TODAY ONLY OREOORY PECK In Prince Rupert Dai) News Saturday, October 13, 1951 T-O-lft "rADTilkiUA. nmATIO HORnbJ Canadian Fishing Company's' Cumshewa Camp 25 and an oil scow wlren he ran Into dirty weather across the Straits which blew up Into a 45-knot gale In no time at all. The crossing took several hours statement, but was no downright emphasis was given the utter lack of confirmation. The whisper "not a soul was saved" was not given denial. And so the anxious hours wore along. When would something come from that reef, away north in Lynn Canal. WATERFRONT -WHIFFS and at times, the heavy seas threatened the camp scow se i rV ' 'iily fw1 t LM I 1 I ' 4 Passengers from Prince Rupert were .supposed to be on board. A paper had some reason to wonder how far to go and how quickly. liiii .'in and unheard of today, mention of some of the ships in the pioneer fleets that berthed Prince Rupert to Handle Grain Again-It's Been a Long, Long Time "The Mostest Of The Bestest" In Yard Goods WALLACE'S POLICY GUARANTEES SAVINGS Wallace's go irect to Montreal and Toronto to buy yard goods at the lowest possible pi lees Your cost Is as low and in many cases lower than out-of-town prices. WALLACE'S Department Store verely, Capt. Hclin reported. But it's all In a day's work and the Cape Perry with its first mission marked "successful" returned yesterday for the last camp, number 33 at Skldegate and Is expected to make port sometime tomorrow. In this fUhhif port It Is nt uncommon to see as many as UK) tillnet vessels and seiners all tied up together at the floats but a different twist is seen on the Ocean Dock today. No less titan 16 gillnrlters are secured ON the wharf for winter storage and a general clean-up, paint-up campaign. With salmon fishing over and done with for another season 1 . o Prince Rupert's long 1,250,000-bushel grain el- ' P"'lce lon ae wln . awaken memories. The Amur, i e vator, now empty after being idle for many years, c.;ttBe City, capiiano. City of will shortly be active again. The port of Prince Rupei t Ettit. Hercules, crown of oa- .! , , . . I licia, Humbolt, Princess Bea- Wlll be Used this Winter i i to move part of w Western trice Princess May, Princess So- Canada's record grain crop to market, it became deli- i ' ' - jmt ii a : . nitelv known yesterday, ine announcement was macie Vadso. camosun, st. cvnis. And by an official of the Canadian 'the foregoing were but a few. Wheat Board in Winnipeg. The i jng yet. Eientlially she was1 J He here, many seiners have headed official said that Alberta grain Isold, changing from Alaskan to Mention of a Japanese sailing would begin moving into the port i tropic seas and carrying fruit .-hip calling at Prince Rupert !r had as soon as harvesting in AiDeria , i,om Central American regions was made on this page, not long south for fall fishing but re ports are not good. "Slim pickings," is how fisher ! permits. He said that the pro- ice.C v - j cnoice ago. The tun rigged wtna-jam-m.r was here three or four days, ! gram for shipments was not yet ' in its final form and it is too men clMcribe the Johnstone Th? fish that pnidures tt-e M-G-M preenfj and when the last of fler was seen, no one seemed able to say whre the next port of call would hi Pi'inio Himprt nias Her firttt early vet to say how much grain easn is caugni iy uie noun aim will be moved from Prince Ru- while. Prince Rupert would presort ThP rielaved harvest in fer to see as much local business In 2.1 Seconds, A Weight Lifter Using The Two Hands Press Method Lifts 230 Pounds : But In Only as possible, one must realize it's and only Canadlan vlsit. It u understood there was a perman the fisherman's money. Five hundred miles down the coast dwell families and friends as cnt absence from United States tpirit.iirv nnlp it. wns Ppart TWO SECONDS RAY MILL AND well as property. For, with quite . Harborfor it was thPtV3 tnat a number home is neither A 1- davs wpre lt on ardval