Cia pion a G. H. Arnold Investors, Attention ! « We have for sale a Double Corner in the heart of the business district, $.W. corner of Second Avenue and Fifth Street, Lots 9 and 10, Block 22, Section 1, at the remarkably low price of $4000.00 H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds - Notary Public Insurance } Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds ih wood or steel. boats can te docked together on one small making fees light. Large stock of repair materisls is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in fron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Several section, Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. ee Section 6, $600.00. cash. House and lot tith Ave., near Cold Storage plant and drydock, 5 rooms, with out- NOTICE There will be a full practice of! houses, elc., $1,600, terms, the Prince Rupert Symphony Or- $600; balance, $250 every chestra in the Presbyterian Hall six months @ 7%. on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock sharp. All members are request- ed specially lo be present. A gen eral business meeting will be hek prior to the commencement of practice, 228 M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE By order, HOWARD WHITE, secretary OAVE YOUR olGHT YESIGHT—-The most valuable of You've read about ChittiConCarne The favorite Mexican dish ail the senses—is the most ° neglected and the least understood. eee Many suffer from ills, which, upon - . examination, can be traced directly Try it Tonight to defective eyesight. at the HE removal of the cause will often restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health CHILLI PARLOUR When glasses are properly preserib 835 S i Ave ed, they restore the vision to nor mal and eliminate all eye strain. may shop Anywhere But all Fred Joudry Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office **The Influenza Epidemic’ He or she likes. the same it sometimes makes a difference where From QOct,, 1918, to May you #0, 1919, the Dominion Aecident We have thought and and Sickness Co. paid $58,- 907.47 in claims resulting from Influenza, Pleurisy and Pneumonia. worked to accurately sup- ply your wants at every point of the jewelry busi hess. From collar buttons to diamonds we strive Ww make our store perfect, This is our invitation to you to see it. We do not ask that you buy anything. You'll find pleasure in just seeing; and we in showing JOHN BULGER These figures should carry conviction, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Jeweler Agents ‘The Store of Worth sad Phone 114 2 3rd Avenue Beauty. fnsurance Real Kstate Rentals, | oe “SCHEER EH ERED ? Prince Rupert Exhibition. 4 tep ens * The Annual Meeting of ¥* o e * the Northern B. ©. Agri- #* Notary Public Fiaancial Agent * cultural and Industrial As- * __— — — * sociation will be held in ¥* The following exclusive * the Council Chamber at 8 * listings are excellent buys: * o'clock on Tuesday even- * 5-roomed house, with bath, i* ing, the 30th inst. A full * pantry, etc., Section 6, eight | attendance is desired, es- * minutes from post office, | x pecially of the business * $2,150, terms $650 cash, * men of the city. . balance arranged. * G. A. HUNTER, Secy. #4 One choice lot Sixth Ave. * COMBINATION SPECIAL 10 Cans of Pacific Milk and One Pound of High Grade Tea in bulk $1.50 ————$—— huper Table Supply Go. PHONES 211, 212 INOUYE COMMITTED FOR TRIAL TODAY J. Inouye, the Japanese accused of stealing thousand dollars in cash from a fellow boarder, Nishihara, at the Muchida Fraser Street, appeared for his preliminary hearing before Magistrate Me- Mordie this morning in the city police court and was committed for trial. Three witnesses, Chie! Vickers, Nishihara and Muchida, were heard, all testifying against the accused. Another Japanese by the name of Enoe acted as in- terpreter. over one and checks Dring your shoe repairs to th Family Shoe Store. tf B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. o Synopsisef Land Act Amendments Sere res, wera Pre-emption now confined te sur- veyed lands only. Records will be granted covering only land suitable f cul and which i; see-tieber teak — — pre-emptions abolished, but poe ¢ not mere than four may with Joint residence, but each making necessary improvements on respective Ss must occupy claims for five years and make improvements to value of $10 per acta, including clear- ing and cultivation at least 5 acres, before receiving Crown Grant. Where pre-emptor in occupation not less than 8 years, and has made pro- peovienane Magrocemnes he may, be- cause of ill-health, or other cause, be granted intermediate certificate of im- provement and transfer his claim. Records without permanent resi- dence may be issued, provided - Cant inakes improvements to extent of per annum and records same each year. Failure to make improv or record same will o te as for- feiture. Title cannot obtain in less 6 years, and improvements of $10.00 per acre, including 5 acres cleared and cultivated, and residence of Fas least 2 years are tired. e-emptor holding wn it may record another pre-emption, Wf he requires land in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, vided statutory improvements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land. Unsurveyed areas, not ex 20 acres, may be leased as hom: 3 title to be obtained after fulfill - dential and improvement condi For grazi one eel areas acres be leased vA one person or — Mill, factory or ind en timber land not ex: may be purchased; conditions inniohe pa meont of Saeee. ty daisaa cate any, be