CANADIAN NATIONAL (Continued from page 2) Prince Rupert Doily Ne Friday, August n, i51 h : i '. .VV Li-Mr ! 1 ') I ' M " mm. I.'fcj J 'WW KiN 1 ! ' Tkl tut cfeA Z. days of the year, one is obliged to consult both the calendar and the timetable in his planning of leaving the city. And one cannot get out of Frederlcton, the capital city of New Brunswick, by a scheduled passenger train on Sunday. Ikrilltd S Pulp Mill Problems Ketchikan Council Would Prepare for Development KETCHIKAN. In an effort to prepare their city for early growth expected with the beginning of construction on Alaska's first piilp mill next year, the Ketchikan city council has re It M WALLACE'S M&dia Ul If a man goes into the CNR depot in St. John, N.B., and asks Lanza Bi DEPARTMENT; nuvuTA,j I 'Y" TlfT'V .. J W. J f . . TODAY and SATURDAY STORE p.m. - 9:10 p.m BOTE Remodeling A FAMOUS 5 Todoy and Sarurdav Evenings Showj 7 J for a ticket to Winnipeg, the i management routes that man east to Moncton, thence up around the north shore and southwest to Montreal and, since 'lifting the raiLs referred to, they will send him some 40 miles southwest to Coteau, thence start him northwest until he reaches a transcontinental line, and they will then shoot him they have travelled this man straight west to Winnipeg, but 244 miles extra in order to put him through the bottleneck on Isle Royal where if they had sent him up the St. John River to Fredericton, see Timetable 55, then to MacGevoney, see Timetable el, tnen straight ior Quebec City, see Timetable 58, then west to Winnipeg, see Timetables 7S and 79 and 177 and 20 of the CN folder, they would save haul- ' t ing this man for 244 extra miles, thus if this route was opened up by a daily train ply-f ing between St. John and Win Sale It's Colossal! It's Terrific! tllsof quested the Alaska Development Board to make a special study of problems which will face the city in connection with that development. The Ketchikan Pulp and Paper Co. has completed arrangements for the building of a 550-ton-per-day capacity mill at Ward's Cove eight miles north of Ketchikan. Under the terms of the company's contract with the Forest Service, construction mast begin by August of 1952. The population of Ketchikan is expected to increase by many thousands who will be directly or indirectly involved in this in-1 dustrial development. j The Alaska Development1 Board previously has published community surveys of North-! western Alaska, Sitka. Cordova j JL iirutiirnim it Now On At km Also I'ARTOOS .' Saturday Matint, j. 1 Wallaces, Of Course FAMILY RESEMBLANCE Adelb.'rt Smith. 54-year-old farmer, smiles proudly in the foreground after hearing that his wife has given birch to their 21st child, inset, lower lvft. Sixteen of the children are shown with Mr. Smith. Fr nt row, loft to right, are: Bill, 20; Jaines 6; Gordon, 11; Margaret, 9; Donna. 8; Jean, 4; Heln, 3; Raymond, 15; Edward, 15. Back row: Lloyd, 24: Goorge, 18; Russell, 23; Eileen, 16; Gerald. 19: Joyce, 14; and Leo, 21. Not present are Ralph, 22, and Donald, 12. Two others died in childhood. (CP PHOTOi and Fort Yukon, and has similar reports planned for Anchorage and Haines. AUCTION SALE Household Goods and Furnit RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR Hart Cut-off to Open in 1952 SHIPS and WATERFRONT JUNEAU. The so-called Hart cutoff, which will save Alaska Highway travellers 600 miles to CPR. s(eamr Prinrt'.ss No: ah and from Pacific coast cities, arrived in pun this morning witn will not he owned late this vear -120 passengers, 60 of which were nipeg, and name that train the "i'undy," well, we will let anybody iigure it out as to what it would mean to the country, towns and cities located on the route, and if Halifax can have three crack trains arriving in their city per day, the capital city and the seaport of N.B. are entitled to one such train per day. Just to show there is a bit cl a conundrum about this thing may 1 reter to a bit of .o.itsponuence with one Mr. McAvity then MP for St. John, when he said n a letter: "No one would think of going into tne station at St. John and buying a ticket for Winnipeg via the CNR, as they don't consider any passenger travel over the CN lines. If a man wanted to go from St. John to Edmunston by the CNR he would have to go to Moncton Defore he could start west to Edmunston." The CPR have four main train