Hiinro Ruvrf D '..iiy NeWS Wedne-day. Oct jbi r IPS CfL -SS IF IE II Credit Body Hears Chief Of Pulp Mill Ray Jones Tells Absorbing Story of His Trade and Its Crowing Impact on Economy The growing importance of (CLOSl'RE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) ' Classified Adveitising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards cf Thanks, Death Noticeu Funeral Notices, Marriage iu:d Engagement. Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL DIbPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. MALE KELP WANTED IIIK SALE Piver the train will be hauled oy a locomotive operated oy tn- (liiieer Donald A. McKenrie. and Fi .man Kenneth A Ingbritson. ' Kaniloonr relief dispatcher D m-a d !n M.Dona'd will be the telegraph operator on the Royal .ram as it nnves over B.C. lines of the Canadian National. Albarta ciews will be in charge of the train between Blue River and Edmonton. WHO THEY ARE Daddy of ail Ihe CNR Royal train crews In B.C., in length of service, is Conductor Rod Gordon. He started railroading in 1901, in Winnipeg. A conductor s nec 1911. " Rod" has operated out of Vancouver since 1943 Tiammun R. U. Scarfe, of Var.touvcr. who Joined the company in 1917 as a passeneer trainman in Winnipeg, has lived here since 1945. . Trainman Evetctt By.rs. Vancouver, Ma"."d w.th the CNR as pai;;;:u:fr trainman at Saskatoon n 1920 and has been o;;er-a,in, frem Vancouver since June, 19". . Locomotive Engineer J. H. iJj.ki iwuscri.n, began his ra'.l-wa career as a telegraph mes- They'll Man Royal Train VANCOUVER-With the time neal at hand for the British Columbia visit of Their Royal High-nesse... Princess Elizabeth and p,iiu. Philip, officials of the Canadian National Railways here have disclosed he names of company employees, five resid-iir, in Vancouver and five In Kinilocps. who will setve aboard tic- R iytd train as it travels east Cclober 26. A!' of these men will be wearing brand new uniforms for the n; mentoiis orccasion. The Vancouver men are Condi: tr R. M .Red. Gordon and Tnt'nman Robert G. Scarfc. and lYamman Eerett ByerS. They wl!! work the Royal train from VciKotivcr to Biue River. Engineer J. hn Li. Moscrip and Fireman il. E. Timmms will .operate a ii'itr . spick and span, (HiOO-tyne CNR locomotive from Vancouver I B slon Bar. A'ANTED Reliable man as Raw- the wood pulp industry to th? lessn Demer. Exoerience noi economy of Canada was imore-ioro'SLV la evening bv where Kiwlenth Products have. Jones, piant manager been iota for vears. Write Kaw- . of tne Columbia Cellulose Co., It'Kh's Deot. WG-J-1 jd-163 who was guest speaker at the - 11111 JP-' annual meeting of the Reta.I DOORMAN Part lime evenings. Credit Grantors' Association ul Apply Totem Theatre. i ill. Prime Rupert which took the se""'' w.ln tile l"e Canadian -"'"ian North- Norili-r-NP Y itn'ro-is men a'sicned by the , r,,!'; Winnipet,. He started in to handle the Royal train hgiiK in 100u became service an ate Fncir-r Charles H Snrlr, ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic card party. Oct. 18. Rebekan Bazaar, October 20 L.O.B.A. Full Ea.aar. October 26. Ladies- W.A. Fi.-liermen-s Union Danre. October 21, in th-' Oddfellow Hall. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, O'tober 31, at home of Mr.?. W. C. 11. Jones, 4Vj l-'rtir'h Avenue V.'c. t. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Ba.aar, November 7. I Eastern Star Ball. Nov. 9 at' Masom- Temple. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, NovmiiIjm 15. The Women oi tne lvioo.-.c 1-a.i Bazaar, NovemU r Hi. Calhedral Bazaar. iov. 17. 1 O D K. F-il iiiu.aar iovemoei St. Peters Fail Bazaar, November 211. United Church W. A. Fail L'a- ?aar, Dec. G. ' PHKMi.VM. Regular St John ; Firs! Aid Classes Cotnmencins Friday, Oct. 19th 7::) ;i m. I FIRE HALL 245c' SLICED pped bread from Rupert Euive.