Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It "CliutcM! OXFOKD. Em,!,,, Oxford underw- K-ars old. left " 30-day tour The invitation r-l"l " "'' growers rav -Services IP Reflects and Saturday. September 15. 1951 were preaching a Gospel of power Pers. ' mch as Paul spoke about. The Reminisces I nturrlv rmnn Christian Church of our age one else says, an h " needE a revival, a revival of truth, by the wurd'a m .?,(t; . hi.,.. . 'k-i.., . 01 tne i a. An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. iJemuer oi Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations' Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. U. PERRY, Managing Dlrectoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 9y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, TJ- $8 00; By Mail, Per Month. 73c; Per Year. $8.00 -"f-Published every afternoon except Sunday by , Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Printe Rupert. a levivtti ui uiraniuiK ute iuc- v-tuisi. whun u . u.. A . w man t . hru. . 1 'X-j Citnore tmP!4""' Tito's Trieste Offer . . AND WHAT OF THE $? On the subjeet of living costs. ' a lecturer refers to the "spirituality of food." By this Is meant ; the risk of becoming chicken-hearted In the event of consum- i the Kingd w" need to kno th li mes oi juu b ligiiicuusnc&s ana inexorable judgments; a revival of the message of repentance, and a call to heart-humbling. Hi Gospel ol Christ Is of all Spiritual. The words of Jesus to Nn- xlemufi. a rellgiout lead, are stUl true, "Except a man b (By Rev. O. Fawcett, Full Gospel Tabernacle 1 The scripture gives us a vivid picture of the lumlteralHewJr4' I uig iou&u puunrj. OC' turning A FEW months ago' brutal should good old beef- htlfltWi wm-i,i it describes their cods in trrauhic i . ! steak ulieve ones appetite. This ... 0 a wnen T 1 went into y lUs'Ssort of nonsense arouses curios- hinuaue: slavia from Italy, Trieste i'ty. What does the lecturer fancy DIRECTOR ; !, ': u......f ne uiibih pre. ..,., ..fill a o thorn m V cis rnn VI1VJI II U HIV coffee and a bowl of kippered 1 nutJ. ! "Their idols are silver and gold, the works of men's hands. TL.y have mouths but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not: they have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: they have hands, but thvy hundle not: neither speak they through their throats." (Ps. 115:1-7.1 Gods without life! Gods with, " 4 T: J. "" It is so ,?asy to be good natured. I wonder how anybody takes the born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." That describes a spiritual experience, Just as definite and drastic as natural tilrth; and there Is no mistaking tli application. It plainly means this, that hundreds and thousands of church members that are unacquainted with such an experience are outside of the Kingdom of Ood. They are un-savtd. They have no relationship with Christ, They will be lust, irever lost. It doea not matter wht son.' Doclor of Divinity, professoi, philosopher or any-. Gods who cannot! this: It Is an Indication of the trouble to be anything else, ob-, out power! flesh of everybody. It was like a tiny little comic opera kingdom, all by itself. To get from Italy Into Yugoslavia or back again you had to check through a whole extra set of officials. Even the trains were operated, for a short stretch, by the administrators of this little No Man's Land. Civic Pride and Beauty A DAILY NEWS representative, on a recent trip to Eastern Canada, had a hurried glance at several cities in Ontario and Quebec. He saw the model city of Arvida which, in the way of planning and design, is something really to behold possibly as attractive and well kept community as there is in Canada. (We are -told that Alcan plans taking equal pains about the development of Kitimat.) Old Kingston is also a showplace, a quick drive through which, even the older sections, was very impressive. serves Douglas Jerrold. Canon Ba.,1 J?Jy tolve life's pressing problems, inor help their blind worshipper, ne'thtr in time nor In eternity! The Scripture further describes enmity of the natural man toward the revelation of a Holy Clod In His plan of Redemption. The revelation of Ood magnifies to cardinal elements of the i,aViw.51 PREFERRED RAILS It's just thirty years ago this month since Clarence Prest, calculating young fli.'r from New such gods and their worshippers Mluute,: R'S Now Tito dramatically holds m the lia:B: iney mat mane D!vlne nature, relative to mans tin. .11 are like unto them, so L condition. The first is that it every on that trusteth in them." !Snows Qod's Intolerance toward E'.ranr.e as it may teem, the;,ln Bp(..mrt lt shows God's un- out the hand of inendship to i Mexico fust saw the mirth. Italy and offers to settle the 'P'or