r-iiice Kuperr Dully iNt-ni Saturday, Uctu&er 13, iy5i ' In the WORLD of .f, ,va machin-rf aaiaUJd "senior workers over 70 aa!l friendly rooms o0 not wish to jo rimy work four ; yu y ' ! drama than half a tflrwan tin tional pieces. PhVllis ThaxtlPi- nlnv fho 7if77 Worpe Is Screened a welcome addition WE CLEAN WITH ! of the girl for whom Jim turned waiie. Davidson New Hoopla Prexy Senior "A" Basketball jirom iracic 10 tne glamoreus sport of football, "becoming the J RUPERT YDOCK Vear 4b Print Hupeh Here Being Mooted nation s No. 1 star. The picture is also replete with drama with life holding many battles for the fleet Indian boy. Charts Bickford plays the role af '"ou Warner, the coach and friend of Thorpe. - The life story of one f the most world popular athletes of all time has eep put on the screen In "Jim Thorp- All American," Tttich comes to the screen of the Capiol Theatre here next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Burt Lancaster stars in the title role bfPYARD Challenge Accepted New Blood Improves Already High Quality- I'iKKRS AND With probably the biggest year In Prince Rupert basketball his-toiy ahead of him, R. h. David-cori finds himsaif elected to head tht Basketball association here for the coming season. Annual Uther Problems (:'t:.-.KS grw Cus'.ings Bid Jtetyiene The picture invrtlvoc o t,i. 1 Whether or not Prince Eupert will go Senior "A' . ... a W.IIUC1 ( , ,, . " ' last iiuenL. I , . . uwesBory, a thrilling sportsman's Saea. the tale of an Amoi voiding IjrJ'r Jft 0",rtn . st " for three years, i" oasKetball tins year, whether there will 'be a four A". Macpnee, steeped down '. f Vp.tMm cJn, I., J,, . FOLKESTONE, Knglan (CP) In an all-night fishing contest here G. Colley caught an 11-pound songer eel and a "seven-ounce pouting. But when he weighed his catch at dawn, there was only me an eel now weighing 11 pounds seven ounces. Indian who became one of the - WMILL "MiW' eri tnough nominated because i v"' ""S" ' w w Jd " T l" te.Hwdito wiw ouij probably be radio -broadcast of league games -will be innovated .kert . SSSr' are some of the main problems ich the BasketbaU most wiaeiy acclaimed -heroes of His day all ,a sreal life story which packs more interest aid ;n : v ,t w mnueu .and the .oeaauun laces mis year. .!. w,u' Wrcl, Wtoe; trainer , of th new iun"' many otfcer points : twunra tary. ,, , - - aisuiaat t-enucion, Mr. Mavhee . . annual of meeting the associa-! in v,. u D.i' ? a hifhm Jtit 1 ! Box'"K WHb here. If K: ,rfy UaUs le p;ovkle i20mpptH i Vtai rtson for a monUnen Hion lur TJtherr elected were: Pre Apple Day Sale Don FVirurni-rt uin-..ii . I WW DlCTd hH iheen nnn.vt ' .. ... . . . . '" ' S card, alu win k or 0?at7o mnn, Ueasurer. iinio . e.kior league with thi ! S'; " haV 10 e' iT'T-"" wnmellnr. ..'- marcnent, recording sec- entry f Columbia Cellule il JJl.WUIH'l' if nj1Arft..n lfl!irt." ' " Of . Ke ' Company cnonsoitMi team The id Gentlemen NG tailor Swch a more, however, will 'Ik. derided shortly y tlie new eeutiv. it ultt involve, Mi. Macphee said, a possible iiF to Vancouver io play (he doverleais is the finals. "ii iuuinsuii, nowevar, m'uird Kays the challenge must ' waft-until mi.iet 'rnoiith. ' It will te the seronO mee'tinr I f MonrKtm ml ci .,..' -Ki'wiiiit.u tw-iiuit DOVfi Will Df ElVfli i cZBtrmr to the CiVlc atry-outm-xtweek toseV-howl Mi. Forward was appointed , prrrven players deleteate t-fhn . t . APPLES nithi.ii a:.,..! uuuur " Drano m, v Knlor high Khool Assoclatior) - i conven- -uiivcii- team ituin jnakes naxes up up the tne Rainmakers Rainmakers ".w,"? ,v T at ou be a b"- Pcat held held next next week week -in in i thlr hie i-mr yaar. and nJ they too .., u thln? 