PROVINCIAL LI23A3T, TOSIA, E. C. 113 , 1DRMES DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND. CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i.1.10 hR DISP&TCHEP J Published at Conodo' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' Phone 81 vui. X.L, No, 240 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS add And U1Eq) 0( brthiand rtance Kmphasiied lubrry Simmons, IK Yukon ;jfA 0-A veteran of life !',da'$ North told Com-v.Hav that national se- International Suez Canal is Proposed , id prosperity can be won ! Hundreds of Carloads To Be Rolling Shortly. Confirmation that Prince Rupert's grain elevator will be used to handle Canada's big 1951 wheat crop reached here today with the information that key elevator personnel are to arrive next week. ' - Reliable information confirms JZriun- LONDON (CP)-Great Britain will hand over her 8 in the Suez Canal Zone to international timber for om. the 53-year-om sprawl-1 control if Egypt agrees to become a member of the ufn0y of tne yuKon- proposed Middle East Command. ie k i vi i . "i 1 Four power sponsoring the I Uement and opening up pnnnsoiri nrit0i tti.h a.... , ,rth will vastly Increase L .mal wealth, and pro-k and homes for count- vlted Egypt today to become the fifth founding member of the nnrnmanil nn tha haeli r.f full Is Chief of Transport sar.ds of new Canadians. , Irontier is pushed back, equalHy and partnershlp nine is opened and each j Brtan aUo nanded Egypt new ,ad built further north- ; proposaU on the future of the OTTAWA Oh Prime Minister m increase uur .(Ui Sudan over which Egypt claimed :ty to resist aggression ! ' absolute sovereignty last Monday L. S. 81. Laurent today annouhc le us as a nation to take ln defiance of the 1899 met nro' ed retirement at his own request asmgly Important part vldlng for Joint British-Egyptian lining a ftee world." i administration. i, in seconding a tra- j . Ambassadors of four powers motion for adoption of delivered proposals ln a visit to s in reply to the speech the Egyptian foreign minister. The Daily News forecast that several hundred carloads of grain will be shipped here from Northern Alberta and the Peace River area. Cars are being made available now for heavy grain shipments to this port. Between seven and 10 key elevator operators are scheduled to arrive here next week. An estimated 20 laborers will be required locally for elevator, operation. DEEP SEA SHIPS COMING It is considered probable that at least three deep-sea vessels will load grain here. Storage facilities at the elevator are equal to some 600 carloads of grain, three full shiploads, or 1,180,000 bushels. The late harvest crops of Northern Alberta and the Peace River area are the expected shipments to this port. Farmers in that area are working frantically against weather deadlines to complete a delayed harvest. tnrone, reaa luesaay Mohammed Salah El Din Pasha. Break is Confirmed , Tehran Breach With Russia Occurred Last Tuesday TEHRAN Oi Russia broke off financial talks with Iran last Tuesday, charging the Iranians with lack of goodwill, an informed government source said today. Financial talks between the two countries began a year ago in Iran's insistence that Russia pay $20,000,000 in goods and services which Iran claims due her from Russian occupation of Northern Iran. One western observer said that a breakdown of financial talks might-adversely affect Soviet-Iran trade negotiations which began three weeks ago. ng of the fall session. of Mr. Justice M. B. Archibald, aged 81, at his own request as chief commissioner of the Board of Transport Commissioners, effective November 1. The Prime Minister also announced that John D. Kearney, aged 59, Canadian ambassador to Argentina, had been appointed Judge of the Exchequer Court and will succed Archibald as chief commissioner of the Board of Transport Commissioners. who went to Yukon as called for Improvement ,ii and land connections - North and suggested ,l be urged to settle ln areas. First Aid is Under Way TnrliiKfrlal first, alrl pu ai nnt RUSSIAN THREAT IN THE MIDDLE EAST Dur ng the Hitler-Molotov negotiations about a division of the world in November, 1940, Russia insisted that Persia "the area south of Batum and Baku in the general direction of the Persian Gulf" was to be recognized "as the centre of the aspirations of the Soviet Union." Last w.ek the Cominform Journal called for a Persian "National Liberation Movement" against "horn, and foreign enemies." If Persia, through an economic breakdown and a