Prince Rupert Daiiy News Wednesday, October 17, lfcv 3 -osMsaajasmaaa i,linwri's, III i i i i'm j'itai I "a . Vf t R CB I I Phi! Lyons Credit Head Attendance at Night School Disappointing .Writes From Korean Front G. P. Lyons Is the new of the Retail C-ank's' Unless more people turn out .1 Tm,,.,i,, ii,. C . srciauon oi rr.nce nuptri, mi- the hv !,m will .n.tS(h001 in biK-n elected at last ni hf Wopliinid lo liaise en II cn not continue annual dinner meeting to succeed R. H Parker. ' twf rsasiove en ll$$Mt Oct.:. wsmm J&m 31st " f " ii'iJ Terr f :c Stack of Masks, Firecrackers, etc., at. . SjFm BITTER FAST! r . Kv4!WlvS'J A. E. Evans has heard from his son George, who has been In Preliminary registration:: Indicated three full classes but at opening niKht vesterdnv oniv tpn 1 . rcuulta ivjicu ior aooui a year, Being in lr .each class showed I up U A to'' and the orig.nal unit from Canada. Hurst, prlneloal ,,r R,7n,h Booth Will; am Bryant, second v.ce- t U well and for some Urn; now Memorial Hlrh School i prp;t;cnt. v. c t.,l.i .. ii ... u,.i..a - rw lias been r:ng a lot of active ... Numhf.,- ni . ....... ..,...: - " AUJ5 ' '-" advice. ie Sorojttimist Club of Prince Rupert pledged orai' $500 for the General Hospital Moderni-ym at its October business meeting. This will provide and equip an additional patient " tresau.-ar which office has now ir in Tk , . nrtf J fM, ,hl h 80t bee" separated from that of see- under r way are Englifh, typing lretarv He wrote that there are rum-ore at tl.j front of the time bemg titer when some of the bovs mav anu bookkeeping. rxf4: ga home on leave. There is no certainty, but a good deal of! " " : o.--pital. r tilt conjecture. j viuji.l ibu nua vv T-r T r'i i m ma iihiw i ami ! i i i m n oii n i i- Music Director Fred Huber was disappointed in the turnout for hi- band class. Although la had p. jviously registered tor fundamental band lnstiuction, only iw. arrived. M s. Catherine Laurie, manage." of the- Aisiciiiionii credit tui-eau. is secretary. Pro; ess made by the Asso'ia-tion In Its fir t year of existence was evidenced wlien the report of Frcsld -r.t Pa ker showed an Apple Day Set For Saturday -t of the Canadian Na-ndtute for the Blind , tendered by a dona-,ts campaign. franKiy, im disappointed. I nreape from th- -ri rinal mem- Industry and Church Life inousm more people here would te.shin ,.f 1.1 m RO uot!v mnm 0" " T"B CJirmmM, Prlnce Rupert Gyr03 npjlx l.s progressing their Apple Day next Saturday, take this opportunity which they f , ,. eUilv assoclHj member, possibly wont find anywhere nnd four imn. ndln-r mmhm in. under direction oi lunuwmg approval given by city cay nrcitiee Chairman Miss J'"" "l e secuna appnca- p - To observe what, if n I, lit. RN club members , " f I'inmi te chpir,.r,rtn reported nhinn. . i.. ..t i ine u,ro request pointed out ; in rerienj f o. P. Lyons, " auciii oi oi iiiuu..- Would eparefl seals ior maii-mc.n:ber. Mrs. Bertha that, to be successful, the apple sale must be held before Hal- Speed ruwiltv: wiilia F'-vant. rri-rrnm and er.tertalr,ment, and W. omed Into into the the was welcomed i "au earner re- -pw8( mcifccs-iiii and eiiu- - A5:c::aUo:i UscWed i.0 Salarv I lary Deal Ueal i .j . u u iriiuoi iur uciooer ,. as Apple Day because it followed iiivc wiu:uuitt vciiu;ue lias had on the church life of tiie rfty, Rev. Wyburn Skidmore, pastor of First Methodist Church at Ketchikan, Is a vLs.tor in the city. He arrived on the Sidney Monday night and is returning north on the