End Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, July 28, 1951 Mankinds Predicted By CYNTHIA LOWRY fill Comfortable Smart SPORT SHIRTS for Summer BARRET ASPHALT . Il l 'j . 1 fT s, 2 r7- V Ov vw SHINGLES For detailed Information, phone )ert & McCaffery Ltd. ! NEW YORK (AP) Wild animals, Bays famed naturalist-fainter Charles E. Knight, will have disappeared from the earth 'completely In another 100 years. Man himself may not survive another 1,000.000 years." These are the considered opin- ions of a man who has spent a j lifetime studying and drawing j wild life and prehistoric fossils, j The 77-year-old artist explained the basis for his beliefs: i "Man, the builder, Is also the great destroyer of all time. He's the boss killer, and when he appears the animals and trees isoon disappear." j He goes to Florida, drains the j Everglades and destroys the ' food and shelter of birds. The birds go elsewhere and men Enjoys Alaska Trip as Prize Enjoying reward for her skill In winning a Vancouver contest, Mrs. A. B. Quale, of Vancouver and Mr. Quale, a B.C. Electric worker, will be here on Canadian National's palatial S3 Prince George tomorrow morning on Its fifth summer cruise to Skagway, Alaska, this season. When they boarded the Prince George at Vancouver last night, the Quaylcs were welcomed by the ship's master. Captain E .B. Caldwell. Later, they were given a rousing send-off from the farewell gallery by relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Quale, with all expanses paid, will also enjoy a rail trip from Skagway Into the Yukon, as far as Whltehorse, for Mrs Qayle's writing, within 25 words, why she would like to go to Alaska on a luxury cruise aboard the SS Prince George. Her husband did not know she had entered the contest until she surprised him with the great news that they were going to Alaska on this year's vacation. The lucky couple are not lonely during their ten-day trip. The popular ship is again loaded to capacity with 250 vacationists hailing from many parts of the North American continent. 117 116 58 , ARKOW Fine Gabard'nes and Spun Rayons FORSYTHE . ..Rayon Checks and "Doe-Gab" Material ARTVOG1E ... California Gabs, and Tic-Cord Nylon BARONET ...... Rayon Gabs, with Dome Fastener Buttons THESE SHIRTS ARE WASHABLE Mcrff. 5-95 -$11-25 WATTS & NICKER SON or Ind City Builders Supplies Blue 820 a bca n QRMES d PERSONAL t ii ii mm .. f shoot them for their plumes or just for sport. Stockmen look at the woods and want to put their herds In them. Lumbermen Iook at the trees and want to cut them. Then the land becomes eroded, between the grazing animals and the lack of treed, and man's source of food and water disappears in the ocean. Knight, a calm, good-natured man, remarked casually It is fortunate for Americans that our nation was not discovered by Europeans a thousand years or even 500 years earlier than It was. "If it had been, the country would be completely decimated by now. The soil would have been ruined, the animals killed off and the country fished out. Man Just can't seem to stand : old sold. Bulncr'v Casey rvminra 10 RELIEF FOR A HOT DOG With a leg In a cast, "Mickey" found it hard to seek out a cool spot in downtown Vancouver. So his master, Ira Jones, laid his bed in the refrigerator. "Paddy," a pal, begs to Join him. . (cp PHOTO I icrday aboard the rif inilowing two months" The Pioneer Druggists Long Trains Coming Here Vmrouver for hospital igi ir Ins eyes. hotel arrivals nit joining the work Annunciation School Reg O. Folkes of the Toronto Type Foundry, Vancouver, was a visitor to local printing establishments yesterday In the course of a northern business trip by car. He had been at Prince George, Burns Lake, Smithers and Terrace on the way here and left this morning on his returA south. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and child aie leaving tomorrow morning for Lake Kathlyn where they will spend a vacation. Aid. H. M. Daggett left on today's plane for Vancouver en- .St:? Many hands neea- Indicative of the constantly increasing passenger traffic fllnnff thf line nf t.hp PnnnHInn (Prince Rupert) R. F. Woolard, J. W. Dee, W. A. PHONE 81 iJj:isullation job. (176cl National Railways throueh the ! Strojan, A. M. Morgan, K. West- i iron and Mrs. J. P. seeing anything alive." He take! la more detached and central Interior to Prince Rupert, brook, N. V. Waddell, W. C. Minneapolis are vlslt- SEE I S FOR . Hoists, All-Steel Dump Bodies, Winches all sizes. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Offs. All Certified Operators for high pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22i-lstE. Phone Green Ml scientific view of the probab'eone 01 me Jonesl trains in years Mosner, o. Nowell, J. G. Gould, I extinction of the human species. I Fame " ,on Tnursday nl8ht. It! w. Traeger, Mrs. A. MacQulstan,! II y as the guests of -,. A Ivarson at the intents. "Other well-equipped animals Plastic Curtains ..u uiuii cumiim uiuuuiuis : a. P. Chapman, D. McHardy C five sleepers. Of course, all five j r. Elsey and W. N. Stanley, Van-were not still fllhed when they , C0Uver: E. M. Oaklvy, Victoria-! reached Prince Rupert as people Mr. and Mrs. E. Pilska. M Pilska : have gone, due to changes of climate and changes of food," he explained. "We have come across places where hundreds of e Fciry running route to his old home near St. iy and Thursday, Andrew p. New Brunswick, for a mitting Green 3U1 1 visit. Mrs. Daggett Is already had left the train at the busy j and B Zatskrie, Prince George;! ttf there and they will be Joined fossil animals obviously perish- twn along the line. Among 1 a. Edelhom, Pioneer; Miss b'. later by their son. Dr. H. M. Dag- ! those coming through to Prince , Shalman. Montreal; Mr. and Mrs! ed together. Besides, any ani mm nup-eri were lorty wurisis wno j'i. Slater Port Rriorrt- ., mal has a tendency to degener-1 t McCarthy relurn-iterday on the Co- geu ol the University of British Columbia. i Vh ioila where she , ADVERTISE ate in confinement. Just look p. t caught the steamer Prince Rupert ; and Mrs. J. Pitman, Prince Ru-our dogs. They can't compete &nd went on to Vancouver. I pert; Mr. and Mrs Goldrop with a wolf. Man Is like that, When the train left Jasper it Queen Charlotte City pal:rnt In Royal j lital for the past Drapes Yard Goods COLORFUL KITCHEN COTTAGE SETS . . . Dutch Boy and Floral patterns with valance iuu. me average civuizea man i tciuct:ii uuauiirs. n cuupie today couldn't compete with the of them were cut off at Prince old Indian In withstanding the I George. vicissitudes of life." Passenger trains In and out of The Brooklyn-born a r t is t,j Prince Rupert all carry two whose work is hung In the great j slcapers now and, on several natural history museums of the ! occasions lately, there has been country and who is recognized 1 a third. Mean Head Due Sunday Arriving in City Tomrrow Evening on Way to Kitlmat t. ho is now living Avenue East with Bruce Wilson, ron- 'n be up and about keeps in touch with ii enjoyment of fre- as the top man in his specialize d DRAPES TO CHARM YOUR WINDOWS. See field, has never hunted in his! Easy to Clean 1 life. Keep Logs President R. E. Powell of the Most of his work has been in Aluminum f'n nf PunoHa ortri ! . tiL00fr7ou ca" "" th? party, are. spendi.- today Look C( v GORDON & ANDERSON mals from a closer range" and an S,ni" Vanclerhoof in the course of a chain In Alaska Jwnir , ,.veur in museums where he has been) able to reconstruct with his $luanlt Third Avenue winning ' . trip through the central Interior, will be at Terrace tomorrow and are due to arrive In Prince Rupert tomorrow evening. Monday they will board the steam ijchool paint brush animals extinct for JUNEAU The Alaska Di-vel-thousands of years. , opment Board, meeting at Jun- He calls this work "putting ) eau renewod its support of the Skin On" fossils. Many times hl Snrt Spruico nnltrv nf nrnhthlt.. nam . ..untr cllhtnt -1 coupon of Annunciation for a "new look," ....,t U TI' rt.n ',ih has dreamed up wild and liter- i ln Plmnr, nf nin ioir, frnm t.he Is ! 1 yacht Lenore to proceed down the coast .visiting Kitlmat and ally woolly animals on the basis Territory At least primary application of Insu- "TP.tZZ&T'' S I brl, Kemano Bay on their way w, - ..... ..., ii.ci, w.c,. manuiacturing of this natural Vancouver. h-Ad hLi rnnrpnlinn nf how t.h I - . nun by contractors but iisulatlun is all done ipert Catholics on a The party Is travelling on two "."Z i" verified h. later I reSOUrCe' 1 C" lX"J. t oiotMnr - ,ri,ilh special car, in which they start- d,scovcries of additional bones. , ftf5. " " " " " a. ire try he SIS. ea irom wionireai on l uesaav. vi..u. u . w , . , , - miiKiiv Mrs tiiai, uitiiuuKH ic- t throe weeks, says i p.arlv this morninir ths ears were . , ii. , ..v. r JJltayner. O.M I., work , detached from the regular train hirii, f h.i, or,. a C, which l "".'""'