connections each way between St. John and Fredericton by changing trains at Fredericton Junction, see Table 14. while the (JNK has a direct line between Woodstock, Fredericton and St. John,-but the service is a mixed train out of St. John on Tues SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th, ot 2:15 M To be held in Smith's Warehouse (Oppoiilc Naval Drill Hall) Corner 1st Avr, & i, Consigned to us for immediate saigas follows: S-pr. C'heslerlii'ld Suite good rontlition 1 llei ( hisli-rfielU and matching chair Hollywood Bed (:'i-si.e) complete ( Double Bed (metal) complete Single BmI complete I.ihrary Table Dining Kiiiim Suite Buffet, Talile and S Chain Dinette Suite (new) Chrome with arhorite tahlt chairs, uplioMerrd in yellow leatherette Dinette Suite (excellent condition) Jarkniff Tk ' Windsor i hairs Connor Whinc Machine C Chests of Drawm ( .CM. Bicycle, with speedometer and new tirrv-(excellcnt condition) Coffee Table (like new) Walnut with glaw tna Chairs Occasional and Kitchen Chairs, also Rock as earlier announced. I l"lt':tl ls' af nf2u? tons ,.,, , of freight. 48 tons of which was The Alaska Development unloaded hen Passi-ngers dis-Board has received word from rmbcrklng at Pr.n;c Rupert E. C. Carson, minister of public v-re: Mrs. C. Foste - and child, works of British Columbia, that ; Mrs. F.-.tilkner and child. Miss J. , . Faulham, Mrs. H. Ointhfr, Miss because of constructional dlffi-E Oonoili Miss E Mrs. cultles brought .about by un-; E. Little, M-s. E A. Njrcrolf. and usually wet weather the John j Miss O. Norcrof f. Hart Highway between Prince I George and Dawson Creek, B.C., ! BURNETTS LONDON DRY GIN Because Burnett's is an EXTRA DRY (unsweet-ened) Gin, you can add or leave out sweetness, when mixing drinks, drinks, and and suit suit every every individual individual taste. taste. VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam August 3, 17 and 31 FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, August 10 and 24 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent will not be completed until early A Iwal notice to manners "1 4 Spin Dry Washing Machine Drevser with mirr in 1052. Earlier it had been ex-"""' I'cparimeni oi transport pected the road would open in j announces the red conical buoy September of 1951. I otf Tree Bluff (Chatham Sound i After this important cutoff is ! nas been replaced by a red ready, for travel, it will no longer j flashing buoy, be necessary for motorists bound i il l I ' Viking Comhinathm Radin-Fhonocraph, 1-lube. pi records Walnut Console model I Third Avenue Phone 568 j I Be Be a a wise wise host host- r"b, " I serve Burnett's. vj"w Knd Tables. Hull Tables, Kitchen Tables, Majaiiatd days, Thursdays and Saturdays for Fredericton, and out of Fredericton on Monday.s Wednesday and Fridays for Woodstock, and the same schedule I amps, Kitchen Stoves and Healers, Pictures, Tt Box Pets and Pans, Hair Dryer, lroninr Board. TnA Jars, etc., etc. TI'.KMS: CASH OK (iit:((l'KS to or from Alaska to travel as I lar east as Edmonton or drive! AltCT 8mn" adnlt of tne ever the 475 miles of low grade n"rtl1 ro"sl wi,n onc a(illlt a,ul Alberta provincial highway be- two (hlt"''r aboard, the 53-tween there and Dawson Creek. I foot Alll-Skan fishing boat Rover ; is being towed to Port Etches y,ttTu-r I ,u'ar Cordova by the Coast ' ' Guard cutter Storis. The Rover ' Notice ls hereby lven that on the has a broken tall shaft 12th !ny of Krptrinljcr m it tin- i ; Juilorinq Jor i Ladies and Gentlemen (Subject u. Change) FRIDAY P.M. 4:30 Sleepy lime Storlen 4:45- Stock Quot. & Int. 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5:30 Bill Good Sports 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album j:30-Now I Ask You 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Chamber Music 8:00 Here Clonics the Band 8:30 Vane Oliver Theatre 9:00 Symphony fi;r Strings s):30 Forgotten Books 9:45 American Drama iu.uo CbU New 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 CBC Symphonettc I 11:00 Weatner U:C8 Sign ntf j SATURDAY A.M. j 7:00-Musical Cloe.K I B:0U- CBC Neva ' 8:10 Here's Bill Good ! 