Prince Rupert Daily News the WORLD of Wednesday, October 17, 1951 Three Cheers in Cesarewitch Win - Hockey Scores NEWMARKET, England (CP) Three Cheers a three-vear-old. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and aH weld. supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE' Pacific Coast : romped home in one of Britain's New Westminster 4, Vancouver maJr handicap.?, the Cesare- : witch, today at 17-to-2. & STORAGE LIMITgfH Ea.katoon 3, Victoria 8 Western International Nelson 2, Trail i ' ' Okanagan Kelowna 5, Vernon 3. I A head behind came Vidi Vinci and three lengths further back, Pyrgos. Both were quoted iat 40-to-l. t The course was 2'i miles and there was a field of30. Cor. ''.nd and ParK Aveirtttjs' , ks' .wo rnuit s u j 1 1 iliimri'imr mm p:;! Wl'll Mimji':iii!'!i!i!iii!i'i;!rnifi!i ii.:!i-.iiii:iil.i.iii.-.;i:ii.i ,i!i!i.:ii!iiL:iii": , i i if ; 1 , 1 v . : I f 'J Dry Land Curlers Digging For Ice Prince Rupert citizens stand on the verr;e of oiv of the greatest opportunities in their lives and ; a small group of hardworking, sportsminded people are just a little anxious to Fee how the tide will turn Long hours spent in culcula- lion discarding one Idea after 5. Storage and committee another, and lmally embarking ro()ms. on a strict and sincere cuursa of a;t.on, a handful of te'naci- TI,E GAME ous men have opened the gates Many people may wonder what to the general public to enjoy curlers see in their game. Here s rV. tt .si urn THE MEN'S STORE FOR MEN Shop at the how most of them look at It one of the greatest sports in trie Curling Is outstanding in .sport for it is not only a gentlemanly game but also one of the finest tests of human nature which calls upon the forbearance and forgiveness of all players, for any of the four in a team may cause a lost game. worirr This group of men forms the nucleus of the Prince Rupert Curling Club: They are: Neely Moore, president; Ted Boulter, vice-president; Harold Thorn, secretary; Dr. L. M. Greene. Jack Laurie, William McKenzie, Dr. R. E. .AC'S DKSTINV this season is In the hands of this new i. .uiH by P. esident B. H Davidson (front row, centre). :ir.t an. Annus Macphee Oefti business secretary, r,).u;iii vice-president. Back row, from left, Sidney Cmc Ci:;tre rep csrntaiive; Jack Marchant, record-iy ai.:l Fred Calooronl, sports director and registrar. b J..n Stl-n. Civic Cehtrj director, not pictured. ' IN GOOD COMPANY Hugh ? J Jrf!ia of Blaine Lake, Sask., sa was the Chicago Black Hawk pf defenceman involved in the i s recent big hockey deal be- 1J tween Chicago r.nd Detroit Red I gi Wings. Hawks gave Detroit W S75.000 and Cofiin in exchange I H for six Rod Ring players. The 1 lil Success in curlmg does not Whitmoie, Earl Gordon and T. depend on individual prowess for the u. oauman, directors. j out on the individual's ability The opportunity they are pre- to unite his or her efforts with senting to Prince Rupert is a that of three other players on t60,0C0 curling rink lor leas the team. There Is no such thing than $li;,0U0. ! as a professional curler. And many people have rallied I Tnev ca" " a "classic" game; to the enthusiasm of the curl- i ir Iact. they call it more than ing rink instigators who lormed I Ulat: a fraternal fellowship mr. I n ix were forwards Jim Peters, Jim McFadden, George Gee . and Max McNao, and defence-nKn Clare Martin and Clar t 5 I l I ence Italian. Cofiin spent some LLEYS I VST! mi C', i n In I k J ' V) If t ' - - SUJ their club last year without even I hich stands unique and un-1 t me will) Chicago last season an idea irom where a single "vaiea in me history 01 sport. sheet of Ice would come. But 1 COMPETITIONS they had a .strong resolve. i ranaria ,. ... ,,, and also with Hawks' Sea Gulls farm team in the USHL. This gf asm he probably will be farmed out to Indianapilis Capitals of the AHL. i CP Photo) in 1 rords wc:e set in 3: Jaycees 1; Paramount i 1; Today they an see three I t ai, nation, in culln. w it 1 futimatnH tViafa n-. 1 nn Ann 1; Ka;en Industries 3: 4; Coastal Paintci's 0 Royal Pish eye. fact is some of then, like ; more curlew Jn t'nlatr. ( Club Prp.Mdent Neely Moore. r.i nf ,k. ...,. see it night and day. if M juday wnen ISorm J. I.,mt 0:1. roiled the . 