Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It . -v: ., r V7 - : eraces lClltlTcllf ,i 1 Saturday, October 13, 1951 r-1 - ' f Saturday Sermon s C? Ct more n Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince ! Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia, iilemtter of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations . Canadian Daily Newspaper Association it A. T.TJNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Dlrectoi i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, S5f, $8.00; By Mail. Per Month. 73c; Per Wear, $8.00 s$tft&s Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily "News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Frlnee "Rupert. Conutut nlin rw i ei it j ZJhe i Coastal Freight By Hm. H. Godfrey Bid, St. Peter's Anglican Church, CeahCove iDKt: t. Matthew 22:37 and 38. "Jesus said unto him, Hhou halt l ive the Lord thyCiod with all -thy 'huart, and -with all thy -soul, and with all thy mind. This . thj first and great commandment." The Gruat Commandment demands a balanced dedication toGod of the HEART, SOUL and MIM). Any one of these dedicated to God without the full support of the other two is useless. ' ft , &s- . 1Ulili 1fcA Mm THE -joint notice by the major coastal shipping companies on little more than a week's notice that;freight rates are to be increased by ten percent betw-een British Columbia points will result in renewal of the demand that such rates should be made subject to control and approval such as govern the railway freight rates. Boards of Trade and Chambers; of Commerce along the coast, aggravated by prevjdUs hikes of this kind, have been pressing along this !line for some time and there have been hints frorri -Ottawa lately that there may be forthcoming some form of consolidation of the authority over transport as a whole which might well lead to the desiiied result. Meanwhile, Prince Rupert and other coastal points will have to suffer further with higher freights addeHl to the cost of bringing goods from Van- If tust the heart is dedicated to God, we FEEL that we are at G;:''s serv'cr without theiielp of the (litvlni; Hpirit, or the know-iec1;.: of how to carry out that scrvre. Thoi? of us who just FEEL like Christians aie well- meaning but of not much use to G xi, H.'s people, or our;elve. An c'l'rctlv.' idiot;-ns:-.:p with Oori teqiiitiM than iuit TW PEART. i li just the sou1 is dedicated to God we are .;v ng ' to 'God Just t'iftt which is His from the be- Sinning. To dedicate our souls irjl in mr i RECOVERING -31. G. T. Perry, publisher of -the Prince Rupert Daily News, is doing nicely at the Prince Rupert General Hospital but it will be a few wseks yet before he will be around again. This new picture was taken a few days before he suffered the heart attack which sent him to hospital. . A Warm Welcome Awaits You at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH couver unless somethmir ,.',, , , ! T - r? J -. ' """Vv - i n hi inn Corner of Young and 5th Ave. Phone Orcen 812 Bi 5M geiutig cue goocis nere irom some otner piace or oy cheaper means. The new coastal freight traffic for Alcan to Kitimat and Kemano Bay was mentioned in' yesterday's dispatch as being .affected in a considerable way by the freight rate increase. And this suggests at least one way that the increase might be to some extent beaten as far as Kitimat and Kemano are concerned. 'Volume goods could be brought by rail to the terminal point of Prince Rupert at rates competitive' with Vancouver and could 'be shipped the shorter distance from Prince Rupert at lower tariffs than from Vancouver north. Of ;course, this can be logically expected to come port so'that it will be able to compete with Vancouver on the various phases of service and cost. But that is -something that could be logically expected to come soon any way in the natural course of events resulting from the new expansion and activitv of thp north' ELECTION FACTS LONDON Here are u few facts about the i British election v h i c h j might come in handy fur ! those who wish to follow j it closely. There are &27 seats and candidates have , been nominated to date as follows: 1 Labor and Co-op 600 ILP 3 Conservative 563 Liberal leic.) 193 Communists 10. Nationalists 0 Independents 4 I It is difficult to classify all the Liberals under one banner, lor only 156 are running "straight " There are some called "Conser-: vahve and Liberal", other.; "National Liberal", still 'others "Liberal and Conservative". One independent, W. J. Brown. the radio and television ner- .sonaiity, is said to have an ex !cellent chance to beat Dr. Edith Summerskill, the Labor woman minister who is running in East 'Fulham, in London. Brown has Tnrv simimi-t Kut y;Qvt if lu,-iH f he "will not follow the Tory whip." The British are slow starting their elections, judaed bv our Canadian s tandards but, brother, do they travel when they get going ! . Mr. Attlee .s due to make 55 speeches in eight days. On one day he is due to