eilODoert 4 Prince Rupert Daiiv News Monday, February 19, 1951 SkiHeil s PORT HOTS historic in 194T,.i i garvie had won the King's Plate at Toronto soon. BviS iBy Mamie Bulgen sr bf cc ri anil thai .i. ' " Start, i.' , y,'!:i Veteran Skier Western Winner PRINCETON, B.C. P Bert Irwin, Canada's master of the slalom, won the slalom event of Good skiing was enjoyed for a couple of hours Sunday alur-nuun by extra-entiiusiaiits before fast lallint; snow brought the sptirt to u toliz'.urdy lintsii. mkue "I '.h,-U-uriuwd buiidipp, Kin gar vie, Canadian-bred four-year-old, won the Exotic handicap at Hialeah Park over the 1 116 mile route four years ago. Th .-jH, from R. S. McLaughlin's Oshawa .stables a few days later equalled the track record of 1 54 35 for 1 ll(i miles at Guirstream Park. Kni- Taronto Varsity Grads won the Olympic hockey title at St. Moritz, Switzerland, 23 years ago. They defeated Switzerland 13-0 in the final game. In their drive to the championship the Canadians scored 38 goals, including 12 each for Hugh Plax-ton and Dave Trollicr. " u,,wn k ;ivi-i,.,i n A newc niwr to loeuJ .sl jpis Is cliseoverert tb, j Gerry Ciiiubi.imeau, who hails! I f rom Montreal, who member,;1 V'""1"!M,ll,JW hope to see auain and, weather ' , tr v.. ; n r-"T " i rniiltin:;, f,el tlioso pictures. ' il -'.null at u in. i.t.,,,, Ihl, "r not ay ,.lllb 4 !ID-tl1..l,.. t. jt " VLsiiur V'- tyw w:"- euiuiiti,,,,. A gmup oi yount'. tfn-asters canie over the fiill Sonduy f,r a picmc, usint; Hie main loilce uhu its facilities. Apparently they hud a fcood time and lei I tit.? buililmg neat und tidy. Ihey were no: bfKriuliM'd the firewood whicti Wane Kmi, ToiulniMiii 51M11 'Couth: iiK-d , Western Canada Ski championships and the Olympic trie Is here Saturday. The smooth Olympic veteran zipped over the tricky course in i wo inns lor total time of 3.3 -eeonds in the Class A division. John Ray, Princeton, placed first in class B with 3 u s roods. D.i'-:n:; Lama Allin won Uc women's class A with K5.7 lime. Irwin won the downhill match Friday with 2.3!, nearly 10 seconds faster than his neai -:X iv;d, elultimle Andy Kxssa. Record Snows In Highlands GLASGOW. Record heavy snows have been falling in the Sectti.-:h Highlands. Transportation and communications have been held up. One train from Gljs-ow was all but buried and finally had to be dug out, being delayed for hours. The snow is ten feet deep at some points. ; C .l4 . - , 1 I : :... . -J ; PRESENT tl ; m HUMPHREY ' vgm IIU0HI1I '! I j .r.s v,.is ..t siu"' a iiuirv i t.'t tir pu-k lie ran game at Toronto last Wednesday. Leafs' Cal Al Rollins of .the Leafs and Floyd Curry of ..u. Fau1 Masnick of Montreal Cana i i.t over Maole Leaf;.' Gas Mortson in an N.H.t r;.i.fi 1. 1- i'.a; lies fur the d'sc as Jim Thomson an 1 nie.'lines with I he i CP PHOTO Habitants await the outcome. Leafs won. 3-1, ta take their ninth win in U Moii'.nuleis this season, ap.aln.st. one tie and on "eteat. 'Ihl I Hockey Scores Co-ops Cinch Senior League as Hardware t'l - - J . . .... 1$ iiu. avemseweut not publi.hed or displayed L en Beat Brownwood "BOLD VENTURE """"" jj iue uuveruuieut al Britnit I wxmm mom Pw I . 1181 ei II rni i Co-ops cinched the Senior r.iiskethall Lea.u'iK' Saturday ni.u,ht as Coition and Anderson's scored an upset victory over ISrownwoods 4: to I!!. NATIONAL I I Adl i: , Sunday Toronto !. New York 5 Uoslon 7. Chieai'.o (Sal a i day I New York 0. Toronto 2 Del roll 2 Montreal 1 I'AI II IC COAST (Saturday) Victoria 1, Tacoioa 1 i fiei Seat lie 4 New We.';' nim.:ti r 2 (SlllllllV) New Westminster 3 Portland 3 ';u)cou"cr 4 Kent t le 5 MAIM.INE-OKAN Af.XX N.ina'mo 7 Kanilic-ps 5 WIMII'N IVHI.'N ATIONAI, Spokane II. Ne'son 2 Kimberl.'V 3, Trail 5 (Sunday) Spokane 3, Nelson i iiveit.iniei Oordon and Anderson gi'uDbed an early lead over Brownwood.; who were slow in getting their shoot ing eye. However, Brown -woods managed to find the basket later and take over the load at half time 20 to 18. Brownwoods, who had only TUNE IM k"" S&OIO'S j TONIGHT W I ftt$T ill ; ' i gfji ms 1 -- y sm f I If SUV 1 Ck 8.30 p-m. A " 6$A and Anderson. Brownwoods converted only 3 out of 12 loul shot.; while Gordon und Anderym succeeded in 9 out of HI attempts. Gordon and Andersons still have a chance lo tie Brownwoods for second place providing they win all their remaining league contests and the shoe-ineu lo;;e all theirs. Jlw liaiwcf .