Softball Playoffs Kboii Fine Art School Hartwig, coaching at TTie Dag. That t as on? of the hardest- 1 I Prince Rupert Doily iSV.73 , ' 5 ui- i)rj f riday, August 17, 1951 "V. j Starting Tonight i ! methiflff hit .balls all season which Corn-well sent screaming Into the jurist Inside first base lint. Running his utmost, the centre-fielder -manager had rtW.tir nf tm- tn ouin the Dtate. High in Rockies BANFF, Alta. - It's a revelation to talk of ait with Donald Hotel Men Score Win Oiimrai Ixfeat jmCm t Andnvra He 1 tra ki '......,, Mdnt Cameron, dirw-Vjr f the Banff Tonight, weather permitting, Hawk and Firemen will tt their soltball playoff series under way. The emi-rinals are to be best-of-three-games with the neeond aanie set for Monday night. If a third fame 1 nece-aary It will be played Wednesday night. think no and held him on third. And when Com well tried to mmtxa rtne Aits. He connects art wiili the papular meeds st the peupie, iioi. wim "lone rtal home on a bunt by Young, 1K A bitter, fighting, and rhu-ihe was picked off at the plat bath-lam ir.rf hiitn. ivvo kn w. mi Cameron sees the hunger The winner of this series will Tni.r ' TJ.tu "'t baseball diamond man Desautaier. to Oom- startlng next , vt Iriday v h AU night. iKht writ. fn -.,n. i,..rf..t.. hwt.iim or me people jar knowledge as the reason for the remarkable growth of the school, which some aupixjrlert believe may eventually become a Canadian innings despite darkness. But Jn their final try. th Hardware Gordon fc Anderson still could nitn WJth darkness and drizzle noi overcome a one-run lead itltllt.Hrflt.Ln4? Live bn.lL . . . - they nave awav on an error for .... ' V. onwi7 the Historic bulz- piayoii games will start half an hour earlier than beloYe, to ensure lots of liifht to complete them. P S -There were about 35 kids up at the wiener roast the Fun Club had today at McClymiMit Park. f J. h is - vy ; berg centre in Austria " " 1H1U L 1 MIOIl VU1 wvi a defeat by Commercials and lle Pases. But in oach e, i,ad oowhlng near the end of the th runnr, Dunbar and Bob-gam? lost their biggest chance .i, wppe picked at seexmd i to Ut the i trying to steal. Th y figure oc,h an eminenoe may take tls to 15 years to achieve, tout they're working on W and in the meantime they Scorini! ended 2-1 for the ; Wtivle ilJe H.m wa the wnrttt if . j$fT"'9i u x 5 t' z- c?- 654 L!f-' : . --ut vr 1 - -t " I ; Boxing Club ; Hotelmen. show yet as far as sporewnanship u apir5iate U the long-hair ! Several times the Hardware' ooncemed, it had a lot tit P8 P "P somewhere In-.jn loaded tlte bases tout ntt'hrtlhT lor tle small erowd , attiempts to steal or deaptvate j during tbe driaely vvoning. Rob-: In other words, petile attend-ilwaderg for Ue home plate wer ! Mmon pitched a steady gam aiid tag tile ai,h fcummer session of 'pirked off in the nick of held the Commwoials down to the Banff School oi Fine Arts are j time. And each time a O it A I hly four hits, while tobacco- the same types that may sit Active Again Joe Ward, trainer of Prince runner was put away, Umpire 'hewing, erratic Zaccarelli ave around your room of an evening Rupert's Boxing Club is back In A!' Bi" hC a man-size argu- j " ve hits, and aeiit eight men and discuss things simply be-the city after a moiith's relief Mit with the iosws who lam- o rati. cause they e.n)oy food for thought job at Prince Oeorge RCMP ra- , potmed, sneered and yelled down s VH-I41T r i n-v ' and K00"1 fellowship. dio station. And Joe didn't waste practically every decision w hich j Commercial's liesaulnier lrove '' And Mr- Cameron, who directs . any time in getting "tils boys" j wasn't in 1heir favor. out a liner for a sliding trijjle. for the extension department of the' i '. 1. . ,. 