As we are m . i keeD nm. -i. c ': WESTERN SOVIET OIL SUPPLY Prince Rupert Daily Newsl As I See Ct P THE cyL ETTERBOX Monday, February 19, 1951 irve one fU,-s pure air. ,t0 the j "KUPERx Boo? I in ore The enrlv 1,.'' Pliiffmll HKSKNTS SI.IIMON Editor, Daily News The Saturday Sermon you published on February 17 by a man called Clai-ke of Vancouver Wells w' . independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rup rt and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 7. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director 3v Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, sfei S8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 J , Published every afternoon except Sunday toy Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. the most beautiful';: all Euro,,, ti,I:; is a classic Utenent of what in 'liiNtiun Chursli has ever, QUARTET un . .The , MuZl cunt., I tauiiht or could ever teach. He smug quartet is ,M presumably draws either a sal-, viola and a ury or a pension from the Unit- - - .d iurch of tanada. The day CANADIAN i.vkj hiiiw u insert vitt-n tills .sort I "' NIC Yugoslavia GREAT PYRAMID CAIRO, Egypt. In an earlier article I wrote of the feeling of anti-climax that you get when you come up to the Great Pyramid. I would not want anyone to misunderstand that comment. of thing can be termed brave cr tK, GOLO.t courageous, tie me mun unuea, IIKUN, i0 OTHFK u,-..ii,wi.riiin Anvtifnn BanUsst. 'ntB O'LHELOS A 1 fy HEAVriNOUSTRYl r-Y 93Sa WT sL Pt CHORA f 1 1956 OIL 1 S i A PkOOUCIION . S ' A V' ' . in mifion V ' C fESTIMATEO T Ah' W S!m M dmoir start tn '' 'ZAfc 18 mckvd return -J hk" "'-'W f pound W V f f ' zS I u. $. $. ' .kf w . Xk m I -. '"- I ' : - -" - - " fMlMt.U . . tlw world's , 0 For criiiililcl I The ancients knew the Great Pyramid and Sphinx as being 11 Xlll.H fHf,,y w v, nnia' d,. l.uUitran, Free Gospel or Full G&sjm J, lie simply cannot say things like tliat as a Minister el nd's Word. It Is tine Uiiun for a private Individual to give utterance to- his private, individual opinions, but quite another fur those who eat their bread as ol f ::ial .spokesmen for any historic part of the Christian among seven wonuers 01 mv world. In many ways, the Great Pyramid is the greatest pu:x!e Iirufju., ilinumo,. linns imu i,u,..r Nfirlhcrtf Miutr t fubiwlit wm:,i lius the InrcM a; ruc.igmw,, ttuihon1 l on earth. For it was obviously ChureU to plaster both mud and over everything their (NORTHERN k church lias ever tauinit. TOriONTO. CAN I Wrap it HASH, S. l'lt X'KTF.U. built by planners who had knowledge not only in advance of their times, hut knowledge and wisdom which is far above that of the best and wi.vest people of our own day. oOo THERE HAS BEEN A GREAT deal of bunk written about the VIEW-MAS Editor, Daiiy News: May 1 take this opportunity of endorsing the opinion expressed by "Taxpayer" .in a recent edition of your paper In regard to .1 k... .f M.rl.i.'l If 11 REELS I lir -,-,tuiiviiiiiu in hi u i THERE is increasing concern that Yugoslavia may be the next target for the Cominform in the spreading flood of Russian imperialism. Even now Great Britain and the United States are reported to be considering issuing a joint warning to the Soviet not to make any move against Tito's domain. Such, would be considered an act of aggression. To understand the careful thought now being given to the question of how to shield Yugoslavia from a Cominform blow in the spring it is necessary to remember the profound difference Tito's original break with Moscow made in the strategic pattern of Europe. Before that break took place it would have been almost blind faith to believe that any part of Europe might survive the threat of Russian domination. But, with the Tito defection, the Cominform tide was stemmed and, indeed, reversed. Since then a practical belief in the potential defensability of Europe has been possible. Planning with the end in view of effecting such defence has been proceeding. It is the important Yugoslav link in the growing system of western defence which is now believed to be the No. 1 target on the Moscow list. The assumption is that Moscow has been building and arming the Bulgarian, Romanian and Hungarian armies for a satellite attack on Yugoslavia in the spring and summer. The theory is that this could be done without involving the Soviet Union itself. Meantime Stalin can go on making protestations of peace and saying that Russia is not rearming. It would be typical Soviet strategy if Yugo Great Pyramid, and cultists and fanatics have tried to twist its messages in stone to all soils oi weird ends. Sir Flinders Petrie, the famous. Egyptologist, told of filling a fellow Englishman with a hammer (liurch Jt 50c Kingdom varly this year, describ- . Plant at. toea, cove. ye:,tTday we took a drive to tkatil.KUish-1 later d as U.I1U. was ed by He- number of Inner:,!',1 Seal Cove and enjoy.