successful Communist coup, in consequence of a failure to settle the present oil dispute, were to pass under Russian domination, this would be the most danger-our expansion of Russian power since 1945. It would mean (as the map by Rip Pares shows) a Russian breakthrough to the Indian Ocean seaboard on a 1,000-mile front and put the Commonwealth lifeline, which runs through that ocean, at Russia's 'mercy. Russia would also outflank Turkey, and be poised for a deep incursion into the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. It is this potential threat which lies behind Mr. Achesons warning three months back, that the Persian oil dispute was "a position of greatest possible seriousness . , . out of which war could grow." ft J off to a good start last night at LCOU in 0,6 cltv rlre Hal1 wllh elht Pianist's Wife Career Woman Tall and smiling Mrs. Maxim Schaplro. wife of the famous piano master, who will be in rean Tour registrants and four more applications. Present for the first class were Robert Strachan, Edward Green, John Franks, John McLean, Don TIDES - - ald Llewellyn. John Ewart, Del- j Prince Rupert later ln the month Leon Errol of Movies Is Dead Sunday, mir Watham mH r a rh.. 1 on recital, is a career woman in High '.'A 9 The Canadian issued Its sixty-second list of the Korean war, two men killed In aether dead of wounds ithers injured, lyings to 31!8 the num- ,-Jiities suffered so far i ner own ngni. it is no renecied October 14, 1951 .... 0:33 21 3 feet 12:45 221 feet 6:36 . 4.2 feet 19:05 2.4 feet Leather Synopsis glory for her. man. The course, conducted under I Low A PnlnpaHn ofrl anrt DraHnolA HOLLYWOOD Leon Erroll, noted screen comedian, died yes sponsorship of St. John Ambu-L, r,mh,Q ,.,. h. ,. lance Association Is ln charge of ,,, , v, a u. Showers in the Kootenay re- terday in a Hollywood hospital iDatl S?ient.B; E-,Ey0,,M!?- RcgUl" 1 major Is psychology" as applied to I wounded. 25 injured table ln Industrial work will gion this morning are associated An Australian by birth, he was i Suffering from old eye trouble, with the storm which crossed the . 70 years of age. He came to 1 Harry Menzie has been in coast yesterday. Most of the pro- (-America 50 years ago ahd Jauied ; pttal for a couple of days but -vince is still blanketed with ' the Ziegfeid Follies. He had been ; hopes to be home at end, of the clouds from this disturbance and ! 20 years in movies. week. Dr. Schaplro became ln this work while serving as I also begin next week. .Hissing. Peace Talked as North Koreans Disintegrate ... ... ... . . . : ' . .... ' . . - ., Enemy Army Almost Non-existent Now, U.N. Intelligence is Told MUNSAN, KOEA (CP) Liaison officers will meet again Sunday in Anmunjom in another effort to get the stalled Korean armistice talks rolling again. The Reds and the UnitedNations are nearing agreement on administration differences holding up full- a sergeant with the CAW ln the United States Army during the several Doints on the roast are i . r . 1 1 '-. u 1 1 oronto Host to Royalty reporting showers. Shower activity will be considerably less tomorrow and confined mostly to war. Then she worked among deafened and blinded soldiers with a view to rehabilitation. She Would Ban Price Fixing Crowd Yel OutSee the north coast. ' Temperatures in the fresh Pa found that music could be used to good advantage In many cases. cific air now moving across the Game Today TO 9 -Under a full Now Mrs. Schaplro applies her province will be slightly below the normal for mid-October, j brisk autumn evening, Elizabeth and her con- dress armistice talks. ranging from 56 in the south to 45 in the north. tlful Ontario countryside we have already learned to love." Today the Duke of Edinburgh addressed the Toronto Board of Trade at luncheon. Then Their Royal Highnesses, guest ln the box of Major Connie Smythe, manager of Toronto Maple Leafs, saw an exhibition National Hockey League game between Toronto Maple Leals special knowledge, training and research to the civilian field. Her work has been recognized by the fact that she will soon be leaving for Europe on her second scholarship under the Fulbrlght plan. Last year she took her first Fulbrlght scholarship. Allowances Big Money Forecast North coast region Cloudy welcomed to Toronto Jismhuslastlc greeting wd thousands before Mil and along an 18- from the Malton Alr- Milk Price Is Going Up and a little cooler with showers today. Changeable skies and a Meantime, Mrs. Schaplro is Meanwhile Eighth Army Headquarters in