Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 17, 1951 , n cr j i ;jfp j AUCTIONEER S THE BEST QUALITY L i v ii I jmCJI i !5 IS ?! ' I fR SALE SAWMILL Asqoingconcerr Capacity. 15 000-MlH como. trj' 3"fon truck on ( months old. Timb $18,000 Intelligent Pony Saves Girl's Life GATESHEAD, Durham, England Darkle, a little black pony that pulls an Ice cream wagon, was always a favorite with the children. They fed him cakes and lumps of sugar and generally spoiled him. One day Noreen Robson, 7, ran irom her home to buy ice cream, fell ond rolled almost directly under Darkie's legs. Darkles driver shouted, a woman screamed and Norecn lay i ",en In terror. The only cool party was the pony, who lowered his head and flicked Noreen out oi his path as the wagon passed over the post. "It was so close the wheel grazed my daughter's hip," said Noreen's father. She only suffered bruises. Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems rilONE 231 E- T. KENNEYLTrf t s ' I crrocs, B.C. : - Via..- ' ..- Stone Carving Eskimos Gift , To Elizabeth OTTTAWA (CP) A delicate stone carving of an Eskimo mother and child, shaped with crude tools by a Cape Dorset Eskimo, will be presented to Princess Elizabeth just before .she leaves Canada for home. The presentation will be made by Resources Minister Winters when the Princess and Prince Philip visit Halifax November 7 and 8. It will be given to her on behalf of Canada's EsKim'J people who populate the north-land she has never seen'. The carving Ls the work of Munamte. an Eskimo from Nuvcjuak. a camp in the Cape Dorset region of southwest Baffin Island. It was the finest item m a large collection of Eskimo craft recently brought, from the north by representatives of the .a"... J.ian Handicrafts Gmla. It is a carving of an Eskimo mother carrying a child in her tarbou parka. The mother is silting tending a Kudlik or soap-stone lamp. Mur.amee.who delighted members of the guild expedition with his work, ha.s only the crudest of tools. He shapes a blade from scrap metal and gives his carving its final smoothness by buf.'ing it with harder stone. Ine stone from which the carving is maae it extremely delicate and liable to damage. Princess Elizabeth will be warned of this when the presentation is made. For actio,, ue Mew4 i Dibfa Printing Co. For the MEAL that REFRESH!? BF.SNF.R KI.OCK BEST ; OF FOOD STEAMER 'njUtf l-U0K;' Prince George FOR TAKE OI T ORDERS PHONE 2H BROADWAY CAFE th. Duke of Edinburgh as shown on the platform. The city hal! was decollated with a huge backdrop of bunting with a Rcyal crest and the whole area was spotlighted. Huge throngs crowded all city streets along the Royal couple's routes to SAILS FOR Vancouver HUGE TORONTO WELCOME An estimated 70.000 crowded every inch of Toronto's city hall area to give a roaring welcome to Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh when they arrived just after dark. Princess Elizabeth gave a short addrcs- of welcome while Mayor McCallum, Mrs. McCallum and J (CP from Federal Newsphotos) various city functions. m :ii"!i;:;!ji'fni.;. oConclon fScc; NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBE mid Intermediate Ports Cocli Thursday' at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGII't LtiXu-y at Low Cost Fur Reservations Central Interior TRAVELS anae ct'i at fine Uann'i Z)a j "The height of luxury and sophistication for this year's evening wear is heavily embroidered ! tweed." said Schinparvlll first c; the Paris designers to use wool ! for evening 'wear In a British ! la. hion publication. i This designer was one of the i 22 members of Paris' Haute Couture who gave a London showing oi wool wear for mornings, af-tei noons and evenings. In a ! hand-book distributed at this Studies Radar Mirage Problem a t OflVooL Write or Call CITY OK UtPO.T OFFICE r-RINCE RUPERT. B.C. are high wages in the bush, was told by Mi. Ruiter. Mrs. Ruiter asked me to sign the Guest Book By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Start Wrlier Wakened at 7:15 a.m. by twice-repeated knock on door, and: "Are you getting up. Otto? It's time to scram." Though rather early, inspected day. and found i' sunny and mild. Ccnvictkm that topography of Houston was a snare and delu lashlon show, Schiaparellt sug- A lone "Pommie" signature, Aussie slang for English, among the pagis of Hollander names, among them the Dutch Consul from Montreal. Before leaving If you have missed your paper, pi ease phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, call the office before 5 p.m. ROITE 1 Alan Laird. Green 153 Walts and Nickerson's to rr.zze;!'