Prince Rupert Daily News, Monday, February 19, 1951 ' court In the recent "ick" strikes occurred despite Army operation In railyanis, and were lined " fhe railroads. -$7o,000. j The ouicr 523.000 was for civil Federal Judge Edward Tamm contemIt intended to compensate ordered the fine in United 8tates f;he. eovernment for the cost of district court here immediately .nglnS lc8al proceedings after tlie surprise plea. He said aKainst the union. he was fining the union 50,000 ' for criminal contempt as a "du-I it . nitive- penalty for Ifi'u.S leavy Observing of Education Week Plans for the observance o Education Week (March 4-10) in Prince Rupert were outlined at the February meetine nf th annual convention of the British the convention will be circulated Columbia Teachers' Association among teachers in the city was to be held In Vancouver schools as soon as they are March 26-29. This district will printed. Delegates wil be ap-be allowed six official delegates, pointed at the next meeting Resolutions to be presented at March 12. ,S tP Thc Tr'nmra I" contur.pWJf Prince Rupert District Teachers Association by R. H. Davidson, :ommtttee chairman. The committee includes representatives of ' jMtswwv . I the Parent-Teacher Association, I, the Boards of Trade, Social Wel BUY Right BUY Beatty! fare Department. Citv Counril. School Board. Ministerial Asso ciation, the press and the Teach ers Association. e w MM. A Beautiful Beatty Washers I v. J. $139.50 Fron F. H. Moore, treasurer, submitted his renort on A- sociation finances. Chairman of the salary committee, P. G. Moore, announced the completion of negotiations for the 1951 salaiv schedule and made recommendations regarding nolicy in the future. The meeting voted to renew membership in the Prince Ruo.-rt I ' ' -; ' , ' - ' f - -' . V SEE OUR . . . FRIGID Al RES TOO! Come in and see 'these new models of Frigidaire Refrigerators. 6 cu. ft. models from $299.75 GORDON & ANDERSON Music and Drama Festival Asso- j ciation. A. H. Robertson, Industrial Arts' ' teacher at Booth Memorial High ! School was elected chairman of ! the public relations committ, j succeeding Miss M. Watson, who had resigned. It was pointed out by the chairman, F. R. Wright, that the BAGS GUERRILLAS Col. Bill O'Brien. 20, nf Gucjoh, Out., was the first member of the 2n Battalion, F'PCLI to kill a Communist terrorist in Korea. He encountered a group of 12 guerrillas when separated from his patrol. Hs killed two. Here he looks over a North Korea news sheet, intended for guerrillas, while cradling a U.S. Army carbine taken from one of the terrorists he killed. '"Wo rairaciSPECIlAL Custom Mow Tsurbock Sd.n (CP from National Defence) ...Housekeeping... i . Old ' Jadluoneil (Hoitiil J2)iitrJ Qood for Dliede HJinler IbaijA Custom D.luxt 6-passninqw Tourbock Sodanol (ont-pltc wind.hitld) i . v I - A Dtl l 2-door 6-Mlnar Riviwa (one-pitc windshield) 7 NEW ATTACHMENTNi boiling water. The vegetables are added before the meat is completely cooked, allowing, enough time for them to become tender. In addition to the usual salt and pepper such seasoning as horseradish or bay leaf may be used for a change. It is most important not to overlook cither the meat or the vegetables, as it is desirable to retain their color ancf their shape. i The pressure saucepan, that comparatively new tune-saving .device, hiakes it possible for many homemakers to put on the j laWe, In a matter of minutes, delicious, economical cuts of n'.at usually requiring hours of cookin;r. Cookiiuj the less tender cuU of meat in a pressur; rauccpati require- only a fraction of the usual time, ihc home economists advise that it is always wise to follow the manufacturer's recommendations the particular type of cooker one has. Another point they stress Is to check cooking tlnvs accurately, as a matter of minutes or, in some cases, evea half a minute, mny m;ke t!t; difference 'between a pc.TecUy cooked meal nn J one that is over cooked. Custom 2-doer 6-patttngot Tourback Sodams BOILED DINNERS It is not known what chef first hit on the plan of cooking meat with .vegetables, but whoever it was, he or she is one of the unsung heroes or heroines of Canadian cookery During the cold and blustery days of winter, many homemakers are trying to tempt Jaded winter appetites with flavorful, nutritious food. What could have more appetiie appeal to any family than the old-fashioned boiled dinner? Potatoes, turnips, cabbage, onion, in fact almost any vegetables one can name, combine well with a variety of meats for this favoriie Canadian dish. It's the ' cut,s that count, whether it is in a new spring; dress or in the meat rho.von for a boiled dinner. Home economist have pointed out lime and timo again that the less expensive. 