21-picce Breakfaiit 1 uaca hru jiiupe uuer ineir lion- mun runs runs for lor the the winners. winners, his second hit of the season uuhbmijt m aintna, ijiui uum Sets CHAN AND fMM j WTN AN lTA WIOC ' Of (ATM IMOOfH . ' ; umM www cote KISS Seventeen-year-old Xtariene Stewart of day. however, were given to them on Last night the training room a silver platter. Bill Robinson, at the Civic Centre was aualn eumpirig rikhthaniler for Q & A. echoing to grunts and puffs as Lmpire Alex Bill warned Gordon lne Ban" school, is a son or tne & Anderson players twice to put 1 flum-ln Ln' days wh,in tne frm them out of the amt-and the nome Parlor was a community umpire threatened one to call gathering plat i. "Bali" when Commercials took Tolay he engages the contin-time out Joe Davis, out fishing ent's leaders in various fields most of the season, is back with lor the summer school staff, but f onthill. -Ont., kisses her putter after tooling out on the final green at Laval-sur-ls-Lac, Que., to win the Canadian Ladies' Open golf championship. She defeated former champion Grace Lenczyk ot Hartford, Conn., one up in the final match, to be the first Canadian to take the title since the Second World War. The Closed championship she won the previous week made Marlenc the lirst double winner since 1933. when Toronto's Ada turned the trick. (CP PHOTO I 32 -Piece Breakfast fO 05 Sets QJO 21 -Piece Bone (4 ( 05 China Tea Sets A3''' Dinner Sets, from $(19 Q5 fO C6 pieces at ... i i (Including beautiful. Wedge-wood and Couldon King's Plate) Pi luce Rupert li.stlc enthusiasts went back Into training. "We still hear a lot of good talk about the last bout (at the exhibition! we put on here," ,says Joe, who is looking forwarj to the next card. Boxing in j Prince Rupert once had a "bad playing with the team for the second time this season, walked in the first run with bases loaded In the second Inning. Second run came In the sixth inning, following two errors on Shortstop Sunbeig and an error on Hartwig, first baseman, which allowed oe Davis, pinch hitting lor TIawryluck, to score. "21ic" Znccarelli side-armed his way through nine complete Commercials again and got a big shock last night when a double he thought he hit turned out to be a toul along tlrst base llr. . . . then he struck out. his own education stems from a one-room country 6thool at In-nisia'.l, Alta. EXPERIENCED TEACHER While studying for his Master's degree in agricultural ec-on-om'cs at the University of Alberta he saw possibilities of adult education. So in 1930 he entered the education field with appointment to the University's extension ser I be changed to something simp-j lei. We're Intelligent and know I what an optimist is, but how I many of those moron wholl see ( Hie picture will know he's an eye ; mcivials B. Simundsiin I-cwis 3b AB R 0 .2 0 .1 SPECIAL F.ntltsh Bone China C'IPS AND SAUCERS at name,' Joe said once, "but I want to see It gets set straight." Trainer Joe is welcoming all new entries to the club "if they're serious about amateur boxing." Smiles 'n Chuckles Innings with 11 strike-outs. He Desaulnler, lb 4 0 got mud in the fourth lniiinn Wlndle. 2b 3 0 doctor? Joe doesn't think amateurs . when Catcher Herb Morgan" al-1 Morgan, c 4 0 miouiu go proiessionai unless, lowed a strike-out Darrel Youiie Ounn. cf 3 PHOTO ! Promoter: "There are two sides of course, they're really very i t0 sU,al first, and from then on. i Linnev. If t vice. In 1933 he studied adult 'to every question.' good and have hit the top In it seemed as though his pitches iHawryluk, rf Ethel: 'Whenever I am in the dumps I rt rnyseif a new hat." Marjonie 1 sweetly : "I was wondering where you get them, liearie." M WALL'S education in Europe on a Carne-j prospect: "Yes, and there are 69c and 97c Pl'NCHBOWL SETS 7-95 , MANSON'S China Shop were Jet-propelled. I Davis Ifli rf But there was one man who hit ; Zacrarefli, p 0 pie Dcnoiarsmp. in iwo ne wusitwo sides to a sheet Of fly paper named