Korea report that a captured North Korean officer told United Nations Intelligence officers yesterday that "the North Korean Army is now practically non-existent." His statement came as infantrymen of the United States 23rd Army Regiment scorched out the last 35 -Korean Reds holed up in bunkers on the slopes of the few showers tomorrow. Wind iption was dimmed I and Chicago Black Hawks. The j going north to meet her husband westerly (20) today and south t by the 45-mlnute dc game was put on for the benefit at Juneau. With Donald Oramm erly (151 tomorrow. Lows tonight of the Crippled Children's Hospital and many crippled children were there. and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 40 and 51; Sandspit and Following an across the board increasj in milk prices which has been allowed by the provincial Dairy Board, the milk price may Has Cost Country $310,000,004 For Families in Past Year OTTAWA The f e d e r a 1 treasury now pays more than next northernmost peak of Heart Prince Rupert, 40 and 52. Royals Have go up in Prince Rupert week. San Francisco basa-baritone, Mr. Schapiro Is on an Alaska Trail concert tour. They will be here for a recital at the end of this month. Here yesterday aboard the Princess Louise, it Is the first trip along the famed "Inside Passage" for Mrs. Schapiro. She had been completely captivated break Ridge. $26,000,000 a month in family The luniD here will be 4c Der A dispatch from the front said King Hearing Convalescense quart It is expected, taking into i thai- mopping up action was one account the 3c Increase to thelf the bitterest of the Korean timetable set out with 'A precision. rvers who had fol-al tour from Its in-" days ago ln Mont-"4 the crowds estima-W along the highway M1 tens of thousands itself"easlly the blg- y and Ontario gen-Jnncess Elizabeth ex-' thanks for the wel-1 l"e people's anxiety sl in the health of the :Ws gift, six palnt-ario scenes, would be reminder of "the beau- OTTAWA f A four-man committee on combines has labelled the common practice of "retail price fixing" restrictive and monopolistic" and has recommended that the government elminate it. The legal an deconomic brain trust also struck a blow at another retail practice that of selling quality goods at below Citt to attract customers to other goods and suggested legislative action be taken against this. too. This "loss-leader" device said the committee in a 29-page, 12.000-word preliminary report tabled In Commons Friday, also was "monopolistic and against public welfare." . Because of inflation, the committee jlid not consider it presented "any immediate danger,'' even if the government took action to eliminate the more extensive resale price maintnance practice. "Extreme forms of price-cutting aie not. very likely in this period of inflation and relative scarcity." the committee said. Yet in Hamilton, the price war seemed in full swing, resulting from the government's disclosure in a speech from the throne it planned legislative action on the committee report. One store cut prices on quality goods. Another followed and a third, serving a "price war notice" in a newspaper advertisement, said it would "match or better any cut price in town." producers which has been allow-1 war. -d and also the new coastal All across Korea fighting ex-freight rate increase which will!P.loded t0 an. extent unequalled First Defeat NEW WESTMINSTER (f In the Pacific Coast Hockey League Thursday night, New Westminster Royals were beaten for the ince me oueiisive ui uie xicua allowances. A report tabled yesterday In the House of Commons by Minister of Health Paul Martin showed allowance payments now amount to approximately $310,-000,000 a year compared with about $173,000,000 in 1946, the first full year in which allowances were paid. amount to Vic a quart. This will make the new milk was crushed last May. The North Korean officer gave i by the mountain, sea. cataract LONDON 0-The King mayiand forest SCenery and virtually soon be ready to start his con- j gasped her admiration to a Daily valesconce after his serious lung i News reporter during her brief operation. It was learned Friday , stay. night. Preparations are being' She was met and entertained made at Windsor Castle lodge to 'by Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Forward receive him there. I and Mr. and Mrs. John Stirn. first time in five starts when price in Prince Rupert 30c a quart. Cream and other prices principal creau w Aiuea aruiiery , th lost 3 to , to Saskatoon which