? Motor- Fui'or.S 510-600; 6th Ave. West 600 and 700 Buck. ROL'TE I Ralph Olsen, Blue 728 Herman Street; 1430 nth East to Seal Cove ROITE 3 Victor Maskulak. 1st Ave. West 248-1077 ; 2nd -Ave West iil-m is ing 9th Street; 3rd Ave. Frtocll's Motor to end t West. LONDON (CP) Each year as gestr-d a "perfect" ail-wool ward-temperatures diop, shop windows robe a "ical" tweed suit; grey beckon with enticing examples twec(1 travel coat lined with TORONTO (CP) The National Research Council , is scanning Lake Ontario from nearby Scarborough Bluffs in an effort to make lake shipping safer. In a two-year project expected to cost $100,000 the council is seeking the answer to the problem of radar mirages.' Radar mirages are images received on the radar screens of lake ships of objects which sion was confirmed by following the neat and attractive house, stoiy: Just around Labor Day, war shown presents for lottietn a party of friends, knowing the anniversary.. Found Mr. Vriend packing ri t cellar with fine specimens contract check and grey flannel travelling suit; grey jersey dress; b ack foimal suit; red town coal; biack Jersey cocktail dress with adjustable neckline for dinner wear; navy broadcloth evening drees, a full-length decollete and slim; a white flannel housecoat casual'y tailored with adjustable neckline. aren't really where the screen district, set out, early in the evening, to see salmon in Buck Creek, not half a mile from Houston Darkness having fallen, a. id ieady to return, they got completely bushed, within sight and s'jund of village. Torn trou-rer, lost shoe laces, and .nylons ol Danish Ball Head cabbages, some weighing fifteen pounds. One hundred artd twenty feet long, fourteen feet high, and foui feet into ground, this shed was built two years ago on a cement base, slabs cover in- shaving packed two feet Ihic'a. "This year I shall have sixty thousand pounds if cab Oi the latest ways to keep warm. From the dark, heavy and often I rtif ftabrics of a century ago, i wool manutacturers have de-! veloped a versatile range of tex- tiles that get better all the time. L With woollen materials tanging from diaphanous weaves with the transparency of organdy, to the knotty-surfaced, loose-iy-woven fabrics of grandmothers day, there are stylish clothes for every hour and occasion. ! This year's winter coats, for ! instance, range from travel coats I in closely-knit naps and reps j lined with wool or fur. to the rmcoth sleekness of serge and " fbaia.'hea town coats with tiny 1 waists, full skirts and stylis. ROITE 4 Alvin Nystrdt. Hlue 63 7th Ave. West 704-1427 ; 9th Ave Fulton Street 700 Biock; TatlJw West 102-6D9 I St: eel 303-8-3; 0 says them are. Like ordinary mirages, the images are "reflections" of distant scenes. To find out what causes the m. rages, research workers have Uieii own iWOj-pound radar sei ia Uoa vwui, .-,iiujs up and ooau a cabieway from the level oi Lake Oi.trio to 2'M feet abo'e it. . A movie camera takes a pic-' tu:e every 3J seconds on the radar sjieen, recording what with back warn holding shreds togilhcr, were the order of the ' day when th? almost hysterical' puity emeiged at 12:45 a.m. Ave. ROITE 5 Jimmy Mel fan. Red 8J2 4th Ave. West 100-445: 5th Ave West 105-515: West 308-539; Dun.muir Street 211-4.ii: TW 515; Emerson Place; Agnew Place. ROUTE 6 Eleanor Walker, Green 0:3 Having had to return to hotel, twit, within fe"w minutes to fetch forgotten articles, genial gentle- 1 man in lobby offered to "pack" i me upstairs next time. Still find 8'h Ave. West 105-E37; 9th Ave. East 110-270; MB the invisible eye sees over the lake. ANNUAL CLEARANCE USED CARS Last week's advertised specials have btea sold. 1949 FOKD Custom Cedan 1351 n.Y.MOl TII Sedan I91 WH.LY3 Station Wagon 1542 CHEVROLET Sedan 1917 WILLYS