u A I tun ULJ:.,J Prince Rupert Daily News' Saturday, October 13, 195X IF Stevenson Is Course Winner Jraanizeil Canada' Jarorite White Skirt ;: Arrow Dart" builds a new home or repairing the old one, rblis:w.,s to help you, so come in , . . talk with compart our prices with others. ,J City Builder's Supply ljt street Plione Blue 8' Active and Interesting Prcjram is Planned Sixtjen members were present or , Triiii.i fllTSBl! at this week's Art Club meeting administration. 'T, . . .. 3 r nos"lal when officers for the coming , , year were elected as follows: Based on a two-yeai term, the Honorary President Miss cou fe wil1 be studied partly at Jeanne Faure. J horne and partly at two leading President Mrs. T. Priest. Canadian univu'jdUfc'', probably Vice-President Mrs. John 1 A'berta and Toronto. Stirn. Forty applicants in ail Canada Secretary Mis. J. T Harvey. ; have btdn accepted for the Treasurei 8. A. Cheeseman. i course, which is jointly spomored Mrs. Stirn, program organizer 1 by the Canadian Ho pltai Coun-for th-j year, led a discussion of ci! and the Ke'logg Foundation pictures brought by members, I Home studies sav3 Mr. 8teven-thn gave instruction on figure , son, b?gin immediately, t'nlver-sketching using Jimmy Baldwin ' s ty court- s will bepin next snm-ar a mcdel. Then everyone had ' v Follow'ng completion of the a try at drawing, usingai a model studies and graduation, dlp!a-:'iu! lopolian relaxing on a . mis will be Issued certifying ad-:hes.' rfieid j trr.SrJr.; In organiration Mi? : I :obl Maf? -e, who had and management of hospitals, brought a painting by M . Amo;, ?.x'-' "if ' ... A '' t - - i " ' t- " - 1 f ' - - ?? 'I' : T : ' -JiS-ih J ,. , ' S ' s l ' ' t" .'' - 1 1 8 ' ' " ' V ' ' " ' " '" --r I' '.5- Vv' ' -V--. . ; ' :;."! If -; Plywood Wallboards Asphalt Tile It Li II PAINTS ! M ? il'J'rV".! T1 " '"11 Wti$t Walthu il , 1 1 j i j 1 1 1. 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 t;iiti(r(r( PrMj Jf( air A putty home wedding took place quietly last tilght when Miss Helen Hibbard became the biide of Tenho Paftvda. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wberg, 1029 Sixth Avenue Ea Th: bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hibbard, formerly of Prince Kupert and now living at Sm:thers, was given In marriage by her father. Groom is the son of Mr- and Mrs. Elno Paavola, 1236 Second Avenue Wist. In a setting of carnations and crept', Rev. H. O. OLen conducted the ceremony In which the brid? looked striking In a long white gown of KeoruettP with ; Inrw pppliirn and ruffe nt the nccklliM. She wore a shoulder-t:i(!ttl fineer-tip veil, crowned by a s'lver to.onet, and carried i Imufi'iet of ye'low und pink rc-f. RH(. wore the groom's gift of matching set of p.-arl neck-'a'-" and earrings. Attendant of the bride was ," l - U.i'dthv. wh f . charming in her pink nylon "O'vn, fitiiitwtln veil with hsnrl. dress of pink carnations She carried a colonial bouou.-t. of. pii'k and ye'low carnations. Groomsman was Alfe Korhon-' en and ushers were the bilJe'g uncle. Jack Furness, and Mr. Noiberg. Recept'nn fo'towed at th-; home, immediately after the wedding. A two-tier wedding enke tupped with a miniature bride and gnxjm was vel In the centre of a table sut rounded by bouquets of dahlias and gladioli. White candles and a floor length table cloth completed the setting. Toast to the brldy was proposed by Mr. Furness, and responded to by the t;room. Mr. Ko'rhon-en offered the toast to the br'desmuld. r, . i-iu frr. an.i serviteurs were mh MHdtetl Furness. Mrs. Irja Ko'lrnen and Mrs. Norberg. The gro'im Is employed by Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd., and the bride worked for Hoskin's ' -... . J. 'Jl j , I,,., .VjLj Hir wonderful pttn for . of Wt'H lind yow ntry form and of your nam and addict on PRINCESS'S SITTING ROOM-A model uses the phone in the sitting room in the rear of the sleeping car prepared for Princess Elizabeth. A map on the wall is placed so the Princess and the Duke of Edinburgh may chart the tour's progress. This car will b. at the end of me train and will be used as an observation C"''' (CP PHOTO) U. t i I ' 4. litiiili'ri rL thtkt of iheit on ISO word etwy. mfetmotion n receipt ctupofl below. may ntit j wwtt their eworvnott 'elumbia'i gtowing Fwlp rOU KNOW? . , . gufiift Columbia ! M (0 mtlhor. doffon rhon ? 