Prince R rt Daily News Monday, February 19, 1951 Stimnli onii KSrclieitra -P- erdonaU Holbrook, peacock; Miss Rose Benson, cigarette girl; and Norman Moorehouse, peacock. The judges were George Dauc;:, Mrs. Margaret Flynn and Mrs Good. Music was by the Legion orchestra. George Dawes -as doorman with Mrs. J. V. Hanley. Plain Folks Bring Music Luxury Here J. Van Wallegham returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. Coforj-u I tcn I Over 40 couples attended a colorful Canadian region Valentine Masquerade cabaret dance Const. G. G. Hoggard, RCMP, left on the Chilcotin Sunday I mm. j. a. mac ana James wico assisting Frank Hicks on the entertainment committee. at the Canadian Legion hali j Friday night. j There were many original cos-tunws, many of them very colorful. Prize winners were: Mrs. E. Stevens, Zulu girl; Mrs. Arthur evening for Namu. , A. Van Snallenberg of the construction department of the Canadian Fishing Co. arrived in the cfty on the Camosun yesterday frorn Vancouver. i Ted Clioquetta of Mashet is a iii HIGH TIDES Extraordinary tides in the Bristol Channel rise as much a." 70 feet at Chepstow. CI AM! SPE II OS QNS WEEK ONLY ! business visitor in the city. He arrived from the Islands on the; rM,it.,t ir, ..otp,,., .. 111 .... I RELIEF FOR COLDS Check the discomfort of a cold fast! Inhale Minard's turn home there by plar.e Mrs. William Biiddea of Mas set is in the city for a two weeks' j vi-sit. having arrived from the' WE ARE OFFERING OUR REMAINING STOCK OF iberta "Diplomat" Egg Liniment. You'll breathe easier, feel better. Just try it you'll see. Queen Charlotte Islands m the Chilcotin yesterday afternoon. Fred Conrac, president of the Prince Rupert Boy Scouts' Association, wail be a Boy Scout Week speaker at the weekly luncheon of tlw Prince Rupert Gyro Club this Wednesday. AT rviinADDS . .. "KINO OF 1AIN" JUULimr.iEfi? i i .00 PER TON 1 Ml (Minimum Order 5 Sacks) PHONE 116 -117 or 58 Wanted To Rent THIS UNPOSED picture shows Prince Rupert C vie Symohony on a regular rehearsal. Conductor Is Pefrllpii. Others from left are Vaushan Tatiersal. Ray Sahlen (bass), Mrs. D. D. Carr-Harris, Mrs. J. C. Oi'ker (oiaitui. Mr. Nellie Anderson, A. C. Cameron. M'ss 01t Zabudney Tom Johnstone. Bill Beck, Peter L;.-n (conductor), WJf Williams, Joe Addison and Leslie Brain llbert if McCaffery Alex Corby of Fraer Street was removed to Prince Rupert General Hospital this morning by ambulance. He 4s suffering from pneumonia. With the disbandment of the Welsh Socrety, the sum of $4.50 has been donated to the library of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Women's Auxiliary. Sail'ne on the Camotun Sunday evening for the north were Father R. Raynor, O.M.I., for Stewart and Father O. P. Mohan, O.M.I., for Alice Arm. I LlVtl I LU jSnme time in April, this year, Prince Rupert residents will gather to hear a stirring program of symphonic music. It will not he presented by the New The Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd. require immediately for their permanent operating staff, HOUSES FOR RENTAL Please address "replies to: Supervisor. Operating Dept. Personnel, Box 1000.. Prince Rupert, B.C., or call .Supervisor at Watson Island. -; vi. mbcrMuii 1 ..York Philharmonic Society, nm- will it Yw iniiipfl on or Kimlcii- 1 y Ailuro Toscanini. I A short, but very interesting Ju t plain folk everyday peo eiemony took place during ihej ivening service at the First Bap--ist Church last nie;ht. A pin, emblematic of life mem- Scouts urtesy, Stunts, Games en in Demonstration C. J. Strong, inspector of technical education for the Department of Education, arrived in the city on the Camosun yester- when a Junior croup, led by tin late Profes'or If. Aubcy Pryc made its doub!e-ba n !l,-d tleb.i over the air. The grouo made t!i. first broadcast on Prince ltu perl's .ether waves, over amutu experimental station V c0OT before the advent of conimtic a pie make no tlx Pri ire Kup.