! . -I. ., . E PROVINCIAL 6A LIBRARY 13 PROVINCIAL EI33A3T, 113 VICTORIA, B. C. V ft. St ..f STAR V CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIiSH COLUMBIA! NEWSPAPER DAILY DELIVERY KAIIIO DISPATCHED Published at Canada'. Mot Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key lo the Great Northwest' Phone 81 ,UL- AL" Na 178 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS tost In Panhandle Assies BOSSDSI ) Chiang Hits jf .y ft V7Vlv v 0... k-1 Warns Country To Be Ready For Emergency Necessary To Rearm Verigin Is Dead Leader of Stranre No Job For Women Women are not hired by the Department of Transport as II Eh housekeepers, ay. N. A. Bcketov, DOT agent here. So, Mrs. Lawrenee Dupuls, who siticc tr..- death of her husband in April remained alone at Egg Shinwell Sees Parity Necessary Before Russia Will Agree to Peace Fresident Truman bitterly making dangerous, warlike :v V -.1 London The western nations rnilitary preparations -tiiSrlv7SdTuvixvarned his country t0 DETROIT (CP) accused Russia today of ! ency. j Mr. Truman questioned whether the Communists "real ly desire peace in Korea" since, he said, Soviet rulers "are put-j ting themselves in the position where they can commit new acts of aggression at any time." i "We cannot let our guard; down now, no matter what hap-; pens in Korea," the President : said. Deadlock Ovei i ; Dividing Line ; j ; KAESONG The twelfth cease- firp conference het.ween TTnifH ' Nations and Communist repre- sentatives ended in deadlock : today on the question of the line which shall divide the contend- ing forces. The Communists, so ' fal ar(1 insistiniT nn th wuh parahel but the United Nations! Tnal save the game to New are holding out for a position . York and increased their league some eight miles further north ;lead t0 one 6ame over the liec-which will be more easilv de- ' ?nd Place Cleveland Indians and REDS FIGHT BACK UNITED STATES EIGHTH ARMY HEADQUARTERS, Korea Attacking United Nations trnp bumped into heavy re-r'stance ajain today on the Eastern Korean front where tliey have been trying for three days to capture domination of hich ground northeast of Yanggu. An Eighth Army f mniunique said that light enemy contact was reported along tbe rest of the eastern front and on the central and western fronts. WEATHER HAMPERS SEARCH JUNEAU Bad weather' yesterday again hampered the search of the north of the Alaskan Panhandle and the Guif f Alaska for the Canadian Pacific Airlines DC4 which has been missing for over a week now on a flight from Seattle to Anchorage. There has been no trace whatever as yet. More searching aircraft will arrive from the Unjted States during the week-end. vs.!;!T"Y IE(T,ON ii.iuhi.i .tits, mary unis-ker. wife of Andrew Whisker, Uralition MI.A fur Cowichan-Nrwcastle, announces she will enter the Esquimalt by-election as an Independent. Frank Mitchell is already in the field as CCF candidate. Progressive-Conservatives have agreed not to oppose a Liberal coalition nrminee and May-or Percy George is being sought as a candidate, it is reported. Killing In Vancouver 1 Rooming House Proprietor Knifed to Death-Tenant Charged VANCOUVER O Mrs. Mary Parker, 59-year-old rooming house op-orator, died from knife wounds today following an argument with a tenant. Eric Baltarie. aged 64, the tenant, Is in hospitii!, also suffering from knife wounds. Police declined to give details, pending investigation. Hospital Probe Board in City To visit the Prince Rupert General Hospital and hear local 'representatives, the special committee of the Legislature investigating the operation and admin- Istration of the British Columbia i Hospital insurance Service is , arriving in the city by plane late I this afternoon from Ocean Falls. It had a session at the paper fended. . Today's twelfth session, follow-! ed a brief forty-five minute eleventh session. There 18 stiu a IeelinE that th Communsts may yield the point. AGAIN TOMORROW , Presumably .the delegates will tackle the same knotty problem of the line of demarcation when their 13th session gets und?r way tomorrow at' 11 o'clock (8 Cubs Friday and climbed to p.m. Eastern Standard Time within one percentage point of today). i third plae in the National There was no compromising League, today, eye-witnesses said. Both Righthander Emory (Bubbn sides refused to budge. Church kept five Cub hits ail Gen. Nam II, "displaying in- singles well scattered, to help ner tension that normally is the Phillies in their third suc-held under control," presented cesslve shutout. Church now has the Red proposal for the buffer defeated the Cubs eight straignt Into Yunnan RANGOON .Burma Aj Chinese Nationalist Army force iiat. struck sixty-live miles Into Communist China from a refu-1 : t base in Burma and seized a1 HlO-niile long