from aska or Sktena. Home, as well p ' ... Rl,n(,rf Alberta, resulting from repeated spells of wet weather, has put grain shipments from one month to six weeks behind schedule. As soon as Alberta harvesting is resumed, grain will start moving to Prince Rupert. -JC- A MARINE ROBBERY A fortune In perfectly good Canadian dollars would be reckoned pretty fair plunder even in JOHN HODIAK - NANCY DAVIS-LEWIS STONE-JEAH HASL1 V? Strait area and "everybody's out there." West coast of Vancouver Island reports Indicate hardly a decent catch at all. BRAND NEW SEINER One of the brand new seiners and packers which will enter the trade next season Is the Hairia Warrior, built at a Queen Charlotte Islands private ways and now getting her engines installed at the drydock here. Skipper Is Jeff White, who had a good -sized hand in Warrior's design which Is one of the most modern on this coast. The dry dock also reports that activity hasn't slackened up a bit there. "We've been so busy on repair work on fishing vessels all as pi upei ly lull ur tuiiisiuricu a Innff a-av off This is certain ft) change but only when population , SALMON FISHING OVER shows substantial growth. I The salmon fishing season in KxrsAi "ROCK ISLAND TKAIL' Forrest Tucker - Adele Mara the northern area is finished as Is Ready To Go : To Work! u , ,., T' ... , . i of 6 p.m. yesterday. That was n On her initial visit to the Pa- lh omciaclosln(of traU ,lsn. cific Coast the Dutch motor , . Jnfc. ,n the Quem charlolle these blithe days of millions and j millionaires. Yet. one fine morn Show Storts 7 p.m. CT L ing long ago when mist was ais- i ; , ...v " i lands area closing a soft blui sky. the can-1 ui vancuuvw iu- Last compicre know o.u A FAMOIS PLAYER nery steamer St. Denis made "T;1 lu ""- j And with this closure, all w P.istnmarv pail at. Princp I ect today for Manila and I . cftti! Mr, mr ftch pamre or, halm. through the season that we've PI Hupert, ths time with a stunning "J jast oiei, as v.ell tow-ed in for the final clean-up. hrtd little time for our own Madras and I Calcutta She is 5 story. During the night $21,000 a, Jl;st ,iucn a )ob proved to be Work." .ays Ed Boulter, acting " accom had been taken from the ship's'"" le"1" an.a 'ms strong box. Numerous salaries modation lor thirty-five passen ! quite hazardous for one well- superintendent. i known fisherman yesterday. r i in gers. Trw Slamat was built Rotterdam in 1948. Henry Helin, captain of the If you want to sell It, advertise, pucker Cape Perry, was towing it, News classified. were missing. The vessel remained out in the harbor, and kind-hearted Billy Vickers, police chief went aboard. No one on the LOSS OF SOPHIA Macleans describes the loss of SI. Denis had gone ashore. Some- ' TODAY TYRONE POWER - SL'SAN HAV 7 - 9:00 in "RAWHIDE" Sunday Midnight - Monday Matinee JOHNNY WEISSMULLER MARLESE Dir in in "TARZAN'S , "SHANGHA! TRIUMPH" EXPRESS" body who knew more than any-1 the Princess Sophia, an unfor-enc else1 was still there. I t;etable story. Prince Rupert well The break had been a thorough lecalls that cool, dour day In the one. Vickers and the skipper i late autumn of la. A stained and MAKE THIS TESTIS HUNTING SERVICE Hunting Accommodation with or without guide services RATES REASONABLE For Reservations Apply R. C. Crater North Bulkley began to poke around and ex- 1 sorry world appeared a little less aniinj things. Feeling under a!cruel- Peace had come- But-cushion the chief withdrew a stl'l unti?r strain and bereaved, handlul of bills. It wasn't less people had to do battle with, a than $50. Below practically every : new yet deadly enemy in the waslform f virulent flu. And rug, or carpet edge there now. codle? of cash. The St. Denis wasithls! The (lrst hint of what had 19 ew now jqi ii rraay iv go to work, drop an Aspirin tablef in a glass of water, and tim its disintegrating speed. What happens in the glass happens in your stomach. So fof fast relief from headache use Aspirin. Starts Monday f(r Three Dayi WINNING ALL AMERICA'S HEART a floating treasury. It gave one nappenea was handled, so to H There L an odd feeling to have Ins hand N"". lamer auucaieiy, JIM THORP close on some object he knew could not be other than a roll of twenties or tens, or possibly i few hundreds. Not all, but nvarly all of the For Fast Headache Relief, Take cannpry cash was recovered. Aj m mm hi iiMflTTDTiTju m ASPIRIN ALL AMERICAN STAIUUMi . BURT LANCASTER low Prices! bo .III . . . 