Prince .Rupert Do Saturday, Oetooe, WtW, radio men on a par with fleen.! and eiiuiiieroiii oll'icvis. It is-in addition to a 6.2 percent in-c ease already approved by WSB. 'i. 1951 Whole Westl Is Booming Radio Men Are Angry in 0 1 (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. P:ease retrain from telephoning. Classifieds. 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, funeral Notices, Marriage w:d Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE 1 RICE. W. L. Armstrong Sees Expansion Here like in Alberta Thf ereat. industrial Avn.;n which oil has been bringing to Alberta in general and Edmnn- ton area particularly was found paralleled through the central Interior and at the port of Prince Ruprr.t by W. L. Armstrong, for- mer Canadian National freight ag-ent here and now stationed at uionton In a similar capacity, wiv. re-visited the city this week in the course of a vacation trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Armstrong, was happy indeed to see it for his Vieait is still in this part of the country where he was ocated f :r s long before going to the booming Alberta capital. L;, new industry in the Edmonton area is. of course, the oife new $53,000,000 plant of Can-jU ClitiiiLiti Co., which is I ins built by Crirpjta-tion of Arartn to fu te,or . cess, manufacturing into varn and other fabrics, the pulp which is oemc maoe t. iCrl'iik Co. piant ut Prince Rupert. In addition to that, the big oil xmpamcs a v sinking millions Announcement Foil and Winter SCHEDULE Prince Ruoert - Terrace BUS SERVICE Eff"etive October 15. 1951, bosses will leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 9:30 a.m. lneal time, to arrive at Terraci at 1:20 pm. Returning the same days, busses will leave Terrace at 5 30 p.m., ariiving Princ Ru-p.rt at 9:15 p.m. The cb-v? srhedul-' will be aiain' ained an long as mud i nci. lions permit or until fur-h-r r.otiee. Riihieet to consent of Public J'.Vl'i'r Ct.mmi:-jlcn. Pir arrival anil di-pinture ttme; .t till, Tine;- p! l.i's r-rVr to antlc-a poind ta tar- cumixoiv l-piits at P.iee Hoiei-t.. Tiitiko uui i.ur:"a.? jj-ao.n. STAGES LIMITED C. McINTYRE, F.erident and Manager. - -24') Try Doily News Wont Ads 1 WANTED MALE OK FEMALE HELP WANTED THE BRITISH COLUMBI A C1VIL SERVICE REQUIRES A; Cl.LHK OHAL1E 1 ior the De psrtment of Finance. Government Agency, Smithsrs. Salary: $167.30 rising to $203.05 per month (including Cost-uf-Liviiijt Bonus and Special Living Ailowancei. Duties: To perform under' supervision dtuie? of a reoetitive nature requiring some experien.'e and Involving a small measure of responsibility. Qualifications: Hit;h Si'hool graduation or equivalent: plus a minimum of two ve it's' clerical exoeri-enre. C-.ndltl.ttcs mUst be British subjects, not over 45 years In men, 4i r w. .men extent in the ca-e o.' tic-service uer-nm.ih'1 who are given preference An ili ":'t;on Forms, ob tainable nam tne UJVt'mrar-nt A'r.i'. Mm -ners, to oe com-! pl"ted and returned to the j Ci'iiirmnn. Civil Service Com- rikon W. iiee Bi'ilHn-f VIC-I TOt?TA NOT LATER THAU i OCTOBER 23ih, 1951. Utci ! MALE KELP WANTED SA.V FRANCISCO 'Marine radio operators, angered by re- peril" that the wafeo stabilization b01"'d had reJecteti tnelr wage Increase, today threatened a ! country-wide shipping tie-up. In Washington, a Wage Stabilization Board spokesman dented that a decision had been reached. ice-President Philip O'Rourke ! of the American Radio Assorria-r'-n (CIO i said he was informed the board had vot.d down two in it .oris to approve a $39 month- I !y ""'ise. i Thiit raise was granted by the shipowners in June to bring j Clear Weather Aiding Harvest WINNIPEG. With the advent of finc clear 't'1(tner through out we.ittrn uanaua during tne pas! few days, harvesting operations have again been resumed in practically all sections, ac cording to the weekly crop re- tional Kaiiways. It