Prince George tonight. Establishment of a pul;) mill, even lareer than Prince sRenata Kay delighted " "cc " day. ,,, with accounts of' Kinsmen Peanut Day will be , and travels in h-J U-'tJoer 27. . . tnk; out ratron memtershln in Prince Rupert teachers will he C,vi(! Cc at cost of $50. prrss for speedier adjustments in M's- f auriu reP,jrted on a sala v seaies to be in line with moV(-' wh,(:h was bein'5 maJ? tJ form a CrPri;t. Wnmon'o Rrpcilr- living costs. fr.rt -'i..u i Runprt'Jt it Imnpnrtinor at K"tit'.Vi : material Iur her writes and lit r radio broad-tee international 8erv-. CBC. ""-..v." 'ere. iviemo-rsnip In the r.t di.t.mnt. ' WON O 1V lfflv nrrmtrtn nar.nal rvf ail. njt . . been made until "months at Deputy Health Minister Here - I ru irr'sses mo esDeciallv leas,, had elapsed following sui .cen. med wilh credit phases. ting of living costs, R. G. Mx)re, ii n j if you want ti gc-U it, advert'. It. News classified. It was reported thet Mrs. Lftu- tilt ai.scnqeri rnairman of salary committee, told the Prince Rupert Teachers' Dr. G. D W. Cameron rirniiiu Association at its monthly meet- 'le wjuld be interviewed next v.oek on the regular weekly 1-rrac" ast cf the Junior Chamber of Commerce. minister of national health, ar-:;co!H(r i today i E. rived from Ottawa on Tuesday ;ar..s Lee. Mike Clou- night's train for an Inspection :;,Di:r:. II A. Scott, E. J. tour of Miller Bay Indian Has- "This has resulted in adjust- menu inixrm. nri ..,.. - "ca.u mess i.Tes 'A pital. i-pi. i ti.oa y i H. crm- lhe dt puty minister Is sched- t ,. H;J! and two child- uled to speak tomorrow at the Rotary Club luncheon. period has cr ated a hardship. Sl't AsswLuon Teachers will investigate the of St. Louis, the Associated legibility of group in-.urancj. Credit Bureaux of America and frank Mjore has teen in contact the Credit Cantors' Association wkh an msn-ance company rep- of Canada '0emni.aUvf a,nli Iu,nher details 0eoree Coot was In charge of will circularized among the ai.-angemenu for last evenings teachers. dinner. a oca n O. McNeill has been nominat-! ed oifloial representative to the M proposed Citizen ;hio Council Ai r A representative U the Education! 'CUyCl d PERSONAL vuiiiiTu.ieB also will oe ; di . .uipcrvl or of fish-icuve taking medical named. j ,rjyr"7j)t All teachc--s have bem urged1 Tai4pvi to become members of the Civic' i- Centre Association. j Legion meets Thursday, October 18. (243p) lliomcs Crow, of Canadian Firh'ii', Co. Ltd., was a passenger j-.stHiday on the Coquttlam, .ailing for Vancouver. j Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bellls. i MUSTARD FICKIES 1 ft. Iar9 Hcwiibtn cubed 1 ft. Mnall ccwmbrt whole 1 ft. lt tf -th inn mm 1 ft. tjrvsn lmato. chopocd coarif 1 rtd lM pmppmrt chopped fino 1 ft. wotor Vt cwp talt i toblospooiM Colmatl't mwitord 1 tobletpoon tormoric 1 eup floor 2 cues mioo . 2 f ti. vinooor 1 loroo caulHIotwor hfokon io mmII piocoi Wash vegetables and let stand in brine solutibn for 24 hrs. . Bring to bol in same solution. Drain. Mix remaining ingredients and cook until thick. Stir in pickles heat thoroughly seal in sterilized jars. Yield 6 qts. I sI' ". mnnaer- of Silbak- j whs a passenger Ciidiii' !um yesterday I' Jtn Preniii r. i There will be a general meet- ing of the 8horeworkers' Local !of the United Fishermen and Jailed and Fined After Escapade ' Allied Workers Union to be held in the Metropole Hall Thursday. ! c:: r, MI.A for Atlln. Silas Dennis. 18. of Port Slmo- October 18. at 7:30 p.m. At hUv f ir the special c e.