A ! PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, 113 VICTORIA, ,B. C. i -i iV cabs NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VlSI'ATCHF.I) Published at Canada' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL. No. 42 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENT3 J Daily Deliyeiy Phone 81 TAHT5A LAKE f j" Break vict pes KOREA (p, A 39-year-vi ir.'fl his way through a 70-foot cell to freedom jussive state peni- ; ,i l,nne today. Jiiics, credited by lii T. Swenson with in t i.stie escape I've was serving his j a 20-year burglary Medical Authorities Step ' Up Anti-Influenza Fight OTTAWA (CP) Medical authorities today had UN Forces Advancing ,-ah it must have two years to dig both words of encouragement and warning for Can- j adians as they stepped up efforts to stay the epidemic of influenza sweeping many sections of the 'Do-' I minion. ' ! h- '- " !- - f J 10 MILE TUNNEL ' ; POWER HOUSE ' 4i , ' vf ;CH, " Communist Defences . Collapsing On West Centre TOKYO General withdrawal of Chinese Communist forces on the west central Korean front continued today under the force of pounding by fleets of Super-Fortresses . British and American troops advanced f,even miles to hills overlooking the Han River at another point. The United Nations have captured Yongpong, important supply base 27 miles east of Seoul. ' Counter - attacking Americans Jl::ht figure, Holmes funnel under his frtiilly lilted out a .tc about two feet Hie floor. Then he I - . giro, he chipped fi incut. Apparently between 5 p.m. , I'lirn a loudspeaker jj out, radio profit) inches of this i. jtly disposed of the jbl'icd up with a ii' of scrap Iron ' t down his toilet. ! $i i y the dirt trip clothing. j t: Tlu virus, Identified as similar to that which caused a widespread epidemic in Europe earlier this year, is extremely contagious and can be expected to spread quickly, warned medical officials. . However, they classified the virus of "mild," indicating normally healthy persons coming down with 'flu should have little reason to fear serious complications. Ontario where 'flu was listed V"; VANCOUVER Sulphur Ship At Pulp Mill Vancouver-Built Walvis Bay, Former Lake Tatla, making Many Coast 'Ports Second deepsea ship within a month to discharge sulphur for the great pulp mill at Watson Island which is about to commence operations, the British-registered, Canadian-owned 10,-000-ton freighter Walvis Bay arrived at the nearby plant (it 11:30 Sunday morning. The Walvis. Bay Is discharging 1000 tons of sulphur at Watson Island. It is part of an original full sulphur cargo with which she started out from Galveston, Texas, a few weeks ago. Before coming to Watson Island she unloaded at . Port Alice and as a cause in five week-end ! tclay smashed four milts into POWtn FOR ALUMINUM Nur'eus of a Northern Construction Co. crew which will build a ten-mile road from Kemano Bay on Gardner ('anal. 00 miles south of Prince Rupert where the Aluminum Co. of Canada plans building a huge power house In connection with ll.s smeller at Kitimat was due to arrive by aircraft at Romano Bav today. This picture, provided to the Daily News by courtesy of the Vancouver Province, shows the site of the power house which will be at the end of a water tunnel which will lie driven ten miles through the Tahtsa mountain range from Tahtsa Lake. Waters of Tahtsa Lake and a chain of other lakes, running eighty miles eastward, will be diverted west through the tunnel bl a dam at Nechako Canyon on the Nechako River. i I. Bill deaths, appeared hardest hit of the ten provinces. Northern Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia's Cape Breton Island also reported 'flu In epidemic stages. MOWS the heart of a Korean Red stronghold in east central Korea. Hundreds of Comunists were killed. On the central and western fronts badly mauled Chinese withdrew from battle lines. Lt, Gen. Matthew Rldgway said that his Allied forces had smashed a Communist offensive and won a decisive victory on these fronts but he said that the Chin- y Man Flash ! Turkey Sends Call for Aid ATHENS. Another appeal Mr. Gardiner Is In London piN. DC. The BATTLE EPIDEMIC Canadian Regiment Feared Due For Korean Blood Bath TORONTO (CP) Jack Macbeth, Associated Press war correspondent, said Saturday that Cana s Department of branded Prime has been sent out by the Greek i ese , Reds have enough massed government to United States, i troops to