will require at least a month of continued good weather to complete harvesting of the 1951 en p, particularly in some sections of Alberta. In the Okanagan Valley, practically all fruit is now in the parking houses. CREATING When you Jife assurance n estate of available can take at Vhy not JOHN Kox 855 SUN LIFE flSSUHAKCE or dollars inn expansion po" of tne dtPaI'tmt'nt f "Hi'l-of plants to handle new oil and -Ultul,'t' l Ule C:inadian Na WANTIT1 Watchman for East harvesting, was two or thicc Kwinit -a . iwmill. Contact; weeks behind because of contin-Oordon Little, Terra?e, B.C. I ued wet and cold weather. The 243.-1 ;f rune wet weather which had HELP WANTED -Manager for Canadian Legion, Prince Rupert. B.C. Duties to commence November 1. Ability to prepare U5UIC5S V CARPENTERS Hhv sll of our ttiWH fil on our yreriMiutl Merhnifiilty ituihI. joint. 'iuU it. , Uine uui inn. ly They'll cut fl-i-, trvi PRECISION SAW FILING 1.H5 PHil.OTI PLACE Hok 1011 Station B tAent: Bus Terminal 1ttvt Kntinl CHIROPRACTOR JOHN r. L. HUGHCS D.C. 21 - 23 Br-sncr Block hone Blue 442 scorr McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block (SOU -3rd Ave W Prince Rupert. B.C. hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNT ANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Colossi's Music Store Agents for tlm fine.-t. In Musical lnsfruiiienta PSAFJOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St Ph Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD AUtOUNTANtS h AUDITORS De:.ncr Block Phone 327 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Us branches ri4 - 4 1 h Strt-et Phone 55 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPK ESSORS.. CONCRETE MIXER3 Ry hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Roles Box 774 Second Arc. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214-4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Bid Alexander linancial .statements in recog- eve.', the crap could still be av-ni;:ed roan. Some experience cd if warm, dry weather should MARGARET McLr OPTOMETRiST Room ie TONEBUlmo PHOME BLUE 593 PO. Box Htu Sales and 8mi R- W. COLLINS Phone Blue TO g,,,. for genuin,- parts aral" t"rie or write atw TERMINAL MESSENGER Phone 840 Ai' deliveries fi,;!j m FOR YOUR . . . Brit k, Stone and Blwk Tile Setting and Vm Phone K. SORENSC Blue m iHtei Jpm HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL COKTRAtT. building and Repairs it kinds HOOFS - CHIMNEY OIL BURNERS PHONES: PO Box 1070 SIDNEY G0NIC OPTOMmiST Complete Vii'Jiil Aral; OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Geo, Cook's Jeweller Pt MATTS0NS UPHOLSTERISO Phone Blue 126. PO & 234- -3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupfi', BC. H. G HFLGERSC' LIMITED REAL ESTATE 4 INSffit Phone 96 Evenings Disc Train Schedu For the East Dally exrr-pt Ennda? I rom the East . Daily cxi'rit Mnthj. pm AN ESTATE . . . pay the first premium on a $5,000 policy you immediately creute $5&u0. If you die the full amount for your family. If ycu live you long as thirty years to pay VjT it crciito your estate today? T. FOWLE Phune Black K37 jo. ui, uu Sn nil . oia'. , caiai v t ajji t uu ami tictatib ii experitnee to Box 028 by Or tober 29. . (243) HELP WANTED FEMALE vVANTED - Exoenen-,-d office c.e'.k fo const ruction com- .I'u.' (sfln Must '1 vg ,';i)n-1 han:l. Apply In writins to Box 2u7 Dailv Nt-v.s. KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Semi-furnished tne roam floathouse wi'h oil stove, A '-so small float. Phone Black 232. (242di MY WIFE'S FOUND THE SECRET OF DESSERTS 8th East (215PrJnun 'st tanee forces inside , Ciechtxslovakia are reported to FOR SALE 4 room house on be saying Communist leaders i float 40 ft. x 20 ft. Contains , are in a mood to negotiate for two bedrooms with ted anditho release 'of William Oatis,' mattress first class stove. For j sentenced to 10 years on change1 further information write S. of espionage. O. Furk, Box 1639. Prince Ru- j I ANNOUNCEMENTS Ltithera;i Tea, October 13. Rerjekah Bazaar, Octocer 20 L.O.B.A. Fall Eazaar, October 26. Woman's Hospital Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, October 31, at home -of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 43'j Fourth Avenue West. Boiija Bazaar. November 2. Lcfton Auxiliary Bazaar, Nu- Vembei- 7. Presbyterian Church Baiar NoverfOjer 15. The, Women oi trie Muc :e Fa.l ' Buirarer. November 10. 