make no less than nine. Mam (if thpP tiril! Hp nnlrlnni-c Mrs. Attlee will drive the PM in the old family car. I NEVER knew until I really got around this country just how , much free speech there really is. !I used to have the idea thu: IHyde Park was kept as a sort I of show place, where people couio let off steam where it ! would do no harm. ' T mint rvi. th.t mii All over the Midlands I saw evi- of the lively so ot free speech. Two puiulays a-o i i1 stopped outside the Corn 'Ex - ! change in Leicester There were I about a dozen men all harangu- I ing different little crowds, in the ciimlit, then-emntv market stalls" 1 'Moreover, they were good speech - ;es, too-aii with uunch a-Id hii- !nr. ; THE MOST - amusinp .... n.irt f th. J campaign so far was outside. Mr. Churchill's big meeting at Liverpool. Vast crowds lined the streets. A ymall L-vi,-,' f..., on ih, p,tl-. K.;,io r,.i.,:i of the crowd, trying to orRan- i be interruption. Butcross from ! them was a a jolly, ioily, enormous - 1 bosomed, black-haired Lanca- 1 shire woman, a volunteer cheer leader. Her ow tevtaga i lot of-fun, ouusinjtin. and out - ! Shouting the Communists. I got the distinct impression that even the Communists were having a hard job not to cheer for the old wartime leader. It is a fact that even those opposed to Mr. Churchill's policies admire and, indeed, love the old ooy as a personality. One great feature about the 1 British is that they are so good- humored -and, above all so f air. I I think any really dirty' trick - 1 detected by the people would i lose the election for whoever j tried it. acrts I AM SAFELY s the At- lantic. I won't be hit bv any LIFE INSURANCE IS VITAL TO FAMILY PROTECTION J '. r j Rates j l j ! ' can be done in the wav of , , , ! i 1 ! j : I j I ! u,; ytvn ucnig umhi wore aim , I together together in in annual annual con- con i I j I 2:14. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rnnert ELECTRIC. ,..w;u ...;n A i n,:.. vMin-ii vim uciiiaim lius ' more. Conventions And Conventions SPTRtT f .u e l adueed toh!J? OTive in e cat our 0 COUld harH,,, ?" mNS - MlJ, ue healihv ,t0.l M' to ... r "lc lgf anvo "'"ft at on.'. - urai Lf are fullv eri,S: mi world d .an :t. e fuwd 10 6 sanely it e k"o boat is .i . "MUW tha i.t " " ', the the -Z-Z.Z. ca" blow it, J Hrst Presbyterian C J We extend a cordial in to visitors to worship l 231 Tourth Ave tar! Minister: Ttev. E. a. Wiit Organist: Mrs. E j'& " John Currit. SUNDAY, OCT. H Murnlnt! Wurahip-u Sunday 6chool 1215 Ev,ming Service ol p. 7:30. "Bemember the Sabbs:; 'to cp it Hoiy" C.ll r i vwspei lOMritsf 202 6th Ave. We SERVICES: SUNDAY 11:00 Morning Worship 12:16 Sumiy gc.icol i Bible Class 7:30 Evangelistic Sen. MONDAS 8:00: Mrs I! WKiilop. Pnsio;nt o WMS. df B'C. WED ami TIIURS.-4 J. iKItU, Missionary Kenya. EVERYONE 18 WELR "Green 3.T1 FIRST UNITED CHUf 636 Sixth Awnw . ' Prince Rupert. K Rev. Lawrence G Siei 11:00 a.m. Murnint fi Sermon: "In the B. Odd," Ch.lriren's Story: Bft Foundations,'' Anthem: "Let EverjH' joiee and Slug -Mi 7:30 p.m. Evening Wor-Sermon: "Ootl and th ( Anthem: "He Wuteret: Hills.' 8p..:ney COME AND Sunday Schools: First United all a: L Conrad Hall all at 1 1 EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 415 5th Ave. E. SERVICES Sl'NDU Mnrntnv Sunday School 12 ! WEDNKSU' Prayer Meeting FKIIiAT Toung People's 8 ft Pastor C. W. W Phone Black 393 "Seek ye the Lord ftW-may be found." Evening 1)18 EC TO .,. i, in nil Mm"' u,..l ?swi..i- tia:W rtif-lil w lim"',. iNtM.l.WN: 4th . " "'.S .Holv CommunW" Sunday CHnon.Ba.1.8, Kilt ST B.VKT1 hli "iLV liirr: K" ""': RPV, Grci" 3 m-i Btov. -I- 0rff WW"1 yrasw s""'' sol.' a Sumliiy ;B;, ... sl i mi "n. "I'm.0 Bundny W I" rti Kl'i'l ,1 " . VHEN rr-r-XT such i organizations as service -ii clubs and i ray ... : Reflects and Reminisces . Cinon Holmes of Niagara Falls is rector of Christ Church Cu- thedral where Elizabeth and rump vs in . woi snip -tomorrow. ' Th cathedral seats 300 and there arf. 1,300 families on the church ! roIls- Dare anyone say they 1 1 a11 be tht!re? So Canon . Ho,mes has a problem. : ' AFTER MAW DAYS A Jew clays following the ait- ting 01 a special session of path- "'"eni m uriawa, a aeKpatcn from that city says the shipping cf wheat thsough Prince Rupert iS,,alJ1?l't to ,be"m' ImPrtant as LOTS! 1 ; Until a couple of years aj;o, tnis was always the season when fhe cltteing f t;?e deeP sea fish- inS season, an'd its return in '1932 fned a major disruseion. Bllt from now on it's different. Today the apprwrh of prin u,lues an ever aenmg cnoi.-e r occupation, it not in Prince Rupert then near here. There's plenty to think about, outside of halibut and salmon. inougut control' seems a Ph'w' e fir ZVe, f IT?"1?, I l.' ' ... . . T H there is little to tell. It simply unfavorable P!"l?V, .n,otn rU U:! relations Detween a rovernmeit (federal o. sUtei and the. business 1:1 ubu.ibing. THE 1 T.tMANKNT PICEVK ''Frequent.', says the 'Oregon Statesman oomii.