own language. Crowa talk, he grounds, most of them the larger! CLIFTON WEBB 'FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE" TODAY 7-9 p.m. in Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, July 28, 1951 WALLACE'S Fearful Thriller says, just line human beings, type, it is not expected mat any only, of course, their vocabulary ' of them will be in until some is very limited to about four or j time next week. Vessels can five words. make as many trips out as they There is the call of danger. wish' during the 10-day season "'""ww 1 1,1 11 MI for example, which a flock of but they may not clear for more than one area at a time HOWARD HAWKS' WATERFRONT WHIFFS FASIIIOtfS: Amazing and mysterious story of a terrifying visitor from a nether world in the sky, Howard Hawks' suspenseful picture "The Thing." much discussed film production ,1s showing at the Totem Theatre here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next. The weird yarn is that of a group of scientists investigating For example, if a vessel clears from Area 2C, it may not from there proceed to Area 2B before coming into port and then clearing again for the latter area. Reason for this, says the commission, is for the sake of fairness, so as to give all vessels .is even a chance as possible to take advantage of Ihe short new season. MONDAY to WEDNESDAY 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Plus Interesting Short Subjects TOTEM Arctic phenomena near the North Pole who witness t he crash of a mysterious space ship and A tmiri.cr nnswpnffpr died fliers K.,a,-rf tha . tamr Prinrn signal a group of Army ALLAN LADD -mrrs " ,-' ' J TODAY 7-9:05 George while that vessel was in j who come from Anchorage One American Gob Tells of Georgia Life-Halibut Fishing Again Two American Navy destroyers, assigned to reserve cruise duties, tied up at Ocean Dock here Friday afternoon with about 300 men aboard. They are the USS Rombach and Brannon and they're here nntil Monday morning. I USS Rombach, captained by acres upon acre, f JeI f waste and dust land Into profit. U-Cdr. W T Davern, carries in ''APPOINTMENT .WITH DANGEl ui me crew ui wic i-muir out Mrs, Juneau on her last voyage. rescued and taken to base where Julia G. Lecus, aged 79, suc- Sunday Midnight Monday Matinee 2 p,m, cumbed about 1 :30 In the morn- thrilling developments ensue as ing. It was a heart attack. She thvs fearsome "thing" Is studied travelline with her niece, and found to present a horrible INFANTS WEAR Marguerite Werner of Columbus, threat to civilization unless some crows gets from their leader. They always have a leader, who is elected for his wisdom and shrewdness. And if a leader should move his flock Into danger, he is forcibly ejected from the fold, so speaks Collier from experience. "They're getting wise to us now and It's quite a trick to shoot a crow. They recognize you for miles.'' One brand of publicity which has come from his state hasn't been much exaggerated, believes the sailor. It concerns the stories about Okefenokee, "the terrible swamp," in southern Georgia. "It's pretty bad, especially for a stranger. There are spots in that swamp, too, where nobody could get out." The swamp, featured in plots of several adventure and thriller yarns in the past, marks the outer fringes of the Florida Everglades, and abounds in alligators, moccasin snakes, rattlers, and even crocodiles have been reported. However, the swamp remains a lure and temptation to the adventurer and sportsman, for it is the last refuge for deer in numbers, for wild turkey and grouse. "I'm about as far away from home now as I could get, but I'm having a good time. Seeing other countries, and the way other folks live Is one of the greatest educations and I wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for the Navy," Lt. Collier said with a slow grin. "Hope we see you again." means Is found of destroying It .riritiihiK. 75 , luiuuugn ram w FARLEY GRANGER in "THEY LIVE BY NIGHT (Adult entdtalnmpni LARAINE DAY in, "WOMAN ON PIER 13" (Adult entertainment! the naval Ohio. Mrs. Lucas was born in Cleveland. Interment will be In the family plot in that city. 8 A competent cast of newcomers enacts the sensational serpen story. Rompers Vests Socks Shawls Diapers' Blankets Dresses Sweaters for them while USS Brannon is 2 i "more or less along for the ride." I Their last port of call was ; Vancouver and this is as far ; north as they go. Prince Rupert i was put on the itinerary sched-! I ule as a port of call because ! "American sailors have always 1 been treated so well here," says - . ja- ,isht ( ir l It h -i. !'f & In i u r, -th tint t m lM lot th wrong Vmi of womtnl Monday and Tuesday Smm -LK I. COBB Ralph Shaw, believed to be on the yacht Miss Iee. somewhere in the north, is being asked to contact the Vancouver General Hospital as soon as possible. The Miss Lee was recently in port here. Suspenseful Melodrama JANEWYATT JOHN DALL Up Added Ftaturr VAUGHN MONRO! tral Georgia, heavy fertilization and crop rotation Is proving a success and so is the raising of heavy Hereford "white-face" beef cattle, a business in which Collier's father, a former cotton-grower, now is engaged. A lot of stories have come from Georgia, and much of the literature has hinged on pornography like Erskine Caldwell's shattering yarns, for instance. And what do the Georgians think of author Caldwell? Not very much, on the' whole. "He is carrying realism a bit too far," says Collier. This Tobacco-Road and God's-Little-Acre stuff is simply a bad nightmare, when compared to the actual circumstances throughout that state where its people have attained a musical drawl wnoencarea "The Plan; to Go For the Brands You Know" B J Wallace's : Dept. Store : Suspenseful melodrama comes ; to the , screen of the Capitol himself. Revisiting this port Into which he sailed for many years first with Canadian National and later with Union Steamships, Capt. George Coles is here as Theatre here on Monday and Tuesday in "The Man Who Cheated Himself," starring Lee Cobb. Jane Wyatt and John Dall. "SINGING My, First Straw l M Lat Show l a (hi pilot for the United States Navy the captain of USS Brannon, Lt.