""T" I Jasper Ski Meer- Prince Rupert Daily New; Monday, February 19, 1951 IM OF SPORTS fon we do it? I (No. 1 of a series) RNC RUPERT ARENA Burns Lake Cleans Up BURNS LAKE.-Omineca Ski Club representatives, returning Hays I ljMMiIil!MlB . With Skiers on Mount intimate at lO.OfMl. A minimum Estimated cost of orcn., 71 nnn from tne Jasper Park ski tour- Hutidliu 4' plant )uit.:.eii.::es 4(l,i)()() nament, speak highly of the iipbyed the Llquo 4 Bouih Cotumbit. Huttd or by &c GuwnwicX 10, (KM1 S 1 23 ,CJ0(1 ; $ 75.000' To Sal perfection of all arrangements made for the comfort and entertainment of all visiting skiers by the Jasper Park Ski Club. i-guired (milillllUIIII .. y lahiH' SMITHERS SKIING- '4 11 V'n: H. . " u K) , 1 hey hope to reciprocate when We onimeca bKi Cluti nolct.s its Total $12f),IKM) , tournament February 24, 25 and per ..on - Cniii - Labor $ 7 'n 5 00 I Burns Lake Big Winner f 'if 5 d to Cianljroik ill. $lfl ami Sinmiicilaiid al $21 1 .411 I Cross-country races saw Petr iletton, Smithers, first: Jo -j-en 'ii'e, ec;nc, (.). Ar.des)i). third. lunl. events ran as follows: Jumping, Jim Siratti, SiuiUe:-., first, Fr d Rafs(Uile, s cond, fhmr, Herman, Km it hen. Hi bird p!u:e Willi H I K: r fill:':) -, l.UK-. Slalom placed Boil"; Rowland, first; Alfred Ailkc:!. lJurivi.! ' i'C second ncl Gordon. Ri'?ii.I. Burns Lake, th. d. tuv.'nhill aces ;aw ty.nii Roviaiifl, Ifirsi; rr.r!lrm Rowland nrid Chi"1 h Richmond, both Burns Lake, second and thi d. by Fred Ragsdale, first, Jim (nriifiti. fcini:h' S -rrond;' a.iJ I'.ul Kaj. "i tilei I'roniishi Xci'd J'l aitice ,. ,i d- Slairii.'d slue fee sheet, allowing skatino hor-kev .urling m winter, plus figure skating, ice carnivals, n,jli, I'tc. In .summer, tne same building might be for iiulool tennis, lacrosse, roller skating, ourni- ''i' rapacity for at least 1000 people Is desired alons u'ic i,ecei.-.ary clresxiiiL.uoiii.s, ex. is to he the crucial test! The response to this !i 'IP . , . J ? . SMITHFaS, (Sijesial to Dail-Jews Euitu Liil'3 Oin'.'-ra Z JJu'o took I'm lion's rharc of 3rr.?s in the Northt:it II. C. ski champion' -hips lure Five firsts, three )f"uii" - r ' 'f 2il for keen comeUtion between , members of all the ski clubs of; the central Interior. I The winners. at Jasper were: Junior Slalom Fir.st, Gordon l Rowland; .second, Alfretl Eukln; tiiird, Liuug Rowland tall oil Omineca Ski Clubi. I Senior Down Hill T. MrReady j (Jasper), Gordie Williams Oni- ineca Ski Clubi, Fred WHgsdafc! (Omineca Ski Clubi. Junior Down Hill Doug Row-, land (Oniineea), Alfred Eakln' (Omineca i, Gordon Riwlai.d (Omineca). Senior Slalom Gordon Williams (Oininecai; Fred Raj:i-dale (Omineca), T. MeReadyj (Jasper). i Senior Crass Country Freddy Ragsdale Omineca ) , G o r d i e Williams (Omineca). 1 Junior Cross Country r Doug , Rowland (Omineca), Alfred Eakin (Oininecai, Gordie Rowland (Omineca). J Ladies' Cross Country Jean , lllol in the house to house canvass to he car- J'.'en th'rr1 o'ai ineijding a tie-ihirrl with Smithers wpre,DouB Rowland, third. UiroiHrh the assistance of the students will (li'tennine whether or not this project is ui wind. It cannot succeed without the ma-pport of the entire community as evidenced in the way of financial assistance. QUICK Relief for taken by Burns Lake. Smithers j wis i-as'iy raczexl wiih four ! fi 'st-:, three seconds and two I thirds. Don Green and Jack An- SKIINQ ON the main slope, Mt. Hays, are mem 3eis o' Prfnce Rupert Sk; Club. Right, a 6uo-loot tow hauls skiers up the 150-foot drop. In foreground- are Foster Husoy (left) and Howard Haugen. Background shows the city and Tsimp ean Peninsula. RHEUMATIC PAIN i tt renn tf Wnlls 1 , . . ..-. 