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time fsignal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weauiei and Interlude 11:00 -Saturday Date U:30-Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 .iandlnavian Melodlei SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 BBC Bandstand 12:30- Folk Song Time 1:31- Lor.d n Studio Melodies 2:00 3 uidst'd 2:39 T-ans-Canada Baudst'd 3:00 -This Week Ralph Browne, assistant director of the Alaska Development Board with headquarters at Juneau, arrived in the city back from Woodstock to Fredericton and St. John, gee Table 55, CN folder. Thus the CP accepts the business forced on them. (To be concluded Saturday) Phone Blue 720 Phone Blue Thomas M. Christie I'm und! TulKtied tiiM'iicls to apply to tin-Liquor Control Board tor conwnt to i tlHnsJer of oi Beer Beer Licence Licence Number Number An Alaska fishing vessel, the Buna 11)95. issued In respect of prernlsei , Roberta. 64 fret long, was re- LING the tailor p. A The ! ""'-'y PumnPt' out anl Ilelmont Hot.1 ,tBW nt 725 and 77 ftlven Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert, i minor repairs, to Stand beillK rentier British I nrllar A H Cf described Coiumbm. coiumbm. upon the IkhcIs towvd to Pctersourg. Alaska -b; ."mM!? c,1,t-r Ci,ru' NEWS 220 Sixth St. Section Land FtrKistniil.iii District, ot th" I many details nave been Miss Lillian Fisher left on the bu ft W I Province of British Columbia, from 1 learned as to th ecaus of the iX'TZZl L a'1(lpnt ho..Kh It Is known her West ck-oreia Htreet. Vanciuver. ! "f-'m had been cmshed. and that Brittah Columbia, the transferee she became half full of water A D fftsi ,Uh lh,y ot AuKUSt' i and was beached at Gut Bay.' BELnupEHT hotel limited ' s,lc llad been chartered by the , BURNETT'S 17 j ZZ4fCV7 1 v nn:iJI",HTT"nna3nri j...J raonins visiting ner Drotner-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. i Bert Mousseau. She will travel ' to Prince Albert to resume her ! of the economic :i prices the w'dn variety the convenience ... of the Variety Store Come in and .see our summer stocks . . . things for all the family, as well as for the home. i2ii) new tngiand Fishing Company. nurse's training at Holy Fam ily Hospital. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. r . . . jr t "i ii Joe Scammell, son of A. E. Scammell, is a recent comer to Premier. Miss Betty MacAulay has left foi Prince Rupert to be bridesmaid for Miss Kay Thompson's wedding on August 24. LB. J. E. Bell, a director of Silbak-Premier mine, left on the after a week spent at Premier inspecting the property. MOTORISTS . . . on the Prince Rupert last eve- I 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan 1947 Hudson Sedan 1947 Austin 8 h p. Sedan 1950 Austin Countryman KEEP IT RIGHT Inside and Frank Peterson left for Van-1 couver to spend his holidays I visiting his parents, Mr. and ning from the north and will be here for the coming week. His mission is to study the impact of the Columbia Cellulose pulp mill project on this city in connection with a study of the effect that a similar mill may have on Ketchikan. "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 fur Ordi rs Mrs. O. Peterson. Come in today nnrj sec the stunning new PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE In the nKLVr'DKRK you may dijoy the breew of a Convertible or fhr- sniiR comfort (if a O'V TMK PLYMOUTH nEl.VEDKDE 13 TTIE flMARTEoT HARD TOP ON T11K ROAD Do you know that, the drprvclatlnn on Chrysl't cars is less than most other ninkes? C'lirrent I'sed Car prices prove this to b ( ID'.YSI.IR-BVH.T CARS ON DISPLAY AT- To Take Out , Commodore Cafe Sunday school and church was held on Friday and Saturday evening at the Premier school The services were conducted by Mr. Carlson from the mission boat Ambassador 3. XN I i Rupert Motors Limited A DRIVE UP AT Corner of Second Ave fc 1st St. Mac ConstrucW JUST ARRIVED ' MEK'S RsK Brogues and M Oxfords FROM ENGLAND fashion footwear Superior Auto Service LIMITED Studebakor and Austin Dealers Third Ave. at Park. Oreen 217 Company CHEAPO WILL DO YOUR JOB LABORI1 E Walter Nosh. 69 is leader of the Labor Party contesting New Zealand's general election in September. The e'ection was called after criticism of the handling of the waterfront strike by the National party government. The Labor platform includes subsidies on essential goods, effective price controls and tax concessions on company profits. (CP PHOTO) Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations mLJ9 mmk. Ii Estimates Gladly Given Black 660 Bluf Use Classified tor Results 1 mi u nm. omrw ml , telum ck. t:.Ba; uZ 1 1