Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, August 17, 1951 Mayor's Life One of Service Boys Back From Camp Their camn at Few Acre Bible A part of life's greatness is service and, in giving service, deceased had played a vital part in the life and development of With ... BARRET ASPHALT mm PLEASE YOURSELF IN Job's Daughters Get Big Welcome at Jasper Park See Sights, Ride Horseback and Swim-Reception at Prince George, too By ALEX MITCHELL Camp, Terrace, ended, 22 Prince Rupert boys returned home on last night's train with their leader. Rev. Fred Antrobus. Thirtv-elsht boys were encamp the community, said Rev. L. O. Sieber at the funeral service of tne late Mayor George Weston Support the Museum by buying a $1 membership which give you free admission at any time. (197CJ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Scott leave for Masse t on the Coquitlam tonight. They will make their future home there. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Anderson a e n.ak.iiK U.e round trip to Kudderham in First United ed and thev keot Mr. Antrobus SHINGLES i Church yesterday afternoon. Mr b.eber delivered an appropriate and his assistant, Pastor Charles Sinclair both very busy. The JASPER. Mrs. Herron, worthy .matron of the He found wc-ds of comfort andn hole wa vted sev- , 0r(el, Qf Eastem gtar here WM the leader of a Queen Charlotte Islands on the respect in varuus DassaEes iromi"1"' " - - Far detailed Information, phone Ibert & McCaffery Ltd. hunts, I royal reception which was accorded Prince R upert'ss I coquitlam tomgnt. I excursions, treasure the scriptures. marshmallow roasts and other Job's Daughters party during their stay at at this famous mountain resort today. They arrived by the early fun to add to the enjoyment of the days. Miss Gertrude Mitchell and Miss Roberta Paul is a passenger on the Coquitlam tonight, leaving for Port Clements where she will visit a school friend, Miss Anna Swang. 117 58 116 - - or g ulluC Mrs. Hampshire, in the kitchen, morning train from the coast lland City Builders Supplies The congregation which gathered to pay final tributes of esteem and respect to the late thief magistrate representd a wide cross-section of th; community testifying to the wide circle of the mayor's friends and acquaintances. Following the service, interment was made in the family plot In Fairview Cemetery. Hymns ware "Unto the Hills" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," with Mrs. O. E. Freeman as organist. Active pallbearers were William Brett, James Black, A. E. Blue 820 Tom Christie Campaign Head Senior Captain W. C. Poulton, district commander for the Salvation Army in Northern British Columbia and the Yukon and were soon whisked off for a sightseeing tour into beautiful Jasper Park. Twelve cars transported the enthusiastic visitors. Horseback riding lent further to the diversion and some took a dip in the green-blue crystal waters of the pool in front of the park lode overlooking shin- Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Odium, of Triple Island, are taking a lound trip to Queen Charlotte Islands and on the Coquitlam tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Potts arrived yesterday from Vancouver. They mcto.ed from the south and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thompson, Graham' Avenue. received generous help of ler-race girls and women who gave so freely of their time. The boys became deeply intended in the story of "Pilgrim's Progress" taught by flan-nelgraph, as well as in the evening gospel illustrations. Tne camp came to a climax Wednesday night when a large audience listened to the singing by the boys and the recital of scripture and other memory work achieved by them. Territory, announces the names ing Lac Beauvert. VONT CRAZE OR CRACK oi me cnairman ana treasurer entrained this The party early of the 1951 Red Shield Appeal, afternoon in continuation of T. M. (Tom! Christie has COll- their memnrahl.. Imirnev the advertisement today of kjl See c omtin . . ' - .v.. ... j - 7 . , , , , , i; .j ey senu w Kim n leaueiwi.p ..u break which wili be at ' next m auction sale to be held this Sat- The famous English Comfort-1 n-Act ion Trousers . . famous for their superb cut and comfort. Self-supporting ... no belt, no pressure round the waist. English Worsteds and Gabardines in a good variety of shades. $2350 and $26.50 uis..H uua, "' Toronto where they change urday, August 18, at Smith's Salvation Army for the 1951 ap- trairui for Niagara Falls to spend ! ,.arpll,ci,. corner nf First Ave- I Jones, Harry Love, David Mac- : phee and George Howe. Honorary pallbearers were I members of the city council, Aldermen, T. B. Black, O. B. Casey, i K. M. Daggett. D. F. Fitch, Q. D. ! Frlzzell, H. F. Glassey, Darnel Gomez, H. S. Whalen; P41- a dav and then on to the Lehigh ' nna .h MrRrlrie nnnosite Navv tables topped with Beauty Bonded Formica in Sahara Picwood. m bf flcaiH'il '' damp cloth. I'nharmrd by Alcohol fruit Ai-iil1- . . Bulling water won't affect it. His Funeral In Vancouver Park Commissioners Arthur Valley line for New York and j Drill Hall, by