers- Association told of whit Park Th. simple ceremony will wrfVn health authorities throughout the Domin Charlotte Island. alt-o an advantage that gav? happened to him when he land- be performed by J a native girl. ion C5fl to the public attention the dangers of diph r.r...rr onri n- ie! on nn a Rfn e . . ed as a seaman In the southern we'll wager the colorful novelty 1 ' 1 1 . ' , , to familiar tuna grounds in mia- Pocific Coait OfTpcen theria, whooping-cough and smallpox and the means u s in 1921. It was not very and serene beauty of ancient ' . . , -ith Vi.tern was July loullrt no stgn of fi!,n al1a VKT0HA VANCOUVER nrce. trees will &e found relreshint; - research ve-seis were seni uui One clever Irishman had the after that has already taken XThrCof OoS mith th i... ........ j i.... ! na.isaung tne cape or uooa DrilW, roliimhia iirm hicers are oigneoi. juuimi i-iviu o u u, - H, Vn nal,in ,,! tmtfr L . " . . .. linporiillg S'JniC uurr nmu.'ai.u unci more iinuuiaw s-iiiB in ((ms of !roTen tuna fr()m J;,uan. They say Winston Churchill distance and in time by netting himielf up off the beaten track and over a low 'fence so that he escaped ma-it competition from other speakers and hymn singers. His wisest crack was at the expense of Winston Churchill: may return as MP. Age cannot wither, or custom stale his ln-flnitD variety of verbs and adjectives. Detroit Free Precs. i Cold Weather Hitting Crop "I know a gentleman," he said, 'who g?is 15.L0C a year for goin LOOKS LIKE IT like this." He mimicked Church-, I'.'s too bad to suddenly miss a ill's famous V sign. handy roll I ke S0. Yet that irurh was stolen at a dance !n !for protecting children and others against these diseases by imnmnization which service is made midily accessible to the public from the family ;doctor or the public health services. ; iast year in Canada there were 12,182 cafes of Iwhooping-cough and 421 cases of diphtheria, and ':-f)4 victims of these two diseases, which health .authorities have established are preventable, lost jtheir lives. ! There are still a few people in the country who !do not hold with immunization practices but their 'inumber is constantly growing smaller in the face of increasing medical achievements and proofs along this line. An important thing about immunization is that ,it not only protects the person who is immunized 'but the other person as well. EDMONTON Cold weather Prince Rupert, the other night, ha;: practically brought harvest- NO LABOR or Libera! speakers . P:-'" - " i"e .u a .iait were speakina during the,""1' hours I was in Hyde Park to- nlost an amount would attain. A heavy loss in crcp is day But both the Conservatives naw vanished from a rooming already teccming apparent. and the Communists side bv house office but for the vigilance Northern Alberta and the Ptace side were having a lively time ' watch dog. There has al- River have much o the crop the Tnr. th hnttMt wav? been more or less thieving s'ill to btlng in. Th-.' first fall of here but, undoubtedly a Rradual snow has come in feveral parts I Last winter the crowds would give the Tories a respectful j?'--""" " ";.' '"c t""'""; hearing, interrupting only ' enough to show them they jSleeping Late kvtef P-'i J-- -''tk YH tnouisni the line hanaea oui was mostly eyewash. But now it is vefy different. The Tories had different type speakers, too very workin-cla-ss in appearance. In fact, when I first went up to then-crowd. I thought it was the Communist meeting, for the speaker so looked the part. He was trying to convince a vociferously skeptical audience that under the Tories social welfare ,wouid be just as well maintained as it had been under Labor. EVEN IN HYDE PARK the Brit IT IS not so bad to sit up late at night if you can J sleep late in the morning, observes the .Vancouver -News-Herald. That is what many people arrange to do. ; But the birds will not sleep any later. Nor will the sun co-operate by staying longer below the hori-;zon. Traffic cannot be rerouted beyond the range of '..sound. ! There will, too, be people who went to bed very r. ts XKV " .wW .T.ii 4. ish show some of their most 'early. Consequently they have neither the need nor ' admirable national character - .i 4 tan Li fHmtsntifi 3lrntrUrni Always Leading With the Best in Watches ;the desire to lie in bed very late. When they get up Tsw'mo"' inum- jthey. will draw baths. gent than we ever have It In ! No doubt these people, wanting to know what ; to .has transpired during the night, will turn on a radio stormy meetings myself, also i ; can remember when the late H. jliews program. B Bennett was Prime Minister 1 Little dogs next door will bark, little children nen in an hour s spe.er.h- ,n!!rd- J ... , . ' ly a sentence he said failed to will play under your window. People will slam doors, get the answering roar of boos. Uuaiiua fl.. r emit Itl, Qua. w Urn ibOi MokUf atiun, pitAiHt U lt. Urn la 4uij ,iBtt uvl an ftlil la ptrf.ot aoolluaa. Ua kid. mm 1. Aid a Mil " cooklai titan alia la tail a ) aurlal " aa4 1 aauantar (of unq la In. Unit) " purwaaad aata ef iluauua far Hair m " Uiatr Malta 1, a trltau ta ail aaataai ' XaKt add that I araald aet fart altt w U laiar af anj atMr atuill. 'The proof's in the eating" . . . AOKCt JHKCI SMILING GfNEMTONS Good cooks are proud ol their favourite recipes. And when they lind utensils that cook lood well, preserve llavour and quality, and clean easily, they're proud of them, too. That's why so many homemakers write in to tell us about theiraluminum utensils. Aluminum has been a Canadian kitchen favourite for half a century. So many mothers do more than teach their daughters to cook: they teach them to use good utensils, too! ELECTRIC GENERAL 1 These noises will arouse-your curiosity. They t-w SZ-kI will create anxiety about vour most cherished pos- not just blind opposition it u sessions. It will do no good to cover your head with .li'SS de-m pillow. So you might just as well get up and try to bate hu crowd. They are just jget through the day with the help of aspirin and 'ITZXr. JCOfff?. ' goes for Conservatives all the i r. i l .i i- i way around to Communists. i wJOple Who propose to Sleep late Should realize j Also, if the British ever were IthStlhey can achieve their end only bv persuading ! inhibited and shy. they certain- . . 1 !u are not. t.nev on In Hvrle Hra. CtMrta. !, U alufjiiankind and nature to do so along with them. park, it they think the speaker G. E. Radios, Washers jis talking rot, they say so j women as well as men. NOW IN STOCK YEA? rwTrTl MPi Mill!1! I l I mm Uim'j iwm ALUMINUM HAS BEEN FRIENDLY TO HEALTH FOR fFTY ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD. Prince Edward Island is only a j little more than one-sixth the size of Vancouver Island. P.E.I. 's area is 2.184 square miles and that of Vancouver Island about 1 12.408 square miles. Rupert Radio & Electric