i . . ' ' ' - ' ' ' 7 . r- I . . t l . . . , a wnn the water un tn tho r -TRAFFIC RULES - ,f p, motorist at the "ct 'ujiMin -Fun Fair" .., nu t,, ik 1111 artificial ,'aji, puddle and drpve Krince Kuperr Daily News Saturday, October 13, 1951 floor boards of his car the driver i stayed In hlw-seat until a icscue' )oat came atlong. . j Canadian excise tax on auto-1 revenue during the sarre period mobiles, rubber and tires in 1950 j the " previous c? $36,943,- ; " ii was $38,192 aj3 90, compared to 07' 66. ,i . ' Motdrvehides Running Far Higher in Number Here Now More people than ever in history own and oper- j ate motor vehicles today in Prince Rupert and district. ! With still four months left in which the general public j can 'ontain this year's motor vehicle. 1951 issuances j lt an increase of more than 30 oer cent over 19..0 ! MOTORISTS: 6'iOH LCOKI LISTEN! This oftcn-quolcd rule may be well worn, but it s f tul one of the greatest safety factors for drivers. And as vis on fc, lc-iaened by shorter'days and heavy rains, and as wi-t pavement becomes a danger factor at this time oi j .a., our t.affi: olficer points out the following to all motorics: t 1. Windshield wipers should be in good order. Motorists likely get more, use out of wipers here than anywhere else, fraultj w.perc leave laindrr.p-; on the windshield which take on a Blare undsr street light. Beware of glare, says the traffic man.. - if '- : . - r . Oivc.yuur e -s a break and play safe at the same time By. check',. your hcadiiehts. Thcv-shmilri h fneuseri nronerlv wOL- iofakV:' u - , '. j, -. i- i f r opwing Li a: list of statistics as applicable to Prince National Motors Service j j Rupert 'and aj ca:t . ' , " f& :' l50( 1951 (end of Sept.) 71. M i 3rd Ave. Cow Bay rhonc Jiid 392 Lyj'l .';''., 5l p. Rupert i Area ;J to gH'Vrie mo: t benefit fJm them. Wlth.eood focus, liehts will .1136 .1553 . 840 699 1281.. 508 . 90 859 . 21'45 . 207 i'l .va'e cars &38 . Commercial cars 488 ... Tractor, Trailer Motorcycle 94 Chauffeurs LU'Ves 866 .. Drivers' Licenses ... 1385 .. L'arnerr.' Lie's s ... 186 ,,al(men 11... .1062 '.2767 .1087 .2725 M you see plainly even if they're dimmed. tor your protection ana that of others, leave on parking lights when parking on rily avenues. This is a requirement of the law and it's a Safe bet. Avenues are narrow and if no lights aie on. a parked car can easily be sideswiped. causing serious damaifc, alsc, lcmember to park on the RIGHT side. Wtv-n you leach a corner and another car Is approaching fan, from a i-rnssroad. let him cross first, even If you havd the" i'ie,li of wav, - - . t Wh r trie driver of the car ahead holds out his handsfow fag 12 Specializing In Rcborincj Vclvc Reconditioning Motor Rcbuildinq Marine Service ri . ine uovernrupnt Amenta office here, which handles all .lker.-e s;vJi g, ays that an 'average of flv licenses of all tvoes arc Jjeinfe- distributed each day. The five-year plan for drivers' 4 ilf'('-".sos is accountably for continued, sales. down or even stop until you know what he is going to do turn riKht or Wt,.rstop. ': , .k W!', l,5' a parked car, especially in school zoneu,low I95l's Wonder Cart The Motor Vehicle Safety Asso- 1 our horn to warn any child" that may dash ' Ik f f Q IC 1 1 1 into the street ciation was established in 1947, I " j unfler the atispices of Pivision or . I Fuhllc 6afoty. Un!versitv of 'Tn. Thousands f " ' , . . , ronto Extension. President is i ?u ?Tl. 7hlC.'e G' R' Sheridan, of Tippet-Rich-! h deaths the 1 in United States in a;d.