prevent a . successful Yugoslavia and Turkey for as- j Allied crossing north of the 38th sistance in resisting Communist ' parallel providing the Reds com- KED SPLIT WIDENS ROME (C P) New scores of Communists, today were reported turning in their party hili Stalin's latest Ocean Falls and, after leaving here tomorrow, she will proceed to Powell River and Woodfibre pulp mill and then on to Van LONDON. Hon. James G. Gardiner, Canadian minister of agriculture, has arrived In Lon guerrillas. j mlt them. as "one more and said It can-e fact of "Soviet lor aggression." couver for future orders. don to discuss the question of j final payments for Canadian The Walvis Bay, built at West Rail Strike Hits Britain ve.ir nlan Mr r.rHin. ,m o w Coast Shipyard, Vancouver, dur put statement, the "No man alive dian troops, soon to enter the combat area in Korea, "T " were in for a tough time. L i. Crl i Macbeth, on leave after six E lUlll jCCIv months in Korea, saw the Sec- discuss with the British orwern- wle io,b "" was ""riy it ban Prune Minis- i wns behind Com- cards as a split in llalyls Red ranks widened across the country. BIO FOl'R PAULEY LONDON (CP) Britain, I'nitrd States and Prance today proposed - to Russia a m e e t i n g of deputy foreign ministers in Paris, March 5, as the first step toward four-power talks on disputes between the east and west. ment further food needs and theith,e Tatla of Western Can-posstbllity of Canadian co-opcr- ?;cllan Steamships To avoid the atjon heavy overhead of operating un- der Canadian registry, she was - j lon in Korea." Clerk s Job Newzy Docks Tied by Strike ' ichanged to British registry and i renamed. Still owned by West-nlrl ;ern Canada Steamships, she is iivor's MANY OFFICES Canada's 10 chaptered have 3.5GO branches in Five Ter Cent Wage Increase Considered . Too Small LONDON (CP) Fifty million Britons, already shivering through a winter with too little coal and "i operated by the Sir R. Ropner communities across the nation. line under a joint profit-shar WELLINGTON, New Zealand 9 Job ing plan. Only remaining Canadian member of the crew is the A countrywide strike or New) ! ond Battalion, ; Princess Pa-i trici'i's .Canadian. Light Infan-i try, during advance training at Aluryang. In an Interview, Macbeth said: "There is nothing wrong with these troops. Their appearance is outstanding. They're exceptionally smart and keen as a razor blade. They'll do well when they get Into action although I'm afraid they're likely to get a blood bath." Macbeth said he considers Canada's contribution so far "a national disgrace." The former sports editor of the North Bav Nugget added: "I There are eight applications for the position of city clerk of Prince Rupert to succeed II. D. Thain who has rescued to take a similar position at Port Alberni. The city council will be in special session tonight u consider the applications and in.:Ke un appointment. There are local applications as well as some from outside. The council will also consider master, Capt. H. Gentles. All the:Zealand dock workers today tied others are British. up 66 ships from overseas with a Before the present voyage from total of half a million tons. Galveston to this coast, the Wal- I waterside Workers Union vis Bay had been in European1 . . . . . waters. Sailing from her homo re,Jected the government uiU-port of West Hartlepool, Eng-' matum to return to wrok after a land, she proceeded to Narvik, on 1 breakdown ot wage negotiations. Await Victoria Signal Mighty Alcan Hydro Project is Starting "iiipaniment of $-k wolves which Hi rlab'v c'ose by i frankly admits fvous, Dan Lippett v darkness in the I winter wilderness xtiicatc a local I car from a snow-4iiiI.sk where it had a week or so ago. Scully did not end the far north coast of Norway, to load a cargo of ore. tonight an applicalioi from B.C. don't think the Canadian peo Tides Packers for permission to estab ple are to blame. We'd have had plenty of men over there If Ottawa had given the green light Actual construction on the mighty Alcan hydro 1 CaPl- Stanley Hunter and . . . i . . . . Capt. D. Backie are here as pi- project, possibly the largest single project in all of lots of the walvis Bay. capt. Canada, is about to get under way in the Nechako Hunter is no stranger to north- . , . , , , iern waters. Before joining the valley district, says the iSechako Chronicle of Van- 'pilotage,- he commanded such at the start. not enough