to 1921. precious few, if whole Trieste dispute by direct any, planes were noticed here, npontiiitinn land nobody had occasion to KIKST n,,sm.T, K. A. UnT; ragedy of heathenism in a more ou.'nchable love for the sinner. First Presbyterian Church IOt-1 I The reason is obvious Yugo- worry over lack of landing fields. subt:e lorm nas aescenaeo wiui ; Wether these two elements pro- f. (. j r"T l'Ml :i8 iti w slavia acutely fear's an attack His frail little air craft had deadly jf feet Into the very circle duce the amazing love gift of Item the East. And from what flown all the way from Las cf light. Among those who pro-; Calvary whereby In on stroke is coming over the radio from Vegas to Edmonton. And from less to be Christians, the G id of God has dealt with sin and hiis Hungary, Rumania and Bui- thre westward, the railway took the Bible has been recreated, the adeemed the sinner. At the garia, this is a real possibility, care of the flier and his proper- Ocd of man's imagination, strip- heart of God's plan of Kedemp- The highest Russian spokesmen t. The former feared the lofty ptd of the blazing majesty of tion is a cross, a cross fur man I in the satellite countries are peaks of a hitherto unseen land. Hn i ignteousness, snorn oi me means humiliation. This truth H;u. illume nmt 0i Am ,,- HAI.VATIIH kW CO.: sr. c.pi Ckorao Sunilay Siliua making verbal attacks of such eternal verities of Divine truth, runs through the entire S;ri)- fury that they sound like ex-! It was fair time and this was a His very love corrupted till it has i turt, the Psalmist speaks of it, hortatlons to war. 'major drawing card. Aviation no meaning whatsoever, deprlv- jesus speaks about its necessitiy was distinctly a novelty. Long cd of the virtue to redeem and But this twart humbling Is some- TITO HAS clearly said that in chances were the rule either impart new life to the broken thing that carnal man does not the event of an attack by Rus- when landing or taking off, the and sinful lives of men and wo-' Want to do and so he has created ria on the western allies, site being where the acropolis, or men. God has been made remote, : a God that does not require a through Germany, Yugoslavia Roosevelt Park is situated. Prest almost impersonal, and at best!crosLi thus he is made to feel at will immediately fight on the had adventure in his blood and enly endowed with the qualities home with his sins even though - W,- ..t ft. m, ... .. ,.s- .t .4 We extend a cordial invitation T. fl 1.1 u-THBl, n Ave. at Man,. pMUir: Hf. H. 0 side of the West. on this, his first flight to Skeena, of human eharactr. He is a God he be In church. SMI On Rocti: Rv H wv Sui.Uny SchuillK,: llh He is a realist of the realists. ; circumstances could have given of man's own making and Is Tng so.caue(j christian church He knows full well what would him kindlier treatment. It was w rthless as the Scripture which , short today U far of what God happen to his country, and him- there he lost his plane. At nights, we Just read stated. j wants ' One would new think self, if the Russians were able he kept it tethered, so speak, at i Pau, 8jwak about such a rell- upon entering many of our to win quick success in such an the Acropolic, and fully exposed gion n his letter to Timothy, churches or listening to the attack through Germany. Hence to the whims of fall weather In wh?n he speaks about those who prea-hers In oar lan that we he is only stating the obvious. Prince Rupert. And that Was hava a fnrm nf crivtllnesK hut. i to visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Axe. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright. D.D. Organist: Mrs. E. 1. Bmlih, John Currle, SUNDAY, SEPT. 16. 1951 Morning Worship 11 o'clock Sunday School i 1:15 . Evening Servlco 7 : 30 o'clock "Remembei1 the Sabbath Day to Keep lt Holy." HK.I 2 6th An. art. Uauri 1 He woula be an utter fool to as more violence than could be en- d(,ny tne power thereof And In 1 his country to- stay "neutral- dured. - ! the opening verse of his Epistle in such a con.uct-and Tito U; i t6 the OaJUitlans he pronounces nobody s simpleton. NEARER SIBERIA a sulenm anathema upon fake Full Gosoel Tabernacle 212 0th Ave. West (Across from Armouries) What Tito wants, of course, is It was Prest's pet idea to go teachers and so called preachers FIRST BAPTIST CHUM a guarantee that, if Yugoslavia from Las"Vegas to Siberia by air.'0l ,ne Q0!pVi in contrast to this is Invaded from the east, the He used to discuss lt with new- powerless religion or false gos-U.S.A. and British Common- j made friends while here. After , Paul speaks about a glorious wealth will stand by Yugo- leaving, ho was unheard of for : ife' changing gospel in these slavia. U while, but made another at-1 word. ..T am not ashamed of the tempt this time going direct to Gospel of Christ, for lt is the I HAVE a feeling that such a : Alaska. His flight was interrupt- power o 0ud unto salvation, to war is the one we have to fear by a fall in the midst of a everyone that believes, to the right new. Maybe I'm wrong ' great heard of reindeer in the Jew first and also to the Greek." But I do not feel the Russian ' Alas ka tundra- And that hap- i Tnjs alsp R0Si ,j or reCreated SUNDAY, SEPT. '6 11 a.m.