frontier strip in' V unnan Province j Th Nauonauscs :iave caDtur-i P1 one air field and are reported trying to build another. t-mmunitt troops in large ioice arc counter-attacking from headquarters bases at Paoshan on the Burma-China Stllwell road of the Second World War. Fighting is about ZOO miles west and slightly south of Kunming, Red-held Yunnan capital. Although Nationalist penetration 'Is relatively small-scale, it Is regarded as the most effective action on the mainland this year by forces linked with Chiang Ka'-Shek s Formosa regime. No Refuge In Surgery SACRAMENTO The California Legislature's proposal to let sex oflenders against children choose between life imprisonment or surgery and freedom will bp vetoed. Governor Warren heard views concerning castration. Authoress' Former Mate s Stabbed OAKLAND Robert HWkclt, divorced husband of Betty Mc-pcnald. author of the bestseller "The Estg and I," ha.s bee.i tubbed to 1eath by 'Thos. J. Blake, who was also a divorced man. There was a quarrel over Jealousy. Heskett wa.s 'Bob'" in "The Egg and I." Beats Lost Mine Curse NEW WESTMINSTER "Curse" of the legendary lost mine of Pitt Lake has been beat- j ' en. Duncan McPhaden, 71-year-old prospector, ended four pain-wiacked days with his arrival at1 hospital here Friday, suffering fiom injuries after a plunge lrm a twenty-foot cliff. A half-century legend says searchers for the lost mine al- j w ays met death since its discov- ! erer perished with the secret of ! i its location. j Prospecting In wilderness mountain district thirty miles north of here, McPhaden plung- I ; ed from a cliff on to a pile of! : rocks and rubble Tuesday ; Iran Oil Now Closing Down llritish Technicians Leaving For Home Harriman Sees Non-Co-operation LONDON. The great oil refinery of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. at Abadan will close down next Tuesday while one hundred British technicians come tiomc on "a month's vacation." OH production will, thereupon, come to a complete halt after having tapered off sharply during recent weeks following the nationalization of the Industry by the Iranian government. Meanwhile W. Averlll Harriman, President Truman's am-bassador-at-largo, after spending several days In Iran, is now in London in the course of his efforts to have some agreement reached between Britain and Iran for continued operation of the Iranian oil industry under nationalization. Although Mr. Harriman has said that British officials were not co-operating in the matter as much as they might, there was still hope today that terms might be reached. Britain has moved further naval forces into the Eaate;n Mediterranean and now has two Cruisers, four destroyers and eight frigates there just in cause. with Russia and the Soviet will c-me to the conference table sincerely intent upon negotiat- ; ing for a permanent world peace. That parity has not yet been established, Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Shinwell, British minister of defence, said yesterday. Manitoba Needing Rain ; WINNIPEG Only early heavy ; rain can sove the crops in south- i western Manitoba. North and1 easterly sections of the province are in better shape although i they too need rain. I Medicine Hat in eastern A1-' berta was the hottest point on the prairies yesterday with 101 above, compared with the pre- vious record of 103. At Este- van in southern Saskatchewan it was 97. Vancouver MLA f' I V Cl VISItOr On a brief holiday trip and looking around is Jay Gould a Coalitlon auuun MLA for I0r Vancouver- Vancouver- Burrard, who is in the city. Mr. Gould arrived by plane yesterday afternoon and Is returning to Vancouver tomorrow. Leather Synopsis The weather disturban?e which moved into the Gulf of Alaska yesterday Is continuing to move eas'tward slowly. It is expected to bring showers to the north coast -tonight as it moves across that region. northern interior tomorrow with sunny, warm weather persisting over the soothe section., fl the province. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy today. Showers in northern section tonight. Cloudy with scattered showers tomorrow. Little change in temperature. Winds light today, southerly (15 mphi tonight, westerly (15) tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomorrowPort Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 50 and 62. Repudiate Statement United States Army Briefing Officer Spoke Out of Turn WASHINGTON. D.C. fi The high command of United States armed forces publicly washed its hands Friday night of a Pentagon officer's statement that, while United Nations forces have halted their offensive ln Korea, Communists have taken advantage of "cease-fire" talks to make a "tremendous build-up" of their strength. Clayton Fritchcy, director of infprmation for the Department of Defence, told reporters that a statement given out earlier by a briefing officer does not reflect official policy or vrews. The whole affair assumed large scale proportions as, up to last night, the statement had been regarded as an official one inasmuch as a briefing officer had departed from custom and told newsmen they were at liberty to quote his remarks mm & 1 4 :,1 V lit t- i, A .: i. VM:'-i?; ' T-v , i : t It. :.. "1 Ii. ! ( ' vl i f ' i' 'V ''ft : . 