10 tlic tune ot 335, I -E.H bowled Karnes of I iii 10.15 to set, the Towne Hall Clothes Stock and Made-to-Measure Fashion Award Winners for 1951 Atade-to-Measute Suits Tailored Towne Hall ot' the followinq orices $59.00 $65.00 $69.50 and $79.50 Arrow and Forsythc Shirts : competitions is the annual Mac- l.easue Slandings "A" League Manson's 11: PR. donald Brier plavdown which take memberships. And nine j jfl men, earnest in their mission, j p are out practically every night, i W3 calling on more people to sell j more memberships. .. i Q 4 '.hrw maik at 3:!13. Aniu-einents 9: Sport Shop 8; CNR No 1. 8; Home Oil 7; Moo Je 7; Bud's 7r Thorn Sheet Metal 6; Cook's Jewelers 4: Bulgers 4; Rupert Butchers 4; Fire A local automotive dealer, Doug It ziell, was one of the first to be caught in the enthusiastic rally and ha made it possible for the curling rink to become more than a dream. "Pay for it as you can," Mr attracts tens of thousands of players to the rinks every year. tntry in this competition would be made possible for Prince Rupert curlers if there was a rink here, says Mr. Moore. 4. of Bud's, bowled the I for the n'ght scoiing ij .n.i-s of 28:. 255 and Oil bnwifd the high 1!67' men 1. J "E" league Hot Shots 10; Friz7p,l tM the rirv-tnnrt p..n. ""u "- -anaaian-wiae I. got ers. and in" their hands was f?1 '"url1 championship nrjra Iti'sults R')Val Fish if! Paramnimti 7- under way for students, follow I if CNRA No. 1. 6; ; Northwest Con.'-truclion 7; Kaien placed a building to house three SIDELIGIITS , if Here are a few sidelights which SJ may develop from having a curl- ! ing rink here, says Neely Moore. ai In the summer, when there u;H no curling, the building with the Wm hug'e floor space could be made pj available for rolling skating.. It-vould make an ideal place fcj for summer dancing. , set in scenic splendor, on the banks of itj ing the tremendous increase of interest in curling by Canada's youth. Western Canada, by the way, leads the entire wond ui curling predominance I'cticrs 1; Bu'gris 1. Industries 7; Jaycees 6; Cana-4i Bud's 4. Fuenien 0; fdlap Lvglon 6; Bulkley Market 5: :r.":,!s 2 Sport Shop 'Short Clicuits 4; CNRA No. 2, 3; f n't Metal 2; Moo : 2; ! Co-op 1; Ccastal Painters 1. f ilers 0; Manson's 1 j ' Srxt Schedule Cai.achan Legion) Firft CNRA o. 2 vs. Co-op; 9 s3 Co-op 1. North-; short Circuits vs. Bulkley Mar- Ji-;io;-i 3. CNUA No. 2,, i(et; Jaccss vs. Kaien ISncius- standard sheets of ice and ample club room facilities for $3000 and nothing down. "An insurance appraiser toid us we couldn't replace the building for under $20,000," Neely Moore found out. REFRIGERATION But what makes the building even more valuable is Its loca- Vancouver started its curling club three years ago, much on j Cove. ' . WA SQUMC MEN'S CLOTHING - 6 STREET fc3r clothes advertised in the magazine for men Phone Red 808 tne same basis as Prince Rupert lrv:the winter it could provide, jjp is starting. Only, the big cltv : besides -curlina. skatine eniov- ta iclub had to build its own build-' mem1 for children and ice s i tries; Hot Shots vs. Coastal Pain-1 1 .:, Canadian Legion vs. North-: wesV Construction ; Royah fteh i vs. Par amounts. tloBf-'-without which curling; U18 Jnd needed six sheets of ice. I tmmj h-iot- -tiure katin cli. would still be only a dream. Sit-'Capital of $100,000 was raised by! "A1l';th); for tiit' a fraction ill I I'liif! t CPORT UHOTS 1 S 'c-ncl Firem.:n vs. Sport uated only 409 feet from the sale oi bonds or shares. f0f what. If should actually cost ltat- I lii'di'iM.'MitiiircirMi-.