T. M. Christie, Richmond. (auctioneer. Utc) AT PRINCE GEORGE J , . ,.. Last night at Prince George! Flovd Williamson, appearing Masons and Eastern Star ladies PUce court Wednesday on twj turned out to meet the party, j charges of supplying liquor to Mrs. A. T. Lashmar led In the Indians, received a suspended : sentence on one count and a $50 half hour reception. During a an Murray and Pat Forman; JCOFFEE TABLES ! E. T. Applewhaite, MP, and END TABLES CORNER TABLES TEP TABLES Funeral of the late Alexander McRae, pioneer Prince Rupert business man, who passed away at 3:45 yesterday afternoon In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, will take place next Wed- J. D. McRae, MLA; G. F. Forbes, Oscar Smith, George Hills, R. W. Long, A. E. Tom Christie has no need of an introduction to most people In Prince Rupert. His genial and energetic personality is as well known in business circles as in service clubs and on the busy Third Avenue thoroughfare. Assisting Mr. Christie will be R. E. (Ed I Gladding, the local manager for G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. Ed -Gladding is successor to G. R. 8. Blackaby who has been the perennial treasurer since the very first Red Shield Appeal in 1940. stay the visitors were driven !Ilne anQ c-" W . Magls- cused appeared before Janeu, H. M. Foote, D. C. Stewart from 42.50 around the town and had din ner. trate W. D. Vance. Sgt. A. E. Wales and Sgt. L. A. I nesday afternoon in Vancouver N. Potterton, RCMP; under Masonic auspices. The re mains will be taken south Sun day night aboard the Coquitlam, . MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A c"(! I t to buy-over a quarter of a century" ma J. D. McRae, M.LA., will leave by plane next Monday for Vancouver to join a legislative com-i.ittee into" t"he Industrial Con,. iiiatio:i Act far a tour of tr-2 rrovince to hold hearingi. 'race The Red Shield Appeal, which l-3rd Avenue Phone 775 accompanied by tne widow and her sister, Mrs. L. M. Randall, of Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island. A Masonic service and a public service will be held in First Presbyterian Church here 'Sunday afternoon. larrie m I i Vff R oi ujill Ipqvd nYl Tups- an Is the backbone of lhe financing of the social service work of the Salvation Army across Canada, will be conducted in Watts & Nickerson Fire Chief Earl Becker, Mrs. Norah Arnold, Judge W. O. Fulton, T. W. Brown, KC; Sheriff M. M. Stephens; Angus Macphee, William Gor- don, Walter Vance. Dr. Duncan Black, George Geddes, Carl Gus-tafson, Harry Arney and Kenneth Harding. Ushers at the church were Arthur Murray, William Long, Eric Janes and Don Stewart. Sending flora ltributes were: His loving wife and family; day on the Camosun. They will be away the better part of a month. The Pro-Cathedral of the An Prince Rupert from September 4 to September' 25. Death came to Mr. McRae' nunciation was the scene Wednesday morning of a beautiful marriage ceremony when Frank after a final Illness which had commenced on July 1 when he was stricken with a heart attack. Assistant census commissioner, he was then forced to discontinue ORMES Pongracz, general foreman of the Little, Haugland & Kerr Ltd. mill in Terrace, was united in Rupert (13 o For action . rtews classifieds. Atlin Fisheries Ltd.; Shirlene Blamberg. Hilda Sierling and pat!tnose dutles and had been con marriage to Elizabeth Vurzinger of Abbotsford. The nuptial mass was said by fined either to home in the Ckirk; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Saun Rev. Father LeRay, O.M.I., who Leeds Apartments or in hospital since that time. Mr. McRae was born April 10, ders; Mrs. Vesta Deane, City Hall .staff, Fashion Footwear, A. J. Dominate; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Balagno and family. Mr. and Mrs S. Dnmlnato, Mr. and Mrs. came to the city from Terrace lor the occasion. Louis Amadio and Elizabeth Amadio acted as witnesses. 1880, at Mooretown, Ontario, and i attended business college in PORTRAITS ; Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 4th 8treet Box 645 Phone Green 389 . ITince Rupert The Pioneer Druggists Miss Edna Wallace Becomes Bride of Clifford Nilson Miss Edna Eileen Wallace, London, Ontario. He came west , .ii-pt tn Vaamatin rintarin anr Immediately after the cere 'prairies 'for Wil-! mony the happy couple left by was also on the a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. They will A. Mclvor, Mr. and Mrs. Andy i MacDnnald, Shell Oil Co. of Can- ada Ltd , Aid. and Mrs. Don ' Fitch, Oliver and Bob Leighton. Port Edward; Mr. and Mrs. W. ! Whiffln, Angus and Grace Gillis, time before romlnar to Phoenix 1 nam Wallace, 1UUU Ninth Avenue . piaue iui iutuuvo PHONE 81 return to Terrace shortly where they will make their residence. They have the best wishes of many friends. in thv Boundary district soon East, became the bride of Clif-after the turn of the century. It ' ford IngolV Niison, son of Mr. was there that the stationery and Mrs. Lars Nilson, 522 Eighth firm of McRae Bros, was formed , Avenue West, at a double ring (Continued on page 4i 0, J, i 1,1 nnotttm iih iij 7v by four brothers James, John, I candlelight service last Saturday j Duncan and Alex McRae all of evening in St. Paul's Lutheran; enjoyed with music by Mike Co-whom have now passed away. In ! Church. Rev. H. O. O.sen oi- j juj on his accordion. 