1 '-!''-' j ReliKious Sect Succumbs : To Pneumonia ; i VANCOUVER Michael ! the Archangel) Verigin, 68-year old Doukhobor leader.'died here j today in hospital surrounded by ; members of his strange religious sect. I Founder of the settlement at Hillier?, Vancouver Island, he i had been in hospital since July 112. He had been brought here j for an emergency operation and contracted post-operative pneu-: monia. This Verigin was no relative of Peter iThe Lordlyi Veregin, spiritual leader killed in a j bomb blast in a railway train at Farron on the Kettle Val- ley line in 1924 but had long been a central frgure in the turbulent life oi the Doukhobors. i London Stock Market Break LONDON The London stock i market had its worst break in years Friday in reaction to an announcement by Sir Hugh Gaits-kill, Chancellor of the Exchequer, that dividends were to be frozen to the level of average of the past two years. Issues dropped millions of pounds in the wild confusion of selling. (Commonwealth Division Now I TOKYO Troops of five British Commonwealth countries in Korea were organized today into one new division the First Commonwealth Division. Units from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India became one division under one command at a colorful ceremony. Hot Weather On Prairies WINNIPEG Temperatures generally over the prairies were higher during the past week, with Winnipeg registering up to 95 degrees, making it the warmest spot in the three prairie provinces, according to the weekly crop report of the department of agriculture of the Canadian Na- ; tnnal Railways. Scattered showers and In some !cases good ralns occurred and stho rrnns art nnw nnnrnnrhinir July 30 8:30 p.m. CENTRE (177c) "around the world" and ready for "any emerg- White Sox Are Robbed Weather Man Plays With New York Yankees, Now Leading American League NEW YORK (CP) The Weatherman played a big part Friday in helping the New York Yank-, ees to Increase their American League lead over Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Indians. With the bases loaded, three runs in and one out in the top of the ninth inning, Chicago was lead- ing 4 to 3 when the clouds real- lv ODened UD and. for the see- nd time in the game, time was called. Finally, after an hour and lw0 minutes, the game was called with the score reverting 10 the la-st 01 the eighth at which point New York led 3 to Baston Red Sox. Cleveland had downed the Red iSox 3 to 2 a couple of hours previously, to pull onto even eTms with Boston in the stand" lns- NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia Phillies bunched three of their five hits olf Frank Hiller in one inning for a 2 to 0 victory over the Chicago times m two seasons. Billy Evans Gives It Up DETROIT - Billy Evans, gtneral manager and executive viee-oresident of Detroit Timers today announced his resignation effective at the end of the sea-! son. The surprise announcement came as the Detroit Club was staggering through its worst season since he took it over in December 1946. Charlie Gehringer one time star second baseman, will take over the duties October 1. -BASEBALL- American Detroit 6, Philadelphia 10 St. Louis 0, Washington 7 Cleveland 3, Boston 2 Chicago 1, New York 3 National Philadelphia 2. Chicago 0 Boston 4, Pittsburg 8 New York 5, Cincinnati 3 Brooklyn 12. St. Louis 9. Pacific Coast Oakland 15, Hollywood 9 Los Angeles 0-5. San Francisco 4-0 Portland 6, Sacramento 0 Seattle 4, San Diego 3 Western International Spokane 4. Vancouver 2 Salem 8, Victoria 1 Yakima 1. Tacoma 2 Tri-Clty 6, Wenatchee 8 H. M. FOOTE, Collector. (177c) Island lighthouse, has been rc-! placed by another man. Mrs. Dupuis had requested permission to remain on the Island as lighthouse keeper. Now she has returned to Miller Bay Hospital where she formerly was employed. Registering For Pensions OTTAWA A start will be made at the end of this month on tile registration of some 400.000 additional Canadians entitled to federal pensions of $40 a month. Registration forms, already received in postofiiees and lllied in," had been sent, in error to Ottawa wix-n they should have been sent to the capital city of whatever province the person registering Is living in. It is of special importance that every communication bear the correct address and that, in the matter of age, thyre be proof of seventy years. Corvettes To Germany i VANCOUVER -Three Cana dian ships, sold to G.