-.-rt Civic Symphony. All winter they have bjen r.-hears'ii:; every . to bring the romiuttiiity one evening ot cultural luxury. Ci.nduetn' Peter Ll'ii feel; hi,.; group of 20 musicians will be pri - jeishiu in the Women's Mission belng here on ary Auxiliary uf the tliinM duv from Victoria, Jmon of ulIlt1'" aOTlcs- Wewlern Canada, was Gurney "Kitchen Tested" Gas Ranges Specially designed for "ROCKGAS" preserved to Mrs. J. Armstrong Mis. L. Doll of Terrace sailed parea to give a food la:te ot it unlay afternoon shoppers who between 2 and symphonic tmnic this spras;?. sn- i. r i ,i - -1 iii eluding sub. r.-iuliliniis as o xe'. ior her many years of service in south on the Chilcotin Sunday. he local B.W.MS. Arrlyine i here from Terrace a icK iimiiki injurs io city snops neiu open lor .,;,, ,.. , ..,, , et the answer for this courtesy in the rousintr N'Uo;" "Pcionai.e M:i:taiL?" an : Those taking part in the ceremony were Mrs. C. II. Elkms, Mrs. A. M. Watv-rs and Mrs. W. D. m'th. broadcasting. Three f thai urii'iuul orchestra are tuday members of (he C ivic Symphony. They are Mrs. Nellie Anderson, Twin Johnstone anil Bert Camerfln. From then on cla-sical mus:c went through several stages here with such groups as the Jun o Symphony, the Philharmonic Sa ciety and the Capltolians, vih- Fh-fly;" al o by Jean Siu- of nearly 200 Wolf Cubs and Roy Scouts. ' a selection irom the "Valse ellus, and olners. ;rand Howl from Cubs en- The ob- on Sunday morning's train to be admitted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital, was Master Victor John, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Tetrault. William ' Buchanan. Columbia Cellulose Company employee, was admitted to the city hospital Saturday with possible head in-i juries in. a Galloway Rapids arouno run leaaer Leon- (rom February 5 to 22 teS was part of a demon- iWuve is set at $1200. Instrumentalists in the group come from all vvr'.ks of lit.;:, carpenters, office workers, sal?. men, houscwivef. m Kins me speuu. tM.y ( Cub leaders Chris. Greene, ti .1 it:.: A aSSeitneri Appeal that, is in progress l lie vicun, ciliviciii iiiuu- ern method of baking and J played Sundays at the th-at-e led by Dr. H. N. Brocklesbv. The dissolved with the sta"t of Won War II. In sprint;, 1B46, under NevilK And the youngest member Is b junior hiuh school student. He is Robert J-nsen. 12. of 135 Fifth Avenue Fast. lie plays second fidd'.o and i staking his From Vancouver (Saturday! ustrial i cooking! We have just received 5 different models from G e r r a r d. the Presbytcrini elding James CJorman Fo'iert Morris and M. J. Saunders were assisting in the rally which took place on the Federal Building lawn Saturday afternoon. "We need the public's help to carry on the good work tnat the young people are doing in our city," said S. G. Furk, in charge of publicity, who spoke of the meaning of the Boy Scout bridge car collision Saturday. A passenger in a city taxi, Mr. Buchanan was returning to Watson Island when the head-on collision with, a car driven by J. H. TustJn occurred on the bridge. s ixth year violin I.