Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, January 2, 1951 I The Experts Miss Dorothy Kergin' sails by' Hospital after spending the 1 me rTince ueorge niurauay i,nri5unas ana new icar iiuu- I night to resume her nurses'! day season with her parents, Dr. 'training at Vancouver General' and Mrs. L. W. Kergin. Ole Stale and H. Peterson left Miss Joan Vivian of the Wei Say ... i By KAY REX Canadian Preta Correspondent GETTING OVEB HOLIDAYS If you've been waking up these on the Camosun today far Namu. fare Department returned on Saturday's plane from Vancou Constable and Mrs. Lon Demp-. sey sailed on the Camosun Sun ver, where she spent Christmas with her parents. HOT C3LL5 double-quicks with wonderful new fast-acting DRY YEAST! day night for Alice Arm. mornings suffering from the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van hgih living of the holiday season, Rev. Mr. and Mr?. Holland returned today to Klemtu after Cooten are spending a month spending the holiday in Prince don't be alarmed. Plain wholesome food and plenty of rest is Rupert. Attention Fishermen! The the cure for post-holiday dyspep sia. wise fisherman will order his boat tanks now to insure spring If yotf're also getting up with empty pockets, that's another problem. About the only answer is a New Year's resolution to do PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Measure into large bowl, Yi cup lukewarm water, 1 tsp. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 envelope Kleischmann's Koyal Fast Hising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 min., THEN stir well. Scald 1 c milk and stir in 5 tbs. granulated sugar, 2'z tsps. salt; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture and stir in xi c. luke delivery. Thorn Sheet Metal. at Ocean Falls where Mr. Van Cooten Is relieving as customs officer tor W. J. Nelson who is taking vacation. Fresh Grade A large cartoned eggs at 65c a dozen and five pounds of sugar at 59c are two of many specials In SHEAR-DOWN'S January sale. See our windows for further details. (3c) Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Lemon and children, Patricia and Michael, of Prince Rupert, were in Ter Black 884. (tfl better to oegin setting aside a The Misses Joyce and Evelyn few shekels in advance for next Smith returned Sunday after " vf PREPARE NOW for COLD WEATHER home comfortably Have your insulated in time forxdd weather. ' yoilH like our fair low j,rirps. quality materials, rapid and expert service. Call us NOW Phune 116 or 117 year. noon on the Chilcotin from Queen Charlotte City where they Before the last war several of the banks used to maintain spent the Christinas holiday sea son at their home "Christmas Club" accounts. Men women and children coull con tribute 50 cents, $1, or $5 weekly, and at the end of the year found themselves with a nice littl stack of money for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid McLean and Mr. and Mrs. James Roger-son mado the round trip over the New Year holiday to Alice Arm and Stewart, sailing Sunday nifeht and returning today. First meeting of the new 1951 race for part of the holiday season. They were staying with Mrs. Mary Simpson. Richard Large, after spending Christmas here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large, left by yesterday's plane for Vancouver to resume his studies In wireless telegraphy at Sprott- spending. "Gosh, mom, what's wrong with a fellow getting a little comfortable?" If there's a bank in your town which still gives the public a Christmas Club" now's the warm water. Beat in 3 c once-sifted bread flour ; beat well. Beat in 4 lbs. melted shortening. Work in 3 c. more once-sifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover and set in warm place, free from draught Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough in bowl, grease top and let rise again unu'l nearly doubled. Punch down dough and roll out to J4" thickness. Cut into rounds with 3" cutter; brush with melted butter or shortening. Crease rounds deeply with dull side of knife, a little to one side of centre; fold larger half over smaller half and press along fold. Place, touching each other, on greased pans. Grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in hot oven, 4K), about 15 minutes. time to Join. If there Isn't open , city council will take place this cu. j , Mr and Mrs. Norman ' Baker n, h Mayor G W. by last night's train on their - v,u