meat, awoke today to a new crisis of a threatened railway strike. The rail walkout began after midnight in Manchester, where 3500 freight handlers stopped work in protest against a proposed five per cent wage Increase they consider too small? Other rail unions made plans to join them. Only five freight handlers reported for work In the heavy industrialized Manchester area. After the strike decision, another 11,000 members of the National Union of Railwaymen have promised to join the walkout by midnight Tuesday. . ; With all three major British rail unions seeking a larger increase, spokesmen predict a full scale strike on nationalized roads, unless the government's offer is raised. Tuesday, February 20, 1951 ' High 1:01 18.3 feet 12:40 20.4 feet lish a fish processing plurt at Seal Cove on the local waterfront. This application hud been received at the regular meeting; of council last week und was deferred In order to obtain further Information. Theu will be further consid derhoof. ; Canadian Pacific ships as the Low 6:43 8.0 feet Nootka and Princess Adelaide. 19:11 3.0 feet Commander of 1 Ncdeo is Dead hat they work they are now Two Vessels Lost- lm the car but the i" h condition be-1 it' 'iin of the sum-j r side of the Rain-' iiit, that it was all table to do to tow :ir home with hls! I Icat was accom- fr'-Me Wudel's La-1 H lit. safely to tha "ii McBride Street jh'mrs of Sunday ft ' 't umcl, ilnt doing is in anticipation of agreements being signed. Their preliminary tasks, such as locatini road, lining up local source of supply for incidental requirements, checking into local facilities and availability of labor, Fish Boats foe Missing eration of the Mitche ll to Curric, VICTORIA Commodore Georgt contract for sewer outfall cm- R. Myles, O.B.E., commanding struction tonight and tenders officer of HMCS Naden, is dead are to be opened for the purchase 1 here. He succumbed suddenly to of a second hand boiier and a heart attack. Forty-nine years pump from the Shawatians Lake of age, he came here from Mon-water pumping station. treal. win help to speed up the carry-1 VICTORIA (CP) An RCAF launch is searching forward of all phases of the! , , . . V , ,. ,i , , e construction work which will be I intr bays and inlets along the northwest coast ot under their jurisdiction when , Vancouver Island today for two small motor vessels, i TODAY'S STOCKS TheWeather the history of British Columbia ! one of which was unreported for a week is finally made. The Navy reports the fishing Ratification by tiie provincial legislature, when it convenes this week, of the agreement signed by Minister iOf Lands E. T. Kenney, on behalf of the province, with the Aluminum Company of Canada will start bulldozers, men and material moving south from Vanderhoof to the site of the now famous , Nechako Dam which is located ; only 45 miles south of this flourishing community. : The arrival in Vanderhoof of j A. Wright and H. Benson, engi- j neers employed by the Fred I Mannix Construction Company, was heralded with rejoicing when it was learned that actual construction of an all-year road to the dam site will be closely followed by the work on this stupendous project. Two years ago a bulldozer cut its way through the sparsely-populated area between Vanderhoof and the dam site. This bulldozer was used by the crew then engaged In stripping oper S. I. Jiilinsl.Mi Co. Ltd.)" VANCOUVER vessel Tegada is missing a week since she left Winter Harbor on a 25-mile trip to Sea Otter Cove, while the Norah, which sailed in search of the Tegada Saturday, is also unreported. Bealtie Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian C. M. & S .. .68 . .50 .. .19 .. .33 .146.25 Synopsis Strong southeast winds still persisted over the southern British Columbia coast early this morning although the gale winds had subsided over the northern regions and shifted to westerly with the passage of another Pacific disturbance. Pain which has been occurring over the coastal regions will turn to widely scattered showers by Prince George Store Fire-Hit ' PRINCE GEORGE Damage estimated at $15,000 was done by fire which swept the rear of the Hudson's Bay store here after midnight last night. The warehouse section of the store was most seriously hit. Dense smoke in the main store hampered fire fighters in their efforts but none were overcome. Conwest 2.45 Donalda - 60 Eldona 2.27 East Sullivan 9.15 Giant Yellowknife 7.90 Hardrock 