1 . iBay City, Mkhitan: H. Kcf, MAYOBS LIFE fContii'Wd from page 3 Friday. August 17, 1951 Black on (Prince KupeiO acKwood Usually it is easy to no-fl.T ..11.1 . , A. M. Ward, T. E. Wilson, Hepburn. H. J. Fraser, C. Says Prince Philip Frowns on Crew-Cut PACIF.C lj Rulherfu d. J. Kilne.', all jf Vtia- and Mrs. E. Day. Centra H. cxuver; D. L. Black and B. M. Washington, and II. Tu Tcr-Eta k, PofU River; F. H Stover, race. ."" Bin, --v m tiiu is m- Sometimes however it ' ' suit -t 4u that saves the da v. lUHUftlu "-r; resile mg- l: ins. Liverpool-born barbt'r, say the Duke of Edinburgh likes his is nair -a ok ions.', dui neat. . SMALL TALK TV REPAIRMAN And it suits him perfectly, montu in .response to Miss I says the 4a-year-old hair snip-' Brash's aggressive overcall. Mr. per. He should know -he cut thelDa!e won in his own hand with' mikes hair in England fur 14.lht, kmgi tuok tnree roundji of j ea.s. Itriimns and then cached thp m-p New Mi.t; T. ITelso.i, isiwth-'env; O. ft. M-:lav: h. icturia; Mr. uiwi M's. O CJIuiii. T iple j tMuno; . nanson, Rvalue, H. K. f.trmt A : i I r 1. ,,...4 . .wut., ,1 lll,llJl ft , 141. miu iUK. ' J. Emerson. Santa Monica' Mr WITH A "That's the third time it went out when Arthur Godfrey was on th-j ail." HIV C.lU i. once barber to the Duke of Kent and the Duke of Gloucester, and to Kin;.; Caral of Rumania and Paul of Yugoslavia, now is working in a lujilo barber .shop. lie plans to oiler his .services to the duke durini; the royal a By Eosley Blackwood see how to set up a lrni, ., .,1 i 1 B11U1 I. tUil WHIP 1 la 111 SS- South dealer .North-South vulnerable ' .mtii (Mr. MttMrrs) t h 4 3a H Q 10 5 3 I) - A 1 C-Jll Wrsl lt (Mr. VbH) (Mi's llra-h) S--K J S Q 7 5 H 7 8 2 i H t U- 7 5 3 a U J J 10 9 S C 10 8 4 3 tA Q 7 lh lr. Kulfl m S A 11) H A KJIt I-K 4 C K 8 4 Tht bidding: ,,,, est N..rth 1 J-l in PasH 2 11 3 L 11 Alt puts 0f spades and followed with the 10. Mr. Abel won the spade with the king. He realized that a diairmnrl load oi twiw point would be ruffed in dummy and a loser" discard from the closed hand Therein h o,n, It is nut the man who has loo littlv, but the man who craves more who is poor. Call 363 t OR Kf I I KK . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE limited Builders & Contractors IT'S EASY LOU1 ill OLLUUtl. j t "It would be nice to get back' The, old master decided to try J i to tiie artistic side of hair-cut- to establish dummy's pitiful-ttiiig." he says. -Canadians just I Poking spade suit. If spades, immi into 11, fhairnnd .slum!:! divided 3-3, the fourth: "It ain't the set. folks. It's Uvam ancient movies they're ! -Short, front and back!'" ; IMPORTED ROBBER ! Ciamle Duval, notorious 17th : c-iitury liiKhwaynian was a natie of Normandy wh went to ; Eni'.land as a servant of a duke (t'LOSl'KE TIM In 10 a.m. on day of iiuliliialiun) . '1 "'1 '' t T ,.' 1 v- , v THEY PAY OFF Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please- refrain from telephoning Omm-Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Curds cf Thanks Dn' Funeral Notices, Marriage and E tyagemeiit Announa nunu $"ou SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form out with the deuce of clubs Mr bll"t' Mr- a,'d Mrs c- T- Young, Dale Ml- und Mrs- AKelo Astoria. Mr. played the nine from the board and Miss Brash won wi'h and Mrs- Oeorge Shenton and the ace. family. R. M Clark and Billy, Now Miss Brash had three 'M- and Mrs- Jatk Judtje, Mr. choices all of them bad. A dia- and Mrs- Berl Sheppurd and mond return would permit -a ; Allan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Batt and ruff in dummy and discard from (;imily. Corporation of the Vil-Mr. Dale's hand. A low club re- laB of Terrace, Kaien Consum-turn would undoubtedly ride to er6' Co-op Association, Prince dummy's jack. And if the queen 'Rupert Fishermen's Credit Un-of spades were cashed, the eight lon- Prince Rupert Trades arid spot on the board would become Labour Council, Prince Rupert a very big card indeed. Fishermen's Co-op Afs'n,-Man- The only hope seemed to be ; agement and staff Northern B C. that Mr. Abel had the king of Power Co.. Deep Sea Fishermen's clubs so Miss Brash returned the Association; Management and seven of that suit. But, as she 'taff B.C. Packers Ltd.. Civic had feared, dummy's jack won , Employees' Union, No. 8; Mr. and and Mr. Dale spread the hand.1 Mis. J. S. Black, C.C.F. Club, conceding a spade trick, but RCMP, Prince Rupert Detach-making four odd. ment. The McLeod family and the Prendergasts, Audrey Wrath- To Use fJUcclclincj I j Jt Iti i Miss Marjorie Adams Bride Of William Miltae A very interesting wedding Loyal Ordar of Moose. Mr. ana Mm. Harry S. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes. Jr., The Hulklev Market. Mr. and Mrs !jim schubert. ocean view Hotel. Uoreen and Ray. Mr. and Mrs. tsvivcsiT elisor nnrt na funillv i&muy. t k.o.ha riUA Mr and Mls- J0061"1 McKay, m and Mm. C. O. Campbell. Jerr Jerry : wood and sun Meciay. ay. bes BESL Canadian Letfion, B.C. Hotel's Association, Prince Rupert; M. J. Saunders. Mrs. Heien Hardy. Al Jonek, Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage, Edwin, Marg and family. Cape Breton; Mr. and Mrs. Barney Turbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soherk, Mr. and Mrs Stanley Scherk. Mrs. Mariana Haines. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mair, Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd., Ml and Mrs. Claude King and family. T.-rraee; W. H. Brett. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Long, Mr. and Mrs. A Martinusm and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott. Aid. and Mrs. T. B. Black and family, Mr. and Mrs A. Barbe, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gardner. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Montgomery. New Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. Q. Thain and family, David and AIL-e Crocker, John Basso and family. Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd , Mr. and Mrs. J. Kinslor and family. Bill and Rose McCallum, Cn? of PrUlee RV., Prince Rupert Baseball Executive- and Players. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sanler- all, Aid. and Mr3. Doug Frizzell,. Aid. and Mrs. Darrow Gomez, J. D. McRae, MLA, and Mrs. Mc-jRae; Mr. and Mrs. Art Murray, jMi. and Mrs. W. M. Watts and lamily. Eddie and Iris Clark, Printj Rupert Daily News, IODE, Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Soren-isen, Vancouver; Bud, Chris, Robert and Reggie; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sclwrk and boys, C.C.F. friends in Masset, Mrs. S. D. Mac- uuiuu una gins, mr. ana Mrs. I . McKae, International Association ot Fire Fighters. Local 559: Don McRae. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Forman, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Brydges, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Faui'j, Betty Blake, Mr. and Mrs. L. Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Evans, J. Hewsick and family. Harry Love. George and Mary Viereck, Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Merle, Arne and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gustaf- son. Mr. and Mrs. George Hills ' and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jar..s. Burgess and Jean Gadsen, Mary Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. j Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dick- ; Cn, Sr., 6gt. and Mrs. Waleg. jjarvis H. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. George Oeddcs, Sr., Ken and Helen Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Blackhall. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sun-berg and family, Astoria's Messenger, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Fowlie. Mr. and Mis. Art Nickerson and lamily; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore and Glenna, Spiro Gurvlch, Lorraine and Patricia; Reg Coles, Rupert Bakery, E. Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sundvar and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Trior Sollien, Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Lambly. Terrace; Mi. and Mrs. Lee Dell and Wally, McLeod Si Ray, Aid. and Mrs. Whali?n, Henry Dickens and family, Fraser & Payne and staff, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Windle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mac-phee, Annette Mansell, Pebble and family, Elizabeth and Gun-nard Anderson. Mr. and Mrs H. D. Thain, Mrs. C. Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pet-tenuzzo and family. Miss A. M. Barbeau sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. BLONDIE uiuiiv iiunu outl. ' UI Cril 'mg only one or two honors. the V,, a ,n it- is short, shabby-looking Mr Abel led th. ilvw. nf riia ! of diamonds. I Now it was practically certain I I that Miss Brash had the ace of ; I clubs for her overcall at the three range. But even so Mr. j Dale felt that he would lose two ! , club tricks if he led the suit i himself. i - - pude on the board would pro- vide a discard lor one of his : iciuLto. And tliert was aiso the i chance that w hen the opponents . were in with spades, they would ; have to lead to their disadvan- tage. So Mr. Dale laid down the ace ' : IT'S PROFITABLE j i j ; . 1 ; l! Phone No. : ; i ! ! ! , ed6ionci ; i Eddie's Beauty; Salon 1 Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to , your convenience. j Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Btore i I MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 1 STONE BUILDING . PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS j 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON S I UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Frince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ! i Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 "You'll have to r,t yuur wasli so chse, side aerial, lady " I.OSl LOST - Man's UeprT coMir, U-i t and ,.,,',' ziuimt lii:.i,ie. P'. iHitt. I.OST"Hmi.-rr..M IilrsUav Kevuiu Uailv Ni-vss uliiiT iii.i.p WAvn t'll AMHIiHMAlDit diatelv. (j.KKi shower und loiicl . oiled. Si'i-.e ur one rhikl m!c Ski'inu Hu'.ei. BOYS Interfiled oins for trie to;., illg e:Lsull autlll . to tlie 0iiii i 7 u in. beiure A PRINCE Himert !! Ri.iiiii. Wauled -1: hours from 9 am Sillldav oil. Allan x side entrance ul hi. CASHIER for pert eveniiius and Sj.j: Ikmiiis Aimiv in mi. Iloi Theatre HELP WANTED- -f-clerk lt!i -vin o perience AiiaA t Co-ou. Fairview. HELP WANTED--Dn; liverv t.i in k Perira lion. Shearuowns WANTED Exoencn. eration engineer. Daily Ni'A.s. WANTED--Disuatcte Taxi. WANTED - Taxi 112 Taxi HK KIYI FOR A NEW Hi--; olioiie ::iu. Bui if-' and 2ml FOR RENT - T - incut No riniu.i. Ave. We-t FOR KENT Two IK suite, oil 8'.h A 4l"u-I)UIVF. CARS 711 UreiwilJuM FOR KENT .Sieeni!" ill. Pliolle firetn M WANTED TO II URGENTLY NEE?: HIGH SCHOOL J; IINFUR N IS Hi. WITH TWO OR TV-ROOMS IMEAct-FORMATION ES ' CANI'V flH PRiW SCHOOL BOARD 0: WANTED TO RENT room house or f-.iniilv "I four I ants. Mux 1"3. 1"- WANTED" TO RENT-or unfurnished p iioartiucnt Noii-il-174. Daily News- BOYS OR 61!' Openings for tiys on Dally News tf various parts of ! APPLY AT Off- Special Bonuifj for Good 5" For Actio' ADVERT took place at Usk last Saturday Yule. Mr. and Mrs J. Parks and when Marjorie Helene Adams, lamily. Management and staff youngest daughter of Mr. and Commodore Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. R. Adams of Usk. was Scott McLaren. Elk's Lodge. Im- united in marriage to William perla! Oil Co. Ltd., Prince Rupert Hugh McRae. son" of James Mc- Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gomez, Rae of Skeena Crossing, by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Marphee, P. H. Mallett of Terrace. Prince Rupert Baskeball Ass'n, Attending the bride as ma- The Royal Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. tron of honor was her sister, Chung Kee. Rup.;rt Motors. Oscar Mrs. Margaret Earley of New Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rich-Westminster. The groomsman ards. Margaret Berg. Mr. and Mrs. was Colin Sargent of Hazelton. Allied Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Number of Times Enclosed Pleose Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six insertions for price of tour. Minimum charge, 50c.) Name M'NKKAL NOTICE McRAE -In the citv. Thursday Auku-si 16. 