Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, July 28, 1951 BATTER UP By LARRY 8TANWOGD 4' HI , ft : r , 4 i& , Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing Blackwood on Bridge By Eotley Blackwood 1 4 . ; I I r J i 1 (Singleton when yuu hud a ii'tila. trick anyway?" Mr. Champioa i wanted to know. I "I thought I might trump two spades," said Mr. New, lamely. "Two apades!" roared Mr. Champion. "How did you think you could get into my hand again? The rnponents have to have something to get into four hearts even with Miss Brash bidding it." "I resent that word 'even'." said Miss Bra.i. But she was smiling as she entered the score. ' "Hotpiroliry and "All right," said Mr. New, the eager kibitzer. "Today I play." Mr. Champion snorted as he spread the cards for the cut. For some weeks now Mr. New had been in his hair getting and he was aching to teach the upstart a lesson. A f rial. U 111 r.t Bnrto A highlight of tomorrow's Ketchikan-Prince RUpert tussle which is likely to be an undercurrent of the whole game is the return revenge bout between Prince Ruptrt All-SLar pitcher Jack Lindsay and Ketchikan's pitcher-manager, Harry Ludvig-fon. year, at Ketchikan, Lud-vigs.n out-pitched Lindsay. This will be Ins first time the two have laced each other on opposite moundr since. Jack's had a good long rest, Ux, just returned from a three-week holiday and shvuld be in good shape. Following is the linv-up for the home team: Dave AU1 and Herb Morgan, catchers. Cliff Dahl, first baseman. Good rood That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe Miss Brash the deuce of hearts and Mr. New the deuce of clubs.' "Looks like you and I, Dale," v. East dealer . Neither side vulnerable Niirita ( Mr. rtianiptn S A till H- U II) g 4 C K 5 3 Wost Mt (lr. hair) (Mi-, nr.-h) K J 8 3 H Q lu H-K 7 H A tlSI) d (i sea r k j i PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES fhone Greer 136 Sox 471 3- . V STEAMER MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Huildrri ft ton tractors aia Mr. cnamplon as he plckej up a card and flipped It over. But the card was the deuce of diamonds. Mr. Champion mut tered something hotly under his breath as he sat down opposite Mr. New. The rubber started off quietly enough. Miss Brash opened the biddir.U with on. henrt. und Mr lull, Prince Rupert pill Sunberg and Benny Wlndle, second base. C 7 2 10 Doug Shier and Bruoe Bimund- I Kmith (Mr. New) S 7 H J 10 B 3 D A 8 3 C W J 8 4 New passed. Mr. Ltale felt that his hand wasn't good enough for two bids to he decided to raise ills partner's bid at. nn with sun, snortstop. Don 8:herk, third base, 8tan Cornwall, Miner undson. Bill Gunn and Marshall, outfielders. CIIOFTOX HOUSE SCHOOL The bidding: her usual ODtlmism Miss Brush Rn-t Vnrlli VANCOUVER, B.C. hum H All pane bounced right Into game. i J j It didn't take Mr Npw Inn a i SAILS FOB Vancouver and Intermediate Parts Eoch Thursday at 11:13 p.m. - For KETCHIKAN H'LU,'KSl)A V MIONK.HT Luxury at Low Cost '.Try OR DKPOT , Pitchers will be Letourneau, Sharpc, Rosedale, McDonald, Larry Matthews and Lindsay. We expect Letourneau will start the first game of the to make up his mind about his ! har, ,, . opening lead. He promutlv boL heart .trick whlcn ne al- his .lngleton ipade out on the ' ,y! ?01ng 10 anyway. Looking around for rx' Wf trifle rauM h Hu Milan CwrtfM, 1S9I RnidtntUI mi Day School for GirU Primary Clmn to UIt MoMcvloNo Actrtdited br rho DeMftimat