1 Catht-dial Bazaar, Nov. 17. i.U Lf.h. Fail Uu..aar .Noveinuei j 22. St. '1'eters fall ll.lai veniber 29. United Church W. A. Fall 11a- zaar, Dec. 0. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 9 at Masonic Temple. Children.-! Church Service at St. Andrew's Cathedral called for 2 p.m. -tomorrow, Sunday. Parents Wblconie. SLICED wupped bread from Rupert Bakery on sale at ail grocery .stoics. (tf) Will take orders to crotchet doi lie; centre-pieces, runnef.s, bullet sets, chair sets. etc. Phone U.een, 997, or apply 740 7th Ave. West... i245p Anyone having any informatian of the whereabouts of a trunk with personal effects left in Prince Rupert by the late James R. Hooper, please phone Blue 650 or. write to Mr.s. A. Wvlie, Jasper, Alberta. I245pi 'JET' -.The "or.'rv for hut stove.s. Won't biueken. No brushes. Get JET' You're all set. .Ail Stores. UNWANTED HAIpJ- PernnncrTiT-lv eradicated with Haca-Peio The most remarkoaie discovery ; ot the age. Haca-Pr'o is guatrtni eed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no drills or chemicals. LorBPT Labj, 079 Oraiiviiie. . Vancouver. ISC. (Hi FOR SALE FOR SALE-Dinette suite, nat-l uraL,wood. Table, .six chair? j and china cabinet. Phone Blue) 3iii 'alter 0. (240p) , FOR SALE Cream enamel wick burner oil stove. Perfect order. Reasonable. Green 825. dtp) ; FOR SALE Table model Rem-I minlon typewriter, $50. Phone! BlacJ 610. (245c) FOR SALE Prince Rupert Warehouse 6", 8", 10'' and 12'' cast iion Jlrain p-pe also 8'' and 10" steeLpipe. (245p) FURNITURE for Sale Eedroom russ(- radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield bed.scomp!ete. cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tfi BOYS" ALL WOOL jacket, and windbreakers, all sizes less , than, factorv prices. B. C . Clothiers. Third Ave. (tf) I FOR . SALE 5-tube General! Elecfj-ic tablf radio with rec ord player attachment. Phone Red 648 or apply 813 Fraser Street. (240p) FOR SALE-Prince RupeT Warehouse 8 it. 2 x 4s. $55 per thousand. Less than 8 ft., $25 per thousand. (240p) FOR iALE 1947 Indian mo'tor-cycln.-Call 723 6th West. ( 240p FOR SAIE!oneT70 Winched ter -rifle, .270 calibre, K4 Weaver scope, detachable top mounts. 309 2nd West before 3:30.- (242pl FOR SALE Trolling boat "Overtime." For information writs. George White, Port Simpson, B.C. (242p) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Line-belt Sneeder Shovels: Cranes: Draelinrs: Adams Road Gr.aders: LitHeford Bros. Blacg. Tod Rrd Maintenance Eauioment.; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granrjips; T Lf- Smith Concrete Mixers' Clark Forklift Trunks- Nelson Buekf-t Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Enrt-able Centrifimal Pumps: Na-tionifT Draedno Reraners nnH Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Jotav Serpens and Convcvnrs. rull - information from Nations Macbinerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C (tf) FOR SALE Registered purebred filacli, Labrador tmnnles, pight eka old. Write Mrs. A.' E. ?orn;Box 43, Smithers, BC. t (244c) FOR ALE General Electric Wa.slMr with punin: excellent condition. Phone 509 after 6 o'clock. (240p) HOUSES WANTED TO Bt'Y RESPONSIBLE family needs two or in-ree oenro9in nome imme-j diatelv, either on lease, buy or Phone Green 736. (240p) 1 FOrt SALE Nov,- 30-lb. Rail 20-LB RELAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL Transformers, incurs and electric power-plant:; ftr lmi-ru-uiate shipment. Car loads oi 2, 4 una (j-inch pipes. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. New DO oml 8 Cnturpiilnr Tractors, Os'!H)d Shovels, ror Immediate dclia-ry Iruiu United State itotk. B40 Bench Ave. Vancouver. BO, .. . . l-"" BOATS FOR SALE j FOR SALE-40-foot trolling boat "Myrtle V." For insoVcfion i appiy boat KO. at F.nrview' F,oat:s or pluiie Oreen 908 (24:p) , I CAItS FOR SALE ONE 194i Dodee panel truck J 2-wheel trailer, 1949 1-ton Chevrolet pickup and one receiving tank. Industrial Weid- in- Co. Phone Oreen 381. itfi j FOR SALE rif Trade on Hou.se1 1951 Poniiac toip?do style twni rlror sedan, heater, radio, cig- arf tte lighter, clock, white ' sidewal tires, lender skirts, sent covers, low mileage, excellent condition throuahout. i Appiy It. H. Dowson, rear of i Style B. nu'y Shop, between h j p.m. and 11 p.m. (243p FOR ? ALE-193.-. MaIfr Wv ,eian. Pi1one Own 735 after 1 n m ,. , , - . . FOR SALE--193", DodTe. eooU condition, $10!). 00. Black 991. (211p 151 S1NESS OPPORTl'MTiES FOR SAIE-Three Sisters Care, cheap for quick sale. Illness owner's reason for rscilin:;. Apply on the premises. (242c) WOODWORKING SHOP Fuilv equipped. Front store and hobby shop. A going business. Lo'.v f-own Davment. T NORTON YOUNOS Real Estate & Insurance Phone 45t or 04H. (242c) 1 UEPAIISS FOWLIE & RUTTLE ExDert Fur Repairs and Remodelling Fine Work and Fast 1 S.rviee at Low j All Work Guarantied i i Phone 522 today for Estimates WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef. ncient service. Georue (;oo j Jeweller. Satisfaction Kuartn i teed. FOR RENT " I FOR RENT Laree anartment. with sale of furniture Red 892. (241n) . I 41 U-DRIVE CARS Phone 41 i 711 Granville Court (till kuum FOR RENT Gentleman only. 1021 2nd West. (243p) FOR RENT Sleenfinj- rohm for quiet gentleman. Apulv 100 4th West. '(240p) FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive phone 530. Bus Terminal. 2nd and 2nd. (24fim FOR RENT . Gener-ii trwtri,. I floor polisher? Si nc? riiv PhSne BluS 992 Pacific Pacific E VW ec- trie WANTED TO RENT i FURNISHED uite or house urgently required by three voun? businessmen, employees of Columbia Cellulose. All offers considered. Box 219. Dally News. (243pi WANTED TO RENT Construction .superintendent desires two or three bedroom house. Long term lease if desirable. Box 220. Daily News. (243p) Wanted to Rent UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT Required by local machinery firm for employee beim; transferred from Vancouver office. Phone 577 or write Box 1324 (tf) WANTED CASH for scrap east, brass. Conner, batteries and radiators Phone 543. Call 629 6lh Avenue West. Citv. (tf) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scran iron, steel, brass, cornier, lead, etc Honest eradin? Promnt payment, made AtHi Trrtvi jir Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St Van- couver. B. C. Phone PAcific U30Y. (tf) WANTED $4,000 for a first mortgage payable at 6 per cent and bonus for 18 months. Box 221, Daily News. (?40p) ) ' I1 'V -ailrij , gas discoveries in Alberta. Speaking of i.-.e Alberta wheat crop, Mr. Armstrong said that U!d characterized ,uo the wt summer summer and contributed to heavv trowth :mri a big croo had been roeonti,, navmg an adverse vffect. How conu. ITllf jftpsl cro0 report irom tne prainvs today indicated that such weather had arrived.) Mi . Armstrong, after spending ! a couple of days here following a ! visit tc Telkwa, sailed Thursday n!ght on the Prim Oeorge for Vancouvei. Would Czechs Release Oatis? j UEOKlili DAWES AUCTIONEER Phnnp C.repn 8H unri Red 27 j 1950 HILLMAN MINX Low mileage Like new e 1947 PONTIAC COACH Privately owned 1948 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan $300.00 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone 860 and 566 C'JY SOME DELICIOUS DANISH PASTY TODAY! RUPERT 1 NOW is the time to plan for COMPANY OF CANADA IN ct BAKERY Girl Will Be Girls 4 I MEP HAIP ISNT ) d-iTi B CaWN AMD T m LtavS Hf S THIDD rf" 'i '?S3 STORM WINDOWS SEE, GREER & BRIDDEN LTD, 215 1st Avenue West l'hnne 909 - BAI? pert or phone Red 593. (245:) FOR SALE-2'2 room cabin at", Port Edward. Apply 1516 Over-! look. Phone Blue 872. (241p) FOR SALE Industrial lots 48 j and- 4W. Diotk 14. .section 1. 