Station Wagon 1912 PLYMOLTII Sedan 'TRUCK SPECIALS 150 FORD 3-ton 17G W. B. IM) FORD 3-ton 170 W. B. Wl FORD 3-Uin 153 W. B. ' Offers considered on L333 CHEV. Svdan Delivery. All reconditioned ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS prince Rupert, B.C. recordings 01 WtT? ?anR,e' espe: At the same culi wiirji ucu ui Was invited to partake of Thanksgiving chicken. When gave thanks realized that one bages. Last year I had over one hundred tons of potatoes, and it C3uld hold two hundred tons. It is free from frost, even at forty below," Mr. Vriend told me. Overheard in cafe, party of men talking after quitting camp, because of grizzly's nine Inches wide footmarks, perilously near camp. DR. St NSIIINE Met August Kuitula here prospecting. Commenting on front name, was told, "Dr. Sunshine, they call me." "And what does the Doctor order, says I?" "Sun- are made of temperatures, humidity and other weather data. When ail the facts are put together, the re.earuners hope to could practise this gratefulness, with profit, far more often. Appreciate pumpkin pie. As vegetable in Australia, served with unfailing fiequency, not at all layered. .:- liu;'. i.iio. mative and pleasant know what conditions cause ra- dar mirages and what to do aoout it. '1 ne theory is that radar waves, being in the very short 10,000 megacycle range, act somewhat nue light waves. If tile ladar beam gets caught between two layers el air over the lane, it will bounce along be-1 twtcii tnemi lor as far as 100 ' niiito, and send back a record ih shine free for all, fresh fruit. ccuars trlmi.ied in mink or lamb. Orre of the most Interesting new uses of wool is in long evening capes blushing the ground in train effect. Mostly in longhaired fabrics, the capes are simple In design and in many case' a e lined with light-weight wool: that give cosy warmth to bare shoulders. Worn over crinoline dresses they recaa the days of horse-drawn carriages when lur coats we.e ffV.known. Wool is also chosen for the crinoline itself. Materials range n'cm f.imsy jersey weighing one ounce a square yard to broadcloth dinner and evening gowns with voluminous sk its, backless te.pc and intricate bead embroid-e . In cocktail dresses, wool lame jersey gives the scintillating glitter of a brocade, with roni "f its co'.dness. Street 113-708. ROUTE 7 Glendon Smith, Blue 931 All of Section 2 ROUTE I Jimmy Johnson, Grrrn Ml Waterfront and Pacific Piaie; iCSR-FJk Floatsr. ROUTE 9 Melvin Bjornson, Green 113 9th Ave. East. Mt Bride to Hays C ;vc Circle. it-Street 111-815. ROUTE 10 Bruce Rnald, Green 719 4th Ave. Eist 237-73'i; 5th Ave, Eat 301-713: R East 119-245, 301 -C2d; Hays Cove i.'irrlc 82-567. C Street 511-516; Green Street 411-416; Ebtrt S" Younj; Slrect. HOUTE 11 Michael PoUcrs, llla;k 034 PiKaott Ave.; 1st and 2nd OvcriuoU; Hctram Plggott Place. ROUTE 12 Sammy Alrxandir 11th Ave. East 333-1835; Frrc!rri.'k St.; ShorbroM ROUTE 11 Ronny Ebv, Grern2.8 1st East 225-247; 2nd Ave. West 137-341: IS 131-225; Market Place; 3rd Ave. Daily Nc"w' Motors. ta'k w.iii 'Seven Days, G'.ing " local character who exercise and fresh water." likes iife interesting and has own Saw more excerpts cf "Te'e- i'lca about labor. Reminded me giaph Creek, Canada's Most 1 t similar feeling of Australian Isolated Community," excellent "aboiiginees, who periodically go color film taken by Jack Andru-i -Walkabout." Would ease men- skc, who ls planning to take a ta! i.nsion, if more widely prac- similar one of Houston. Ked. ' ret Mrs. Lyon, making mat of "K Ruiter Uz." was label on eld stockings. Made mental note ,f out dooi. It was the original to keep next ruined pair nylons door label brought from Holland' 101 same purpose. eleven years ago, "Hz" meaning son of Herman. Was invited to -The Island of Mauritius In the lunch "Labor for the farm is Indian Ocean has almost 600 per-foo expensive to hiie, as there sons to the square mile. ui me ooject lot) miles away. Noiiaaliy the ocam uied oy ih.pj expends only 20 miles or vnen .the Nat.unal Research Cou.ici i.js ail its laets, figures and findings completed, they wiii fill a manual for guidance of ship radar operators and remove the element of chance irom rauar .safety. Itui advert tout not p whittled i dtpUyd Wy (We lioitc Control u4 by tk G'MHI B' ColwwW p ft AGED FURNACES HEAT ROBBERS The owner or an average heatins system f;ve or more yea-s o!d is warned by Na- ona! V.'a1 r.i Air 1 atin As;:o- ROUTE 15 Alleyn Ritchie. Black 8SK 5th Ave. West (135-733. 