-d the clean, air. How dill.-renl it v.ou!d Hu is felt tutlav. "H over Car.a m ciu Many hiii.m..!;; ni ra were if a reduction plant were es-claKuUt tabli:.liHI there! Wliat an mi d a:. i.n!.l. And tiuud -1 on or 5 ed ray and chisel chipping off bits of the huge structure. The rock did ni fettling (jiicili fit his preconceived ideas of how w ls ol of oth'ii; will never lie 111 ""'" ""i''r'" "'r WRATHAli flmtu tmi Ik ?!!) Tfurrf A- reds aeain. history would run ergo 1 Reflects and Reminisces I uir passengers wouin rciieivt' on uliglitUi to be greeU-d by od'ir i :,imtlar to that ai, i oi l i'.uward. would alter the rock, not his crackpot ideas. O'lO YET ANYONE WHO STUDIES I Last Fii'.lav abouf eighty mem-I hers and adherents of the First i Baptist Church gathered at a congregational dinner to honor Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong who Conrad PT Cord Party Enjoyed the plain facts of the measure GREER and BRIDDE SO Ml II MES PREM ATI' RE Why should new churchvs be built, while plenty, with no one BUILDERS & CONTfiAC In them, remain standing. 1he E1(;ni tables ouestion was recently asked in the Conrad were in P'ay at School Parem-ialion card party are shortly reaving the clly to' reside on Vancouver Island. The guests .including all local members of the Armstrong family, were received by Mrs. F. An-trobus and Mrs. W. D. Smith. ! Mrs. Armstrong was presented luilh ti rtK'iuo nnrl h orwl Tr ments of the Great Pyramid -can fume to no other conclusion than that its .designers had a marvellous knowledge , of astronomy, geography, and even history of the world for hundreds of years after the strange Structure was built. Toronto when the United Church Teachers' A'soc ,was seeking construction exteii- Friday night, slim funds. One does not have to Winners wcrt: 1 - t .lip WL is' phone black: For Efficient Building ord Rcmodcli Mrs. I,ini",hlan. A. J. Croxlonl, Thompson, crib- travel to Toronto to see examples S bridge; Mrs. They can be found anywhere, in ', whist; Mrs. J the Armstrong were seated at the For instance, if you take birth of Jesus Chirst as one of the head table which was tastef ully great landmarks In history, and decorated with pink tapers and fr;iict K I .O. Ilox 731 Canada. -We are not meeting , uai;e. .u. u(i,. whn. w eieetJ On the refreshment comiiilL- .w... ........ .,.riu..iil tee under Mrs. Murdock were Hansen and Mrs. F .,H In i minister lit It mlse!-- I MrS. M. l.t that represent the beginning flowers. of one long gallery, and if you After singing of the Grace, an use the British inch to represent excellent dinner was served by years, you certainly do get some the women of the church. A .i i.,n ria cvii.iiirt " it was Ballinger. declared, "spend money heloin , FISHERMEN . remarkable coincidences. Other , short program followed, consist- Plain Important dates, like the begin- of group games, selections by the churches we Ivave. talk, and sensible. Want Ads. Hure Results! TOfSIGIlT IMPORTANT BROADCAST . a quartette consisting of J. Anderson, Rev. F. Antrobus, W. D 1 Smith and John Antrobus; recitations by Mrs. L. Bowman and ; vocal solo and recitation by W. D. Smith. I The chairman. Rev. Fred Antrobus, then called uoon P. H. I'FIUIAPS SKIING Canadians and others, not "having travelled, ha v I o i (', thought that Ja.'ian. uiul the Chinese coast had no occasion to view the awn each of winter wt'.h Ting a-nd end of the' First World' War, and the stock market crash of October, 1929, with Great Depression, are clearly in-licated. It does seem that whoever planned this strange structure had the uncanny faculty of being able to make a sort of indestructible blue print of the future history of the human race. For complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline EnglmM, see Itupcrt Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment to iwi form this work for you . . . efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on, let us have hat job now. Yet, Canada '"w iLinzey, the senior deacon, who misgivings that Ja'ian aiv' Kr-a