-y on at ail grocery .sloie.; tf WILL TAKE orders for crochet '. doilies, rehire-pieces, runners,1 buffet sets, chair set.s et-. Phone " Cieeii 997, or a'J'iiy 740 7th Ave. i West. (245pi i Anvnne having anv Information; of the whereabouts or a trunk! with personal el feels left in! Prinze Rupert bv the 'at:; Jp-n.;i R. Hooper, piea-e phone B'n 050 or write to Mrs. A Wvlie.' Jasper. Alberta. '245pi ! WANTED - Pen friend bv Enj-j Jishman. 20. Interests 'include : travel. P. Surman. co G.P.O.i Perth, Western Australia. i233:i FOR SALE FOR SALE-Hotpoint refrhera-lo.-. An exreilr-nt buy at the riht p ice. Phone 6 days, Biark 339 nights. i245e. carpenter's H-v. all mi our ir tmvm nmi hin. 4 Kir- inff, Iilmii mnt witm. T'r'U on cU- rt truer, (lUr. '1 PRtCISION SAW FILING 1345 PfCiGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bus Te:mir.a!i Terrnw ftnililrra SiidiiIv CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES DC. 21 - 23 B "Slier Blot-k Phone Bine 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNT ANT fames Block 008-3rd Ave W Piin--e Rupeit. BC. hone 347 . CO. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT M A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East PC.Boxli47 Phone Red 879 Colnssi's Mtuic Store Agents for tin; linest. in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED ' 2104tn St Ph Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS As AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 337 P O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Ileauty Culture In all Its branches 204 41 h R'rvct Phone 055 WE RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Biue 939 QUALITY REPAIP.3 For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second A. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Servir? Phone C78 214 -4th Street 'Proprietors: Fd. Dawes, Rid A.vxandcr f'tlONE SLUE 593 tKiJrrH-M.a a no s,,r W. COLLI? Pbiint K!u, 7o 'or littiulm- iar,s,t iitiiirip m- m, TERMINI MESSENGtl Piionc 0 All deliveries riiy FOR YOUR... Crick. Slon? and 3;i T ile Setttrig anl p.a Phone K. SORES Blue 8i)9 after C HANDYMA' HOME SERV : GENERAL COKTIU-Building and Repair kinds . KiXJFS - CH'X OIL Bl'fi.N'El'. PHONES: PO Bin 1670 SIDNEY GO- OPTOMETttlT Complete VUntl A OFFICE HOl'l 9 a m to 5 p- Oco Cook's Je'!H MATTS0N upholster:; Phone B!u 126. PO 234 -3rd Jw 1 Prince Rupnt f H. G. hflgg: LIMITED REAL ESTATE t T Phone 96 Eventr.gs E Train Schei For the Fist Daily em-'-p'. SxA-From tl.f Ksst I), i'y rxtr-t Mia- in I JOHN H. BULGE (Xloimlr 1 I . John 8ulgH Third Aver PHOTO FINISHING PK : DEVELOPING- EXPOSURE AMATEUR St?r t,u. r.rttf 1" 9 IIU1IV " i r New 30-lb. Rail 2ULB RELAY RAIL 80 a: id 120-LB. NEW RAIL Transformer. m.t rs and electric puU'cf-plums lor nninetiiate shipment. Ci.r luii.'is ul 2, 4 uuti ti-luca pipt-s. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. New DG and 8 C:itf rpillur Trae- luLe tit'lr.cry irtca LIiuuhI rtt.it.-:-. .fx k. i-ui luuc.t Ave. V.incouvfr. C. i liOATS f OH SALE i'O.i SALE i.l-1-.ol t:u'.:iii.4 LOat "Mi tV.f V. ' For insiieciL-.i apply boat K.O. at F.iirview Koats or pn me Green P88. 1 24!)p i CARS I (111 SALE ONE 194.1 Dod.-e panel track. 2-whei trailer, 1949 l-to:i Chevrolet piekmj and one receiving tank. Industrial vVeirl-iivr Co. Phone Green 381. I if Ton SALE or Tiv.de on House' 19.11 Pon'.iar torp?do style two d: or fetl.in. heater, radio, cis- a:"t'e U'hiir, rlo-'-t. white. sidewail tires, fender rkirU. .seat covers, low miicajie. tx- pellent condition flirou.rho;tr Apply R. H. Dowscn. rear of hvie Bratl'v .i!Op, between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. i2!3p FOR SALE J9S0 Chev 1v.l. 8,003 mile.?. Phrne Bla?k 907. (tli FOR F-ALE--1951 Prefect. Tvlil?