., , Irililfc C 4 Tmt HM t THE STNQCB HT. OO. J IncrMW hint ;ixsvmbled at nights iy Inl aalion on the ceil-.(1 btfceen the walls of the in 4 attempt to thwart Rent a SINGER Sewing Machine ittt. sooq. o-d at Prince George and a special i.ouo.OOO years ago, scientists train formed there. They ar- have never found anything rived at Vandcrhoof at 8:35 this -very old'' in this country, morning and are south of there j "Very old" in Knight's calcn-today visiting the Ncrhako dam (jar means about 250,000 years. it.t T.fQvtn0 Vanitprhiinf at A ifn, nii 11,. mnn u.l nian commercial quality, should take place in Alaska, the Development Board declared. (There had been a move to market southeastern Alaska spruce and hemlock at British Columbia ptilp mills. The Board supported construction of the proposed Copper River hlg'hway, Juneau-Atlin road and Fairbanks-Nome road. It urged that the Junv?au-Kaines-Skagway car ferry be inter hlch coal hill by the, month for use in your own home t No extra charge for delivery a4 pick-up of machine. -J , 1 SINGER SEWING CENTER r """" .' a - . ... - m ic4 aii, nic man iioa cabcii ; . o'clock this evening, they are due marrow from woolly mammoth 1 ituu i'in i n Is ENQIIRE av luinic ctt. w v.'. n vutiiu, un UUIIC. A1IC JVlUU-JiCai "UIU lliaill- ni"rnlng. Sunday will be spent moth was discovered, preserve 639 3rd Avenue (I W A. Bazaar, Au at Laklse Lake as the guests of in ice, several years ago nt Community he recalls continued for next year as a Hon. and Mrs. E. T. Kenney and "It was horrible, l . . I 1 I I necessary iaciiuy lo unit soum-eastern Alaska and the Interior. Coordinating Tea, pup PAPm INDUSTRY y . 11 Bazaar, October International approval of the Ketchikan-Prince Rupert air i service was called for. ! I " : t . . ' " puKiar. October 20. MaaiaBBM ill Bazaar, Octo-ir. November 2. i k.ih U. a H Ml t f v. 3E r the Terrace and District Board "and tasted like rancid grease, of Trade. The special train is Meat will keep all right indefi-scheduled to move on from Ter- nltely in Ice, but it degenerates race at 3 p m. Sunday and reach very rapidly once released. A hero at 7 p.m standard 18 p.m. i lew years back a bunch of Rus-daylightl time Sunday. The party slon scientists tried to eat some will transfer from the train for mammoth meat thousands of their yacht at 9 o'clock Monday i years old, and they all got morn'ng. . ! deathly sick." Mr. Powell has been Invited to j The major value of th rieep-meet the council of the Prince freeze mammoth, he said, was Rup.-rt Chamber of Commerce , not culinary, but established while here, a luncheon having ' that they were covered with red been suggested I hair. filiary Bazaar, No- for NEW CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR WORK Bazaar November Tall Bazaar, No- Pew t T.. Salt Lake Ferry Leaves Cow Bay Float THURSDAY 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. SUNDAY Continuous from 10:30 a.m. Weather permitting See the GAINADAY CONVERTIBLE WASHER 350.95 WASHES DISHES . . ..WASHES CLOTHES SEE THIS REMARKABLE WASHER AT Northern B.C. Power Co. Besner Block Phone 219 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. .a 215 1st Avenue West S11 " . . 1'i I'hnne 909 P.O. Box 721 4 The July A L C M QUALITY K OF I . zrr Occasion rtv Birthday . . . Anniversary . . . Shower and Wedding Cards and Wrappings All under one roof. SHOES HANDBAGS LUGGAGE CONTINUES AT ashion footwear Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK t err LS MEET QUEEN A party of 50 Cmadlan schoolgirls were presented to Queen T a reception in Buckingham Palace grounds. Hera the Queen shakes hands with of Quebec City, with Dr. Muri ;1 V. Roscoe, dean of women at McGill University :?"f the party, behind her. Other gTls, loft to right, are: Louise Bcaudoin of Verdun, r Blanehard, Montreal; Suzanne B-ivin. Shawinigan Falls, Que.; Sylvia Burt, ,a Que.; Miss Germain: Therese Oro'pu. St. Zacharie. Que.: Marcel Lefebvre. Three fie ii. Mi McMurrny, Montreal: DpiiIsp Mi-hauri Onpher Cit.v Patricia Harant. Toronto: f J;"i,. wnT.Py, nnt..; Pauline Covachlk, Wyoming, Out, and May Leslie of Toronto. tCP PHOTO) .!