3 of MJi dorian vilol to ------- BC ,: on mric Rupe:t General Hospl-ta"i administrator, D. C. 8teven-;on, has been accepted as or. i of hree candidates In the province . ,le,l r fver EPSOM, Eng. (CP) Town officials of this famous Surrey I teine centre are looking for "ideal" sites for ca-avan or trailer camps where people can live while waiting for houses. Call 363 FOIt GETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors that REFRESHES . FINEST OF COOKING pointed out Us linj line.'; a. d do al C'rh derived tt) meet every otl. r Thursday ai; winter, though the meeting two weeks hence will be on Tuesday, October 23, so that all will have Thursday free to enjoy the Akw-i;. Mus.c Trail Concert. For this m-et'ng many are bringing easel", and large drawing boards so ( ss to be able to sketch while . standing. The e may then U left c the Civic Centre for use during the coming ExtensK i Art Course. j Twenty-one have so far ft ned up for Cliff Rjbinson's course "Painting for F vasu-e" wh'ch i continue? for five day -f oni October 29 to November 2. The number taking this course is not restricted and all who wish to take It can enter at the Civic Centra desk and obtain a list of supplies to have in readiness. The lecture part or the course each evening may be taken by anyone interested in Art, omitting If they wish, all participation in the workshop activities. 1 Of fleers' of the British Colum- ula Automobile Association' are Elack as liaison representative, t -4 dlrotttd to our youngor cttliont to of tho Importonct of Irltiih and Paper Industry. 5ID end Paper fnoVirry fast yvor worth of pulp nd popr prodwcfi. omoinf rorurnt to Canada in th -tmtiitan ttrr nefonyf tfconomy, 1 PERSONAL Moose weekly c7c whist drive com m mencing this SuLur- day in tlie Moose "I Ternnle at 8 re-luck Sharp. Evi rybody welcome. I I PUIP f PAPER I N DUS TRY Sn,,T1,8l.8rl11UlK,'S The..?uple Arlhur Barrow' Pioneer sur-.room s parents. j membtr of the clly.s flst mun,. Th1- bride's aunt, Mrs. Annie cipal council, is about to move to (210') u" "onows: ri. s. Hipwell, p-esl-1 dent; H. F. Bird, manner. Prince Miss Elizabeth Clement, R H., j R'ipert eor.ies Cli ectly under the lady superintendent o f t h e Vancouver Asoeiation with J. H. Home Helps Kleenoff Absorene Pyre Wore . Dread Boxes Paper Towels Table Curfery "1 Fire King Ovenware Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. jsiuj.oi Vancouver was an out- j.-town guest at the wedding. Terrace Starts Dental Clinic rrnanrv TERRACE-The tv,- Terrace r Den- a elude is expected to get unr ay next week, plans having been completed by the local committee at a meeting held this weok at the home of Mrs. D. Bain. Registration of pre-school children, grade 1 pupils and those childre now iti grade 2, who attended the clinic while in grade 1, last year, is taking place with the fee being set in Tcrace at J4 oer child. is v f V. 4.95 Ym, Dart is Canada ' top whita hirt and we ha ve it in a wide rang, of sizes. Dart's famous non-wilt, medium point collar is good looking nd perfect fitting ?. . stays neat all day. Dart is tailored of fine, Banforized-hibeiled " broadcloth . . . Mitoga cut for better body fit. Youf ftr choice for looks, wear, value I Watts & Nicherson 3rd Ave. W. Phone 345 STEAMER Prfnce George SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Cach Thursday t at 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN ' WEDNESDAY MIIJNIGH'I ; Luxi--y at Low Cost , For Reservations . Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. THE BEST IM QUALITY Craftsmanship In Type.., Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. ISESNF.R BLOCK Movinp, Packing, ( ratinj , Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Uomnlete, Reliable and F.ffi-ient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all wvld, 'g supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Park Avenues Est .810 Prtoiu-s 60 and S "Hospitality and . C Good Food" ' That Is Our First Aim pitr.enl of Public Vorks Prince Rupert General Hospital, I will be leaving on Monday's plane I for Vancouver to attend the annual convention of the British Columbia Hospitals' Associuilon. Richard Sephton, district agent. Mutual Lite of Canada, is at ths Hudson Hotel, Smlth-ers, phone Hotel, where he will b" glad to receive personal or phone calls. (240c) The following were passengers arriving yesterday oa the Chil-eotin from Vancouver: J. M. Stansby, G. Stamp, B. Cummings, M. . una Mrs. A. McLeod, C. Hunt- le., Mrs. Oiozdonith and child A i B nfcen, Rev. L. A. Dale, T. ! V.cka s. ,j First fines this year were im- I posed in police court yesterday j when three persons weie charged with failing to register or , being delinquent in B.C. Hospital Insuronc premiums. The men, fined $5 and costs, were