-ZVfj seven players, two of them up from the Intermediate League, were unable to keep up the pace .sei. by the fust-stepping team in ibluc and were outplayed in the ! sect ml half. The hardware men ! poured through the Brownwood RADIO & AVPLIANCE. SALtS & SERVICE ;as ai i i.i r tihc kan;i:s DAILY DELIVERY Phono 81 titinr tiliic u::: In the Intermediate game Fashion took a close win from Llie much improved HiJih Green j team. The first period was slow I with the checking close and ended with Fashion leading 7 to 6. The second quarter was good with both teams swishing I the hoop more frequently. High defence time alter time to take a ten point lead with 8 minutes to I'O. Rupert Holkestad sank three pcruvt hook shots towards the close and set up many good PACIFIC F11CTR.IC I I tf jJ "vC,Tt I f j Th,. dvrtimM MM publ .h.d or d.vUyd b i 1 l I c'",to' 1 X ft Jt 1 Ik. Lkiiuii Cturtiol Boaid oi by lK Oovt.nmtrf El School took over the lead and, at the half, found themselves on top 19 to 13. The game became a little rougher as the third period got under way and Fashion who are a more experienced team managed to retain the ball until the end, although High Green's Roddy Tait put them ahead 33 to 32 with 2 : minutes left. Joe Haugan of Pnhlun I ii riir.i-1 tho tnlilno nt tV,n ILJ------ry 'ijxJZJU" i r"1 I I fci yiii know y;i cim nn i 9 ' I purchase to-u.vjVs M:Mt lli:tttl.! . j5-3r!S? ff liZliErnhlf llf 'SiJrf i.liii I iom m:ivs stimi I j r':iii r are linwii -- ' " y liy I'A. (J3u$ineM and f-rot-essioiial plays. Gill and Flaten were outstanding as they "worked perfectly tof-eiher offensively and were both very effective on the deience as they netted niany rebounds from both baskets. Olson and Spring were the only two who could hit the hoop consistently for Brownwoods as they made It) and 14 respectively. It was a fairly clean same to watch with Referees Comadina ami Hlalta calling 14 fouls on the losers and only 9 on Gordon Adveiliiai; is tmyabie in ailvance.- Please icfi ain liom leh-phoning-ln..erl.iiin, in'iiiuiitm lfurge 50c. Birth Notices !Ui.'. Cards of 'flunks. 1 t'liiieiitl Nollos, Marriage "and E i:ui'iiHsil Ai'.nouucenii nis pW. bl'ECIAL IlSPM"i, liOUULE PRICE 1 Classified word per 1 I FOR SM.K end as he swished one from near i centre and gave them the 34 to 33 victory. f i Danny Bill played up to his . Hlt SALE FOR SALE Business buUilillg with luoiierii livniK fluarters in cent re business t.e-tion Burns usual lui in as he and Haugan , made 14 and 8 points respectively. High School's scoring was HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE lake, (.fluent basement, furnace, plumbing. Auplv tiwuer, W. J. McKeniu, (47il WANTED TO BUY - Used kitchen oil ranee in eooil condition Bos 3: liaily News. i43pi UN ENCUMBERS pay ti nieiiili--lor either Iff-tlallv Hi"""1' home. Anv ' kindlv f't1- Daily N- VAN'1D -P4ttt' -leitai-p in rent HuxW WANTEfi-;1 PRICK.1) MU si eel. bin,1'1', Honest Bra! el ni.ulr ' MATTSON'S UPIIOLSTFUrNa Phone Blue 8 If.. P.O. nox H:10 .Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B O. 1'OR KALE Tenders will be re-ceiveu bv tile uoilei .-.i:' in d up to lutoii, Wcdne.Mluy. Fbiuurv 2i;i.a. IWnl lor the Diirclia.se of 1.U 2!l. Itii c!'. 1. 1)1.. lilil. 1'i.iu t)72, 'I'erruce 'lowitsile. toieth-er wrth improveliieitt.s silualed 1. hereon and coolenls. Jlu'.ol--si or uov tender not ne.e.s-Mirilv a.'Cepleil 'lerms: ."-'ir.,".