spoke of the manv vears nf fnii.h- realizes f ul service Mrs. Armstrong had 'Si have season when the Masts are bitter, victims can fio'-'.e, and snow can he from twelve u seventeen inches, as was the case in Tokyo this manlli. Don't ask me to explain it, but Riven to the Church, the Wom-I for one hope the interpreters j en's Missionary Society, the are right. For, according to the! Cradle Roll department of thv prophecies indicated by the Sunday School and the Ladies' Rupert Motors Limit Aid. In recognition of this faithful and untiring service he then measurements of the passages and rooms in the pyramid, man-1 kind is really due to begin a newj age of increasing rwace and j plenty bv August, 1953, and by presented io Mrs. Armstrong on A VFKIW.T WFI.COME!) There '"as anplause, in nn Ottawa court, when Mrs. Sullivan was acquitted on a mans'au"''er charge. Her husband. Fraivis, had been an official of the Ontario government. The verdict found, according to testimony 0 oenau ol ber . friends in tiie church, an engraved silver tray, wishing her and her husband every success and happiness in their new home. Mrs. Armstrong graciously accepted the gift with slavia could be broken by the Moscow puppets. A 'Week' That' Gives' are weeks for everything these days. In THERE fact, there are not enough weeks to go around so they are doubling up on the weeks for instance, last week was Boy Scout Week and it was also White Cane Week. Now another week is coming up. But it is different. This is a week that doesn't take. It just gives and it sounds good to us. February 26-March 3 is "National Smile Week" for 1951. Some are calling it "Joy Scout Week." ' Who are the Joy Scouts? A circular that has come to the office tells us they're everybody who can smile, which means everybody everywhere. There are no dues, no meetings, no assessments in the Joy Scouts. There is only one obligation on the membership: Smile! The National Smile Week Committee, of which famed actor Joe E. Brown is chairman, operates on the sound theory that a smile spreads sunshine wherever it's seen. For one week they ask that everybody concentrate on being a sunshine-spreader -give a smile, send a smile, make someone, somewhere happy during National Smile Week. "There are plenty of things in the world to be grumpy about if you want to be grumpy," Brown concedes. "But it is much more fun to operate in an atmosphere of happiness. A smile creates' a lot of this atmosphere. A thousand smiles ... a million ... a billion smiles, all concentrated in a week, will ease many burdens and cheer a lot of hearts, including those of the folks who smile." So there's the story on the big special week that is unique. It costs nothing. It could do much. '.V d3e Wise.. BUY about 1985 this will be fully, firmly established on , the whole ' ' earth. oOo MAHDI ENANf KHATTAn IS my dragoman ,or. guide, on my sight-seeing trips. Unlike many engineers, lie does not think there was any mystery about how the builders got the huge chunks ft I a lew well chosen remarks. The card accompanying tl.v gift was signed by all present and If. Vanderheide took several group pictures of the gathering. The singing of "Blest Be Uie NO' ....'15! fvf tk that Sullivan died from the "f fects of angioma hemorrhage of the brain? Witnesses made statements liable, at least, to orou?" conjecture. D1. Dover said deceased had taken 'a hell of a beating." On Novenilrer IS. 10 and 17. five 20-ounce bott'e-i or Scotch had been purchased. There were 61 bruises on the body. 5C GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS With pump of limestone into place on the pyramid. Mahdi says that 20,000 people worked in relays. Th.ey heaped up sand, skidded the big stones lie That Binds Our Hearts," followed by prayer by the pr.stor, brought to a close a very enjoyable evening of good fellowsnip. Mrs. J. C. Gilker was the convenor of a committee consisting GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE REFRIGERATORS GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE RANGES ci Mesuames F. Antrobus, H. Team work i-. verv important.. Even a banana gels- skinrmd when it leaves the bunch - Ex. Vanderheide, E. Martin. M H I up the sandy slopes. Then, layer by layer, the masons buit thp pyramid. After it was all finish-ied, the, sand was taken away I again. Slave labor was cheap jthen and labor is cheap here now, too. Waters and W. A. McBroom. Tlw serviteurs were the Misses Babs Adams, Betty