-jntiug cn the foregoing, "'it in not the top men who withold news, but the minor characters who jealously .guard their uflices- TlK':'.e.-lnUvionah, knowing the information thoy have Ui public prtywy, wn. answer a dire.', question, but will never volunteer news or fill in with pertinent details. That- Why the publ,c getS inmP' slories and why rePrt arc W .fraternal fraternal nrrlers orders get Pet. -5rA to God without the help of the hort and -mind -is like returning a loan just exactly us we received it., Vtth'n any lntw't or word hi appreciation heartfelt or real!?ed. Such a loan does not b neflt. He who lends or he who ibonowK. The soul must be dedi- ealerl tto Ood with the fullest h-aitfc'.t rctlization of -what -we j hr.vv iirv, rc-civi-d 'irom God. f J"''1 'he mind is dedicated to G u'. our re'if-'ion is cold and life es. Without the FEKLING of the heart, and .the LIVING rart or: 'R?v. 'F. lArrtrobus 't XUAy, OCT.1-1.1 a m.: "The iievntimi of Mary of Bethany" 12:15 p ,11.- Sunday School 7:33 p.m. "Freaohing the Hiespel" Special Music by the Choir MONDAYS: 7 p.m. Chlldreti's Church I p.m. Young People E TIESOAYS: 8 p.m-Praj.-r Meeting TOYS Mkmar WMK Manager Manaaer Repre:entat!v?s - R chard fiejihton, District .gent. 475 Howv St.. Vancouver. B.C. E E. Mortimer, Represontative. Prince Rupert, B.C. Will Robinson (E. T. Kennty Ltd.) Hepresentative. Terraoe, B.C. H. C. Webb'-T. C.L.U., Branch Manager, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. finals who arbitrarily .decide for ! themselves what the public lOunht to'know.and nut know." ! Again, as the "shadow of winter looms, comes the thought: Just what would Prince Rupert do i without the Civic Centre? Or ! the movies? And for that matter. jvveu laws me jegion ana aun t ; you forget It. ! . For some reason or other Ihe press could not have been 'well represented at the Governor. -Generar.i dinner to the Roval party Wednesday. Invitations were returned because only three came tor fifty reporters. It looks ne friction somewhere. And i'd, relations between the vlce- roy and the newspapers always seemed to nourish, ! t - - r .1 SD . ... - DfSHES Chop Suey - Chow Mem Open 6 p.ra. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE 'r tliHsirie Orders Phone 133 VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEW ART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. I'OH NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS October 12 and 26 ss. Chilcotin FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Octtiber 5 and 19 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue sPhone 568 DOWN PAYMENT .Jr.. vention, it does not possibly make so much difference if they do let down their hair and have fun for, afte'r all, their business is not so vital and the good time fingle is emphasized anyway. But when the doings of such an important body as the Union of British 'Columbia Municipalities get to such a state that resolutions are passed condemning the behaviour of certain delegates and suggesting that jcity councils be more careful in future about the kind of delegates they send, it is rather a serious .situation. It is too bad that some of the people who go to the tl.B. CM, convention should have so little responsibility over their personal behaviour as to give rise tjo such criticism. It is certainly bad publicity for the Union itself. ' r I . If - i (-i at S 4- ' 'h 'i I? We carry the most complete selection of Toys in town i 'Scripture f-aiiage for ail ay "He is our peace, who hath made both one." Eph. -ixl5 i. i 'A-" mm rrmf brickbats resulting from the . always up in arms against ' following opinion: - RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE ! GAS AND rLECTIUC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC ' Phone Blue 992 I ,. ' ' GENERAL I9H cy Mt ni l LOOK- Hi ii That is, the British voters in t the whole are about 20 years ahead of ourselves in Canada. I figure that our people are I about 10 or 15 years ahead of I those in the U.S. Elections don't need to take so long here, because the nation as a whole is extremely well-informed on public matters. That goes for all parties. FATAL RIDE MANCHESTER, England B Maureen Hall, 12, rode merrily for half an hour on a swinging boat device at a fair grounds. Afterwards she felt sick, collup-sed and died. A coroner's jury decided that her neck had t'en dislocated, causing death. r---'K JL-Ar-'-SJZj)i iiic OF 5 - $2.30 TOR AKSO.OO BONO, $5.00 FOR Jk iGLE Radios. Washers I " NOW IN STOCK Rupert Radio & Electric $100.00 BOND, HC- BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR. .. Mr 0U I0N0S ror - for cut r by mlahnmU it ftur ntiboerimil SofM trench Bank of Montreal WELDING Government Certified Operators High Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Stacks and Fie Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225--1st E. Phone Green 884 Prime Stewart Rupert 'Bwmh: -KRNIST PAULDING, Brandt- MFI.VII.LK G. GENGE, h ji WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF IIFE SINCE 1817