director of the extension j .v,ut jt makes a lot of difference service and also or tne Bann to thP fly which side he investi-school, with which he has been I BatPS FINISHING'INO. PRINTINO EN1.AR0IN0 XPOiil'RF. METERS amateur fighting. And if that's the kind of lile the boys are sure lhey want." About 'Prince George, Joe says the city is growing rapidly und there Is a lot of t-ilk about building more beer parlors and more cafes. "It's a hard-drink-I ing town," lie says, and thinks ; Prince Rupert plays "second fiddle" to It now In that respect. No matter how old you are, yoi'ie stHl yosnf when yoa can sleep without dreaming, and dream without sleeping. every time at bat. Stan Cornwell, C & A s manager who is tops on the batting list this season, hit thive for three and brought in the only run. butted in by a Marshall's double. And in the eighth inning. Cornwell had the game tied up with a running homer but was held on third by Totals .29 (jortiun Ik, Andr. AB Ford, 2b 3 Hartwig, lb 3 Sunbeig, 2b 2 Cornwell, c.f ....3 Scherk, 3b 4 Young, c 4 When giv'ng the baby a bath, a thermometer Is unneces?ary. If UMATF.UR supplies the baby turns red, the water is t Greer 136 Sox 478 too hot: If the baby turns blue associated in an administrative capacity for 18 years. When the Banff school was I started in 1933 on a Carnegie ; grant to the University of Alberta to encourage fine arts, they f g-ured 40 would show up. But the attendance was 130 to study the elements of stage production and acting. the water is too cold; If the baby turns white, you will, know he needed the bath. Marshall, If 3 Dunbar, rf 2 Robinson, p 2 NEXT TIME YOU ENTERTAIN SERVE t husband went out with the i' Lacking dining room and dor- Totals .28 1 5 school boys one Illgnt' and bpfore ne j Winninir uitcher y.nrenrplli mitory facilities, the anzeu n me next uuy nau aireauy i dawned. He hesitated to call his ! yielded fiv hits, seven walks on laed out the students all over balls hit. two hat.nru anri at ruck I town. The classes were held In ,1 wo co0s Coramlitm E.1 out 11. Losing pitcher ISnn th id Dr. Brett threatre, where I ut ItaaU hit upofi an idea. of the beams " ack, he shouted into the vlksn little shoring was ; Let Us Help You do a Swell Paint Job Rave up four hits, four phone. "Dont pay the ransom!" balls, one hit batter and stnielt 1 necessary on more than one occasion I ( I i CANADIAN WHISKY out five. Three base hits: Des-aulnier and Cornwell; two base hits: Marshall; double plays Zaccarelli unassisted to Lewis on third; in the third inning; Zaccarelli to Desnaulner on first, to Morgan at the plate. "What's the matter- with Smith? He looks sad." "Hi's just been contesting his wif.'s will " "Oh. I didn't know she was dead." "That's just it. She LsnV 13 ! f From that poor-cousin beginning, the school has grown to an average session enrollment of 600. It draws students from most of Canada, the United States, and even Norway, Hawaii, Mexico and Alaska. . WELL-EQIIPPED At one time it had 82 different fry one with PUICK You and your pilots will ujty the dtntimtive, differ-eiit fldvuur of Curnnalion . . . a fine Canadian W hisky of mellow suiuolhnrst! Of all the' manifestations of power, restraint impresses men i most. i Prairies Need Sunshine but GOOD t 1 Iks want a really d loikinR room, easily f. . . Ilnre's nothing atistyiiifi a.s B-H buildings under summer contract j In the town of Banff. Today, I having developed into a major! continuation centre of the uni- versity, it owns three beautiful ; chalets, has 10 cabins and an- j other building on Ions-term ! A Hollywood orodu?er received ?. story entitled "The Optimist." j He called his staff together and i raid: "Gentlemen, this title must WINNIPEG. During the past week weather has been much cooler throughout the prairie provinces and good rains have been fairly