BUKT LANCASTFR LANCASTER - - p 7-9:05 in"JIMTHOcnr r - " r. ; J" t i j,i s Prince Rupert Daily News Wedue;day. October 17, 19il P!,v, .Ih"-auSE 2 . V ,.!'!-. .1 ' 1 ! - '- -mnlw Wallace's DeDt. Store NOW! "Leathernecks" r-if e ; 3 SHIPi cuidq ANn D AiH ' Trmmnn Tain Hl MMHIIS l ... BIIDCtltT J . ' i. r . v l.'il 1 I' If r r I l l -r PLAYTEX FAB-LINED STRERK THE j ?J t . " s r T.-St r.nn flirt between two United states Vi:iriri niflrprs owr thp Cuii:.cliaii Natinul bieamsmiJ. handling of airplane squadrons ft! r 4,' n n n a H HOWARD HUGHES,, tl - -J Ill limiiiii A Nationally Advcrt'scd Figures 7 ' $S.95 Fiinct Oforge. Capt. William hcc.i... arrived in port 1mm v'.u.couvfr lo.lay at 10 a.m. with tu.. lie!, .wiiii; p.-i'.ci'.,t'r.i fir in i'ic- Kapeit: Cf o-f.e Doui'.las, Stall Lewis, ; . ! !; iC:;u;.-. Mrs. C. Pritchaid. V.i.. V Lewi, Jo. ph Hart. Mr. and Mm. K. L. Mi Kay. Frank Borch.ti.i. R. L). Wilson, Mrs. E. Lan'.. E. L. HaiKi'et's. J. Gordon, ill VrfMYHt-KOStHTRV atvme, m it '.vales a gripping story in Kiyim. Leathernerks" which is Hir feature picture this Thursday. Friday and Saturday at the Crip nil Theatre. John Payn;? and Robert Ryan j'f st a red in the thrill-packed offering, Wayne is a major cin-irni'd'.ri" a Rioup of fighter pilots anc' Ryan is his riuht hand man. Exciting and authentie scenes -1 wai in the air from Guadalcanal and Okinawa lend unsuul realism to the ab.-;oibing plot and background the iAM.vir.nl drama of 'lie Wayne-Ryan rivalry. The picture, in terhnicolor. has Don Taylor. Janis Carter. Jay C, Flippen and William Harridan i.i top supporting roles. lib )t Girdle Every th'ne von cr.j the ' P'::y'- x" I.ivir, with a c'oud-iv! It's bone- r.oy Tie l.r of M P. be Is. K. Kennedy. I. Ish- ( 1 r'.vci .1. Miss N- Webster. Mlsi L. jjl I. ,wr. M s J. Bruce and dau"h- jf tci. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beilis, 4kaw-t ram-ill v tttisrm - -( c,, i,TCHNICOM J '- , . - HON 1MIOI Him .,. 'ilc-:s . . . with the .-.-rt t ) a Mi -ath of La'ex. ' o'.vos you f ( . nn il action, ar.ci pa's d y in 5- - "J linmi; Ii' fine it ' : nnm c v.'Ufhf". !.. coik'.s. W.'i, S-JAT C. UIPHN.WIlllAI MAIIGM i I Their Maje ties EILVER WEDDING In 1948. d their Siner Wedding anniversary. A ."crvico '.va : he'd at St. Paul's Cathedral 10 c n:.u nioiuie,the event. Th.s United King-Offire pliolo shows King G jrir aiid Quern Elizabeth kitceling in prawr. oi seats behind them are Pr ncss EuzuL. ih, the Duke of Edinburgh and ll 1". Mi. and Mrs. McAmmoiul, Mr. and Mrs. N. Peters and two chilclnn. Mi. and Mrs. II. Ball-anil. A. M'-Doiiald, Mr. Roland, Mi. and Mis. A. R Laing, J. C. D. :n,is :n. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bott-iiiL. Mrs W. II. Fisher. Mr. Curry R H. Morgan, J. Greig. Mr. and Mis. Luesicy, Miss Nightingale, I' Dearn, W. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Mis. E. Connery. Mrs. 13:in i . Miss E. Hunt, Mrs. George C ase) . Mrs R. S. Head, Mr. Web- n B u M M t' II M H I Info! iratiuii j;I i:i L i if rov i t'lrr m: mbors c f the Royal Fainily. iCP PHOTO I Also Pep - Sadler Fiqhr Pictures WYCOMPK Enslr-.nd I" Auth-oiities in this Buckinghamshire town tried to solve the housing rhortage by asking families to share houses. But the plan was a failuiv, mainly because too many finds lesulted from sharing the kitchen. DEPT. STORE: News of the District l iir rtavr to Vo fur ll:e l!ran:ls You Know STARTS TOMORROW I'venim Show's 7 - 9:27 Sat. Matinees 2 - 3:12 ijLi. Mrs. Slatta. Herb Ridley 1'ic.l Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. H.I Ridley. 1 llllAiRIIISlllili He f. wer than 130 persons uc-eused of being witchvs were executed in England In 1682. Moose Official Today Only "MGIIT IMOHOENP also "ROCK ISLAM) TRl - " - - ASK FOR SCOUAND'S FAVOURITE SON and Billy, have moved into the house from which the Seoit. i.irnily recently moved Mr. and Mis. Charles Moore and their two .