-on Ltd Toronto iii. urauis irom collision, witn STtSDEBAIK psahdeb m pedestrians totalled 8.900; col- Dop Jriter 'having one or more drinks.. Alcohol dJkJ your drivii aWiity.. , , ' ' , ' y, vj It fA Weet a car nugRing the centre llrie and' Waving; don't try ard force him back by holding your lane, but give way t. the right, blow your horn and slow down gently. Slow down when following a truck uphill so that you can sec wh.ther a car is aporoaching from the opposite dlrectipn. Always; flow slightly, and keep to the right w'heh rounding hirtip;.' ' ' - . . When driving along an open road, don't try to go more than 50 miles an hour even if there is no visibly; traffic. It in't wo:th It in terms of safety and economy. FEDESTRIANS: This is Pete! lffliffnfJtlJ other.' motor Vehicles', "'lt-.ioo; rai'ro'ad" trains,' 1.418; ; street cars, 50; bicycle?, 5007 ant-imal drawn vehiclos or' animals, j 100: fixed objects. 1.000; non-collision accidents, .2o, ' Approximate U:tal of non-faLU jintuiies that year totalleti 0U0... . -''"-, Lthnll packed with 120-horsepowerJ B. cau.ir there are few sidewalks in this city, many people .Nt A. snrvev rtf Hrrpss nf rtvivpc in- For us-, in. naveuod portion of streets to walk on These rule .. yolved ii tatal accidents shows apply to all pedestrians: 1. Walk on the left side of the street, facing oncoming'-traff c. If a car should come towards you out of control, you. tliat he majority were undsr 18 37.000; 18-20 years, 1,400 ; 21-24 years, 2'.SW: ' 25-44 years, 18.100; 45-64 years, 6,600; 65 years and in see n in time to get put of haim's way. At night, with dark ilothlni,-, peovstr'.ans arc especially hard to see bv motorists .jove. 1,800 engine is a new advanced-typ overhead valve V-8! It's amazingly high in value! Drive it ence and you'll wont to drive it home! erior Auto ana Body.Service Don't let danRer creep up behind you. S RrI1orls Irom 32 states in 1949- i 1 ' S. Use crosswalks wherever possible, and Stop, Look' and"!' ,ndi,d',1,ttt 2'7U0 wonn dri- Listen before crossing any t reft ! e.T-m Involved in fatal acel . clevis Mid of all drivers' CYCllSTS' ' . Involved in accidents. ' , Petes Sake; BeXarefull . And the ts altic officer wants a word or two with the bicycle . '' '' i.cVr ' ' , . I. I' i against the law and it's dangerous to ride two on Editorial ' t .' Green 217 0,K-' --'t5 il) '. Be sure VU NEVER ricic in the dark willjCjji teHt aix' pa. safc with a white painted rear fender on which a 'pre ;;ilii( at refector can readily be seen. ; ' : ' I Fork Ave. Edf3 Better Highway 16 I '-' I ' I " f i t ' K,J'" 11-. ' .-" y' ' am..-. O o o Ai'lometive matters mean O A KS w b tm r! Have "Your Brakes Tested Today more nd more -very day to the daily lives of us all. ! Whether we own cars or not, ; whether we drive or' not, j automobiles serve us one way pr ; an-lber. , . - i Hut, since if is no loftx fhai ; wo have hat; our through Ivqliivay to Prince. Rupert, be !,li :is il ij, automobile nro- Prince Rupert, Terrace and District "' FORD and MONARCH DEALERS y liMiy ninm iiAire rebrlively Prince Rupert than most of ;"er cities. LTD. .'. MOTOR PRODUCTS ueolcrs in all General Motors Products Phones: 870 &.K 0 OUR MAIN GARAGE... - im 3il Av,. Fast ls"iu!ly eqiilppc! aml.oifers you a complete ., automotive service, specializing in mechanical repairs, body scpai t, rr finishing and ttra vulcanizing service. - OUR' PARTS DEPARTMENT . . . (allies the largest stock of genuiu? FORD parti ami accessories in Northeni B.C., with prompt attention to oul-of-lown eiders. OUR MODERN SERVICE STATION... on M. Bride Street is fully vquipp 'd and wlien the attendants ,., It'.b! ijtc and sarvice'j'our invcslmeiii.