-Iv cu.li. G. V. ForUss. Olhtul Ad m mistral or, Ad mi nisi r until t ile KsUilc of Aiutic.V Krlck-Siin. deeeused. Court House. Prince ICtiuen. B.C. i4.h i FOIt SALE Car umiercariiakc ci!:ni:rai, contractors ThilldhiR and Repairs of all kinds HOOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BU KNURS MA RCA RET McLEOD 'JPTOMFTRTF.T r!o.n 10 3TONF, RU1I.DINO PHONE P.O. BOX Ul!4 THE WORLD OVER FOR ITS m;s UNO ZIIELLOWNESS more evenly divided. Fashion bad only six players and were without the services of their six-fool centre Jim llebb. Referees Slatta ami Morrison called 12 fouls on the winners and 11 on the losers. Fashion made 0 out of 15 foul shots while High School made 5 out of 13. The Junior game saw the FURNACES have time up In pl ii c? and vou can -xtect even j higher I trices. Have 2 all-steel! lumaces in slock, wiling ut old price. If cuiiteiiipialunr u new furuaee. now if? ihe me to buv. fven If stored until required. Thorn fUtoet Metal. H1r KH4. (in FOR BALE New and used fur Metals Mil., PHONES t'.ood rubber $:iiMH). K M lutitor coioiilete. S'.'hllll tiilltar, S i nil. 1417 Pl'Jgoft Pui::e. (4Uii til. A 1. ESI ATE HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branch's 204 4th Street. Phone 655 Black 7fi2 P.O Red 81)1 Box 1070 j It ague-leading Hi-Juniors take ; an easy win from the third- couver. d. u Ii31i7. I O.ST -Postal Stan1 phone M'Jt in FOR SALE 4-room Wartime house lullv furni.shed. Full place Cook's Jewellers. It was High School's game from start to finish as the jeweller-boys failed to break High School's strong zone defence. In the fi- price $4(IIW, Terms may be arranged, rtliplv 1348 Piggotl Avenue. t44pi SltilltltH V01M AC niture, hardware and clothing at the lowest possible prices. B, C. Furniture, 3rd Ave. W, SATIONMJ.Y KNOWN NAMES Iaiii;-be;t Koeeder Simvels; CraiMSK- DraLdines: Adams Road Graders; I.itt.leford Bros. BUc Too Road Maintenance Pmiiimient: twen Clamshell Buckets and llock draonles; T L .SmiLli Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bie-ket "aiuiIcs fur titmknile II. G. IIELCERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 . SIDNEY CONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a in. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 1UB!.IC ACCOP Tax sivi'iailal Stone ButW" LARGE FIVE Wartime, newlv decorated A snap ut $2!)ii0.00 full price. Good down pav-ment. See Armstronir Agencies. Phone 342 or 2U7 (eves.). (43cl Anent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. naf period, Coach Jack Evan's boys outscored Cooks 12 to 1. Much of the credit for High School's win goes to Ron Cic-cone who netted 14 points and played a very effective offen HOYS f FOR SALE Seven room house on three lots with line view overlooking I lie harbor. Good condition with concrete basement" and hot -air liun.iee. Also revenue liom cabin in rear. Apply HUH Ambrose Ave. SWAP A ...U-Kl 0PP", VOUII 1411 it deliveriiw 1 r .me. P" at, tl.f a ml leu" " ami 111"1" ' and Son Removal: Hice 1'ort-alile Centritiieal Pumps: National Draeline Keraoeig and R-tckt'ts: Niilional All Rleel Onsolinc iloist.s: Nat.ionai Portable Hawmilis: National K'ltarv Scnt-ns uiul Convevois Full iiiliirnmlioii from Nw-Wonal Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C.' (tf) QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL A. P. CARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C A. and ROY SI I AND, C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 21 13 Phone 88 sive and defensive game. Cic-cone was followed by Christen-' son and McAfee who made six apiece. j Referees R. H. Davidson and ! Morrison called 10 fouls on High i School and 2 on Cooks. The win- ' ners made 1 for four while the losers converted only 4 out of 7 ELF.CTROLUX Kales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1(12(5 For genuine parts and wrviee piione or write above. FOR EXCHANGE I have a , rilOOUCl U SCOTLAMb