-, ,ri"p less loan 4011. As r"'W Apply 225 il'.h West. 1 247p ' r.fSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Three Sisters Care.; cheap lor quick sale. Illnessi owner's re.i.son for se'li".?. j Af.p'.y on the premise.?. '24!j'' i REPAIKS FOWLIE & RUTTLE ExDrt Fur Repairs and Remodelling Fir. Work and Fart S rvice at Low Cost Ail V.'oik Guaranteed Call at the store today for estimates. j i WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef -, Ii'ieul .service. George Coo! Jeweller. Satisfaction Huari.n i teed. ; FOR KENT 41 (-DRIVE CARS. Fhone 4 1 ! FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive unone asu. utis Terminal 2iui and 2nd. 2-:om FOR RENT General Electrls rnor De'U-,nr'Vs XI per 'lav. r-none Blue 082. Pacific Electric, itf) W ANTED TO RENT i ' WANTED TO BUY OR PENT 2 or 3 bedroom home No objection to location. Bex 222 Daily News. .246ci .FURNISHED -ui'e or hou.i ur eoiiy required oy tnree voun:; businessmen, employees of Co- Ittm.n a C -lltiios .. A ! offers een.sidr-red. Box 218. Dairy News. '243o- two or three bedroom house. l.om term lease if desirable. Box 220, Daily News. i243pi , Wanted to Rent I UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE Required b-,- local machinery firm for empiovee being trinsferred from Vancouver office. Phone 577 . or write Box 1 324 (tf) WANTED TO RENT Two" bedrooms house or apartment, nrelerablv unfurnished. Box 224. Daily News. (245pl LOST WANTED (CASH for fcrap cast, bra-ss. fOO- ner. batteries anH radiators Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue W.-st. Cilv. (tf) WANTED -- TOP" MARKET PRICES PAID for scran iron sveel. brass, cnimer. lead, etc Honest eradinir Promot payment made. Atlas Iron it. Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St Vancouver. B. C. Phone PAcific 6337. (ti) i-ai Fi'eman WilMam J. Ross, r (-, will Lc in the cab from Bos-Par to Knmloops Junction. Fro.n the latter ftation to Blue f ''VJ REFRIGERATION EXPERT Gcotgc M N:xon of Montreal has gone to Ceylon to fcoceme adviser on installation and maintenance of equipment to help that country improve 1's I food p; rservation and market facilities. As rrlrigeiation and transport enginee-- in the ' Mini -f y cf Industries Industrial j Research, and Fisheries. 1 M-. Nix n will study Ceylon's ; ii thins itiduatry and train re-1 leerctitn J.-isortnel. : (CP PHOTO. I still "nersisted in Enaland nl though not. of course. In com- j rnerciji volume. j Mr. Jones told of the develop - , ment of the process of paper manufacture by throwing pulp a-jalnn rollers. In 1844 in New Brunswick had brr;'n conceived the idea of man- ! .ulurture of paper from wood pulp and todav this had grown to a vast industry because il competed in cheapness with col-ton and linen sources. Technical aspects of the industry were described by the speaker and the development of the u e of cellulose in the manufacture of the various types of paper from the high grade and durable sheets to the cheaper and less durable newsprint. Indeed, it seemed that paper cculd be designed and manufactured for almost any use to- ' na". ' I Mr. Jones saw the possibility of complete replacement of cotton by the chemical cellulose . l.om wood pulp. An interesting revelation of the many u.ses to which ceiiu- lose was being put today ! i.iouldeu p.dst.cs, came. 1 li.hii. fiLr(s of all type.!, rayons, .shlc concluded the discourse. LOCAL INITIATIVE I In opining, Mr. Jones paid ! tribute to local business men i who had used 'their own initia-'tlv-c and credit in providing housing by the reconversion of i the old United States Army ad-! miiiLitratlon building into an i apartment, block. With the il lustration of what couid be done in that case, Mr. Jones .suggested that other objectives might be similarly achieved by collective action on the part of citizens. He jugrrested that something be done in the way of building up a mortgage fund to assist the new workers In obtaining their own homes and becoming permanent residents jf the community. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Jones on motion of G. A. Muntcr. BLONDIE torm of a first anniversary din- ner party With close to 50 members and delegates present, Vice-President A. 8. Nicserson was in the chair. Appreciative of the effeci that ihe new local industry w :.. having upon the business and l.fe or this communitv, all lis - e'"7" een loieresi io mi. Jones's discourse. opening with a recitation of statrstic. th, palter leveaie.l that there were 132 palp ar..l P-IPP!- mills in Canada todav Willi 53,000 employees in mi; s ana 2J5.CC j m bush and trau.,-; port. Eleven minion cords o. wood a year were used by tre industry." repre anting 19 nJr rpn, .1 ,. ' .,.,? ,,, , , "l.lri1f 'h.e a,'a " p,andcla. - s'xl.V"t Per cent ol le anct PaPer output of tne DoiI11,lll)" exported, bringing $900,000,000 annuaiiv ihlo the country, thus surpass- ing any other industry in tne country in export value British Columbia, Mr. Jones -d. could continue to in- crease 113 produftion of puip and PaPer 111 vie of its abuno- ance of wood and waterpower.- Turning to the problems of manufacture, the mill manager revealed that there was a short. - aSf of skilled artizans in the industry, a situation which pomtea up to the necessity for technical and trade schools "to turn out such artizans. TI,E BEGINNING Delving into history, Mr. Jones told of the first recorded mak- lug of paper In Cnina back in luu B.C. oy the mascerating of pamtoo, s.ik and other mate- na s lne se(.ret naci eventuallv ,.und i;5 way vnrougn XllrKty ana North Airlca to Western Europe. With the development of tne printing press in Uer- many nau lohu- toe demand lor more paoer. .eu to.:av, me hand manulacture ol l.ne pap.r TENDERS .. ' NOTICE " ; TEVDERJ? u-.,. riL.,i. tne undersigned uo to 5:uo p.m., Monday, 22na October, laol, lor ur.nl clearing ana btusning on selected sites in the City cf Prince Rupert Ail brush, etc., to be burned or removed oy the contractor. Pian.5 and speculations may oe obtained irom tne otlice of the Superintendent of Works, C.ty Hall. Tne lowest or any tender wi;l not neces-sarily be a.:ce;;ted. D. C. Stewart. Superintendent of Works. 245c ( TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. rriday, Octooer 19th. 1951, for the sale of a 1-ton Cargo Tiailer. Trailer may be seen bv arrangement with the Telephone Superintendent. The Highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. It. W. Long. City Clerk. i244. I IKNAIE OVERIIAll. OIL HEATING SERVICE -Lawrie Macicav. Mar. Phone Biue 187. PO. Rox 687. The service that's different, clean efficient workman.sh o combining a thoroiuh knowledge of eoulunu in and t'"fr jit-te.idant orohlems (Tbl: ad tenioora'-v ncndiii'' nen"'-. of shoo -and riisolav roi.m JVa'-h this space). Uf ACCOINTANTS PURLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax S'.ecinlist. S O. F'.rk Stone Buiidni" Red 503. i2l)m. ADVERTISING IN THE V DAILY NEWS' CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR , YOU WANTS' l Watchman for East KWini'.-.n .saw tnil). Contact Guidon LI 1 tic, Tcrrare, B.C. 1 243;' I HELP WANTED Minaser for C.ii.adi:'.n Legion, Prmrre Rupert. B C. Dates to comruenc Nov. m'oer 1. Ability to prepare Unaiieial .