Prince Rupert Dally News Saturday, October 13, 1951 Better ;Bo-Me-Hi Intramural Association Booth Memorial Students A?ain Divide Into Houses This year in Boo School a mm o o o 3.21 PER YEAR IF HELD TO MATURITY LIMIT FOR HOLDING IN ANY ONE NAME-$5,000. CASHABLE AT FULL FACE VALUE PLUS INTEREST AT ANY TIME hi-'Wf system will again be start- j cd. It was last used in 1948 but ! was discontinued because of lack j ol facilities Under thi house system the school population Is divided into four parts. These j parts are called houses and have i names. Alpha, Beta. Gamma, and "Delta we'j the names decided! upm. Al?o each house has a j body of executive (president,! secretary, spoits representative,! t :acher sponsor, and others).' The purpose of the house system i; to promote sports and to en-! courage the entire student body to participate in sports and other recreation. For the past few weeks L. Matthews and Miss E. Maynard have j l-pen- working to complete the houses. The school has been di-: vded into four houses by a sys- j ten of birthdays. Tha'. is. all students who were j horn in a certain month on months are assigned to one -house. ' I Mr. Matthews, as director, has sp-nt. considerable time in the organization of a program for'; the houses. He has drawn up a constitution which he proposes to present to the board that will control the houses once they are organized (the board consisting, of tha officers of each house.) These are a few of the clauses contained therein: i ARTICLE II It shall be the function of the Association to encourage the entire student body to participate in organized! athletic sports and other active 1 recreation ... 1 ARTICLE III All students t ?ogula:Iy enrolled shall be eli-; eible for membership In the ; Intramural program, provided j tha' thev comp'y with the rules c' eligibility ... , KLudent- on teams which rcpre-; sent, the school or other organ- ; bed teams would not be eligible i for membership. This to more evenly divide the talent between the variou s houses I ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section 1 : The organization and supervision, of this division shall be under the control of a repre- ' sentalive torn the staff or ttve Director of Physical Education . . Section 2: The officers of this dl' ision .'hall be the representa- tt"e of each of the organizations which are to participate in the . Intiamura! piogiam, as well as THE LONGER IT'S HELD - THE BETTER J GETS Canada Savings Bonds Sixth Series have a "life" of 10 years and 9 months from date of issue and bear 10 coupons of equal value. The first coupon covers lyear and 9 months and is payable on August 1st, 1953; subse quent coupons come due August 1st yearly thereafter until maturity. If cashed before August 1st, 1953, si mple interest is paid at 2 per year (calculated monthly). This is because "dividing up" the first coupon payment over the period of 1 year and 9 months comes out to this "rate-pe r-y ear". Thi s"rate-per-year" grad ually increases as each coupon becomes payable until, for a bond that is held for its full term, the average annual interest rate reaches 3.21, '-C 3 -vS VV FUST INTHIST COUPON AXJ -V S COyi$ TWINTY-ONI ) Zo ' "f X" MONTH PERIOD i one teacher sponsor from each ! house . . . This outlines the proposed con-, stitution for the house system as compiled by Mr. Matthews. How-; iv.i the principal will make all , minor decisions. It is hoped that the system will be running I smoothly in the near future. RICHARD P. KILBORN. Need Cable for Clearer Phoning CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are registered :a the owner's name. They are non-assignable and non-transferable; Holdings in any one name limited to $5,000. Each member of a family may hold up to this amount. (Previous limit was $1,000.) 1 . v ON SALE BEGINNING MONDAY, OCTOBER 15TH AT INVESTMENT DEALERS, BANKS AIID THROUGH THE PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN LONDON P British engineers i hope some day to lay a special cable across th Atlantic which! will make trans-Atlantic tele- j phone calls as clear as one from i the next block, ' w The cable would free Atlantic telephone services of the depen- j dency on atmospheric conditions) which often interfers with radiotelephone facilities. Engineers working for the grit- lsh post office, which controls communications, feel they arcj gradually overcoming their dif-: ficultlet'. Nvxt year the first I deep-water submersed repeater' cable is to be laid between N-w-' found'and and Nova Scotia, a cable d:stance of about 700 miles. Estimates here difle- on when1 the Atlantic cabrj may be a reality. Some say 10 to 20 yean, oiheis much sooner In event of an emergency. Th? cost would be .".n",hin- lik.; 7.500 000. JOHANNESBURG 0WA resl-(li n;. lure received a registered . ict'.e- v msndir.g payment, of an i ..'tandin'j a in cunt of tax ovnfc. cn threat of p osecut'on. The J'e'H, outstanding for three: amounted to tv, i pence. gs Boids ' i $50.00 $100.00 $500.00 $500000 $1,000.00 , I JOHN II i j . j FOR W A S ? E r ? Y S TEM ATI C 5 A V I K Q BULGER Optontelriit John Bulger Ltd. Th'rd Avenue