11)51. Alexander, ane 71 years 4 months, beloved husband of Mrs. Rose McRae. Leeds Auartments. Services will be conducted at First Presbyterian Church al 3 30 u in Sunday. Auausl 19. with Reverend Dr. E. A Wrii'ht ofticiating. Masons will leather at Temple ut 3 D m. Remains to be forwarded to Vancouver Sunday evening for interment. B. C. Undertakers in charte of arrangements. C'AKII OF THANKS Mrs. a W Rudderham and fainilv wish to sincerely thank the manv kind friends who have assisted and exnre.ssed vmoitthu in various ways during their be- leavemeiii,. Utcl BIKTII NOTR E j MOU8SEAU--Born at Stewart' General Hospital. Auaust 6. to Mr and Mrs. Bert Mousseau of Premier, u son. EdAood Leo. (ltDl FOR SALE NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES 1 Lwti-beit Speedtr Shovels; Cranes: Drauniis; Adams i ' Road Graders: Lfitltford Hrox. i Biai k Too Road Maintenance tauipmen'.; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers' Clark Forkhfl Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Kteel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills; National Rotarv Scr-ens andConvvnrs run iniormauon irom National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. (tf FOR SALE Lovely 10 - piece black walnut dining room suite, large golden oak library uioie. large upholstered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, iarae commercial fioor waxer; and polisher. Hoover carnet sweeper complete with Parts. ' one largp electric fruit tiiicer, electri- massa'-er and reducer. 4 electric heaters. 1 small oat i burner oil range 2 good oil 1 hea'ers. nice pictures in! iranie.s. 4 floor lamps. 1 table 1 lami). fireola-e with all tools.! large eompiete exercising kit. I 40 gallons of oaint.. Standard typewriter. 7 larue new French n'ate mirrors. Black 823. Mr. HIcks. (tfi FOR SALE New and uTed household furniture. Slightly used Kitchen Set. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields, Bovs' Blcvcles Bedide Rugs. Cribs. , Studio Couches etc.. sellin? at the lowest possible prices. B.C. Furniture Co. Phone Biack 324. (tfl BOYS' OABARDINE PANTS New shades blown and erev. good fit. lots of wear Sizes (i to 12 vears. Heal bargain, i "w S3 75 to J4 25 pair. BC. Clothiers. (Uci FOR SALE One solid oak Mor-! ris chair; one solid mahodanv Victrola. cost $450 00. Would make vuluable cabinet. 32 1 Uth Street. (195pi i FOR SALE Bedroom suite, j wa.shinn machine. 4 chrome I chairs, coal stove, table, chesterfield waslistand and tub. I Phone Green 621. (195pl FOR SALE Titan power saw. 3 ft. h'ade and accessories A-l condition. Service Cabs. Phone 555. (194c i WASHING machine for aulck sale. $00.00. Phone Green 103. (193oi FOR SALE Used 3-niece Chesterfield suite. Phone Green 6H0. 194pl FOR SALE Outboard motor, pood running order. Phone Black 889. U98pi Congratulations, Folks! IOI NU l FOUND Small sum of money. Auulv 144U 2nd Ave. rsi i i Itfioi j . i BOATS KK SALE fOH SALE-S0 ft ail bnat. 9 ft. beam, draws 4'? 11 boo .snuaie it. of sails. 4 cylinder marine engine. Siccus three. Lavatory, oil stove and conking utensils $2:00 cash. AddIv "Four Winds." Prince Rupert Yach: Club. ilii FOR SALE- 30-foot glllnet boat, not euuiuued for fislilnit Sell cheau. 1U7 8th East. il!mu CAItS Ft) It KM.E FOR SALE 1937 Ford 2-ton truck, house trailer 18 ft., f ullv iuniLsneu. 1 wo work trailers, doilevs. passenger and truck tires. 1929 Chevrolet motor, radiators etc. Aoolv Midland Pmesjohone Black 739. iliiHci FOR SALE 1948 Chev sedan AddIv Ernest Girbav. 625 Tat-low, after 6 o in. (193u FOR SALE -'37 Fo7d7mIe-Ai ulv 233 7lh Ave. West or phone Blue 828. - I lHTpi FOR SALE 1948 Chev. Al cori dition. Call at 921 lot ii Fust alter 6. (193pi W ANTH) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scran iron, steel, brass, copper, lead. etc. Honest eradinp Prompt payment made Atlas Iron & Metals L'd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B. C. Phone PA-citic 6357 itfi WILL PAY $100 to someone with large covered truck to tae o'ir furniture to Penticton. B.C. 1000 miies. Black 276 . ilt.pi CASH for scrap cast, brn.ss. Conner, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call G29 0th Aven West. Cilv. itfi : mtSONAI I PHONE 18 your Northland Dairy, ' for daily delivery exeeni