ijku H...-.T iT;Ol Prince Rupert Da. i? Ne,v5 Monday, November 5, 1901 WORLD the of S k u ii u nq lit h i RAINY RIVER, Out. (CP) Smokers who claim they can't give up the habit should talk to William Good. He gave up smoking last spring after 73 years, and so far has managed to elude temptation. j 11 vm;m- Delta were td for a close swond. Alpha, not having full team eiitrv, finished a poor fourth. The winners of each race were: Junior First: Patrick Parnell; time 4:50 sec. Delta House. for ar a quicker, I icer, blocker I thine! High School Racing Meet Beta House took opening honors when the first Inter-house competition of the year was held at Booth Memorial High School Friday afternoon. Gamma and CANADIAN FOOTBALL Coffee Is known to have been cultivated 4n Arabia about the sixth century. Second: Dennis Leeman Al-l dent of the Basketball Association, presented the St. John's Ambulance Corps with a shield which they muy use for any sport they desire. Mayor H. F. Olassey maoe an appropriate speech and threw the first ball of the season. INTERMEDIATE The Intermediate game between Praser and Payne and Hi- pha House. -I Third Lawrence Jonasson j Beta House. .BALL i and Exciting Hoop p Mark Season Opening :jivs und Fraser and Payne Win Thrillers ; : out scored Gordon and Anderson f,f to 50 to Jjn'liinp- opening season Senior basketball game I mmm mm Hockey Scores jureen was won by the former : 27 to 24. This game was also a I thriller and played at a very Western Canada Final Saskatchewan 11, Edmonton 15. (First game best-ot-three series.) Ontario Rugby Football Final Sarnia 15, Toronto Balmy Beach 23. (First game two-game, total-points series.) Big 'Four Ottawa 18, Toronto 23. Montreal 6, Hamilton 31. (Ottawa draws bye to league finil Tnrnntn and Hamilton to v night. The players set a tremendous pace jiit the game and kept the fans at the edge of "4jiUs. The ball was new and slippery and the hud a hard time keeping control of it, re-Jjn numerous fumbles. 1 . i lTH.aa4nv.rl 1 1 ' Fourth Billy Watmough, Beta. Senior Ronald Ciccone: time, 7:47 sec. Gamma House. Second : Derrick Letourneau, Gamma House. Third: Paa! Antrobus, Gamma. Fourth: Fred Simmonson Gamma. These ar the house standings: Beta 35 Gamma 30 Delta 30 .Vpiiu 15 Thp cniir v.'ere: Junior: Starting in front of the school, around Hays Cove Ciicle, up Seventh Avenue, along Green Street to Fifth Avenue, down Fifth to Hays Cove Circle and back to the school. iuai pace. & P forged aheaa but High School late in starting, finally caught up and passed them but were unable to maintain the lead and lost the game. Sankey stood out on the Hi-Green team but otherwise it was very evenly balanced. R. Smith and Chriiitoff were the sparks U tin of strength. He should provide the required pep le.ver meet' In two-game total-points . I Ml 1 Vt.il or ti'auaer ttiiu Payne. ii. ms oiu lurm ill and color required in a eood B nave series in semi-unai aivci .... teams ended in three-way tie for first.) yi est Ij 9rs batK. tie mm juii. senior league. m,- high for their team The Snrlne JUNIOR LEAGUE Munaoas managed to keep their lead and defeated M:ml. Band under the direction of Peter Lien, provided Leafs 24 to 19. The jewelers took j ,j,.,inis each. nut me i,,! to be able to keep .,ri their reach. Don entertainment between periods, together with r.hpfr in his usual Iorm oaoabe maiorette Doris Evans fa SUNDAY National Boston 4, Chicago 2. New York 2, Detroit 4. Pacific Coast Calgary 2. Seattle 4. Western International Kimberley 1, Spokane 6. Okanagan-Mainline Pentlcton 2, Kelowna 7. Kerrisdale 5, Nanaimo 3. SATURDAY National New York 2, Toronto 1. Detroit 3, Montreal 2. Pacific Coaat Edmonton 2, Saskatoon 1. Vancouver 3, Victoria 4. Calgary 3, New Westminster 7. Seattle 0, Tacoma 3. Western International Trail 1, Nelson 7. Kimberley 1, Spokane 3. Okanagan-Mainline Vernon 2, Kamloops 4 srzrt v . Jjiusiulicent ball and Tney n,;ped very mucn to make 1 point-s. Carlson, S. tne evening an enjoyable one. ji.d Mi.rsjn were also Before the Senior game com-j. Tlie.se two teams menced, R. H. Davidson, presi- Senior; Starting in front- of the school, around Hays Cove Circle and up Seventh to Green, up Green to Sixth and along Sixth to McBride, McBride to Fifth Avenue, and along Fifth to the school. L m "1 i ; nell, J., 2, Smith, J., 1, Pederson 3, Hesch 2. Hi-Green Rhodes 1, Hebber 3, Penneff 3, Sankey 5, Hood 0, Clark 2, KrLstmanson, ?., 2, Ford 2, Becker 2, MacAfee 4. Junior Mansons Hebber, H., 2, Hus-wisck 2, .Brentzen 0, Barnes 2, Helin, A., 0, Black 2, Hodgkin-son 9, Mostad 0, ADderson 7. Maple Leafs I'arnell, P., 1. Morrison 2, Pederson 0, Strand 7 Rhpntnn (1 MrKav 0. BrOVVn 0, an cany luau UU; MHpie Li?al4 finally started tilling und threatened but the iiaal boil came too souii individual scoring: ttyrdon & Anderson Holke-stand 13, Flaten 13. Hebb 9, Cur-rie 0, Ciccone 2, KrLstmanson 0, Pierce 8, Thompson 5, Boulter 0. Elks Carlson 15, Mathews 0, 8cherk, D., 21, Scherk, 11, Sunberg 7, Morgan 12. Intermediate Fraser & Payne Smith, R , 9, Christoff 6, Parneii E., 4, Par- GATESHEAD, England (P Authorities here plan to prohibit n-ivale coaching of children before examinations. They say t fiat some parents are unable to afford special lessons. on the Alleys i ;. f i i)t'Man 0, Stewart 8, Forbes 1. Cellulose League nil. jd in Si'ctlon ' A" of :t tvliulow Mixed Bowl-jjur are tlie Weeds lead-Hinp-Us by two points $ w-ams took four points 0, opponents in week-i funding: , 21 . tied Maniacs by also taking 15 points. Team Standing: Sparks ' 17 r Maniacs - IS Production Line 15 Hoppers 14 Rejects 13 ' Andavears 12 Shipper 11 Internationals 10 C.C.C. Equllutc fi Wood Butchers 7 Boom Boats .' 