-.,un, sailing on the son, was sentenced In police court yesterday to seven days In jail for driving while intoxicated and fined $100 and 3.50 BY ALWN" J Fdsh ion . Foot weesi1 i'Jore. actlne sun.rvisor members requeued lo attend. I243ci For Sale 50 pairs of felt ."hces, all sizes. $3 95 per pair. Black Diamond short rujter cratn, $3.00. Black Diamond long rubotr coats, $7.50 each. Stal Cove Store. (248c I following a holiday, returned to Hie city today on the Prince O o ge from Vancouver. M a James Bruce end daugh- te returned today on th.- Prince Oeorpc fi cm a holiday In North Vancouver. Carl Smith, of the Forestry Department here, left for Vancouver on the Coqultlam jjster-day on official business. j Frank Hoi eliam. General manager of Monarch Lite Insurance Co. arrived today on the Prince Oforge from Vancouver and is vis ting branch manager W. D. fl he::es Department. Is jvtr in cimfeience with ie: visor A. J. Whltmore. costs or two months in jail, for taking a car without the owner's consent. The sentences are to run consecutively. Dennis figured In a police chase Mon Cad to n tarn Friday. !'aw Cas'V. on a trin day after taking a car in which Pearls are always in good I : attend the wedding in through taste on account of their neutral he careened wildly downtown streets. colors. We have a varied stock ' e n'r grandson, r. lelurned today on Gc-oree. j . Including ronie genuine culture! Mrs. E. Connery arrived on pearls at $75 to $35. Of course the Prince George today after we have the regular from $2.00 an absence of 3 ',2 months visit- vp. Culler's Jewellery Store, ing in Vancouver and Vernon , iltci 2 ' "J i ? cpt.s'd an accept-: f .urn at tiie wekly lun-' PROTECT MF AGAINST SMALLPOX DIPHTHERIA WHOOPING COUGH La.'i'.hie. j , Reg Miller, former cook on the '""stiiKt in. sii8 boat, left for Vancouver on the Coquitlam yes--t "d to d fi lends he was' going to South America, "Just to f .lie Prince Rupert Gyro, resident Don For- in the chair over a ii ioek around." : aw of members. S!i::," Morgan arrived y today on the Prince i-r a b:cf stay. Mr. former'y in the taxi 'ic.'. is iviw operating Vancouver. - r. .'t :. I iV 2 jr",! jf :-Ph Hood and little ' Ih have been visit-; "'ojver and SeehclL a 'rip to Banff and PMilia Northwest,' h'mie on the Prince 1 Ik morn:n. o:d tlr.v-s In P.-ince 1;vinR hi the south, "U(,h with one anothvr. 'f;ts of Mr an(j Mrs "f in Chilliwack were Irs. Jchn Christie, from ii I as k. i- r n, Ci V, BazHt-Joircs. one of 1 1 .1 . . -1 rANCY QUALITY C! 1 - . 4 i TOMATO JUICE Grown and Packed in B.C. put amity cUuivtd AytMl Qaa&ty. S. mi " known old 'u ha., oeen living in f S' nr-ving f,om this f f Ms his residence -near VJr.oouv r Island. He In I P,fjlsccl ' l" meet friends days. .!, was able to leave l, vata Oliver th end , "' and proceed to Vic-'ire ,he visit his V'h-) s rim,.. Parents DO YOU KNOW . . . that YOUR CHILD should have this protection at the age of .i,.. riai-fiiii infiB"" VcvtorcjtT3t: ,. . -""'"j niiiusier six months. ' -"-"a Columbia. He :'7 "'"p for about two A,,, ., "" ne will return 'uver fw a hospital CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR OR YOUR HEALTH DEPARTMENT j ('bring " for I Seagram's Crown Royal Seagrams V.O. Seagram's "8V Seagram's King's Plate Seagrams Special Old j dr,d Gentlemet ING Phoiiel 3rd Ave. it st. rijiK''''1 rione 649 This idvertisement Is not published oi displayed by the liquor Cont.ol Boa.d or by the Govemnient ol B,il h Columbia