'cbimml 'Cbimmed l in C Don Por- rhone BOTt years ago the pair met at a J I 5en(re shuw here wlii n ,,., ttan, U) . e Pr-Va"C0",T'. win ! be . . i Eiven a try-out in a round ohm ward' P V trying to play " conUnu,-s as em lor live years." iiwtawm- with the other three en. , 8 ' " . 1 tries-Manson's. Gordon .& An-! ; CLEARANCE Buy your apples f romany member of the Gyro Glub and fbey will be delivered before Hallowe'en. All proceeds for Gyro Playgrounds : raiiruuij in ward, was "lucky" to get a three-round decinicm. , Ralzo, t: yean cr age, wvlghs 102 pounds at present t-it will get down to around 15SJ for the ftpht. Rat70 has heen Bninn j dcrron and the Elks. j LONDON (CP) Arrested for l t I f resident .ugus Macphee sug- loitering, John Hayes, 22, aid nOCKey dCOreS I ffs a workout be sched- he was a disabled Canadian1 D CARS Pacific C'aast Seattle 3, Victoria 4 1 aeoma 4, Vancouver 4 Calgary 4, .Edmonton 1. tTe"nrwams play' and so T MhUrt Vin " "-! termine whether or n-t all five poJice touiry . showed he team: coiild be admitted to the lived itl Stepney and had never! tsnicr leayue. ., been out of Britain in his life, i Comparing the type of bail last He was given three months in : VefLf fitmlov ..dm , ' fashion footwear If you want to sell it, adversise. iJiai;fs since last he was in Prince Rupert and U:re, WPtks ug0 Rot a technical knockout from Pancho hudgeson tf Quesnd, thirty nec-oud after the bell opened the1 lirst round of n main evvnt. Then o.ie wee ago Mike won' another technical in Wells ovi ri Dewey Lund of Quesnel, tnidd .' we:glit t.iamnlon r th,, " learn piayva jau. ailv.i'ti.seri jvc b'en sold. CKi m Sedan , irtTH Sedan is S'.i.iiun Wagon WHIT Sedan .s Station Wagon Hill Sedan SPECIALS ;-ton i:g w. b. ' .ton i;i; w. n. .-tarn 158 W. B. "Jide.-td on .dan Delivery. ,ln the Oj'flen U!oves lat yeur. j ne no!-tut ame a 'minute and a ha.f after the f!rit round opened. Ratzc'i manager Wick Schmel-ui, ir, now 'mnnuner of the Civic Centre at Frince George and was uimeily at Terrucv in a similar fd.iacity, , mpj rindy to no 0 mer ltd. 'WH DUAI.KRS iiipi-rt. B C. LP WNG ffissiii fcnd WNG liable and f Service u i J t" J Know DiHlled, Blended ond C Bottled in Scotland ?6S os. bt1ti Il IIHfltr . 'V Tll?6e TONIGHT ) 3 U JMVITEO US TO THE V ON A TUXEPO t I Ell iL'A'll ( (SET HOME AND Jf : I I fMNCE HEC CLUB r' A Yg ' liA9 I U HtMll T'.m.f'SS . i I I IS Giving TOnksmt T fwJ ' - v' S4 so Spfttv . ,7 . . ;. putcnmtukeoopor J ( AFTER MAKING ) S dont Vxj , f C THE rMNCE--HE SAYS V ME GET y ' ' ' ' ' " ' l i XAS MI9 OWN 1 " 1 L-J'1 WIFE VNHO COT ME S f ff Si W .W4v C PUT THESE J TvouV TTX ! I INTO TWIES6NB "JTN 'I JfcLjh TSS5 ( RNTS ON CANT KXNvSN JCiP ' o j "id Allerations linsLld. 8m J74 This iifivpriiw.mn not puhllshctl or rlisjjlRVdd by. th t lquor Control Btmrd or bv rne lovemment . ol British. Colucibl.1. I E I SUPER TWIN ek CHAIN, SAW 'lCPnnj " WTT J ,TndaW"ty are "W-Proven - TW'N take, 'Wuresare- ' sinElf cylin- Automatic 1 StarterUt('h ttn" OUR EXCLUSIVE PROCESS 4-DAY SERVICE COSTS NO MORE k'.n easy - trying. s- wihout cutUng attach- 'fullparticmars: !' wmm RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Pioneer Canadian Laundries Phone 8 and 118 OTRPlRVtS F" RlTt'IE & SON LTD.