1; ks tender cuts, often referred to as utility cuts, when properly cooked with moist heat ere just as satis-, fying, Just as nourishing as the more tender cuts cooked with dry heat. The hecf rut3 which are most economical to buy for a byilcd dinnr are fresh or coined brisket and rump or plnte pot roast, tt Is not noeesary to buy (he highest quality beef for this dish but the meat should be quite lean, with a minimum amount of gristle. Lamb shanks braised and combined with vegetablus Is another variation of the boiled dinner. When huylng lamb be sure that the meat Is moist, but firm and the fat creamy and Slightly pink in rnlnur iwt. GUARANTEED FOR 12 MONTHS USERAl ALLOWANCE .ON OLD CLEANER wlitdw6iwaiigiillHm I . t Jfitll I (Dynollow standard iquipmtnt) I fBl-i3- I Mi! FOR A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION OF EITHER MACHINE to address below SPECIAL ATTRACTION A favorite spot for American visitors to Britain is Pennsylvania Castle at Portland, Dorset, built for John Penn in 1800. HOOVER HISTORIC HALL The picturesque town hall of The Hague, capital of the Netherlands, was erected in 15GJ. ScxutiuUcf REBUILT COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS T' 4 do' -P.enB.r f viol. Wagon yow standard fresh, pickled or smoked, may be used to prepare this flavourful repast, the Canadian boiled dinner. The members of the pork family specially suitable are fresh, pickled or smoked hocks, picnic shoulders and cntijirro lloadmattcr 4-door 6-pasngr Rivitra Sedan (Dynafiow standard equipment) '0'-: V s-.A A- one year (wvtaatcc The flesh of fresh pork should be firm, fine-grained and light greyish pink in colour and the fat should be clear and white After purchasing the meat, care should be taken to store it properly. It should be unwrapped us soon as it is brought from the .lore, because the wrapping pap-r may draw the Juices from the neat. Packaged meat should be amoved from its original wrapper. The meat should be then wiped with a damp cloth, placed on a dry plate, covered loosely and put in the refrigerator. Home economists have described two important pointers regarding meat, of special Interest to homemakers, namely, wise buying and correct storing. Now, they discuss careful cooking. The less expensive cuts of meat are often spurned, mainly becauso Mtx Roadmasfer 2-door 6-passenger Convertible ' (Dynafiow standard aquipmont) j:. .V I Enjoy the excellent appointments, the dtlicloue) food and the courteous rvic. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS SOUTHBOUND Wednesday, Feb. 21 Wednesday, March 7 Wednesday, March 21 For information and reservation contact J. D. Notman, Agent 3rd Ave. West STATE VACUUM STORES OF CANADA LTD. I would like a free home demonstration of a fully guaranteed rebuilt Electrolux or Hoover vacuum cleaner. Name .. - Address - - - - City frov uie lacs or KnowiedRe of how '.3 prepare and use them. The cutjs of meat which have been suggested for use In a boiled dinner should be covered with boiling water and cooked slowly at a simmering temperature until tender. For those who enjoy the "browned" flavour and an-"earance of boiled dinners, the meat may be browned in fat before the wate- is add"d. If corn- d beef is u.vd it . hould be cov-"red first with c-'d water, which '.s drained off as .toon us It com" to the boil and is replaced with mo,,e 0ct!Qr.; .. .. . ' m mnrt from Higher comprestion than aver beforo ti a feature) f both 1951 Buick Firoboll Engines. Above, th 120 h p. engine of the Custom. ''- n--lovharse;ower i 120) flume r.r ' i S?orcs in orincioal cities of Canada, U.S.A. and Englend s