1 M-xt imperial Machine Works. Lots are cleared and tilled. Auulv Standard Machine iitiop iHl . , TF vou must move to the Vancouver Area contact Robert! E, Montador at North 2970 in j North Vancouver . for honest and courteaus solution to vour i housing brobleins." (h) 1 FOR SALE Wartime Six, semi- furnished. 1461 Piggott Place. ' (241p.i WE HAVE CUSTOMERS Bring us your house listing for quick results. T. NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate & Insurance. Phone 451 or 648. (242c) THE EXCHANGE BLOCK Situated riaht in the heart of the Business District of the Citv of Prince Ruoert. Attractive nrice makes for a good investment A 9 Room resldertre.with full ment basement. Situated at. 805 Eraser St. In Citv of Prince Rupert. Price is verv attractive Vacant lot on 3rd Avenue in Citv of Prince Runert. This is a eift. For particulars apnlv to: JOHN GURVICH Phone 32. or R"d 511 Prince Rupert. B.C. (241 n) FFRNACE OVERIIAII OIL HEATING SERVICES -Lnwrie Muckav Mttr. Phone Blue 187 PO. Box 687. The service that's different, clean efficient workmanship combining a thorough knowledge of eouioment and their attendant oroblems. (This ad temoorarv nendiner oneninw of shoo and display room. Wateb this snnre). (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT In"nmf Tix sner-ialist. S Ct. Furk Stone BuildiiiT. Red 593. (20m) "PSYCHIATRIC NURSES ACT" The Psych hi trie Nurses Act. passoj at tho 1K51 session of the Leglalatlvc Assembly of the Province of British Columbia retjinnia thut all practising p: yt-hlHtric nurses in tht. Province be lici-nci'd by the Council of Psychiatric Nurses. The fee for Initial ri-rristrutlon hi;s been set ut four dollars nntl the' annual due Is two dollars. There are penalties for practising psychiatric nursing without a licence. Applications for licence should be addressed to the undersigned and should contain full details of the applicant's course of training in I Pwhitrie ntirin Copies of "The Psvrhiatric Wurses Act" may be obtained from the KIuk's Printer. Victoria. B.C. at a cost of ten cents. A M OEE. M D, Chairman. Councl! of Psychiatric Nurses, Essondalc, B.C. The WONDER PAINT In many attractive colors Thompson Hardware Co. P.O. Bi ' By CHIC l u&FN I lnl- r"""--.-,T l Lf fun sl.''. NlEKS'nNSjjjV. Always Leading With the Best in Watches NEWS ADS get RESUL BLONDIE if S DASWOOO--1 HAfp v i I """H I t votr intepestinG ON OU J WHO IS ( mps ziNTzei l NrAPi.y DPOCVizO OVFI? VJMEM I HflAH'O IT -- I WAS SO SUPPOSED hushanP and JCJ( 0 r f?f CCMAPPV HEP ' V NAVIGABLE W,-.TEHS' PROTECTION ACT H.S.C. mn. Chapter 140 '"mlnum Company of Canada Limited hereby gives notice that It has, under (Section 1 of the Kaid Act, acposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and with the Deputy Registrar of Titles In the Registry otiice for the District of. Prince Ilupert. In the Province of British Columbia, a description nf the site and the plans of a whar! proposed to lie constructed on t'-c-fTeshore and bed of the westerly He nf Kltimnt Arm. Ranne 5. Coast District, Province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, Aluminum Company of Canada l imited, will, under S-ctton 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the Citv of Ottawa, for approval of the s.ld sire and ntens Dated this 21st day cf September 1951. ALUMINUM COMPANY of rKArA. I.IMITFD, Paul S. White. Beeretarv !, Ot, 13, 20) td: - - t - -, ' -VI i Lir..L---T-r - - i