-jtaicmrnt.s in re-.o-r- m,:ed l am. Home exieuence in staff manisein-mt. State .iluty t::..tiu aiiu deu.is oI: experun,,. to Cox B23 by Oc- l?M'r. i9J. .... . "r4"! WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR PRINCE RUPERT Opening lor a man with an eye to ihe future, who has the following qualifications: One who has the ability to adapt himself to the job-to work by himseil-to learn and follow our proven methods cf selling To ;n ' man we offer a chance to make better than average earntnes and to become estab- lisiied with a large electrical appliance manufacturer. Em- ings from saies parts and HonTpro own car. be -ever 26 preferably nnrned. selling experlen--e an a-set but not essential. Excel- lent opportunity for advance- ment. Box 225, Daily News. l24';c' CHANCE OF A LIFETIME! EE INDEPENDENT! Establish yourself in business without Investing money. Become a dealer and make more money ill lei timo thin vii.i rin tit your present job. Can also be none in vour spare time. Cata- loue chock full of every dav needed items at ridiculously low prices. Free catalogue by return mail. Write Oriental . Art Studios, 2035 St. Timothee St.. Montreal, Que. .lie. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CIVIL SERVICE REQUIRES PSYCHIATRIC AIDES tor the H .me for the Aed. Terrace, BC Permanent positions are V"'""'- "H""'11""11" advancement with the exnan sien of th!-? hipital. Salary: , $208.05 ri.sin,, to $229.50 peri mon Hi um-ludinj Cost-of-1 I.iv.iu Bonus and Special Liv- in'; Allowance) "W"""1.' mu.-.t be British subject with at least Grade 10 education, preferably with experience in institutional work. Prelerence Mil be 'jiven single men ac;e 35 to 45 Application forms mav be obtained from all Government Agencies, the Civil Rervice Commission, Weiler Building:. Victoria, or Ci'-il Servt-e Commission. 636 Bur-rard Street, Vancouver, and .-hould be submitted AS SOON A- POSSIBIE to the Person nel Ofiirer Civil Service Com mr-sion, VANCOUVER. (ltd HELP WANTED FEMALE THK BRITISH COLUMBIA CIVIL SERVICE REQUIRES A : STENOGRAPHER. GRADE 1A, for the Government Agency, ; Smithers. Department of Finance. Salary: $131.55 rising to $157.30 per month 'inclusive of current Cost-of -Living B nus and Special Living Allowance.. Duties Under immediate direction to transcribe letter, to assist in typing letters, preparing business forms, and to perform clerical duties of a minor nature. Qualifi-a-tions Must have a .shorthand speed of 80 words per minut? and a typiie, speed of 40 words per minute net. Candidates must be British subjects, not over 40 years of age, except in the case of ex-service women who are given preference. Application Forms, available from tile Government Agent.. Smithers, to be completed and returned to the Chairman. B.C. Civil Service Commission. Weiler B-ii!din. VICTORIA. NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 27th, 1951. (ltci WANTED Housekeeper for three or four weeks Apr!v 1028 2nd West. " I247pi WANTED Experienced offiCo clerk fo- construction com-nanv offj-e Must have short, hi'i-t A no1-' n writing to Box 207 Dailv Nev.s. itf i KF.AI. ESTATE FOR SAIE S'x room float-house. Optional furnished or unfurnished. Chean. Can be. teen at Fishermen's Floats. I243P' BUSY coffee shon for sale on easv terms or will rent, to reliable operator. Box 223 Diilv News 1243c.) FOR SALE 4 room house 1060 8th East. (245pi FOR SALE 4 room hoiise on rioat 40 ft. x 20 ft. Contains two bedrooms with bed and mattress first class stove. For further information write S. G. Furk. Box 1639. Prince Rupert or phone Red 593. (245c) HOUSE FOR SALE OR RE NT-Apply S. Blanchard, Long Motors, between 9 and 0. (245p) j I engineer in 1912. Operating out of Vancouver since 1926. Mr. j Vurcrip was 1-cai chairman ..f the B oMierhood of Locomotive Engineers. Division 907, from 193" to 1338 Fin man H. E. Timmins joined th CNR in 1C12 at Transrona, in the sio. -s department and shortly after became a fireman. He m-wed tc Vancouver in 1943. E .giiv c r C. H. Sarles. of Kam-loops. .'