- Morning Serviee. 1!:1C p.m. Sunday School, with a class fur fvprjaf two years, and a half and upwards: lncliuus; for young people, and Bible Class. We fxlf i welcome to you, to attend our school, 7:3 p.m. MISSIONARY RALLY. SERVICES: SUNDAY Morning Worship 11.00 Sunday School and Bible Class 12:15 Evangelistic 7:30 tt:t: F.idv Chrbt Ambassador's t'o arc invited to send yur children to Sunday School 'Prince Rupert's Pentecostal Church neur the heart of the City with City at heart." Green 331 Pastor C. Fawcett leaders will ever make the total pened not so far from the shores i Ood that we are speaking about plunge by deliberate choice. But ol the Behring Sea. lf not the pr(Kiuct stupid. Ig- ,. " j norant unlearned men, but on Rev. R, Martin and Mrs. (Dr ) Martin ill Medical Missionary work at Luuhlunu. India itsi sons dressed In Indian costumes. Don't miutUsif the contrary, It originates and Is proclaimed by some of the m-st clever and brilliant minds In the rellg'ous world What does it mean, you may ask. Simply Andrei oromyKo tried to qic-tate the Japanese peace treaty at San Francisco, and was turned down cold. Once bark home, he will have nothing to show for time, effort and expenses. But j what we are likely to see is more clashes on the Korean pattern, where the issues are confused, and where little attacks may be attempted, without certainty of total new world war. The Russians must know that there are Americans In high places who hate Tito's guts. From allied sources In Belgrade I got this picture of such Ameri-jean reasoning: MONDAY, SEPT. 17, I r.M. Victor Carlson, of Ambassador Mission Ml will speak to the Young People can can say say Andrei lacks no one nerve. Fancy trying to dictate a treaty when your country only fought five days! Of course, there were also seen some run-down communities and the natural conclusions were made about the state of civic pride .of the people dwelling therein. Coming home, we could certainly say that . Prince Rupert, although favored by one of the most picturesque and natural setting and notwithstanding the fine gardening efforts of many citizens, leaves much to be desired And, as we have often said, its dilapidated sidewalks, open rat-infested ditches and many pot-holed roads set a poor example ad offer little encouragement to the rest of the citizenry. The Financial Post comments appropriately: Canada's towns need a beauty treatment. As places to live in and vi-sit, many are fast losing their attractiveness. Seedy, rundown, unkempt are the adjectives for too many. In town after town, thoughtlessness or Ineptitude has led to such conditions." Street.? are poorly cleaned, traffic clogs residential streets, shack developments litter the outskirts, and industry seemingly can build anywhere It please.s. It's not just that neglect and decay are evident on every hand, but many places, despite fantastic growth in population, put forth no effort to provide compensation in other ways. Hew many have added a square inch of park or recreational area? Often the very thing that attracts industry In the first place is the desirability of a town as a place in which to live is well as to work. Action to preserve and extend the amenities of many of our towns and cities is ursest. Here is an important job for local governments and local groups of citizens. Time to Protest a line of action in advance of a ADVOCATING meeting of combined Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce at Quesnel called to vigorously protest the disgraceful state of the main highway system and to unify their demands that something be done at once to rectify the situation, the Prince George Citizen, speaking out in a strong editorial, said: It is unfortunate that uch action was not taken earlier In the year, although the delay can probably be explained by our mistaken belief that the government, once it recognized the neglected condition of our highways, would have something more tangible to offer than promises. Instead, the roads have deteriorated to a point where they can be truthfully termed the worst in the whole province. Businessmen .'hould ... in a body . . . take a leading part in the fight for better roads not next year, but now. . . . Bv consolidating our demands in one loud voice it is