of double-header, with Lindsay starting the second. SEASON'S AVERAGES table. This was a very bad choice and one that ls frequently made by Inexperienced players. There is nothing wrong with the sin- We expected to have the sea- I Erfucfio . ,VIM CLASSES at Gyro Park each Tuesday and Friday are ..vir.K highly popular. Instructors Ian McHardy and Miss rla Sather ilelti found today that the size of classes are ''' ,af'h tlay Ner,rly 0 children, ages 8 and up have i. (I so tar. Classes are sponsored bv the Civic Ont.w ,.,,r, OHICE PRINCE RUPERT, lor Reservations Wille or Call B.C. riding dancing garnet gymnastics p. . -'-j7 M hem economic! voico production son's batting averages for our readers today but met a snag. Somehow, a scorebook the first few games turned up missing and, In waiting for word on at to conquer, lie laid down the queen of clubs. Miss Brash won with the ace, took three quick round of trumps and parked her losing club on the fourth spade In dummy. She conceded the ace of aiamonos, making four hearts as advertised. Note that if Mr. New had opened the queen of clubs Miss Brash would have had to lose one trick in each suit, for down one. m tin- summer recitation program. MISS ELLEN IC BRYAN. M.A. Kirujn ieaa in general. Sometimes it Is the only lead that will defeat the opposing contract. But It is seldom a winning lead when the opener also haa four trumps. Mr. Champion won the first trick with the ace of spades and returned a spade. Delightedly, Mr. New ruffed, thereby winning tempts to locate It, we ran short of time. After Sunday's game, however, wv'll have the averages ) "A City School In a Counlry Selling" wim Classes At AUCIymont Park are Proving Popular fl.ise to 200 youngsters are taking- part in the 9 j h What's the idea of leading a ' 1 For Action Ad"ertise! I I ' 1 I tV' - -s. PAWOOP. MPS vucora. rv ) I I . . l w ii ic . - r i vn. - ic Centre sponsored swim classes each Tuesday H I'i ;'la,v at Gyro Park and more enrolments are but they will be taken as of June IE, first game on record,' between Abel Si Odowes and Gordon & Anderson. International gamrs will not count in the batting averages or fielding percentages. TICKETS I.N DEMAND We assume all baseball Jans have their advance tickets by now for the International double-header two for the price of one. There are .however, still a few III e.'B tSiAWAVON S. V . IU SLESP H6BE 1 ( Of,",' C I . ,T 1 ofc I IEV IP I BuVncss POft The J Vith me tonight --V V-OTi- I I I i I I ill I I C SCAPED TO DEATH ) X THHvKSQ y ""1 W") HOUSE 'j Vt int.; m all the time, says Ian McHardy, instructor. lirKTOKIC COIN Enrolments will close, r' "exl Tuay- Meanwhile, il.THlMIDOE. Alia. (CP) o-Ttirti KLuutias who Dewan :it. ulh found an 18'i2 naif-1 the II M oW IM T If iL I I II 1 I I . . , m m J V In whliP diin hi " c bottom ui of one nave . . , , auvancea to me uie ,,r an imnicssion T It bore , secona siane oi ': uie uiuuu nnu duu s fiemee and thi. i.,,.,1'1""" a,lu aie thrilled withiiace ana our aavice is not to "ft" u. .i. . ... ; . . , . "Bank of Upper ' ;,uul,lre l"ai now we can any nine staling mem lor the word i!a 1S;2" ' " ""uu" tsmoe piumm ui oe inscribed on it I ii happens suddenly to most n't;o-LruiiB t-veni wnicn lans II v s i rt ii 1 3i ii ll if v f w tVMft'." I f l li , j I I . .. 