7 Pin Heads 5 Men's high average is still being held this week by Helge Holkstad with 194. Men s high three of 6C4 bowled by D. Hopkins of Hoppers while the high single was taken by Slim Charleton of Production Line with a 289. Ladies' high average is held by Mrs. Davis of Andavears with 19 15 14 13 12 10 il s fcus a - c 'is- swB ! 6" 9 us B itiJ'.'ts 8 !S 5 , ' i"'- ' '' -V I i X i , : . I r ) 'ich average is still' c by E Turner of Slow- tii 185. wliile high three i! by Jim Reil of Alley i $ a and high single i fi hi of Handicaps with 159 while high three and high jingle were both captured by Jan Jensen with 18 and 2(i8. Team high three remains in the hands of The Hoppers, who bowled 2498. Friday's Schedule: l.igh average Is held by t..m of Whip-Its with also holds high three j ok with 659. Mickey S: the h'jnors for high , iln a 239. ; LAST ENDS FROM OUR STOCK OF MAGNIFICENT Section "A Alley Cats vs Stor-ikes: Chain Gang vs Hi-Bailers; Handicaps vs Slowpokes; Steam Jets vs Hopeful "8"; Boom Gang vs The Weeds; "Whil-Its" vs Skylarks. Section "B" Andavears vs Sparks; Maniacs vs Boom Boats', Wood Butchers vs Pin Heads; C.C.C. Equiilae vs Internationals; Rejects vs Shippers; Production Line vs Hoppers. iih three games was sain by Whip-Its after) i35. i n "B"' the same teams top positions in the if with the Sparks on j " poiins and the Manl-'ti tlieir heels with 15. ! Production Line has I SUITINGS .75 Ml 75 !!S If F r mm Speed and deflection accounted for... target in sights . . . button pressed! Lethal rockets roar from the wings off for the target at 1,200 miles per hour! The blasting of targets by air-launched rockets is made possible1 by reams of trained R.C.A.F. Armament Technicians on the ground the men who plant the firepower and service the complex sighting and firing equipment. and up i Jy ; 2pc. Suit Regulcrly Priced From 49.50 More Armament Technicians are needed now in the R.C.A.F. as well as men fo fran os . . . AERO-ENGINE 141AH The fabrics that sold first and fastest at the height of a busy season . . . great value at their regular prices and now reduced for sensational savings to clear 6ur shelves for new stock ! Drop in tomorrow and have your suit or better, two suits hand-cut and Tip Top Tailored to your own personal measurements. We cannot guarantee to make every size or style from these ends but most men of average measurements will find exactly what they want. Ladies too are invited to participate in this sale and prices for ladies' suits range from $41.75 and up. . . . RADIO-RADAR . . . INSTRUMENT . . . AND AIR FRAME TECHNICIANS The Air Force will train you in the highly specialized field of explosives a service training that has many valuable applications in civilian industry. Courses in radio, radar and television are available to advanced Armament Technicians. Serve Canada and yourself as a skilled Armament Technician in the R.C.A.F. TO Ml illCIBlS, you must be . . . between 17 and 40 . . . physically Fit M SAW )h FARM WOOD POSTS TREE MAINTENANCE . . . have Grade 8 education or better. Tailors and SAWMILL TIMBER CONSTRUCTION JW8 the saw that's designed to lessen work and raise income , farm. You can take it anywhere-up hill end across swampy 1 If necessary- because it weighs leas than 25 pounds. And 1 nything heavy timber, limbs, hardwood, softwood, froien I -because it has full 3 horsepower, "any other features too make the McCulloch 3-25 tops on IIP 10P R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT, I Wallace BlltS., yy-il 111- avctuic, luiuwiwii mirw I i. . i -,a X 1 LTD. rm: automatic clutch, built-in chain oiler, recou awm, P. CRAVETTO 4th Street Phone Blue 418 tuU power operation at any angle. I Pleau mall me, u itlxmt obllgaliu, full particular, ngardlng tulistMfMrtquiremeHlsmidoptHfagsmu ai'ailMt iu tbeR.C-A-F- fce.il I NAME (Please Print) , j 4 MODELS AVAILABLE For the MEAL that REFRESHES STREET ADDRESS - 1 Milk iflk CITY , . PRUVINU:- . hUUCATIUN (by grade ana province; FINEST OF COOKING BEST OF FOOD AOfc- 'Had, J4'We. 10' kloS. M" ew t US TODAY FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION e carry spare Parts for all McCULLOCH SAWS I Authorized Sales and Service I PACIFIC ELECTRIC ACT NOW! Stt THE CAREER COUNSEtlOR AT YOUR NEAREST R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT OR MAIl THIS COUPON FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE Kupert, B.C. Box 1399 Phone Blue 992