1 ." ..... . " . , , I Wh uiffef with riwumalK, rllirilk or murilk should be complet- must be cash and $20 may be In it. iu-i in .s i mill f ii wmni irr , T ,. ... l . - h it were a definite voluntary labor. It is well real- pain! lemplewni i-i-v. wmi T" comiorting relwf Irom nftin (in. Don't tulfcr nttl iif. Vou on rl lW feliel yw Wl Im itU T-tt t '. k will J1.25. commiuee nopes i.eu mai some lamines may noi be In a position to pledge the full cash amount, while others us me lavoraoie uui, i liiIs l hat those who ! p' ize ' J Frnce liuiicrt f'ki Clu'i cnler-j cl tliw rjies for the fir t time, j showing promising juniors f,n-l seniors that have o:l ability but need practice, i Dii. to tiain lat.?ni-::. Prince (Omineca). vnralily will honestly can easily do much more than Holmes The committee l uriiieei as nicy nave uieir snare. K hope.s that each family will at mv it.4;i rs cnt-iui'i fnmi a ( : '! he foundation lor a must be sound! Li",, contribution re-:i laimiy of lour per- -si I X w' . W1-.. tempt to make their share a minimum of $100 cash and voluntary labor. The committee points out the project could mean skating. ; I I i j 'I'vatinir;. .; I (' I. in junior and description of a car driven' by Mr. Saunders up McBii'ie m Ccirc : i hi -v rlu enter af i,er I; lr.kin'v r I-.'e l lfa-::l:il . ;ii "' i- and jumping second ."Venl il'ld t :l 4,ri mLix $ of which $30 the wrong side of the road, with- figure skating, hockey, high mt i.rot-r signals. CKACHE? V i' school curling, broomball, roller Ralph Kykes was found by - 'ft.'ii' .slalom. Ol'v-ir winners wern: I "' I!'i' i hi. '. , j two fir-ts and cue third in hin- n. vfe.ujil'-ii muvr bnriK ftiurt, 1'ilU. 1 liutiNHnt-. find quit'k Lji lw, iMinlul iuinta. .it ! II 1 -V f "ii D. hli. f iiulner ;, i Don m .... 'S m by (umb.niuit 2 Hut -J't. li.iM ' Hoik mi both stealing, eixv, lor amnt.s and an roups. For a community of this size and importance the committee feels that the objective Is not out of reason and could be readily reached if all will put their shoulder to the task, showing community spirit by putting the cainpaign over the top. "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim l'liiine 17 fur Orders To Take tint ( Commodore Cafe f-v. vi -on.:; ('.. A-il son Wei's, third. Senii;- kIiIddi, Gjrdon Will-j 'an's. P.i'1'ns Lake, first: Don jCre -n. Wells, second- Fr d Ra- -'tial: Hums I a'---. Ii'nt. Pfii ldcwr.hm. C-ord.-in WU'iams. f'r.-t: 2E Dickie Bury silting under Man-' son's totem poles. Ralph was the boy who had lost hi.; memo.y and could he ilnnnj py the ivin'-l log of his left eye. The IHI.S.S.ID- easure a cheek wri' ' .'ii a it sii'iied bv M' An-field as o donation to the Boy S'out Association, was foaiui by LarTy Thorn on the sidewalk in front of People's Store. i With a Grand Howl to e:id the program each boy lined up for cakes and cookies, donated by th.; city bakeries, and soft drinks by M. J. -Sauncivrs and the North Star Bottling Works. 1 ii, scrond; O. Anderson, l estate S'.'.I Hfll, (f.'or.tinuert liom pa; 1 third. 6) SUXANCE tOME TAX In their cabin reading magazines offering articles "How to Ski," etc. Itch. ..Itch. ..Itch I Was Nearly Crazy JhrJS I'KKIARFJJ Moving, Packing, Crating j Shipping and (ienrrat Cartage and Moragff I Complete, Reliable and'Effi A'ictt A DAY a r.ard skiing, members turn to tne warmth and comfort of their cabins, and In this case a hamburger-party was enjoyed. Fr om left to right are Mrs. Nancy Kennedy, Phylis Tomlinson, David Knowles, Edith Johnston, Magnus Eyolfson, Bill Hall and Foster Husoy. untti i uiscovertHi L)r D. u Otinnit' amBini- Amnni; other leaclrrs and Bov i ly Itt i cl D, U. U. PrestriDlion, WutTi 1 cient Service. Also agents for Mortimer (Near CFI'R) popular, thm ture, rooting, liquid niedirulioo ii is nopea in see senrissenes, S(.out officials assisting were parallel turns and gelundesprings.fv L G Seibcr, Harold Thorn, ' SMITHERS CURLING ! Canadian Liquid Air c:o. Ltd Deaths from diphtheria in j Canada were rediioed fr.im 287 1 for Oxygen, Acetylene and all int-t-iis peace ami comfort fnnn cruel tlrtiinn tHu.'ifd by ercrna. iiiin(ii-, rshi.