possible that Victoria will listen and act. At the verv least, it gives us an opportunity to display our unity in this Important matter and to .show that we are not content to relax in supine inditference while the government permits the lack of suitable roads to stifle progress. And from what we have been hearing lately, Prince Rupert and some of the western end Boards of Trade might say "ditto" and "amen." Anyway, the minister of public works is coming in a few days to see Aid hear all about it. St. Laurent 0-Truman 85 IN FISCAL 1950, there were 44 attempts on the I life of President Truman. In fiscal 1951, there were 85, and 3629 persons were questioned about letters and telephone calls they made to the White House. What's the score for Prime Minister St. Laurent and Governor-General Alexander? The deputy commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told the Financial Post there have been no attempts on the life of either man in the past two years "unless it's something we don't know about no threatening letters, phone calls, no suspicious characters nothing of the kind." We leave readers to their own reflections. Financial Post. suppose Titos Yugoslavia is attacked, by Russian satellites, BELIEVE IT OR NOT! When air liners crash or burn, and entire ' passenger lists are For the Young Lak but not by the Russian army lt I self. Suppose we do really get i never heard of again, one has to; 1 behind Tito and support him "- m'-""" 1 the evet pti EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH . 41S 5th Ave. E. SERVICES Sl'NDAY Morning 11 :00 a m Sunday School , 12:15 pm. Evening 7:30 p m. WEDNESDAY Frayer Mivthig 1:00 p.m. Pastor C. W. Sinclair Phone Black 393 "O taste and see that the Lord Is good." FIRST UNITED CHURCH 636 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sieber 11.09 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: India's Challenge Today. D.-. Chris Martin of Edinburgh and Ind.a A Children's Story. Anth.m Far Round The World. 7:30 pm Evening Worship. Sermon Our Common Task. Anthem Prayer of Thanksgiving, COME AND WORSHIP -Sunday Scht jls: : First United all at 12:15 Conrad Hall all at 1 pjn. iuu per cent. Suppose he wins "m wu,lurr avla-an emphatic, clear-cut victory. I tlon 18 b"st- Accidents do multi- , That would mean that the Tito Dl but so do t!le number of ; bland of socialism might spread Passenger miles flown. Flying, like wildfire all across western j we are told- from tne most re Europe for what most DeoDle in : sponsible of quarters, is actually 1 Penny western Europe fear about Com- i becoming ?afer. Yet somehow, it's muni-'m is not its economic i nard to take! theories but the ruthless dis-i: 7 "" Bivt 0r(J 1 guised Moscow imperialism aod d0 something like this: Mike a clear-cut declaration police state which goes along with it. that in event of attack on Yugoslavia they will come to her aid AA, A, B, C Widths with all the power they would THOSE western statesmen who sincerelv believe in tha ttv muster lf such an attack were Same Old Price $6.9 It costs nothing to investigate life insurance. It pays hand somely to invest in it fashion footwec Charter on ne 0 themtselvf s- naturally favor stand-! 11 we 'ere l d tlia t iu tht' ing behind Yugoslavia if she Is ! attacked. But the American ! d,anpr f ,5 nttaektl' , u" be U"mn-who business would grcatly and financial Interests f are primarily Interested In j maintaining and extending the 1 11 uld be hardheaded corn-capitalist system are agaist hon- I mon sense. It might prevent est aid to Yugoslavia in event ' anotner "little" war that could of attack. They say, "Let Ti'uj start the b'g one-stew in hisown juice." LONDON (-Open to the pub- I lie on Saturday mornings this IF THE North Atlantic Treaty J year for the first time in history, powers want to take the Otie Imrlnn Ktnrk evphancre riroo; v ORMES .step which Is most likely to j 7,800 visitors between May and , I forestall the most likely war of mid-August. Top-hatted atten- 1 the next few months, they could ' danU acted as guides The Pioneer Druggi CLEANsQUICK mm r xfr. PHONE 81 Representatives Richard Scphton, District Agent, 475 Howe 8t., Vancouver, B.( R. E. Mortimer, Representative. Prince Rupert, B.C. Will Robinson (E. T. Kenney Ltd. Representative, Terrace, B.i H. C. Webber, C.L.U., Branch Manager, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B. V i in ii n i i i r i. - i ( For. NEW CON.STRlJrTinM For the MEAL Jhat REF$ Scripture JPaiiaqe for Jodaij The Lord shall show loving-kindness. Ps. 86:12 FIR Of cook and REPAIR WORK SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. TAPPAN GAS RANGES At' Rupert Radio and Electric PHONE i ' FOtit TAKfi OUT ORDERS 215 1st Avenue West BROADWAY CAF Phone 909 P.O. Box 121