33 Harricana 18 Bribery in Basketball I to drive to Ter-ehed a point this Itsa when snow Sine such that he proceed further or fter spending the l"r, the local man by a freight train pM-k to the city, behind. htract was 'to re-?g out alone at Jatternoon, he was task of digging 'd like half a She burled vehicle nd taken In tow. jof the howling think I'd be able rl Lippett as he i tough battle to P the hill on the j Rainbow Lake "f fresh and soft lud fallen over road's surface. It,'' he glowed, f P-m. Saturday ft here. It was flay when he got i afternoon while snow flurries Legislator Is Taking to Sea VICTORIA i British Columbia will get its second sea-going legislature member this summer when H. J. (Bert I Welch takes to the ocean to reach his constituents. Mr. Welch, member for Comox district on Vancouver Island, already uses land and air transportation the was a "Naval air pilot in the First World War) to cover the northern section of the island. In April, he'will launch the 42-foot cruiser Helen Grace, named after his wife, to complete the transportation cycle. j persist throughout much of the Four college jnterior. By tomorrow there will NEW YORK M a former be considerable cloudiness over basketball players, American Standard 31 Bralorne 7.25 B. R. X 04 ii Cariboo Quartz 1.40 Congress 08 '2 Hedley Mascot .69 Pend Oreille , 9.00 Pioneer 2.80 Premier Border .12 ' Privateer .10 Reno Ofi Sheep Creek 1.72 Silbak Premier 32 Taku River 10 Vananda 11 Salmon Gold . 03'2 Spud Valley , .04 Vi Silver Standard 2.70 Western Uranium 1.80 Oils A. P. Con 42 Atlantic 2.90 Calmont : 1.21 C. & E 11.50 Home Oil 17.25 Mercury lSVi Okalta 2.85 Pacific Pete 9.80 Princess 1.60 Royal Canadian 12 "2 Royalite 14.50 the province but the storm will break through at intervals. Temperatures will remain at their present mild level. player and a sixth man, were accused today of bribery In alleged fixing of games this season. The accused include three City College of New York players, taken into custody Saturday night, and a Jeweler. Six Die in Club Fires ations along the Nechako River while drilling for footings. Last summer a suitable location for the dam site was found on what is known as the "Big Bend" on the Nechako River, a few miles down stream from Metalicuz Lake. ROAD FIRST The engineers who are nt present in Vanderhoof have a3 their first objective the locating of a permanent all-year road to the dam site, over . which all materials and supplies required Forecast North coast region Cloudy with showers today and Tuesday. Little change in temperature. Winds Westerly, 20. Cows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 32 and 42: Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 30 and 40. xicvtt it 2 Hosco .07 Jackknife : 05'i Joliet Quebec 87 Lake Rowan .08 Lapaska 06 Little Long Lac 83 Lynx 17 Madsen Red Lake 2.65 McKenzie Red Lake 4B McLeod Cockshutt 3 65 Moneta 39 Negus 1.10 Noranda 83.75 Pickle Crow 1.85 vRegicourt 05 2 San Antonio 2.95 Senator Rouyn 22 Sherrltt Gordon 3.95 Steep Rock 9.50 Sturgeon River 14 ' Silver Miller 159 Upper Canada 2.12 Golden Manitou 6.60 DENVER W Death-toll six today following two million The Helen Grace will take Mr Mild and Thawing In Tetrace Today isolated settlements dallar fires that swept through Welch into in the construction of the dam along the west coast of Vancou-1 two private clubs here in as TERRACE. Weather was will be transported once the go- " uu' i many days, ahead ahead sienal signal has has been been iriven. given. at the mouth of Quatsino Sound , ' ' Steamships " Prince, Capt. ?k. sailed yester-fr the south. Pftl cargo at Nel- at Port Edward is loading a-i. ii the ocean dock expected t e northern tip, and on the 1,le swa,m - This ratification is mild and thawing here today. Snow conditions on the roads vary. There is as much as eight feet at Lakelse and In the Pa- shortly after the Legislature easc coasl; lrom "anaimo no,tn p-'uo WA" ""eu Sanitary Inspector for Terrace, Hugh Hart ana nurses, Miss Edna Edwards and Miss Helen Bohome from Smithers, were here last week for a meeting witri the local Public Health Unit. TORONTO Anotner memner. b. c Macin- wnicn uwk iwo lives, ruur un.u convenes Mr, Wright and Mr. Benson, tyre of Powell River, operates a in a fire at the Denver Athletic eific area. Elsewhere, Including when interviewed, made it clear ; boat. Club Saturday. Terrace town, it has been light. .08 .26 Athona ... Aumaque