19c Economy bottl. of 24 . . . 29c ill of 100 ... 79c i crew niemuer iiaa lurtea nic j safe when under liquor's Influ-j ence. Later, approaching sobriety and scared stiff, he confes IHAOk HAKK KkU. IN CANADA Also C ARTOON - NEWS Shows 7 - 9:05 NEW Mcculloch I .A mam sed His general record had been good, and a short term was enough punishment. -ii- Reminding one of yacht-like grace, the CP SS Princess May usually captured, the fancy of early day coastal travellers. She allpd at Frince Rupert as far back as 1907, if not earlier. Her captains included John MacLeod, a salty skipper who knew his way around at all times and under all circumstances. Once a Japanese emperor's yacht, the trim little Princess may be sail- CHAIN SAWS WITH CUSHIONS POWfl ' A new and exciting AGED FURNACES X 654 rL I LJ u HEAT ROBBERS RAUli trie O Seven Horse Power Chain Saw e 55 Pounds Total Weight O Anti-Vibration Cushioned Power e Full Swivel Transmission e Automatic Clutch. Fu'l Power Operation in Any Position Without Adjustment acific Electric The owner of an average years old is warned by Na- onal Warm Air Keating Asso- 4SH1 1-4 -V V J hcating system five or more G E. Radios are available for every to. everv budget . . . every room. The Northern B. C. PcJ INVITES YOU TO DROP IN ANDjTtf THE PERFECT RADIO FOR V0LR Mu. NORTHERN B.C P0MM .....I. Il,.,n. 110 nation that tue odds are 7 to 10 his winter heating bill Is at least 10 percent more than necessary. Prince Rupert, B.C. riione Blue 993 itox 1399. nesncr uioc -- - jt,a 1 Lucky Lager Extra Dry Beer ii t ' . winning new friends every day. r . t Always in favour wnerever happy t people get together. Thlr is because 7 out of 10 o rler type systems of heating are in need of repairing and cleaning. Air leaks in and around furnace combustion chamber, soot in the chimney or furnace, warped burmd bars, corroding smoke pipe all create loss of heat right in the furnace itself. Therefore using more fu-1 to keep the proper temperature. Heating experts report that V f i 4 Sale Of Household Goo Ivme owners are "robbing Peter to pay Paul through use of improper firing methods USED CAR SALE 11949 Studebaker Sedan 1 1941 Mercury Sedan 11941 FordScdon 11951 Austin Sedan, 3000 miles, new" condition. 1 1947 Monarch Sedan' 11946 Ford Sedan 1 1947 Crosley Coach and negligence in furnace maintenance. The majority of costly rer fa Woshing Machine 3a Bed with Inner Spring pairs could have been avoided if owners had followed a regu II lar program of having heat Fyffe W'4 Mahogany Duncan Table and Chairs to Mow Winner 1950 DIP LOME ing systems inspected each yeai, says the heating associa tion. Minor repairs can add ALL IN EXCELLENT COm tf. longer service to heating sys .TV T L 1 1947 Fargo 3-ton FOR FREE TRANSPORTATION W tems and insure health and Distinguished world renowned brtw masteri meeting t Bruiselj on Aug. 10-11, 1950, awarded Luclry Lager trie Diploma and Star of Excellence, acknowledging thii traditionally Itne B.C. product, Canada'i (men. Also Brewers of Burton Type Ale irior Auto Service Ltd. Supei 1 Black 1' Safety of families. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Phone Third Ave. W. Phone Green 217 - Bruocli Award TERMS: CASH J v (245c) ! fnis advertisement dvertisement is not not published published Or Or disphyed disphyed by th Liquor Control Board by the Government of British Columbia.. AJVEP.T131NU 1H THE DAILY NF.WS BRINGS RESULTS.