Kun-dnv. Bv lciokin after vour milk vour milk will l"'- after you Keen It cool. Ail milk t I guaranteed. (tfi FOR RENT General Electric lloor polishers, $1 ner day.1 Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec-i trie. (tfi j CJVE the folks al home a treat1 . . . get one of our delicious 1 rakes or pies Ruoerr f-tkerv Ltd. Phone 643 for order- HI) REAL ESTATE TWO SPECIALS Five-room house. Section 2, heatulator fireplace. Pembroke bath and shower, basement, cement foundation. Lot 50x100 In lovelv lawn. Unod view. Price $6500. offers considered. Large 4 Wartime, fully insulated, cement basement oil range, oil heater. Price $5000 ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Black 197 evenings (193c I FOR SALE Wartime 4. near bus. uuhllc and hiali schools: newlv decorated, lance front oarden. cement foundation. 673 8th Ave. East. (lO.Sui FOR SALE-Lake Kathlvn Atllo Cumn Auulv Box 88. Smith-ers, B.C. ( 19Hpi ACCOl'NTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. R O. Fork. Stone Building. Red 593. (20ml REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Prompt efficient servi"e. George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction guaranteed. 'Hi.- THE SING WAS M V ( PPlZE IN THE BOX Of- POPCORN WE WfcH: EATING, AND ELMO (AVE IT TO ME "1 - f i I., , l f j P4 ine bride wore white satin, ballerina length, with matching bolero of nylon lace and a coro- net of while satin trimmed with pearls and carrying a corsage of red roses and lily-of-the-valley. Mrs. Earley made a charming matron of honor, attired in pink nylon sheer over satin, ballerina length. Her corsage was of yel- jluw rases. The wedding ceremony was held at the home of the bride's parents which was tastefully decorated in a wedding motif of pink and white and amidst a profusion of flowers. The bride was given in mar - riage by her fattier, W.R.Adams, After the ceremony, the happy couple attended a wedding din- ner wnn immediate menus. The toast to the bride was proposed by H. W. Varner and responded to very suitably by the best man. In the evening, about a hundred friends of the couple at- tended a reception and dance held In the Community Hall and at which the pair were the recipients of many beautiful wedding gifts. Friends of the family were present from points as far west as Prince Rupert and soutn from 150 Mile House. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Durham, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowie, 150 Mile House; Mrs. James Smith, Terrace; Mrs. E. Whitlow, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Blackhall, Mr. and Mrs. E. Christison and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Woodside, all of Prince Rupert. The bride is the granddaughter of Charles Durham, -well known and respected pioneer of ithe north, who was one of the guests of honor and who really 'enjoyed himself, meeting old friends and acquaintances. The newly-married couple left by car on Sunday morning for a leisurely honeymoon in the south of the province, making the centre ol their visit at Sum-merland, after which they will take up residence at Usk. The groom was formerly proprietor of the store at Usk but will now enter the sawmill business with his father-in-law. COLORFUL NAME , "The Grey Mare's Tail" is the name of a waterfall of 200 feet i In Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Address uAiiicSS HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS GIL BURNERS PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1C70 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 32541 h Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Sawi Year hwi will cut eleener, el wr, ittater wnen niea on ur preclsiuB mechine. yuiclt eervice o ell tyi A mwi, BHn yuur uw WUj. Old Mn reuiutiied. PRECISION SAW FILING PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bu Terminal) an Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 3B7 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 6S5 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL CHIROPRACTOR 'JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 I r LOOK' AT n fl ?, Ii". BE )( IT HAPPEN TMj.fiX mi