-ii'fr",! laaiiiiiii PBIWiilfi'llllNII'llllllpip iNllllllillllllllllllllililiiilil.'llllllllllilliillllililliliulllilliili iSliop; Moo e vs. Manson's; Bud's huge ice-plant of B. C. Packers j in two weeks these local dry- it is-'ohe 8t khoe once-in-a-fife-ivj. Thorn Sheet -Metal: Home Oil Ltd., arrangemeiiU have been I land curlers have been digging t m?;hances an opportunity we ;v.v Rupert Butchers; Bulger's vs. made whereby the fishing com-j lor ice here, they have Inter- ; can't af.'crd to miss. That's why iK.tchH. one of the PR. Amusements; CNRA No. 1 Parry win supply tne tuture rins'n vu new memoers. auty of .we're so keen on it," is how Mr. witn rerrigerauon. t uicin nave paia cash lor mem-' Moore described the reason for f s at the turn of the Vs. Cook's Jewellers, f.sshut and killed at! ' me oiggesi prooiem io sur- uei snips; ju nave pledged to hi feiub'i enthusiasm Weav ot Iajuovv f nn., 11 years ago. i:: the world's niiddle-f m 1907 to 1910. After f '- "He was disputed r than live claim- mount, then,, was locating and purchasing some 5000 feet of pi)e necessary to Install the refrigeration unit for the rink. The pipe thev have located. They still need $2000 of the $6000 to buy it. Moose Meet At Ketchikan You are building a new home or repairing the old one, its our business to help you, so come in . . . talk with us and compare our prices with others. Island City Builder's Supply ainstcr Kalmonbelllcs 4 Maim cup back to ' 'lie first time in 'ii'.n tli y defeated f :ikto;i Combines f :'u:',li p.uiip of their ? wh' at New VVcst-il '' bio Salmon- Hut sriuiir lacrosse Report of the activities of a WHAT IS OI FEUFh recent Mo'jse convention at Ket-j Here are some of the facili-chikan was presented by dele- ties which with little alteration gate B. J. Bacon to a regular can be offered by the tuturs executive meeting of tlve local rintc building, formerly an RCAF iodif in the Moose Temple last mess hall: night. It was a gathering of both j. a 13G by ,40-foot surface, interest and enjoyment with uninterrupted by posts, whi;h dvlegates present from all parts with a 14-foot extension will of Alaska together with some house three sheets of curling CALfDRT 503 Mili.ide Street I'htine Blue S'!0 iCanaftian UJhishtj' f F by tin rr tames to I Important supreme lodge visl- ice; one sheet larf,e enough for 1 j tors. ' children's skating, and for Ilg- 1 , 1 In ccl"b'ation of Moose heart ure skating. For Lumber Sash & Doors Plywood i , Storm Windows Wallboanls Intcrio.- Trims Asphalt Tile PITTSBl'Rd II PAINTS t's oi Hockey" men Day, the lodge decided to hold a 2. A large lounge room. Kitchen and snack bar. Showers and washrooms. an oinnal capacity sccia' gathering of nrm and 3. PTO-ht (if tlv came, women on October 26. a commit-1 4. rTf- Served with pride Q to ! 7H , - ... iu.n ui nie i tee consisting. 01 r. niiuvorauu. . f ine vt Kintr- Lany Dlshei. Joe Lone:. Joe -on those special occasions -.m.t At!" . ' Pars ago. They Ra'j-hiord. Malcolm Blair and J c Hi in.i.s-f-.i of Win- h nest Luftiln being appointed to ; j 1 1 . -,.. r. . . 1, '-v amcr and William take charge. Mrs. Harold Mull rl ' -,V-vl ir ... .... f nt' tmd John rev w'lt snr.-.Tvise the car issr. to ". Franc-g Nelson ing and will sullicej; a women s com X ci Toronto. ! will provide refreshments I t i i l i "i V I J t t I ' I . ft.V L 17-' h r ii-T ''LWafyt j ; 'iii WS A LOW-PRICED . I I Epcol Intercom System v d PAYS FOR LGW PRESSURE TIRE -TlieTAHUClC IjU DU N LOP i C.I! I ITSELF IN w r iw i it ,m ma. .j: i ir 0': ii i in. THREE MONTHS 3 at- Ml aw xt -r 1". Vti5-'-? ' . Zd -FJ. f Vy 1 ;,l,1 Drofe sional olficc., stores, factories, Ciiti.bianlUhiJikS.. Think of it new law " ' ' v ll0''P five sUt:onu or less arc suffi- '9)1 -in'"1 c. l h ",sc tlpm lw" simple systems at f ' llnSiy low co t Csf, dljin " and tirinir s'.cps every day by 1 I - "'-is simple in Irr-com m un ication system. prtssHrt, low-priced tire , SIZE 6.7015 4-flY embodying all the famous Duniop features of stability, road grip and sturdy construction plus the cushioned comfort of low pressure riding "plus an entirely new 7-rib tread pattern for rugged strength and high mileage. Sew there's a low-priced Duniop Tire to meet your every need 6.00Ib 4-ply $23.20 6.7015 4-ply J28.80 7.10 15 4-ply - --$.U 60 Sw yon Nwrest Duniop Otilst Today and gil i libutl Ink li aMewMCtf fo; " -'fLETE INFORMATION CALL IN AT CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG . ONTARIC ' LECTRIC I RuPert-, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 Jhis advertisement is net published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi British filymHa,.