ctanrt. Gyros Welcome a savings account. Even a Albert & sugar" tin In the kitchen cup ing committees for the year and other Inaugural business will be transacted. New Year holiday week-end visit to the city. Shaw School. Four appointments to the council of the British Columbia section of the Professional Engineers of Canada have been approved by order-in-council at Victoria. In New Year board is handy for stray nickels and dimes. Mc( :Caffery XT,..' r) .. - nrH Ufl F One of the high spots of New1 platner of Oakland California, Miss Ru.thLu R N" f tn Year's Eve social entertainment mi tv, trln n nursing staff of Prince Rupert Named are C. G. North, mining was, as usuai, me r-nnce rtuperi Alaska aboard the Princess - .... o engineer; ri. u. running, geoio- The catch Is not to let the fund fade through lack of nourishment and come a lean week it sometimes takes plenty of will power to keep from dipping into the Christmas savings DOLING OUT NICKFLR Incidentally, now's the time to Gyro Club's dance where seventy-1 Norah which was here yesterday , nusimas at ner nome m L,nem- gicai; c. D. Shultz, forests, and I U t LLIM U1JI !.' 1, ainus, Vancouver Island, return E. 8. Jones, civil engineer. The ' enroute to Skagway. 1L fi?e couples gathered to enthu- (sinstlpflllv tlshpr in 1Q51 M plane from ed on Saturday's Vancouver. J J Wl T1 l H,V,rt hQE m latter is a brother of Noel Jones, of Prince Rupert, pioneer business man. The affair took place In the j - Canadian mnri an Legion strnn hailrnmn ballroom uMhrh wlhch t . . kb t mmn it n f f a teach youngste.-s the value of PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 015 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert Indian Hospital, arrived here on l """ . ,'"'u: the Princess Norah yesterday to1 spending a holiday visiting at join tne staff of the Miller Bay! Stewart with her parents, Mr. Hospietal here. and Mrs' Jonn Haahti, was a I passenger aboard the Camosun Russell Gatzke, formerly of this morning returning to Var.- ) was attractively decorated with adornments of the season. Tables were arranged cabaret style. At the midnight hour there were the usual greetings with the No more spoiled cakes of old-style yeast! This new Fleischmann's DRY Yeast . keeps fresh in your pantry! And it's fast-acting. One envelope equals one cake of fresh yeast in any recipe. W singing of "Auld Lang Syne" as this citv and now residing at couver money while they're at the habit-forming age. Don't dole out nickels at every request set the kids on a weekly allowance and make they stay within it. Finally, get them used to keeping a notebook account of their expenditures the practical value of this will show In later life. CHRISTMAS CARDS Don't be in too much of a hurry to banish those pretty Christmas cards to J - all joined hands In mutual fell- ( Masset, arrived in the city on citations and well-wishing. the Chilcotin yesterday after-The proceedings kept up with noon from the Queen Char-merriment and Jollity until 4 ' lotte Islands, being here on busi Get a 2?o?t4i $uppy E. C. Williams, formerly here for Canadian Pacific Air Lines and now with the Northern B. C. Power Co., left by yesterday afternoon's plane for a brief business trip to Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE ness. m s the garbage can. Maybe they a.m. , . Andy McNaughton provided the music for dancing. President and Mrs. A. J. Dominate welcomed the guests and the committee in charge consis can be put to good use. Arrlving here from New Zealand and Australia, Mrs. S. M. Saker will visit with friends In Prince Rupert before returning to the Antipodes in the spring. She arrived here aboard the Princess Norah yesterday from Vancouver. The children's wing of the local hospital might be glad to receive some of them. A sick OUTFIT electrically FOR 1951 ted of Joe McKay, Grant Stewart SAILS FOR VANCOUVER ir.d Intermediate Forts Each Thursday it 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN With General Electric Products! child often will spend many of the long hours in bed happy Just to look at the pictures or to paste them Into a scrap-book. They also look most Interesting Miss Claire Tribble was a passenger aboard the Camosun this morning, returning- to her studies at Vancouver after spending the Christmas holiday season, with her parents at the Torbrit mine at Alice Arm. Among students returning south on the Camosun today after spending the holiday with ithelr parents here were Gordon Calderwood, Eddie Burnip, Ronald Ward, John Wesch, David Kristmanson and O. L. Eyolfson. George Skinner and daughter, Barbara, spent Christmas and Joe Scott. Presiding at the door was George Dawes. ANCIENT S'i-UDENTS Stone tablets found in Iran show that the bases of modern arithmetic, algebra and geometry were discovered over 4,000 years ago. LARGEST SHIP The Queen Elizabeth, 83 573 tons, is the largest ship afloat, 2000 tons heavier than her sister-ship the Queen Mary. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations G.E. Toasters, from $995 to $14 50 ' O.E. Radios $19.95 GJ. Kettles $1450 G.E. Washer and pump . $159.59 O.E. 9Vi ft. Kefrigerator $429.00 Write rOalt on wastepaper baskets the out-, side, not the Inside. A plain basket can be turned Into an artistic lurie tr-o or Jiving room-with I these bright cards. 1 ' Choose the better ones the Canadian prints, snow scenef, I which have been so popular thU i year. Cut out the picture and '. glue on the basket until there is ANNOUNCEMENTS CITY Oil DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. BC. Royal Vacuum Cleaners $80.55 fable Lamps $4.95 to $6.95 En jo; the excellent appointments, the delicious food, and the courteous service PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Jon. 6 Wednesday, Jan. 24 February 7 For information and reservations contact J. D. Mcintosh, General Agent 3rd Ave. West Legion Card Party, January 3,j be fashioned Into attractive place-cards and can also be used as table decorations. Scatter them over the table beneath a transparent plastic tablecloth. Your guests will wonder why they Trllite Lamps .... $15.95 up a solid "mosaic" design. Cover 1S31. Conrad School P-TA card party. January 19, 8 p.m. Presbyterian Bums Banquet, Friday, Jan. 26. t the whole with a coat of shellac cards still have didn't think of the Idea them- Finally, the NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. deflnte "party" value. They can selves and New Years with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R B. Skinner. They left today on the Camosun on their return to Alert Bay. Mrs. David Crocker of Park Avenue, who was ninety years of age Christinas Day, had the pleasure of attending the Capitol Theatre . New Year's Eve. There was a good comedy on the screen and the occasion was one of great enjoyment to all the party. ' STEWART, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT ;1 PHONE 210 rtic (; icttccffficKa W 21 5 KIDDIES' DRESSES U afa4i HOLLYWOOD CAFE x y y y y THE BEST SELECTION of DRESSES IN TOWN We Specialize in ANNOYING MISERIES iOF DISHES M ? THE STORK SHOPPE gi !J Blue 810 303 3rd Ave. W. i '-MM. m.M-.M.fcSii.j.aj.aj, j 2S CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 - ... o iw Y M- a F 1 insta'CKnrv: J OPEN FROM 7:30 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. - .uaUy teei " - a fLT-t J nctrl -VUU ,T nrt t.ft relieve F"3kVL . ;:; W 1 (if . -cold-clogged nose, clears passages stuffy cm agam. opens up yQU breathe away cuus" Man is known by the Whisky he serves VlCttS VfrTROjnOlMOSoPS 74 on your nexi "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Plume 17 for Orders To Take Out CHARTER FLIGHTXHZ Commodore Cafe A- CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES available for Aerial Surveys 0 Aerial Photography Private Charter Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS ! &r REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Mortimer W4 2rw A7e (Near CFPR) COMPARE THE PRICE THE f t AMOUR . . DISCQVIR FOR YOURSCLf THE . BEST BUY in FINE CANADIAN WHISKY Calvert MOUNT ROYAL The STORK SHOPPE DERBY WINNER For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS The Stork Shoppe is pleased to announce thai the winner of the Derby is a baby girl . I PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. FRAMES! FRAMES! Come n and chnos-c one 'or that Christmas Photo. it born to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bright of Port Edward, 1:30 a.m., Monday, January 1, weighing eight pounds, three ounces. The baby has received a lovely crib outfit as the prize in the Stork Shoppe Derby. B. GRANT cariy a large line of l'P-To- Jate Mouldings umacucm sua Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights WRATHALL'S Pht Finishing THE STORK SHOPPE 320 Third Ave. W. .1 his advertisement is not puDiisnea or aispiayea Dy tne Liquor Usntrol Board or 1 1 by theCovenimciitofBnttjihColuuabia. IV