-ssimis. Robert I Church orchestra was start d I'M P N V specialize iii boat anti ic he'-oii tanks. Built which to make your choice Gordon & Anderson has been with the Symjilvany not quite a year. "Maybe I'm not verv co'id yet, but I like it very much " JU hastened to ad.l thou-h, that "in.-. ' Underwriters. An cert if led opera- D. A. Stewart, R. E. Gladding, A. Antonowitz. D. F. Thomas D. G. Love, J. W. Rogers. To Vancouver (today) Mrs. E. Swanson, R. Rodman, S. Sa-ville, J. Ainsworth. H. McAteer, N. Gentile, Mrs. P. Welter, C. Maelntyre, J. J. Sutherland, A. N. J. Gautheer, A. Sutherland, J.I Chura, D. A. Stewart, E. Roso-' lowky. 1 To Sandspit (today) William McKinnon, R. J. Holmes. I To Masset today) A. McKrn- tie. from which developed the rrF-pnt organization. A short tin. ago Mr. Gerrard left F'in-e R'i pert, and Mr. Lien was appointee" as codnuctor. "We have a nucleus here -it which we are rather proud," shc' Conductor Lt-n. "But we can uc" more member?, and Ihe welcome mat is always at the door." Appeal. District Commlsioner F. E. An I wasn't, studying nuwic as a career "Just as a hobby, because il'IIOM: mms H.HI ATLANTIC PIONEER The Great Western, first steamship intended for trans-Atlantic travel, was built at Bristol in 1838. field, muster of ceremonies, it's fun." opened the rally from the old Origination of sjmrhony in IJuperl, (ices I) -"!-: to 1!)-1 JOHN H. Overwaitea building, donated t.y Prince L. M. Felsent hal of the Wallace Department stores for uie e.s litntnmn'incnts headquarters for the present: scout drive. ULGER NORTHERN VENICE More than 60 bridges span the many canals ii Hamburg, great German seaport. s Quiet ftj lli4rrietl Orlu hist (Prince Rupert) L. F. May, L. C. Hart, D. F .4t TIait.e JJere Scouts, led by Harry Quick, and Card party. Catholic Hall, the Cubs, in front of which Philip Thursday, February 22. 8 p.m. Thorn, of the senior Six, carried Junior Chamber of Commerce the Pack Totem, were marched 'cabaret party Saturday, Febru-out of headquarters directed by ary 24. Pick up your tickets at Mr. Airfield to begin their pro- Jerry's Barber Shop, cram in front of the Federal Canadian Le.-Um card party, Building. I February 28 While games and skipping by R ,rrt Knrinp club Ross . Murrav, Glen Ferguson. . c(m(Trt March 2. n .1 ...i t .1 ' 8u!aer Lid. 1 nomas, R. J. Mawhituiey, J. W. A quiet weUli WM ok,nn Rogers, D. A. Stewart, E. S. Stu-!ized in the Presbyterian Church art, C. X Strung, L. M. Reid, Capt.' manse by Rev. Dr E. A. Wright S. G. Hunter and Cupt. D. Backie,' Saturday afternoon. I hi: ci Avenue ! Vancouver ;ll. J. Maxwell, Priuee Miss Agnes Marjory Milewski. j George: S. S. Leith. Williams daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. M. fiuovi I li ving. 1 Illlip XIIOlll U11U Presbyterian home cooking mm f )i Lake; Mr. and Mrs.. L. Audit, Milewski of Hyas, Sask., . was Watson Island; Mr. and Mrs. married to Donald Hawryluk, Billy Watmnitgh and other Cub . . . then don't miss our handsome new lines of MFN'S FOOTWEAR Lasting leathers in all styles. Scientific fit for your comfort. sale, McKae's Store, March 3 activities were underway, Scouts Boyd. Prince George; E. Tcllam, son f M- ad Mrs. Michael j Lutheran Tea and Home Cook Hawryluk of Arran, Saskatche Alice Arm; Mrs. F. H. Prouse, SmUhers; Mrs. Joseph Panter and Mrs. K. S. B'rd, Hazellon; P. Plishka, Edmonton; J. S. McMillan, New Westminster; G. Dick, Masset; Mr. B-ddie and A. Van-derhelde. Terrace. prepared for battlt1. With the supervision of M. J. Saunders, and 10-year-old referee Billy Smith. Mr. Anfield announced the Cub