general, according to 600DERHAM I WORTS LTD, Eittblltttil 1112 Cuatfa't Oldest Dlstitliry tesconette frcm the extension department. It ledger is a museum piece amone fine art schools. The . leases. j j By these it accommodates 300! , lor sleeping. For classes, it has ; a co-operative arrangement for j I ure of town schools and receives . co-operation of the federal ! i parks department. . I With its 'short courses and j meetings there were 28 of them ' coat does It. Covers paper or kalsomlne OtslilM and botlM hi bond bf S11C 000 and its revenue totalled ' W.500. - v. the weekly crop report of the department of agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. Heaviest precipitation was in the Red River valley where 2'2 inches were recorded. All harvesting operations which have and It's Although the school has grown ' quickly hble. i ' - Cwkfvllh. O this year the school actually j This advertisement is pul ilishnl or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the tiovermnent of British Columbia. I commenced in southern Manl- toba will be delayed for about ;a week due to the recent wet from drama to the other arts, the policy is stil lthe same. Mr. Cameron says it Is to Invite as guest instructors leading artists o fthe world to develop a richer Canadian culture in the friendly atmosphere of the Canadian ' west. op .'rates nine months of the year, drawing 3,000 persons to Banff. The school eventually Will operate all year round. The school is financed by private funds, and a $2,500 grant S3 weather. The immediate requirement is warm sunny weather to hasten maturity of crops in the most JiCfiMtflt We hnve ill palntliif; supplies . " 1 - J I 11 1 northern areas and throughout! Alberta. IN OKANAGAN In the Okanag&n, weather continued hot and dry. Peaches are now moving in (all volume and the plum movement is about finished. Bartlett pear re commencing to move and are a little smaller in size than usual. Prunes will mave from the south end jf the valley tn about two weeks and from northern sections by the end of the month. i The vegetable aiovewent is continuing in fair volume. This advertisement is not published r displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Cultunbia. SI, I'lKine 311 Auction Sale Sat, Aug. 18th, 2 p.m. 206 6th Street (Mrs. Moore's) NEW LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR NEW RADIO ELECTRIC RANGETTE -. SUNDRY ARTICLES Open for inspection from FRIDAY 11 a.m. J. H. AAAIR T a WMBING Fire King Oven-Ware mirror finish easy to clean and HEATING PIE PLATES MEASURING CUPS MEASURING PJTCHERS BAKE PANS CUSTARD CUPS UTILITY PANS t - i GLASGOW, Scotland H Men ! and women of many nationali-!ttes are learning the fine points j ol hotel operation at a mansion ! on the outskirts of Glasgow. The (two-year course is followed by AUCTIONEER tl93p) Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Fhe Relinhlo KEEN-EYED MISS Doreen Quee of Calgary, 17, stole the show at the small-bore competition at Connaught Ranges, near Ottawa, shooting 199 out of a possible 200. (CP PHOTO) practical training in approved hotels. For the MEAL that REFRESHES - v. j i 14 Prompt Service You Know PHONE Rplairs and Alteration. JOHN H. FINEST OF COOKING RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormes ALL MAGAZINES and ' PERIODICALS TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Btock Always Moving and Fresh BULGER Of itm A riii BEST OF FOOD ith&ElkinsLtd. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Carti&ce and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. , LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Park Avenue Est .910. Phones 60 and 68 Uhn 6ulgr Ltd. Third AvenM FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE tM BROADWAY CAFE "EOK(if DAWES AUCTIONEER liiJIli"d Bed AUquCMMi V kWlwocnt b not publlth or dltplvd by UW 127