-.-noUi.ni;.i.s overlooktd. 4 OUR 'USED CAR DEPARTMENT . . . 1 mruijtiitta policy of uit.j;rity ai:d r'Miib' d the buying public ' J - t.; e "o-'t'.vt this Is thf liio.st mp;ntint.'li4!iH:t of the' used car business. When you buy a rscl o'ir f oni cur fiim the tame a- surancs of sati faction is g ven as we f ive to a,ll new car pu: .hayeri:. 1 Get Ready For Cold Weather, x4 . t . i : til,- U'MJiii MUluimv- l-vlns us right down to ' orr highway in which' every h-ve jo ttee'ri an inltrfest ; this Irchway which has been f so much in the public eye of Jn'r sr-e the minister of pub-I'V uorlis was here anil mariij I statements wilh which every-i " in th's community and the i whole central interior country titr?-.: ucl' exception. Pt inpiii(-of- !rtl the'llro'fst, j'"f!,. I'feyin pftm to , lie quite yrt"-'';: -t !s ro'icy of per-r"',.n'ni liiirlnvay construction . Vi'farWi. '. At Prince i Viriri-, lh spite'of "all he' rep-1 i . rnl:it'ois which had been i : 'n to Mm a'nng the line, I f .iv oi iccemcrl to be if arythinr mo e insistent on his ,.,-, tivi, i urh permanent r-pr In.tl'ri fooahl be r-)n-C:rvov"y pro?rflvcly north-w i' o-i a II:rr-ich basis. He WH" s'.i". ciidontly. imvmpa-eMHj'T wilh aiv sunaestiim 0iat r, riirt n;h b niaile from the Pi,?jTce Ruprr. eyd .or that per-jAirnl rerttei'.rniitioti anil Ktcktepping j shjr.i'l la'ilia'c j-n -' f 'm tiie. nj wtanl .com-i nvvH'cs. "" ; :' -'' rvJT:t. ir. H jiicy Upon wh'i'h "!r. Carson is eviilently determined to stnnd or fall.. far a th'S part of the ' ? 'nt: y is com erned, that po'V dec, not yfrm to be very popular and we shall be hear-inn mere on the subject. The f lit for roads to which we are entitled in this part, of the country ir only jHst 'beph, ' A IPJV. tA L-Miult'.' V L rmifwir'KHilHiJ WATCH FOR THIS EVENT CALA OPENING SOON of our new and modern culoniorivc hcadqucrrcrs in TERRACE, B.C. .Ano'h-:, crmp'el.' s,c,rvire and n;yair 1' cat on to aiifjlio mtilorjug .. Let Us Winterize Your Car "ALSO' ' OPENIWG SOON . . . ' i - " "! . ". Prince RupcK's Firsl td OnW USFD CAR MARKET: i,i Ar rale? continue to be good we feci il is now -necessary lo increasa Ihc lacilitiss of our us.d car department so we may continue to ii'fer the public: "TOP PtHiKT VALtES" in Used cais at "KAHtSAlN BASEMVNT PRICES." 81 IS A FACT: NOT A THEORY ... 'JinPARKErUS "TH&.HOME OF FR'EMW-Y. SERVICB'-prc now bcllcr-. , ... , , . , I '" j . . . ' i . i . . : f. DO IT NOW ANH PREPARE FOR THE TOUGH MONTHS OF COLD WEATHER DRIVING THAT ARE AHEAD. "WINTERIZING" IS MORE THAN JUST'A DASH OF ANTI-FREEZE IN THE RADIATOR . . . YOU NED ;A PEPPY. BATTERY FOR COLD STARTS, THE RIGHT GRADE OF OIL, CAREFUL CHECK OF BRAKES, LIGHTS AND WINDSHIELD WIPERS. Lliuipp3d than ever to otter you the very nasr ana rnosr conpiere solution lo a I or your motoring and transporlation requirements. Canada Second As . . . Car . User ... . DEALER IN In the TJnited'States, there fORD-MONARCH RUPERT MOTORS LTD. FORD '1-2 to 5 Ton Trucks THAMES 1-4 and ,1-2" Ton CONSUL-PREFECT CARS is one car for every three prn-ilr . In Canada thvre is one ear for ev?ry six people. In Cj eat Britain, one car to every 14 people, in Russia, one car to every 75 people. Phone: 866 Office and Parts Dept. Phone: 566 Repair Service Dept