-Cdr. Dunston. "Word gets around fast." And while the talk is about American sailors, let's have a look at the private life of a junior grade lieutenant from the central part of Georgia. USA. He is Robert C. Collier, and he's been back in the Navy just 10 weeks. He was reserve and was called back into service but for two years before that he was trying to settle down into private business, operating a men's wear store. A small farming town, half- destroyer escorts Romach and The story is that of a veteran CAPITOL police detective who becomes Involved with a murder rap while covering up for a fickle society I RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANC.FS PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 Brannon which arrived yesterday aiternoon. Capt. Coles met the warships off Triple Island, Armour Salvage Co. having arranged his transport there. He arrived by air from Vancouver Thursday afternoon. Most passengers on the south- woman whom he loves. CoDb s younger brother and a protegee on police force cracks the case (And its not to bound CNR steamer Prince Ru all of their own be mistaken for a Texan's drawl, pert, Thursday night were tour- either.; and thereby develop dramatic circumstances. Solving of the criminal case, however, Is only lsts, either round trippers or visitors from the east by train going through to Vancouver. Local persons embarking were W. Shrubsall, A. Shrubsall, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rivet, Miss M. Thornton and Miss R. Bentsen. 3 1 J adoring . for "Of course, he have our illiterates, just like you find them everywhere else." Certainly Collier can't be classed among them them hearing his familiar discussion of Voltaire's "Candida" and in the same breath talk with assurance of hydro-electric j development and economic trends. the beginning of the personal conflict. How It is unravelled and finally settled provides strung fare. John Dall plays the younger brother and Jane Wyatt is charming In the feminine lead. way between Atlanta ann Augusta, is Collier's home. Until lately, Georgia mainly has been a cotton-growing state, along with tobacco and a few grains, but the trend is to something much different these days, says the Georgian. Modern, scientific farming of beef cattle is slowly turning CPR steamer Princess Norah disembarked 11 passengers at Prince Rupert today and took on eight passengers northbound. Moie than 150 tourists are making the round trip. Arrivals were Mi. and Mrs. C. Anderson, M. Davis. G. Ewing, Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Large-, Miss E. Campbell, Miss K. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Campbell and R. Endelholm. Departures were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Prince Rupert Hotel DINING ROOM UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE RESTAURANT WITH THE FAMILY ATMOSPHERE GOOD FOOD AT MODERATE PRICES TRY OUR BUSINESS MAN'S DAILY )c LUNCH Specializing in Chops, SU-aks, Fried Chicken , . . Southern Style COURTESY AND GOOD SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO ( Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. William McCombe, arrived in port at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon on her regular Ladies and Gentlemen LING .i .i Most Georgians are sport If you want tr it it. a3vertl.se It, New rlasslfieds. the tailor t 1 Ah , lun it 1H t,if a tin If 1 e - t i was I fe ml t, n i 'i ! r r i I ne. a 11 or man . t I minded ana our uoiner is no call on her way from Vancouver exception. There is little he likes tQ QUeen charlotte Islands and better than hunting and fishing na(J tne f ollowing passengers for and he's dying for a chance to h , pltman. w Traeser. F. Bailey, Mrs. Green. Mrs. Major. Mk-s P. Major and W. E. Hamsel Phono 649 220 Eixth St. for Ketchikan; S. May for Jun eau, and C. H. Taggart for White- horse. hook onto one of our northern Young, Mrs J. McKay, Mrs. R. salmon or trout. He's just bought McCarthy, Mrs. A. McQuinstan, himself a new fly-fishing out- Walter Cameron, P. A. Bond, lit, but hasn't had a chance to paul Johanson and George use it yet. ; Cascy. Wherever they dock in Canada . Two Vacationers Have Left We now offer: One 19S0 Ford FORDOR he asks about the trout fishing i Open Doilv 7:00 a.m. to 8 pm Sundays ond Holidays 8:30 a.m. to 8p.m E f ( h HALIBUT FISHING Little word as yet has been received from the two newly-opened halibut areas, Area 2B and Area 2C. Some of the ves SOUTH AFRICA S OLDEST JOHANNESBURG T South Africa's oldest white man, Peter C. Pringle of Germinston, near here, celebrated his 121st birthday this month. Until a year ago he was still active, but he is now bedridden and not expected to walk again. Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 j Canada is advertised far and j wide in the US for its natural j sports, he says, and B has lured ! him for a long time. And the scenery the nioun-i tainous grandeur and the for sels out have reported "fair" fishing, a few say fishing is "good," others say it Is too early estshave thrilled him as well. BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEi; This is the first time north for the 28-year-old lieutenant. He is going to do some fishing "over the side" for a chance to hook some cod, or maybe even a se trout. i to tell. 1 But both fishing companies and fishermen are. eagerly awaiting the result the test areas will bring for the late season has been urged by them for several years. Since fishing halibut has been Supplied in Ten attractive colors Dries in 4 hours One 1950 Ford PREFECT LOW MILEAGE Bob Parker Ltd. Old - MONARCH DEALER! Prince Rupert, RC. '51 SUPERTWIN POWER CHAIN SAW A Light ONE-MAN SAW with a HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER Thompson Hardware Co. lit r 1 4 V 'it 1 - hue For the MEAL that REFRESH! "A line and a bamboo pole is the kind of fishing we get at! home mostly cat-fishing." Hunting is another sport he's wild about and his eyes glisten- j ed at the mention of moose and i bear. i Then he told about the hunting in his own state: crow-i shooting. In Georgia, crows are j a pest, for there are many, many of them and since the ! early day farmers and others i have organized "crow-shoots." They use a caller, similar to that i of a duck-caller, and experienced crow-shooters know the habits and calls of crows like their own back yard. ; For instance, Collier ean almost speak to crows in their Its endurance and dependability are "field-proven. MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, in terms of family health and home economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING S AANICH HEATING restricted mainly to the month of May for the last five years or so fishermen feel they haven't been getting the most of halibut runs. They claim there are two separate runs, on? in the spring and one in the summer. Therefore, fishermen's theory is that the summer run, not having been fished for such a long -time, should be numerous and fish should be of fine quality. International Fisheries Commission consented to test the theory of the fishermen by opening the two areas, one near the south end of Queen Charlotte Island, the other, beyond the Whatever the Job, your ... '51 SI PER PIONEER takes it In iU stride FINES" OF COOKH BEST of' FOOD Some of thi features f i mm Dyna-Torque single cylin-V .A-' r engine de EOH TAKE OUT OHDEHS fllONE 2W BROADWAY CAFE north tip. These areas were not fished during the May season so there should be the regular per f Automatic NICHOLAS GUEST ARTIST HtJ clutch and rewind starter. Mac Itonncii 1947 Chevrolet Sedan , 1941 Dodge Sedan 1947 Hudson Sedan 1947 Austin 8 h.p. Sedan 1950 Austin Countryman KEEP IT RIGHT RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ornies ALL MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS i'OBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock Always Moving and Fresh i spring run still available. It is the Increased numbers of halibut, compared to Areas 2A and 3A if any in which the commission and the fishermen are interested. Results, however, will not be known until some time early next year, when final tabulation by the commission has been completed. Meanwhile, more than 40 ves-feis are divided between the two Construct Balanced design for easy cutting and carrying. Only 25 lbs. without cutting attachments. Cutting attachments from 14" to 18" ItM land. Company I 'y. takers : Fill in and mail for full particulars: Nam j. Address WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAP" a thJ tie's r A PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE 21-Piece Breakfast Sets or 1 Roofing . . . Siding . -. . Alteration! Estimates Gladly Given If'iric, .95 32 -Piece Breakfast . Sets Inside and Out. DRIVE UP AT Th-i Dealer: RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. Distributor: Pl'RVES E. RITCHIE & SON LTI. 658 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. 1 Black 660 CHANDLER'S S1TDIU 16-.4t,h Street Bnx 045 Phone Green 389 Trlnce Rupert I. 21-Piece Bone Jue 0 ,15.95 China Tea Sets live Dinner Sets, from $( 27-95 By CHIC Y0UNCf; BLONDIE But it Broke the Monotony 66 pieces at ... GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Plume Grpen Rill R I j'i hi iu' j 1 CrV-J Nicholas,' one of the leading hair .stylists of British Columbia, long a favorite with Victoria's most dscriminatlng women, will (Including beautiful Wedge-wood and Couldon King's Plate) SPECIAL English Bone China CUPS AND SAUCERS at 11 tL 1 S VOUP QUESTION l K f A MAN TO PICK UP D NEWSPAPERS 1 Ml I wc you S Jl Z'CTffP EVEPV NlSHT s t ' V LAUNOPVMAN, 1 n ? M she asks the co&oe np k Vt7(SAME QUESTION Y ( At-EANDEP AND MPS WOOOlEV Superior Auto Service LIMITED Studebaker and Austin Dealers . - . Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartaec and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all wielding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. nd and Park Avenues Esf .910. Phones 60 and 68 appear at Eddie's Beauty Salon August 8 for one week. For that flatterlne; easy-to-managj permanent and hair style, consult Nicholas. Razor cutting a specialty. Recently returned from Hollywood with all the latest Ideas in hair'styling. For appointments phone Red 490. Eddie's Beauty Salon, 739 2nd Ave. (Opposite Liquor Store) 176p 69C Bd 97C PUNCHBOWL SETS 7.95 MANS0NS China Shop 9 m Third Ave. at Park. Green 217