Pursnaned conditio: upon constructio to them. Rebate of one-half of coms aa purchase road, not exceeding half price, is made se = Ss PRE-EMPTORS’ Free Act. RAS The scope of this include ai” Pat io enlarged to peveees jo! ing with His Majesty's . time within which the heirs or de &@ deceased pre-emptor may a@ for title under this Ket is exte: from for one year from the death of such reson, as formerly, until one yeas ony ne ocgeumen of the present 5 rivilege is also made - toppotive. P * - © fees relating to pre-empti: due or payable Sy soldiers on gee. emptions recorded after June 26, {918 Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of mone; 8 ac- crued, due and been paid since ugust 4, 1914, on “account of Payments, fees or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions, Interest on agreements to purchase town 7 city lots held by members of Allied Forces, or dependents, acquired direct or indirect, remitted from en- listment to March 24, 1920, SUB-PURCWASERS OF . LANDS. Cnpane Provision made for juan Crown grants to oub-pureane of Crown Lands, acquiring rights from purchasers who failed to complete purchase, involving forfeiture, on ful- ; fillment of conditions of purchase in- terest and taxes. Where sub- urchas- ers clo not claim whole of original par- eel, purchase price due and taxes may be distributed proportionately over whole area. Applicati made by May 1, 1920. — = GRAZING. Grazing Act, 1919, for development of livestock inductee nite vides for grazing districts and range administration under Commissioner Annual grazing permits issued 1 on numbers ranged; priority for eg Mehed owuvners, Stock-owners may foria Associations for range ment. Free, or partially free for settlers, campers trave co<=2-66. UU “” ¢* @ ge Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Tripe round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES THE BAILY NEWS ee ee eee ee ome ® Local News Notes xx~-_~ Phone 67 for Taxi. 2bi 7 > 2 Wanted, porter, Hotel Central. * * . 1. G, Steen was a passenger on the eastbound train yesterday. . . . Geo, Hills shoe repairing 1s eliable, The Family Shoe Store. * + 7 }, L. Pearson arrived from Massett yesterday on the Prince Albert. . . * Gramophone needles—ten cents a hundred. Singer Shop, 144 3rd Avenue, 252 . . . Miss N. Levy of the Prince Ru- pert Hospital arrived home on the Saturday after a_ three vacation. . . . W. H. Burritt was given per- mission by the City Council last night to construct a septic tank at his house on Ninth Avenue. . > * Mayor McClymont reported last night that the Duke of Devonshire Had presented to the city a por trait of himself and the Duchess. boat weeks’ The postponed meeting of thi Trades and Labor Couneil will take place Tuesday evening in the Carpenters Hall at 8 o'etock. Delewates are réiminded. 22 . . . Frank Bolton, of the Naas rivet was fined $100 by Indian Agent Perry yesterday afternoon. He was found guilty of havin “moonshine” whisky in his pos session. . . . Regular meeting of the Carpen- Union will be held on Wed nesday at 8 e'clock. Al members are particularly r quested to attend, Important ters evening business. 221 . . . St. Andrew's Society will hold a social evening in their club Thursday evening it of some of their members recently returned from overseas. All members and their wives are cordially invited. 229 . . . The report of the fire chiet showed that there were no fires it he city during the month of July nd that the expenses of the de- partment for that period amount 1 to $985.99. The report was presented to the City Couneil al their meeting last night. . >. > A wedding of some local inter est took place in Vancouver on September 19, when Margaret Dorothy, daughter of Mrs. Mar garet M. Smith of Vancouver, was married to Lambert H. Kenney o! Usk. Mr. Kenney is interested ir the sawmill business at Usk, B , and he and his bride will re- side there. rooms on honot . . . J. M. Collison, brother of W. E. Collison of this city, representing the Dominion Government, anc Inspector Hickman left on the Camosun yesterday morning on their way to Meziaden Lake and the upper tributaries of the Naas River. They are on a tour of in- spection of fishing conditions in the Naas River system and wil vrobably be in that country for a period of some weeks. WATER MAIN BEING LAID TO PACIFIC SEA PRODUCTS SHED The Utilities Committee report- ed to the City Council at the meeting last night, that a water main was being laid to the whart recently taken over by the Pacific Sea Products near Seal Cove. Before doing so, however, they were guaranteed an income from the company of at least $20 a month in water rates, that being the amount considered necessary to pay the ‘interest and sinking fund on the outlay. These are ‘he conditions usually | exacted from anyone wishing water mains laid for a special purpose. The laying of the water main will enable the concern to com- rence business at the warehouse almost immediately, We do good shoe repairing.— The Family Shoe Store. tf Spirella Black 257. Corsetiere, Pheme —+— Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf _—- aul eee ve eceeeeeweaeeeee * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * eee eee er eee Ome OST-—Wateh, between Frizzell's Market and La Casse Bakery. Finder please -return to the bakery and receive reward, 30 7 - te — For Outdoor Work in all Weather We recommend the shoe here descrj} Mace from bed. It is » boxed te real chrome tanned hides, has ieathe; counters double leather soles right through to the heels, a bit of fibre in its whole and hag , makeup \