Prince Rupert Doily News Tuesday, January 2, 1951 One Bad Fire In Pas! Year Motor Trip To Florida Zany Colored -Basketball Team Coming To Prince Rupert Soon " 0 A Aero Club Dance Is Happy Affair After a three months' absence festive spirit of the occasion was noted With the usual paper hats and cracker jacks popping as the clock reached the midnight hour. Arrangements were made by a committee consisting of Robert Woods, Robert Kelsey and John Flndlay. J durlnR which they motored Of thS fourteen fire calls in December, only one proved to be serious. On December 21 the home of Fr , 9- through, twentv-seven states, ; going as far as Miami, Florida, where they attended an electil-; ca' convention. Mr. and Mrs. J.; N. Forman returned to th city! on the CamoBun Sunday after-! noon. The health of Mr. Fot-i man. who Is identified with the! -4 New Year's Eve at the Aero Club was a gay affair when about 100 couples gathered to greet 1951. Music by Bobby Woods' Trio continued well Into 1951. The t Mr. and Mrs. Pierre LRo.a on! Fourth Avenue Fast sustained j damage amounting to about i $5,000 when the basement and kitchen were gutted by flit-. ! In the north Lapland aea of Finland ehiidren go to school in sleds drawn by reindeer. ! Other calls during the month Northern B.C. Power Co. here, Is greatly improved as a result of the change and the rest. 1 V 7 Were : . December 2 at 9:30 p.m. Clg? arette burning in the upholstery of a "70" cab. December 3 at 4:40 Chimney fire at 224 Ninth Avenue East, December 3 at 5 p.m. Chimney fire at 510 Eighth Avenue East. You will be delighted ivith this fragrant tea Mr. and Mrs. Forman spfht Christmas at New Westminster with her mother, Mrs. W. P. Hall, and it was a happy family reunion for their three sons were all there Jim, who is attending 1 he University of Washington; Ted, who la taking a naval officer's course at Royal Roads, Victoria, and Allan, who is attend pi "4 niiiri U02 A K? A 7TI AH ABE SAPERSTEIM December 4 at 5:30 p.m. Fire caused by faulty wiring at BUG Coach ing tne university oi uruisn Columbia. Those fun-loving Rover Fraser Street. December 12 at 5:10 a.m. Fire scare. December 12 at 5:20 pm Chimney fire at King Edward School. December 1 6at 5:50 p.m. Chimney fire at Fifth Avenue Boys of basketball, the fabulous Harlem Globe f . ft- 1 "One more crack like that and I run out and buy a hat!" trotters, will come flying into town next Friday an-1 Hew Year In City Quiet Saturday to play the local Naval Dance A5 New Year West. December IS at 4:10 p.m. E!- Succumbed On Hospital Way Jets at Civic Centre. iron lcft on at 72 Bigger The last few moments before efric The brand of merchandise the Globetrotters are dispensing this The commanding officer and' Death came iea.son is saia 10 ae uie k. suddenly yester-j tionally auiet, that is, as far as December 20 at 12:50 p.m. --to Rubbish burnin in post office Jeremiah Jo-p,ince Ruoert was concerned. , 64, from heart 1 There were whistles and bells basement. Two veurs aeo local fans re 'officers of H.M.G.8. Chatham! (Jay af'nnrm ' and friends ushered in the new ! seph Murphy, year with a dance at the drill hall attack. He was enroute by am-jam) al! that, but the general December 25 at 4:30 p.m. Rub-bulance to Prince Rupert. Gen- volume of sound was far below bish fire at 1448 Eighth Avenue eral Hospital. what has been heard during past East. BAPTOilE The Wonder Wall Paint $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. annex. About 65 couples were present. The hall was suitably decorated for the" occasion. Music by the Four DUKeS ofche'slra continued until about 3:30 tn the morning. flofn in Ireland, Mr. Murphy j years. December 26 at 6:15 p.m. came to this country while aj Most of the New Year eelebra-j Backfire from furnace at 744 yoting man. For the post twoftions were confined inside and Sixth Avenue West. I ' A TOM SKAI.Y . . . Forward member how their comedy antics literally