boxing match. First to take to the centre of the sidewalk ring made by the crowd under the careful eye of ing, March 10. The King Edward School P-TA White Elephant sale and tea. vlarch 15, at 2 p.m. St. Patrick's Tea and card party, Catholic Hall. March 17. Orange Ladies' tea and sale, Fashion Footwear wan. Besides the bridesmaid, Miss Ruth Danyluk, and groomsman, Richard Rodman, among those at the ceremony were Mrs. D. Shade, Miss Hazel Tweed, John t I McDougall, John Currie, Eugene Dngyshen and Richard Edlock. I A reception was held at the Canadian Legion lounge. The groom is employed with HERES WHY BCMM (MM pKLiAf Iwcpt COHtMl a Koyal Canadian Mounted March 21. Police Officer, were Bobby Smith, j .Job's Daughters Easter tea and 8, and Roy Prystay.fl. This snap-SiUe. Masonic Temple, March 2'i. ptjk Will iiJtnH.(y...tSlU Dip com., MORE FRESH WHOtE EGG POWDER tU Cathedral spring sale, March PRINTING Cfnt JJai Party 29. the Columbia Cellulose Company. The couple are residing at 333 Eighth Avenue East. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 4. Presbyterian spring sale, April 12. Experience Versatility I PURPOSES Highest Quality M;s. James Mellor, 505 Herman Stre.ot, entertained her Sunday School class with a Valentine party when games were plavod py bout will be continued in two years, Master of Ceremonies Anfield announced In deciding a draw between the two fighters. From the red faces and quick stepping of the next match, it looked as if there was going to be a knock-out decision. Trading blows were Billy Saunders, 7, and Robert Armstrong, 8, which again was stopped at a draw to be continued next year. 'ALL US W.O.T.M. Spring bazaar, April on for prizes and dancing and sin?- St. Peter's Spring Sale, April j eiijoyea. Mrs. J. P iiio. iviul viurueu 2G FUEL ECONOMY Tin: ni:w Dibb Printing Co. United W.A. Spring sale, May 3. Sonja tea. May 12. Kurdzcit and Miss Marjorie M.-jI-lor assisted the hostess in serving dt'licious refreshments which MOST CARELESS DRIVER PHONE 231 BESNER BLOCK In a later contest to find the most careless driver on Third featured a handsome valentiiv cake. " m FIREMAN- Si Avenue overlooked by the RCMP, Guests were Anna Carlson, onS Shirley Kurdziel, Anne Robin Ron Eby was the first cub back but he had the wrong licence mlti For Milady son, Gall Gomez, Donna Douglas, Lucy Olsen, Dorothy Geary, Bar- Jf ami riJance number. However, Felix Wright and Derrick Allen were able to give the correct licence number (Continued on page 7) I ry Kurdziel, Ivan and Dolores Thirteen tables were in play at Garbell and Allen V.?llor. the Sons of Norway whist drive i : oil burner solves !"'l;ll touidiest problem in heavy oil. I r:n for your need '""m: hu e sio AT OUR COSMETIC COUNTER Toni Home Permanents Hand Lotion Face Cream Face Powder Lipsticks Bobby Pins Hair Nets Hair Curlers EFFICIENCY in Itself is iANtCH a Source cf Great Revenue and dance Friday night in the: Sons of Norway hail. - j Winners wore Mrs: Richard Giske, first; Mrs. JuHa SlatlaJ second; K. Dehli, first; S. Stc- phens, second, drawing with' Frank Schrocrfcr. j Nels. Gundersen was master of ceremonies ,with music by Mike Colussi's accordion. Under the convenorship of Mrs. ; C. Strand, the committee con- sisted of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred- helm, Mrs. John Pedersen, iVlrs. O. Giske, Nels Wasse-ng, B. BaK-1 ken and John McNaughton. GroniiE S. MayCo.hpvw Wtlrn ivilon HI CMrv Slrwt, tm fraoclM t. CilK. trtoblcjhd 1925 IM WUi'i'lHi.lll WWM Eg C 1 II E D FOODS sou Ml BETTER f AST! r :