has pounded Red positions ; It Qualcers was the tlrst win for will be similarly affected. j the Quakers. uii ileal Lureu& xuuge umiieiui- fully for weeks. Another captured officer said his division of 4,000 men suffered 2,000 casualties in killed or Old Country FOOTBALL wounded ln a thirty-day battle for Heartbreak Ridge and has been sent only 500 replacements. Joe DiMaggio is Through Famous Diamond Star is Retiring NEW YORK (CP)-Joe DiMaggio, baseball's greatest star since Babe Ruth, has played his last Big League ball game, unless he changes his mind between now and next spring. Made Hit With Chef Her Domestic Thoroughness Is Vouched For English League, Div. 1 Arsenal 1, Burnley 0 Aston Villa 2, Manchester United 5 . Blackpool 1, Charlton Athletic 2 Chelsea 1, West Bromwich Albion 3 Derby County 4, Tottenham Hotspur.2 Huddersfleld Town 2, Newcastle United 4 Liverpool 4, Fulham 0 Manchester City 1, Preston North End 0 The brilliant outfielder of the New York Yankees, after weeks of pondering, entered the club offices Friday and informed his boss. President Dan Topping, that he had decided to retire from baseball. Topping and DiMaggio discussed the matter for close to two hours. The Yankee co-owner did not Price Cutting Busies Stores HALIFAX There's one person in Canada who can vouch for the domestic thoroughness of Her Roval HiL'hnpss thp Prinrpss Exercises In Yukon OTTAWA Joint Canadian-United States northland man Portsmouth 5, Middlesborough Elizabeth. attempt to talk DiMaggio into oeuvres to build emergency air chancine his mind but ToDDinz . Chef P. A. Hoadley, 35-year veteran Canadian National Railways gourmet, is one of the few ! Canadians who will have Her ! Royal Highness inspect his kit-(chen facilities and arrange-j ments. In a letter written from j the royal train to his home here ; he says, "Their Royal Highnesses Sunderland 0, Stoke City 1 Wolverhampton Wanderers Bolton Wanderers 1 Scottish League Cup Semi-Finals Celtic O, Rangers 3 Motherwell 1, Dundee 5 Division "A" "- Or'iNDMN OCEAN -HtH- ' hAiT lb HAMILTON, Ontario -0' This city is having a busy shopping week-end since local stores decided to defy manufacturer-set prices and sell merchandise at what they consider a reasonable mark-up. There has. been the biggest buying activity since Christmas. The Right House store, in announcing breaking of agreement with, manufacturers, had a big advertisement In the newspaper giving price reductions in a long line of price-fixed merchandise. Smaller ads by other retailers did not refer to price-fixing, merely announcine mark-downs strips on frozen lakes and test asked him to withold his final new winter warfare equipment decision. were announced yesterday by the I Canadian Army. Dubbed "Exercise Eager Beav-j Air PaSSeilQerS er 1," it will be the largest of any j " peacetime all-engineering To Vancouver today A. L. schemes and will comprise 135 Holmes, W. Peters, W. Wylie. W. Canadian and 300 United States McDonald, Y. Benstead, J. Bal-Army engineers in the area of man, H. Hillard, J. Busch, H. Kluane Lake, 130 miles north of : Helgerson, A. H. McLean, Mr. Whitehorse ln the Yukon. Nelson. The exercise will begin Janu- j To Sandspit (today) Mrs. S. ary 15 and will not finish until 1 Wilson. Mr. Bing, Miss G. Dow-nexlJuly. ille. A. L. Ciirk. (w, wnile the United Nitions Mediator in n.asiii"ii . w. jaa, !0rces a 10 rlte his report, war Is openly talked about In India and Pakistan, and the the tWo each other. The chief rat.iori Commonweath members are lined up against i 'I that 1 lunger lnslde Kashmir, along the cease-fire line, but in the Punjab a grave . dl strateEte -ni-,ciHrnii.,. i nniitirai ones. A war in an area Airdrieonians 2, Raith Rovers 1 came through the car when we East Fife 3, Third Lanark 2 j had stopped for the night. Prin-Hibernian 1, Morton 0 I cess Elizabeth was into every- Partick Thistle 2, Stirling Al- thing, asking questions, and in- bion 1 I speoting the pantry." Qeen of the South, 1, Aberdeen I "Princess Elizabeth is charm-2 .ing and both she and Prince St. Mirren 1, Heart 0 1 Philip are a very lovely couple Forfar Athletic 3, Dundee 'and very friendly," said Chef United 3 (tie) j Hoadley. I'llOW iiln w.uwiuna nave aiicoujf iipnu u..v.w rounderiT e Rus'an penetration of Sinkiang and the Chinese annexation of Tibet, r com Communist forces, might easily set the match to the world's powder maga- itft, um u 18 are armed by Britain, jnd a constant stream ol heavy arms conunws "ere tu both countries. on certain merchandise.