laid the customers in the aisles. From the moment they take the floor for their celebrated comedy warmup to their hilarious game-ending antics, the "court Jesters" are godd lor a thousand laughs. Abe Saperstetn'8 minions will come prepared with some welt-lehear.sed didoes, but even the dynamic owner-coach of the great quintet admits he doesn't years ne nas been empioyea ui.the police reported condiuonsi December 2 6at 9:45 p.m. Miller Bay Hospital. Funeral or very quiet. at 1313 Flooded oi! burner Eighth Avenue East. rangcrhents Will be made by e staff of the hospital. He is survived by two sisters arid a brother In Wilmington, Delaware, iSTand FINE PRINTING AT Customer: "Remember that cheese vou sold me yesterday?" IB BIG CONTRAST I Southern Rhodesia's main if- Grocer: "Yes, it was fine Swiss ' cheese." know in advance hall tne siuu egal Printers INDIAN RUBBER WATERFRONT TnHta u nrndnrinn .rm nihhpr "Did you say it was come Is from tobacco farming. Custome Customer: his talented player-comedians are apt to pull off in the courts of an evening. All this, however, doesn't de Lit 1 PHONE 24 222 SECOND AVE. If at the rate of 16.000 tons annn-, 'imported' or 'depx-ted' from but in Northern Rhodesia It's ally. Switzerland? Switzerland?" ' 'copper copper mining. mining. . tract their attention irum u.. , (trR steam., prins. NorsH prime objective-th-at of winning, Ca&t 0fahafH HuhM, fiOrtn-ball games. The Negro stars arcj from yancoutef to SkaK-rtjhtly proud of their sensa- waJ, m g r(l(Slllaf Alaska voyage, tional won-and-lost record and ,anv(,d lfl at 11:30 New ' I Si 7 V : make certsln a game Is well in yesr.s mdrning and salIed north hand before golnf all out on the at iT30 W)on Arrivlng here ofl comedy. It's a rare occasion, th(J yessel were 52 passengers of though, when they re so nara-, ,ht,m !, rii.mbarkpd hpr. - n . s . . -.-.-a I P 4 P 1 1 Vt-H 1 U Trn I preyed they can't move into the tn femjin,,. continuing nortD. comedy part of their repertoire. ; Tw0 passage from here fcf On the serious siae, everyinin? on the vessel. The pas" n u 0) (1 the Globetrotters do tne momen j a game starts constitutes a new unofficial record for basketball. I That Includes games and min sengers disembarking here were Mr. Taylor, Mrs. S. M. Saker, Miss Bernice Johnnie, J. Siiev-len, Mrs .C. Worsley, J. Slatta and R. J. Holmes. SAM WIII KM R ... Pivot Man utes played, victories, poims scored free throws made and so on down the line. Starting this campaign, Globetrotters boasted a record of 3421 wins, 245 defeats and a tie for their efforts the past 23 campaigns. Smiles'n Chuckles P) " An Englishman was conversing with the clerk at tHe Ambassador Hotel "Heref's a riddle," said the I ; V: ' -jSSih-S"! :fnm iW J1 I jS. FORD CUSTOM DEIUXI FORDOR SEOAI I 'clerk. ''My mother gave birth to a child, it was nenner my Sport Shots brother nor my sister. Who was t , uf' , , j v - ,1,,. I It?" Englishman: "I can't guess The won and lost record of the Clerk: "It was I." great Harlem Globetrotters bas- Englishman: "Ha ha! Very ketball team, coming nere mis clever, i must reuiemuei woi. week is amazing. The past 23 The Englishman then told the I :.v' Him i' "' t it:: ' I 1 ifiir-vr -j-ai-niir-r i. halo non thp maeicians story at his club Said he: Here of the court pile up 3.421 victor- a riddle old top. My mother give ies against only 245 defeats and birth to a child, and It was ne!