-:ons a now living in the , cabin that the Tustin family hud. : Food Big Item !F RAN CO IS I LAKE 1IIV WW ailUM) f Visits Stewait 'Winns over the Interior' JOHNNIE FLY Frances Johnson is uttending 'the Canadan Union College at Col'er.e Hi.'igh's.i Laconibe, Fred Wiggins was taken on Thursday evening to the Burns Lake hospital whejj he is slowly recovering. if A SCOTCH WHISKY 1 Mc. and Mrs. John Reed and i their three small sons have nijv-1 ed into the Forestry roUaffe at ; the Landing wher,e the Layfivld I family lived during the summer. Mrs. MeDougall has bern ill Tor tv.- weeks and it will probably be a week or more before she can coir.-.- heme from the lv:s-ital. : STEWART A 5o?cial meetiiiR of Women of the Moose and -..va Order of Moose was held I las' Wednesday. He. man Fischvr, ! Supreme Lodge auditor, who dri.pp.d in by plane from Ket-.: chikan whe-e he had been at -; ter.n,irg tl j annua! convention I cf the Alaskan Moose. ! 'iai'- was Mr. Fischers first visi.'o the Ncr'.h and lie was i tnthu iastic about the hospita!-j it;, el the people, i After the business mcvHing '.supper was served by the women i and whist, w as played. Winnc.s I were: ladie.-', first. Mrs. E. Jacob-i ron; consolation, Mrs. R. Bai-, wis?: m n s first, Henry Ncilson; i ccrso'ation, Herman Fi-chcr. BORN 1820 -STIU GOING STONG MM 1 Su.emarie and Ray Layfield and . , ... , sniah Linda have moved to Un- Millartook 103 pounds ,ha Lake from one hive of bees. C harle.; :;1 honey For French Family LONDON (CP) A Frenchman spends mure than half his income on food. English families spi nd less than a third. The English., on the other hand, .spend elnht times as much as the French on rent. They spend about twice as much for fuel. Th" French H ad a more open-air life, go' to bed earlier unci get up eailier. These conclusions on Anglo-French differences; were reached alter surveys among working-;lass families in the two countries. The results, "published by the Institute of Statistics at Oxford, show that 52 per cent of French in?omes were devoted to food, compared with only 31.9 of the English. The surveys were made in 11)48. The British Medical Journal, commenting on the "strik-iri discrepancy" in food consumption, said one consolation .is pns.-.ible it looked as though the "calorific" value of the national diets were roughly similar, "though the French registered a substantially higher intake of animal protein." M s. John Scott returned early on Saturday morning from Vaft-cou .'er by car with her son Fran-kit. who has been having medical cart . Miss Jeannpttj Sargent and E. C. Noble of the Piince Georee Library Commission and C. K M'-rison, superintendent of the public Library Commission of Victoria, called in for a short vis.t on their way to Ootsa Lake. To Terrace daily lo Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kitimat and Ke'mano. Daily Exceor Fridays from TERRACE Air1' c B.C. LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince It upi rl Terrace Phone Black f07 Phone 133 good M Scotch Jg i and Mis. Geo-g.? Wilson. I the children Kay, Georgina ! th Women Best At Crikhage GREAT DESERT i The Gobi desert covering per-; i haps 300,000 square miles in ! Mongolia is believed to have ; been an inland sea centuries ago. Distillrd. Blended and Hull led in Scotland Omlrnifl -liVj oc JOHN WALKER & SONS LTD. Scotch Wh.tky Distillers KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND cTEWAr NEWS iLs FAMOUS STORY Daniel Dafue was 59 when h: wrote "Robinson Crusoe" based on the adventures of Alexander Selkirk on Juan Fernandez Isle. CTEWAK7 A very successful ci cba?e parly was held on Sat-1 j:day in the Canadian Legion i Clubs rooms. The ladies of the i L"?:-;1. Auxiliary challenged the ni'-n and were promptly taken up. 1 Th-? women won by a score of 12,577 to 12.383. Ladicr.' first prize went to Mrs. R. Barwise while Mrs. W. J. fiJM During the week thq thermometer dropped to 36 above. The snow keeps creeping down the Tkurcnw fa afufdoi mountain sides and the cautious Crawford took th'j consolation, h-useholder is busy putting in" an RADiO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC I'liimi: Blue D91 w - TOTE abundant supply of wood and Evenings 7-9 vhat you get vith coal, and plugging up the .chinks in the walls. p. iz.'