W.. B. "Mi'Callum, G. R. i-owe and E. C. L, Wallace. Informations were laid by Kobeit Gallagher, field representative of the B.C. Hospital Insu ance Seivk;, who is in the city from Victoria. -av. .'iriK public Is hi n by . advised that ad extraordinary 30 mph speed limit ;i m the Northern Trans-provincial high-' a Prtecf Rupert city limits to Oalloway Mi!:'( and on the Port Edward road from ') K.ini.; brldRe to Port Edward ai -' '""''live 12 o'tl.xk noon, Thursday, 'I. ( For the MEAL OF FOOD Loca a n d Ca:;h for old gold. Bulger's. Record sale continuing at the Rupert Radio & Electric. Now 3 lor 87 cents. (242c) Vancouver from the Kootenavs where he has been living for many years. A daughter, the former Betty Barrow, and now M:. Reading, has her home in Vancouver. Er-Ald. Thomas -Elliott, who ! has been a patient In the Prince 1 Rupert Oenral Iloipllal f jr a few days is mak , k bcB co.,ry anJ wil, l0 hnm.',m ATTENTION all members or the Prince Rupert Retail Credit Grantors Association: First Annual Dinner meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 6:45 at the Canadian Legion. G.iest speaker; W.C.R. Jones. Adam Bertram, pioneer rai:- I way man of Prince Rupert, le- Bowling Alleys, for the purpe.se of organizing a men's ten piu league. Please attend this meet ing if you wLsh to bowl ten pins. (ltc) Masset Man To Make Trip Planning to sail from Van couver on a -combination freight and passenger vessel at the end "i this week, Howard Philips of Mawet is locking forward to some leisurely cruising including the Fiji Islands, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia and j elsewhere in the South Seas. He will be away four months. PHOTO WRATH A LI'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLAP.G1NG EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Grrf 136 Hon 478 The local committee has In its turned this week from an ex-hftnda. also, ths arrangements tended visit to Manitoba and lor dental clinics in the whole Ontario. He retired yiurs ago, district and two other clinics and since then has been spend-are btlng set tip. one ut bsk and ; ml' considerable time, from year rnp at Kitwanga. j to yea.', In othvr parts of Canada. Finanda' assistance to the1 He was Il,rmel y B and B inwunt nf $400 for the three del);lrtnlent at Prlnre RuPert-Clinics ! has btn granted by the ATTENTION MEN ten piu ttcal rchool board. For the Ter- bowlers. A meeting will be held ace dinic. I if local organlza- on Stindav 14th at 2 n.m. in the ignod) L. C SMITH, Divisional Engineer, Ipt, of Public Works. MlH TAKK lt t OltDUKS I'IKINK 2IWI BROADWAY CAFE t. 7t.:'.-twnMW,,. IViC CENTRE THE MARCH ON ARE Craft Classes U " ll liNOON Teen Crafts-Boys and Girls U HUMNf; Ailult Crafts-Lcathorr-raft Junior Boys (0 to 9 years I (I.Y AFTKKNOON Aftci.ii i n f i-nrto .it. tionc are bcin invited to donate towuuis its upkeep. . tin's committee consists of: ' Chairman Mrs. H. Smith, -Secretary Mis. D. Bain. Ir.asurer Mrs. C. J. Norring- lon. Tranrpo, tation Mrs. L. John-k-, also Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Kennedy and Mis. W, Mai tin. Osland Woman Interred Here Funeral was held Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Jonlna Jon-cson, a 78-year-old resident of Os'and for 33 years. She died suddenly at her home last Sun day. The service, conducted by Rev. Basil Prockter, was held from Grenville Chapel. Mrs. J. C. Gil-kor played the organ for two hymns, "What a Friend," and "Abide With Me." Pallbearers wene Edgar Snldal, George Phillipson, John Oddson, Primo Vaccher, Victor Dupllsse and Arthur Kristmansun. Burial took place at Fairview cemetery. B.C. Undertakers wtrv in charge. Classified Ads Pav Yes, more smokers everywhere are discovering how mild and fresh a cigarette can be when they smoke Sweet Caps, either Plain End or Cork Tip. iuiw miuna r AV tm.,, Tiimi Boy;.' CraUs- Leal hen-raft ';'"AyAITl;F(NOON Alti'rnoou Crafts-Adults Crafts 110 to 12 years) Junior Boys' IV A'TI.KNdnv A,lu!b' Crafts-Leatherwork Junior Girls' Crafts r Exlension Department Art Co urse 1-3 November 2nd 5 Oavs 1 r'M.ii andr Evenin '"btr 29(1, 1 Arte l M VIC Is ELECTROLUX Woild's Most- Famous and Imitated Cleaner See the amazing new Invention combining floor polishing with cleaning. Before purchasing a cleaner or a polisher ' have this wonderful combination proved to you in your own home. FOR A DEMONSTRATION Phone Blue 970 or write Box No. 1626 tf ."-"ing CENTRE 1 t Plinne 17 for Orders Tu Take Out Commodore Cafe PADS get RESULTS Tf i-nii vnpt - coil it. n d .'prttk. i j It, News classified.