-m,P ther brother nor my sinter. tie for an average og 933 my ,0',et li.Lll .! Z 6,h? mt Who'as it? You can't guess? Do it' ' . as uu i,TC ut,; imuressive in their career "Yes. ' "Ha, ha! It was the clerk at the Ambassador Hotel.' r r. t C frd I Whlt adUntt tiri and fidf tklrla, optional al Rtra corf. f ll KK ('I'M ISKItl.ANI) . . . ' Guard and Captain accumulated 151 wins in 153 games during their regular schedule, then swept three straight games to capture the Cuba Invitational Tournament at Havana, won 11 victories to 7, the transcontinental World Series over the College All-Americans, and 72 out of 73 contests on a The teacher had been giving a i lesson on the use of the wo' d ! "immaterial" and to, discover .what the children had learned, I asked them to bring some article rr!V fea-furer for -feafure. ..finer by ftr ! to school demonstrating ine word. "Well, Johnny." she asked the net dav, "what have you brought?" Johnny, rising, said. "Will yon Cleave hold this stick lightly at both ends?" "All right, what next?" three-months tour of Europe and j ' North Africa against the Stars of America and foreign quintets, j Percentage-wise, the Globe-' trotters' best seasons were 1933-'34 when they won 152 and lost 2 I for a .987 average, 1946-47 when ' 154 games wvre won and only . three lost for .981 and 1947-48 Which end?" the teacher when 152 victories and five set- I backs brought a .968 sating. Each askpd There's of the last two seasons they had Oh. it's immaterial. 1 winning streaks of over 100 in glut! on both ends." succession 101 in 1948-49, 113 in 1949-50. 17 ''-'''' '" pf tm mmm 1 mimr rriiMiwiumn m ittt vrrrrrfrrT- ROI'.l RT MII.TON ... Forward locker has a new "Magic Lift" Lid . . with new Key-Release latch for easy one-hand opening. Yes, there are 4i net "look-ahead" features like these in the new "51 Ford . . . along with famous, proven quality advantages like "King-Size" Hydraulic Brakes, "Hydra-Coll" independent front wheel springing, and that east-going "Mid-Ship" ride. Just see it, "Test-Drive" it and you'll agree . . . "Feature for feature, Ford's finer by far". You'll see and feel new quality, new value, new beauty that tell you . . . yu caH pay mart tut yon can't buy hetterl "Ford ThaoW avary Friday night Now "step-ahead" engineering brings you 43 ftru ard-lookingaiivance-metits to put tl e 'SI Ford far out front in beauty, peril. in'ance, comfort and economy. I'or instance: Completely new instrument, panel with "Chana-lited" instrument cluster and "Glow-Cup" controls. New Automatic Ride Control that regulates itself to all road conditions. Npw Automatic Mileage Maker for even greater economy with famous 100-Hp. V-8 performance. New "Luxury Lounge" interiors featuring a new front seat with Automatic Postnre Control. And the pacious "Deep Deck" luggage Radio Htninfl ypu'll enjay . . . Following Is the Globetrotters' season -by-season record up to the start of the current cam Mabel was all dressed up for a date with a successful man. "How do you know he's such a success?" her girl friend wanted to know. "Well.; his name is on every suckef list in the country," Mabsl replied "the Government takes moH of his Income, and h has paign: two utters.' World's Series 11 7 Europe-Africa 72 1 .960 3,421 245 .933 SeeitWEDNESDAY Nt -tUXURT tOUNGl INTERIORS feature new appointments, fabrics, colours . . . and the fine quality of nun-sag, foam-rubber covered front seat springs. NEW INSTRUMENT PANEL New "Glow-Cup" controls . .. "Chanalited" instrument clus-ter and new Key-Turn Starting ... feature the completely new, stunningly styled instrument panel with satin silver surpanei. i3 afyoafFORP dealers W L Pet. 1827-28 101 6 .944 1928- 29 145 13 .918 1929- 30 151 13 .921 1930- 31 137 14 .907 1931- 32 145 11 .929 1932- 33 .? 147 10 .936 1932- 33 147 10 .936 1933- 34 152 2 .987 1934- 35 141 14 .910 1935- 36 153 9 .944 1936- 37 149 11 .931 1937- 38 145 12 .924 1938- 39 148 13 .919 1939- 40 159 8 .952 1940- 41 146 12 .924 1941- 42 135 18 .882 1D42-43 139 16 .897 1943- 44 141 J3 .916 1944- 45 14 14 .913 1945- 46 152 13 .921 1946- 47 154 3 .981 1947- 48 152 5 .968 1948- 49 146 5 .907 Regular sched 151 2 Cuba Tourney. 3 0 Mi' 1 . . .t . b-f, y w i . ! h m ' i - fa; A WtODUCT Of fORD OF CANADA TAILORING for Ladies and Gentlemen LING, the TAILOR LOOK-AHEAD" FEATURES NEW FORD STEPS AHEAD WITH 43 Phone 649 220 Sixth St Prince Rupert FORD-MONARCH DEALERS Ti l) S'IRONG The Home of Friendly Service Forward '