Blake, Juanita Keith, R.N., A. Wrathall and Mrs. It. K. Osloji. Accompanist for the evening was Mrs. W. D. Smith. NOW ON DISPLAY AT oOo K0N. LESLIE EYRES MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, TRADE and INDUSTRY and FISHERIES will present REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL REVIEW of. BRITISH COLUMBIA MAHDI SAYS THAT European doctors don't know anything, either. Northern B.C. Power C Stt: ANYWAY, IT'S MEAT Cattalo may have a possible bearing on the price of meal in Western Canada but It may be a while befoi-e we'll be chewing it. What is "cattalo," we hear you ask! Well, it began thirty years ago with tlw crossing of buffalo with range cows. Its taken time to show the experiment to be commercially profitable. Vet, it's on the way. In fact, it's going to taste like prune beef. We gain, if somewhat delayed, a general idea of buffalo hunting. 1'hniie 210 Trine Rupert Take rheumatism. Mahdi says that I am an old irock as a result of it. He wants me to come back to Egypt some May or June and take the Arab sand cure. Thej bury you up to the tum Scripture JfaiSacje for Joday "Moreover it is requiml in stewards, that a man be found faithful." I Cor. 4:2. w ALLACE E my in this sand, around Luxor, where the sand has never been touched by water. You liave an umbrella over your head. After ; Truth Is not only stranger than fiction. It is much more inter a couple of hours, you are sweat - Pharm CFPR neer, says the vein encountered esting. Wm. R. Hearst. Why should the Canadian 10:15 ng, no fooling. The earth has powers of extracting poison, along with sweat, says Mahdi. Well, maybe he's got something there. oOo p. m. taxpayer provide gravy for com mon law wives, asks the Cana dan Military Journal. The Cana "r dan Army may well contain ras Glacier Gulch Speeds Up Hudson Bay Mountain Mine Enters New hase Development of Glacier Gulch MSniag'Co. Ltd. mine on Hudson Bay Mountain near Smilh-ers .entered a new phase early thii month. Work was started on an In HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 o.i"-10 in recent cross-cutting has persisted for 340 feet to date. Good lead and zinc, with silver values, occur In the ve:n, ne said. The operation is now completely mechanized and Mr. Batten says the rate of advance should be doubled with substantial improvements in unit costs. According to 1937 shipments, said L. W. Bodie, president, present metal prices would average the ore at $147.24 per ton. A test shipment from a gold- cals whose morals are his own business. But why should he draw money from the government to keep' his bed-warmer in nylons is beyond us. p H 0 N E 7 9 MAHDI IS 50 YEARS OLD, JET, black-haired, and has a friendly, I frank face. He's been a guide ever since 1915. I asked him how things of 11 compared with things of 1915. "The buidings are more better now, but the poor people were more better off then," he told me thoughtfully. "Now, there's too much politicking." MOOSE JAW CENTENARIAN Mrs. Catherine Hans celebrated her 100th birthday in a Moose Jaw, Sask., hospital, tout she gets around the buildings with the aid of a cane. She was born !n Chalk River, Ont., and come west in 1890. (CP PHOTO ' SUNDAYS: NJ 12 Noon 9 7 p.m. Attention Fishermen! Highest, trade-in allowance on your present marine engine. To save money and get the best, be sure your next engine is a Kermath Write for Folders HOMEW00D MARINE LIMITED 17SS W. iergia Vancouver, ti.C. bismuth deposit in 193S showed that ore to be worth $119.78 per ton at today s prices, be said. Mll ll-AT FIRST 1 Two hundred and ten cases of scarlet fever were reported in Vancouver Jale last week. The city -medical health officer, while admitting the outbreak was widespread, said it was too mild to cause any concern. The appearance of influenza in the United Tile property is located on cline raise from the 2000-foot level directed to cut a downward extension of the known silver-lead-zine ore deposits developed to the SOOO-foot Jevel. The incline will open up two more intermediate levels. H. L. Batten, consulting mining engi Many people have written about the appalling contrast here But I must confess that I have never seen a more vital and between the condition of the few Hudson Bay Mountain, six miles from Smithers and two miles from Lake Kathlyn railway STREET AND TIIIKH Vl KIX11I rich and many poor people. I may happier-looking lot of people have more to say on this later. I than the laughing poor of Cairo.