. Al Robinson was the winner in the men's section and the conroiation prize went to Mel Gcngc. A ta'ty suppor was served at th'o conclusion of card Saturday .Matinee an A.-lVk-PTTKIMi IM 'I'Hli 11AII V KKWS RHINGS KESCl 'aynu;. Most of the equipment has beep transported to the Marmot Lead and Zinc Company's pro- :, p-rtv on the Marmot River and work is proceeding apace under the riirecth n of Engineer J. Mc-" Beth. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE ( IIAM)I I R S STCIHO :i(i- 4Ui Street Box 1145 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert At Stewart ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR!" F00P KEPT FRI-- D;. J. T. Mainly will fc" here shoit'y to make an examination oi the Stewart Canal mines pro-' peity lor Vancouver interests. Ernest Love'left for Alice Arm whtie r..- will act as leturning officer when a strike vote is taken this week. ' in llooa j STEWART -After twenty-five year." oi happy mariiert life. Mr. aYid Mrs. John McLeod, quietly celebrated their silver wedding at Uicir home here on Sunday. Iheir oldest daughter. Isabelle, wife o. Dr. Donald Mackay, and heir youngest sen. Donald, who i- .mp'oyed at the Silbak Pre-m'e: mine, were the only member:', ol the family prist nt. The elder son Ian is i-mplojcd at tl. Britannia inii.e on Howe -V nod anc! the younger uaugh-te i' in 'ii,- emp'oy of the Pro- . ici'cd Department, of Public , jrlis at G jldeu, B C. F, :i!i Mi . and' Mrs r.li I.eol bait f ; o.n Slo now ay. Scotland and practically all of their married life lias been spant in Stewart where M . McLeod is proprietor of the King Edward Hotel. Many : cons atulatory mes ages were recerv. d from relatives and friends in Canada and from ! Scotland. ptEWTY 0F ICE-CUBES"' ICE CREAM " font m if YuttviHivcr o Hi3 Hard Wearing - Inexpensive - Easy to Install and Maintain. fti it now ot Q 1950 HILLMAN MINX I.ow niilru&r Kike new ' 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1'iivalely iiimhiI 1948 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE low mileage "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan $300.00 , , nJy your Kamloops First Chinese Juror f Mail more. ! An electric refrigerator gives you so much of the things that make for happy housekeeping. Foods always so fresh and tasty and never a bit of waste or spoilage. For economy, for convenience, for all 'round satisfaction, you can't beat an electric refrigerator. Make it a point to see the new models soon. f He a wivMt GORDON'S HARD ; at the 1 Sylvia McBride Street' 'Vrf " w.'V'.""'".yj.TW iVk w.j''.'JI'l.',.'J'Ji!-i''SL K'imloops takes issue with Prince Rupert for the distinction of being the first Assize Court centre at which a Chinese has served as a juror. A' the Aisles in Prince Rupert last month Earl Mah. lncal i-hinrse business' man, acted as a juroi. Sheriff J. R. Colley of Kam-loops says that Peter Wing was a juror at the Assizes there in Here at the Sylvia overlooking English Bay there's lorlous scenery to enchant your eye superb food to delight your taste friendly service to make thing! pleasant. Whether you "dine in th sky" or prefer to cook in y6ui own self-contained a u i t e, you'll enjoy life at the Sylvia. NOW i: ts n nn I01 r IS Ttit: i i ji STORM WINDOW the spring of 1950 and William RUPERT MOTORS rfn th. ehlldru, c..i,i. -s.. -""Vas a juior hi, me auiumn j assizes of the same year. Itung- rvlc U prorulM, rutdi art protacM. GREER & BRIDDENL1" LIMITED 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone 866 and 566 HOTEl SYLVIA 1154 Gilford SliMt r-Aclfl 3J1 Hilliord t lylt Managing Dlnxl,, ... -i IRON SOURCES Britain obtains much of its native iron ore from the counties of Cumberland, Lancashire and Staffordshire. ?islst Avenue wes . j,, Phone 909