741-743; Bnn en Street F Home Helps- Praises Quebec Farm Methods i Klscnoff " Pyrcx Wore 0 Paper Towtls Absorcnc O Dread Boxes Tabb CuMcry i 't'en hat, t.i-- ("uds arc 7 to tr his winter liea'in; bill is at XI rcrcer.1 mo e than ls-cssary TS ': is becaus? 7 out of 10 'd r type .' of heating 5 r.i in r.ccd of ienairing and eaninr;. At leaks in and '" h f'i r.3- "ombustion -hain'-er, soot in lie chimney i lurnac, warned burn-od Fire King Ovenwars Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. LONDON (CP) French-Canad.n contained in a Times from P. C. Praise for farmers was letter to The Loltu.s, chair- Street Bisgar Piace. KOUTE IB Frank Kilhorn, Green ft:7 4th Ave. East 124-231; 5 h Ave. V-A: "" Eai-t 108-0b8; Bovm Strie'.. ROUTE 17 Charlie Lindstrom, (i ren fl .17 Bh .ve t0-fiv: 7,n .".vr Wt WJj West 221-528; Lotblnirre St. 721-728. Mi Briar 704; Tallow St. 625-733. ROUTE 18 Tayte M;Neice, Blu-Cil 6th Ave. Lasi Biqck'800: 8th A''''- Allied "6 East 1000-1114: ' 10th East S'W-'"J. Bacon Street; Donald Street. ROUTE 19-Jimmy Johnssn, Grrrn Mil 6th Ave. East 070-1140; Amorce Ave ROUTE 29 Ross Murray, Blue 275 8th Ave. East 1030-1944. man of a Sutiolk rural association. Contributing to a correspondence on farm production, Loltu said countries could learn a lot about how to handle soil erosion oy studying the French-Cana-aian example. USED CAR SALE K r ' jK . X ' 1 I. . - ; .... .. ' . "In the province of Quebec," ,,.213;' :on. 1 1949 Studiboker Sedan 1 ,1941 Msrcury Sedan ROUTE 21 Jimmy Moortlieatl, Re I 2nd Are Wer.t 1133-1314; Pni'k Ave. Street; Water SLreel; Beach P..-t. ROUTE 23 Larry Parent, Greei 4S7 8th Wc iua-735; Summit Ave; TajK' SirM. corroding smoke pipe ail fate 'oss of heat right in the 'in r.ace ilseif. Thciefore ucing mo c fuvl to ke:p the proper temperature. Keating expeiti report that h-me owners a"e "robbing Pater to pay Paul" through use o. impropT filing methods and negligence in furnace maintenance. The majority of rost'y re-piwrs cou'd have been avoided if owners had followed a regular juos'.am of having heat-inp systems inspected each ye: , fays the heating association. . Mino- repairs can add n -tr service to healing system and insure health and safety of families. '.941 '.931 ROUTE 21 Brian Rolierts, B ack 4S0 2nd Ave. West 716-3rrt Ave ., (5th ' Ford Sedan . AustinScda:i, 3009 miles, new condition. Monarch Sedan Ford Sedan ami West Tally Kews-Walt.i wrote Lottus, "the land has been cultivated lor neaiiy jun yeai. by tiie French-Canadian peasant proprietors, and it ma.ntains it'j .u'...;ty w.ui a nigh output ol i.i O.Iili pai's o. Canada, on land wmch nai ieu. farmed tor only about 50 years there ;.re already alaiinin syniptuinj oi eiosicn sucn -s in o.o. av.ay ol ine eO,l, l.i. .nit stage ui Ine c.eaiiOn o. maii-iiiaei; ueseus. "iii'j Fren-h-panadian work; in co -operation with nature ana an understanding of and reverence for the living soil. 1 947 11 94S ROUTE 23 Derry Parkin, Green l! fith Ave. East 1141-1476. linl'TE 2fi Fmnkle Stewart, B!u Hij. Ridley H.'p; 7th A"e. East 981-1036; 1103 1 P I 1947 Croslcy Coach THO 11947 Fcrgo 3-ton Superior Auto Service Ltd. Many American and Canadian Ave. uo-iiut. ji THESE ARE THE DA&Y f LITTLE MERCHANTS . THEIR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON farmers have been apt to. re gard agriculture as a mechani ONE FOR THE ROAD Peewee the Hummingbird, whose homing "ieceiver" instincts were jammed recently by radio beams at Montreal's Cartlerville airport, causing him to fly in circles until he fell exhausted, stokes up before heading south for the winter. Rescuer Robert North holds the spoon which is filled with hoi.ty. 7 . (CP PHOTO SHEET METAL LTD. (245c) Third Ave. W, Phone Green 217 cal factory operation to be used to obtain quick and pheao re- Isnits reariiless oi the lulu re." jijj julfillllllla' l!!l3Hi;! :in: !!!ll!!lll lllllllll'll! llliliilill liiL.I