.ta'ted as a locomotive itmap on the Alberta district i" 1912. He was promoted to en- "n- jn 1913 and moved to Kamloops In 1932 . He is due to if ii- on pension in December. Engineer D A M Kenie, Kiim-loop , entered the service In 1904 nr a wip ;r at Atikokan, Out. He brcame fireman at Rainy River, Ont , in 1995 and engineer in IBHt. He moved to Kamloops In 1016. He Is the senior locomotive engint.T on the CNR's western region in length of service. F.reman W. J. Ross, Kamloops, sturted as locomotive fireman in Halifax. NS., in 1944. He transferred to Kamloops In 1948 Fiieman K A. Ii.gbriuon, Kamloops, hired on with the CNR as locum, live fireman at Kamloops in 1945. after serving in the Anny from 194U44. Don McDonald. Kamloops. who will be the CNR telegraph operator on the Royal train, entered il. company's employ in 1947 as cheek'.'! . Six months later he be- came nn operator uid was p o-! mirled to ic-Iief despatcher last M'Il-!l :n.ii ' T T CK Canada has 42 335 miles of single railioud track, a mileage total only exceeded by Soviet Russia and the United States. (V.riir "A yf J . it-, "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Plume 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P O. Box 274 Always the Gentleman! J give urn -.out '"v hand O Kny. LAW ) Vr . LL 5HOW YOU Tf elm sTBEEr rir-7C5fr! ; ''' Oienvil.e Couit itf.; , "';. imr FOR ce- SAi.r, Hall::raf;er -r com- - ' munications receiver, new .FOR RENT Sleeping room 801 Black C87. i245pi : Bcrden St. itf. FOR SALE Marl's thr'ee-spe'.l ROOM FOR RENT Gentleman Raiek.'n bicycle with generator; on;y- I21 2nd West. i243p DAILY NEWS CLA.iSIFl.'iD AIWEHT .HrMENTb anci lamp, oood condi'r.n SolJ.OO. B.ack 225. . 24 p . FOR SALE -One two-tone dark: grren velour chesterfield and : wo nnrciirn-! chans Call 345 0-.h West or phone Blue 692. i245pl FOP SALE -Tab!" mHeT lii-m-- mington tvjiewritcr, $50. Phon . Black C10. i245c. FOR SALE - Prince R ap -rt Warehouse 6'', 8". 10" and 12" .-ast iron drain n.ne also 8" and 10" " steel pipe. 245p. FURNITURE for Sale-Bedroom i nigs, radio.;, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfieid beds comniete rriljs. etc Low- est possible nrices. B C. Fur niture Co. Third Ave. Uh WANTED TO RENT 7 .- , lion sun-rintendent desires WELDING (iovernment Certified Operators Hijth Pressure Tanks Kefiigeraliun Slack i and Fire Fscapcs INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. -1st E. r'honr (.rem M Chinese I DISHES Chop Suey - CI tow Me'n Open A p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Oulslde Orders Phont 13S jusr two .oce u u irra blocks t--' M .r -i uoi.i all fiuoi, j:.(-Ke:.s am. , windbreakers, all sizes, less lhan faetorv prices. B. C. ; Clothiers, Third Ave. itf. FOR SALE .Wartime coal and wood circulating heater. Rea- . tollable. Plicne Blue 729. (tf-nc. : FOR SALE One Remington typewriter, one Premier junior , vacuum, one portable gramophone, some la,-?e grey blank-! et.s iinn niik office rle.sk ev-i eral feet of brass rods. Phone Green 576. 1243c. FOR SALE Three piece blue velour chesterfield, cheao for quick sale. Between 6 and 9. evenings. 1021 2nd West, itf) FOR SALE Registered purebred Black Labrador puppies, eight weeks old. Write Mrs. A. E. Zorn, Box 43, Sml'hers, B C. (244c) NATIONALLY. KNOWN NAMKS i riZ18 lolTelch ' eve"' -Ling-bed Sneeder Shovels; la" tr.lV? ahnve ,paf n eye-rvnne.s- Draf lines- Adams! white patch on chest. Answers Road Graders: Lil tleford Bros, j to Mickey. Reward. 1345 Pig-Black Tod Road Maintenance gott Place. Utcl ( ELM 13 ABUUT Six elociS" X Oi.CiE.Huirr; VlVi MVRjS cr' y . rLM STREET :T(fEt --J. PLEASE? 'Ml d ?t VJ.,. i,e A. Vr. 'M Eouionien': Owen rtiamsneii Buckets nnd Rock Grannies; Clark Forkltft Tnick.s- Nelson Bui-ket Loaders for Storknile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifneal Pumps: National Draf'ino Scraners and Buckets: INntinnal An Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors, Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. BC (tf)