-rman whl- ; Ing Interests, started a long I voyage to Hamburg Friday In tow j of the sturdy Dutch tug Zsarte j Zee, reported to be the world's ,' blURCSt. ! The Zsarte Zve Is towing three former corvettes Nanalmo. j Monctcn and Shediac- to their j new owners. They will be con-verted to AntaVtic whalers. j The big tug got away at high tide during the afternoon, start- j Ing the longest tow ever attempt- '. ed irom this west coast port. Ruled Off For Life FORT ERIE. Out, P Two Jockeys were Friday ruled off th? Ontario tracks fnr life follow- ing extensive investigation of 1 several races run at the Fott Erie track. j The Jockeys are Bobby Kcane ! of Toronto and Phil Marche.se of Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The Ontario Racing Commission would not elaborate on lUs findings after announcing: "For I conduct prejudicial to the best interests of racing. Jockeys Ro- bel t Keane and Phil Marshese nave Deen suspended lor lite and denied all privileges of the Ontario race tracks. Canada Has Big Surplus OTTAWA A budgetary sur-plu- oi t33B.000.000 for the first three months of the fiscal year was estimated last night by Hon. Douglas Abbott, minister of finance. He had estimated for a surplus of only $30,000,000 for the whole fiscal year. INTERNATIONAL BASEBALL SUNDAY A Double-header Feature KETCHIKAN vs. PRINCE RUPERT ALL-STARS 1:30 p.m. Tickets available at Grotto Cigar Store and Bud's Place IT Pilot of a Canadian ilic A:r! imps DC-4 missing ;i v.eek near the' Alaska i handle between Cape irer and Anchorage, is Vic tor Fox of Vanrouver. I)!,u!. with 38 aboard, was vine .service personnel pn Korean airlift, from Van-rr to Anchorage. Alaska. ti ii it, disappeared. i i lLOT Bruce Thomson. Vancouver. v If FMf iT ENGINEER Arthur 3-. of Vancouver. i 1 v 1 1 :,!! i- - ii, I it c.... ft r i . r wtw mn ii in vic- U'W illd lrlllnntnH In CKnn H'lO She flerlrieH In Kn. stewardess after train-' a mirs-. AC 1 fet2'nRMSTEWARDESS-,W Mnran. 24. Miss if. hi was to have been been mar- mar- ii m September. CP PHOTO) zone along the 38th parallel. An eye-witness said that Nam, chief Communist delegate, stated the Red position with "more forc and ner,ve ,tnan on any . , Vice-Admiral j C. Turner Joy, senior United Nations envoy, rejected the Red proposal. Concerning Nam II, a United rNauoiis spoilsman sam: "i would not say he was belligerent but he was certainly forcef uf.- Coast Ship Wage Pact VANCOUVER 9 The Seafarers' International Union members employed on British Columbia coastal ships have voted to accept agreements with Canadian Pacilic, Canadian National and Union Steamships lines. New contracts, retroactive to March 1, provide wage Increases ranging up to $22 a month and 40-hour work week, effective January 1, 1952. Strike On Airline LOS ANGELES $ - Mechanics and ground service personnel j walked out on strike against j Western Air Lines on Friday. A i spokesman for the air lines said ; operations will be at a standstill : until the dispute is settled. j All Western's fifty-six flights serving 45 cities in thirteen states are grounded. town earlier in the afternoon. tnc crlUcaI stage in those areas The local hearing will be at the which have shown moisture de-Trlnce Rupert Hotel this evening ficiencies. Light to severe hail and on Monday the commission damage has occurred at a num-will leave for the interior, visiting j ber of points, chiefly in Saskat-Terrace. Hazelton. S m 1 1 h e r s, j chewan and Alberta. Burns Lake and Vanderhoof en-. weather In the Okanagan Val-route to Prince George where K,y was hot and dry. The cherry it next hearing will take place. 1 movement is finished and aprl-Presontlng briefs here will be cots are about 50 moved. Early the Prince Rupert Chamber of ; peaches are moving in small Commerce, the Prince Rupert ! quantities but it will be about a Medical Association and the week before they begin moving Skidegate Inlet General Hospital ln volume. The early pear move-Association. ! ment will start next week. Trans-Representations of the Prince ! parent apples are moving and Rupert Oeneral Hospital will go 1 Duchess apples have just been through the British Columbia j released to market. Vegetables Hospitals' Association. I are moving normally. SPECIAL MEETINGS International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice To Taxpayers A penalty of 57r will be added to all taxes for 1951 remaining unpaid at July 31st, 1951. 5 p.m. Payments made August 1st or subsequently will be subject to penalty. ' Monday 1:30 p.m. and in the CIVIC TIDES - - Sunday, July 29. 1951 (Pacific Standard Time I High 11:09 15.0 feet 22:3B 18 0 feet Low 4:40 6.0 feet 16:24 10.5 feet, ' m til 1 ftl