-s, thielo a fm.it and other itth troubles. 1 mil hutile. :j:,t. Creustit-ss Hrt use sooth-, checks raw rtrd U U or rnoriL.y li;uk Ask ilruygi .t for DDL), Prtwcnption ttMtllnapy of mim iri,gitn. woik. out in greai styie next wecx Walter Pane. A. Guvan. Armine 1943 to 79 in 1949. i run not on np Boas, Fred Conrad and Grant Rupert Rink in Finals in ; !on the main 1 ""'lergarlen flats. or the Sitz-mark gtewart. Imq & Hcatma . . Special mention was Riven of welding supilies, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones CO and BJ Coast Kinks Make Good Showing in Interior SMITHERS iSiv?cia.I to Daily Watts & Nickerson s window ens-1 play for the Boy Scout Appeal, as well as the arrangement of Boy Scout material seen in the va Please, Larry Stanwood, anchor your skiis when removing same both of them That one carousing Umber nearly bowled this reporter over. lOi. all of Smithers, for main event trophy; Simpson and Evans rink Smithers, and Carson rink of Hazellon, for serand main ev?nt trophy; Simpson and O'Vv'.l rinks, Smithers and Burns Lako rink i News) The twenty-faurth annual bonspiel with 31 rinks com-Ipeting rolled into the finals at cated Overwaitca building. "COI lt'TDSY" BOV.S Ii 'm n-tnini" -s i i ' ' I Bov Scouts and Cubs who were juKin today wi h two Prince Ru- Tuesrlay s Ira n brings back the stationed at the doors of city pt.rt rinks still in the runtime. I f faring or 1 1 t m M mJ M I I - All ; sai contestants In the Smithers meet Schedule Of Ladies' Bowls A party is planned for them next we.'k, anywav, fellas. MANY TONGWS There are more than 3,000 languages in the world, no., counting Uiou'ands (if dialects. Ladies and Gentlemen LING; the tailor ; shops vcre Mickoy Ma"ee, Bert A coast rink, headed by D L. 1 Tiiilon. Kaicn Hardware: Doug.jM. Greer?, entered the finals! Iictourneail. Ear! Denton, Cooks's; lor the Imperial Oil ;up by de-Jewelers; Cris Christo, People's ftating the Kolia-: rink, Princs Store; Bill Smith and Gerry La-, George, by two points and 1; vacher. Macey's Confectionery; awaiting decision of Bufchar vs. R--y Pryslav and Robby Smith,1 Anderson rinks. j Orm.Vs Drun; Store: Gordon The McK'-nz1? rink. Prince U;i-Brain, Brian Hemsworth. Wal- pert w.ks winding up :,'( mi-tinals lace's Dru Store; Phil Lyon's. "h t-h; Thninpson r'nk. Smith-Bulger's Jewelers: Arthurjws. The Moore rink, r-ince Ru-' i TU,iiP nvcrwniinn' Rnv Reiher 1 pert, dropped faur main evonU, RCHAND C HEATERS 5RTEX OIL IURNERS E PLUMBING XTURES JONE Jlfs anil Alterations mm - Phone 649 220 Sixth St (MOIOBGUllfi early in tlw eliminations but ur! fill nlered in the ronsjlutUrn McRae Bros.: George Pearson Three Sisters; Angus Smith Ii Colini event. Ranee & Hardy Grocery: liox 274 CI I 4 terrace team am not enter aue to road conditions. Ice conditions hav. been heavy Ladies' bowling schedule !?or the last third of the season is announced as follows: Feb. 20 GingtTsnaps vs B. Oat-!, Shenton's vs Battlprs. Savoy's vs Manson's, Rockettes vs Wallace P., Skeena G. vs B.C.