nniiMiuMMmii) m F0K liirnished. Iinir-rooiii bunga- FOR SALE British India rim, I low in North Vancouver which ' prMT-ff1 1 would like to exchange lor.a f (,lt,, ,,..hl ti 14 titlempts. siinilar home or l-.treer in sinter, JZ: ruse and ere.en. 4' x 7' anprox., like new: Willi urulerlelt: $41100. Kl.udio Juiiive. rose, eood condition, $lj;j.llll. Black i;ii. i4:ipi OOI.ICHAN crease Host quality. S'oriii", : ins'ioit DlSTIlif UilS fiii-s. i'""; - FOR HBiTj. IMI UINtMJUII.11 AMD tALVtMll coLiissrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest lr Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 - 4lh St. Ph. Black 3K3 i r for vale. """ ,, h call Prince Rupert,. House is 42 bv 3'J with lull basement and f urMu.ce. and Is located on a lari;e corner lot in u convenient district. It Is close to Park Itoval .shonoiiu! centre and in-ter-citv buses. Larue lii'inK room includes ti fireplace. House is newlv decorated, inside and out, and of solid construction for rm-lher Information, please phone 748. If 0 M. J. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS For sale al H.C. Furniture, tl;) FOR SAI.E-Model O P Johnson It) h.o. outboard motor. Also Mossberg .22 idle. Both in good condition. Phone Green (I2(i. 1 42 pi High School Krlstmanson 2, Christenson 6, Williamson, Clc- cone 14, Malhews 5, Blackaby 2, McAfee 6, Men;:ies 2. Total 37. 1 Ctmks Stewart 5, Hodgekin-' son, Erikson 5, fiedgewick, Jet- I frey 2, D. Findlay 3, Black, E. 1 HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Ouarantee of Satisfaction on All Services CORDON D. RONSON Oil nurner Specialist 733 -Sth Ave. W. Black .r03 ' nished h'": woiKina News. KKSONAt Flndlay 1. Total 16. INTERMEDIATE Fashion In termela 1, Haugan FOR SALE 2 White trucks, tandem dual drive HOC) rubber. 214 wheelbase. Worked 3 months. Teinis. Anolv Albert Houston, D tw.snll Creek, B.C. (Q)l FOR SALE Special THduxe Plv- RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 3B7 P.O. Box 130 Rock and Concrete Work Thone Blue 939 P.O. Box 711 Prince Rupert wtii.iTisf' 8, Bill 14, Walsh 3, Anderson, Hill 5, Mostad 3. Totals 34. High Green Woods, Webber 4, Clark, Peneff 4, Rhodes 2, Becker 4, Sheppard 4, Sather 5. nioufli coaeli. lute 4i model, I sood condition. Liluo 270. (4Gpi ?!-ipii;a y fi -1 pi.- Vivian FOR SALE One 15 h.rt. Has eniiine. Blue 981. GIVE MOTHER a treat Take her home a freshlv baked cuke or a dandv nie from the Ku-pert, Bakerv Ltd. Phone 1143 for orders. CASH for romp enst. bras, cop-T"r batteries ami radiators Phone 543 --call (12!) lith W Citv. Of NORTIIT ANt) Dalrv tm'k dellv ered 24" per nuart. WhV P:,V mure Phone IH for dallv ie-livcr,' service (M-21M 47pi Tait 5, Pederson 5. Total 33. nnilS'"-'- I .ltl';' Train Schedule For Hie East Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, p.m. From the F.asl Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p m. drttn7jm PROCURABLE SENIOR 'FOR SALE Auto narts. Apnlv Brownwoods L a v I g n e 2, ijli"" Wr, toT Thompson, Olson 19, Pierce 2. wreXrt for parts- 1929 Chev-McChesney 2, Spring 14, Ratch- rnlel sedan, 1929 Ks-sex sedan, ', ford. Total 39. 1930 Buick sedan. 1030 Slude- o? tints 0101 WATCH scott mclaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block COS 3rd Ave. W. Pi'lnee Rupert, B.C. . PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPr SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 210 .- 4Lh Street Box 015 Thone Given 389 Prince Rupert Gordon and Anderson-Holke-! , .?"' lJ lilr. airvi-rriseir.ent in nnr puDllKlied PERSONAL jaiiri 79 -tun. or dtspliivcd by theT.lmWr Control stad 12, Flaten 10, Gill 13 Mar ot! iOlL Phone 347 shall 5, Currie, Dumajs 2, Boulter FR SALE lOf.O Phillins 8-tube P O. Box 374 Hoaril or by the Government British Columbia. .llllVC " Bl, WANTED Typewriter . pnrtable I preferred. Phone Ked 73H 1 (42b) Want Ads, Euro Results! Ciccone, Mathews. Total-43.l "lamel rau'' JJ,ue 1,