1909 the firm opened in business ! ficiated. Bridal music was by A three-tier wedding cake was in Prince Rupert and deceased j Mrs. J. S. Black. cut by Miss Dolly Ostrom, school moved here In April. 1910. Later! Given in marriage by her ; girl friend of the , bride, who Civic Cen- Labor Day Dance If you want to sell it, advertise Jncaiil on ylttna flew here from Bella Bella to be he took over the firm's Job print- j father, the bride' wore a lovely SEE US FOR I 66"Piecc Dinner Sets Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE ing business and two years ago wedding dress of while satin 3'Jd out to E. F. Saunders. with lace yoke in fitted bodice, In December 1923 Mr. McRae: lily point sleeves, train made by was married to Miss Rose Wall, i the groom s motner and fingei- $19.50 For Outside Orders Phone 131 1 tip veil. She carried a bouquet AND UP tre, September 3. Women's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. Catholic Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. Lutheran Tea, October 13. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. L.O.B.A. Fall Bazaar, October 26. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. The Women of the Moose Fall Hoists, Ail-Steel Dump Bodies. Winches all sizes. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wnecls. Power Take-Offs. All Certified Operators for high pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225--1st E. Phone Green 84 present at the wedding. Assisting the couple in receiving were the mother of the bride in a wine begaline dress with grey accessories, and the mother of the groom, in rose crepe with grey accessories. The bride's "going-a way costume was of brown gabardine with white accessories. Both bride and groom, who will make their home on Ninth Avenue West, are employed by the Columbia Cellulose Co. The bride was born in Prince Rupert and received her education here. 32-Picce Breakfast' Sets $7.95 AND UP of red roses. Bridesmaids wore Muss Inga Korhonen and Miss Judith Nil-son, the latter the sister of tlie groom. They wore organdie, one pale blue and the other pink. The matron of honor. Mrs. Vera Blackstone. wore paie yellow taffeta. Each of the bridal attendants carried colonial bouquets of pastel shade carnations. r, ivturned overseas nurse of the Canadian Army Medclal Corps. Deceased was a past master and former secretary of Tyee Lodge, A.F & A.M., a former treasurer of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club and former secretary of Prince Rupert Rowing Si Yacht Club. He was also a lormer member of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. In politics he was an enthusiastic Liberal and by religion was a I resbyterian. docisS1?!)' JT TMK BHtI p Gn Bazaar, November 18. I i.o.u.e. rail Bazaar NovemDer ALL ENGLISH CHINA aTHERN B.C.'s LARGEST STOCK OF CHINA 22. St. Peters Full Bazaar, November 29. Earl Macleod was groomsman land Lester Yaremchuk and ! Charles Place were ushers. Following the ceremony, a re-i ception was held in the Sons of ' Norway Hall where, after con ORDON & ANDERSON You Can Shine in the Rain (will you BE0 1 BLOOD D0N0R?J Third Avenue gratulations and felicitations had been extended, dancing wa3 Craftsmanship In Type... let Us Solve Your Printing Problems rtlONE 234 NEW CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR WORK SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. ibb Printing Co. WATER tells the truth about... WHISKY BESNER BLOCK 215 1st Avenue West P.O. Bo 721 i ? eonard Refrigerators VACATION CARS - - One 1950 Ford' FORDOR One 1950 Ford PREFECT 1 1 j .? I ) ll 1 ) , I T 1 it Seagram's feature h Hie economy you've hoped for... 1 lic dependable, efficient service you've insisted on k The extra food storage you've needed! d hom $345.50 $599.50 UY THE BEST BUY LEONARD ! PRINCE RUPERT CLINIC. i Put Seagram' "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S and be SURE.. of the finest "83" One 1949 , PLYMOUTH A-l shape, ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. MONDAY, TI ESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Aug. 20, 21 and 22 Phone 451 or call at T. Norton Youngs Office for appointment Northern B.C. Power Co. DULL DAYS no longer mean dull clothes, according to a British rainwear stylist who has rerently shown his latest models In the leading U.S. cities. Pictured are two of them in a mixture of nylon and rayon claimed to retain its shower-proof qualities after dry cleaning. Left: A style for cocktails or evening in white, black-lined Satina. The beret is from the same fabric and the sleeves can be pushed up to elbow length. Right: Also in Satina, a gold coat with medieval sleeves nd pointed collar. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS L. r o rW'snrr Block Thonc 210 R,,P"t, B.C. Stewart. B.C. Prince Rupert, B C. rhi. advertisement is not published or displayed by liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. J