-G.E.A., Big Sisters vs Commercial ; McMeckins vs Stars, Wratli-all's vs Toilers, Lyons vs Rosa ' Lee. Brownwoods vs L. Strikes, 'Annettes vs G & A, Belmont vs '.C.B. of C. Feb: 27 -Brownwoods vs G & ' A, Annettes vs Rosa Lee, Wrath-i -all's vs Stars. Toilers vs Lvons, McMcekins vs Belmont, Lucky i Strikes, vs C.B. of C. j Rockettes vs B.CG.E.A., Man-i foil's, vs Skeena G., B. Cats vs throughout., with number four n it . . . - Chow Mein Chop Suey sheet particularly bad due ti HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 f lonning' Building or Repairing iALL 363 (4iawinx weather. Play sl opnod at 3 a.m. this nuirnln'r. to continue at 8 a.m.. allowing ire to si iff on and reua'rs to be made. Oth."r rinks in th" fHals av? Hcggle rink, Spl.ier and Herman, Sherry. Sheardown's Grocery; Jimmy McLean, Larry Linklater, Watts Sr. Nickcrson: Arthur Tur-cotte, Gary Ogllvle, Variety Store; Ralnh Sykes, Sweet 16; David Riclgedale, John Ardagh.' Manson's Jewelery; Paul Bcke-tov. Phi'. Lyons, Brownwoods; Arthur Parent, Rupert Tobacco Store: Tony ToLh, Dickie Barrie, Post Office; Stanley Wcstley, Northern Brl'ish Columbia Power; Steven Toth, Allen Major, Gordon & Anderson Ltd.; Doug. Ferguson, Prince Rupert Florist. & 1 Shenton's, Battlers vs Savoy's, i ConimsrtMal vs Gingersnaps, 1 1 ! Wallace P. vs B. Sisters. f T-"-i If, Kitchen work is easier i in better light I j Cnnl. ili'lTnrd C..V. FtunrMTfnf I M I SHIPS AND WATERFRONT I March 6 Shenton's vs Com-! I-imercial, Skeena G. vs Savoy's,!! . Gingersnaps vs Wallace P., Man- I VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p,m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STKWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. I'OK NORTH (H'F.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin March 2, 1G and 30 ', 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN ", CHARLOTTE SI,ANIS ss. Chilcotin, Fch. 23 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER ; Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 'Eon.s's vs Rockettes, B.CG.E.A. vs ' B. Sisters. B. Cats vs Battlers. Wrathall's ys Belmont, Lyons vs Annettes, 'McMeekins vis L. 1 j Lamp lighting in the kitchen is easy I M J EJ; on your eyes, gives that modern 1 J bright appearance, , makes every 2tj I J task seem simpler, easier. Try itl Have a Good Meal! NEW CITY CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS or Phone Blue 92 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Unloading cargo at the Canadian National dock is the Frank Waterliouse Island King, Cap!.. A. E. Gough, here from Vancouver at 8:30 this morning. Alter Ir-nvintr cement for Watson Is , Strikes, Rosa Lee vs Brown-i woods. G & A vs C.B. of C, Stars I vs Toilers. j March 13 Rosa I-ee vs C.B. of C , McMcekins vs G & A, Belmonf for a quicker, I nicer, blacker 1 KHELL land, the vessel will proceed to vs Tillers, Stars vs Lyons. U Alice Arm to unload building Strikes vs Wrathall's, Brown-and mining supplies, and take on i woods vs Annettes. ' CURRIE f'MITKD concentrates before returning By CHIC YOUNG BLONDIE here Thursday. Canned salmon & Contractors will be the cargo loadud here before the Island King goes south. Siq j ''liiiftiliiiil(ljiji:, lip ""'iiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiii1' f NO. PAGWIX5D-NOT A TRAP.' J itL NAIL A BOARD J Fl -CvELLWMAT-N I f OVER THE HOLc IN 1 r I Gh ALL WE D0?O 1 V.- 1J 1 SYttCi THE WALL TO A HOTFL 9 THE DOGS MIGHT I A TRAP Union steamer Camosun, Capt. William McCombe, arrivd in GET CAUGHT INI IT Broadway Cafe vf- III fft-LV. 1 V TO port at 12:30 noon yesterday ! from Vancouver and waypoints with large freight cargo and j fair-sized list of passengers. The j vessel sailed at 11 p.m. for 1 Alice Arm and Stewart whence I iii'iiillllii I tlMPLV CAN'T ( SLcEP. WITH THA" V, OUSe IN Th r-' KITCHEN jy iiA..d- 1rit.-K u r"jjr Best Food V -. " f r.'EiQ tEorcs 1 rtm ' a. 71 J I Mil Buy she will return here tomorrow morning to sail .south at 12 noon. Finest Cooking Uli 7.11 A.' : MWLJ-VCIO a I . i Ttm Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. home orders Phone 200 At 2:30 p.m. the Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived back from Masset Inlet points and sailed at 8 p.m. for Vancouver and waypoints. r take Km;