'r.Ti of them," says the Instructor, j won ' want to miss. "They get the knack of the I Like one "f tl,'m UM l,s tnp technique all at once.' j uther tlay. He's batching while ' And there are many others Ul,.M'"s"s ls " h,Jilduvs-. , besides those In the swim classes i WlU havc U " P varlv ; Sunday morning then to do the who the pool on these warm WW Bto IS SOFT X I I CtoCC, AND COM FOOT 9LE -AND IT'S SO ) II V Sa " I "AVE NO J H I W KEti rprvuss,L:s n flan ' ;.v days, On several warm nights 1 ' n"us'"wurk CanX m,! laW ly the pool has been packed eame." Game starts 1 A A. -A. t HI Ilia u ,HH V. I I A "B " r J 1 I I 7n.(7J I t W I , t on time as advertised on the T JOHN H. LJSteVS5BW: KiW-MUMWa 1 ,u lront page of today's Daily News. We beg to make tu-j fallowing correction in the leafnie- standings, in whfi h we erred on two cccafions. (Slip of the typewriter.! LeaRue standings: I -jT!r!JWK ii . b-il n At ii ii ui I '..: BULGER I " ' H.l I . - - I Ii Vb If. I I I li I I I I J L ' riKtu up to closing time at 0 p.m. HOOP BAIX Another game has been added to the McClymont Park playgrounds. It's a new version of basketball, called "Hoop Ball." and features a circular court with one basket In the centre. Looks Interesting and is claimed to be gaining In popularity in tchool gyms, parks and . oilier playground centres. VmVLVl, I I .... 'V'"-" L 4?vr O, 'nloinclrist t I- " ' rwi --.i:viil M. W Abvl it Odowes 6 Commercials - 5 Gordon Sc Anderson . 3 5 .400 . Tr r rv. i i 6 -333 - H x r ' Q - . s I nr: rr- 1. I v ii z s. v . v (ir 3 1 -trwr..1 wasnt TooTsie l 1 John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue I X. " f Os-. 1 TN I . -1 r .1 1 I I m IM 1 SrfHE CANT HIT THAT UADr ' ;3 LONDON (CP) Four small fish in a Jar on top of a television set were found dead after the BBC broadcast a supersonic whistle. Three tadpoles and several hun M. J. Saunders is sailing to-moi row on the Princess Kathleen lor Ocean Falls on business in connection with his contracting woik at the paper town. UUMBING dred thousand unhealing human listeners survived. and HEATING -NEW TRUCKS IN STOCK- . .,. ....... Foii .im,mu1ate delivery 1 F.MKiO 3-TON SPCCIAL Hvavy Duty equipment, 152" wheelbase. 1 FAItf.0 'i,-TN EXPKF.SK 1 FAII0.0 !i-TO.N FXPHKMki with Fluid Drive ' : ' : : ' 7 h sleeping in youR ) ofi&f-f'. ferJ?' ME k oh, Boy this is " 7 y sn ! ' ,J,f ( MOuS TONIGHT. J Cj-fii7 rtiCSJ?? 1 A. GCsmeJ To BE FUN J ) lit i ft Ck- V TOOTSIE IS " Jjfr J?i TOOTSIE y 5 V " HE'S PPOBASLy IV I Jsfex- : , i. 4" The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know SPECIAL One 1919 FARGO 'i-TON EXPRESS with covered PHONE bos. Excellent condition. Low mileage 174 1375 Repairs and Alterations irii r rn iii ii i i i i i j hi ii v i a. 7 'iiii i w : Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, FARQO DISTRIBUTORS wn&tiKinsLia. I PO. Box 214 ' i i . .. iiij- 'AMORRiSONAUTOMATIC V, ANO I MAS HAVING 1 l I I f" 1 1 I J - . LIGHTING PLANT II will pay you to Intlall a Diesel Morrison Automatic plant on your form. ... - " 1 : n f J L' 'd i brA,?s Are r I k y I v II v I . - I ; Cwillniwt op.mii.n ,(,. t K.W. Mrrbon Ciil rurailni mh 11 Ikm 1 m gof.lln. mochlno toon cult nwwr in your kl. fwr working pom flvo longor ocvln III mnd lowar molntonanco tlf . . . "Swilch-torllnt", lompacl Irltjih olanl comt fully ooulppxl lor m. p,(( ,.mp,t., jooo warn 11554; J500 won. $l)7t, NO IXTRAS. Inmodlolo 4.lltry. Mdtl twpplM op lo J 5,000 wolli. U"" i' V.VV.c 1 II t wa II I I o. 1 1 liv I rs ' . ,' 31 lolaibHUioOMi BDQBHaaiarn m jm i i m w n n i rlantt. i fltjFffflli"'ilrfi'lf IT " " : ' .. :