It TV. , Ipenc. tuld his people frkiay he villi i v ill refust in rrarm his country hat- Fi ii'iCe rupcfi" LAjii iMeV.S Saturday. September 15. 1951 Blackwood on ErhL Hi? stand was viewed In om ru Refusing to Re-Arm Japan ; quarters as indicating he would r..xuth stop out of office as soon as ti ; i sections wiieie the ciop is iale. Weather was cooler in the Okanagan Valley where the peach movement will be completed this week-end. Prunes will be moving next week. Bart-lett pears are nearly finished and the movement of Flemish , .. .. i i rv- a , "V, HIST0RICK uniua oiaieii-aapaiiesa security pact becomes law. He Instructed countryman (o keep fuiih of with the western world This is the sixth hand a jjcui cu Wllfl in His luck had been so & trood 1 S- 1 ,,,ua a.uuv Bt. Prairies Get Too Much Rain WINNIPEG Harvesting weather has been unfavorable over most of the prairie provinces during the past week with showers or heavy rains reported from many sections, according to the Weekly Crop Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. i he decided to open and get a little tancy on tiie defence in this deal. Without knowing it, Mr. Muzzy TOKYO fl Prime Minister his Shlgaru Yoshida, ' who guided Japan along the road to inde- (CLOSIKE TIME 10 .m. oa lUf DuUicalLuii) Classified Adveitlslng is payable in advance. P.ease retrain Irom telephoning n Word iier Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices $ltc. Card, vt Thaiki Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcemenisc m" SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. FOH SALE 7 1T ! wAvrti, PflR RA1.F Hnnu-hnM furnlli. u,v, ima. tUoestertUiUl uite. H x ii: l' cariMl. ueurwuui suite, radio.: Bex niii iV ! eieuinc liitipuiie ana raduilor, at mat'nme tallies. cn:iirs. disiie.s ! PHIfi.c d.T1. etc. Manv intidern unvela ruini- sl. s!.t i,... k... 7 t),ete leather bound set Ch.'irlei HnnAt ... ,;,ClJ r,.,.i ., i7..T. .,..( . ; . s'Atjl SlAlJI'.u aouiv 112 7lh West. Enulish Hill near 6th ana McBride. or olione Black 812. I220o) FOR SALE- -Bubv budtries. Color CASH fitf rrio varieties: ear- 7te Blue; Orevwinu SKv and Orev- i Phone Ml J?i;S, wmii Cooalt Blue: oievwuu Mauve: Grevwlng Green; Liuht Green and Mauve. Shio-ued bv air ureoaid $7.50. All birds satisfactory or vour.FOR SAI E lus c monev cheerfully refunded. d,xir c',,, i Old Orchard Aviarv 2U4J Easti Mutora r S ttr-, 3'Jth Ave.. Vancouver. B.C. i I FrVw'SAt"'fT,1U nnrt Pamn.,F(?P...?AL-19 pears will not be on the market , for another three weeks. Grapes; rirp nftus mnvinsj and MrTnttish i apples will commence moving this week-end Practically au ; previously reported. Britain Stops ' Iran Shipments j ; LONDON f - Great Britain this week stopped British ships from delivering cargoes to Iran. Buard of Trade spokesman disclosed that vessels carrying i "certain scarce materials to Iran have been diverted." I He said this was In line with a British Treasury statement earlier this week cancelling financial and pninnmi nmpps- sions to the Tehran government. Breakdown of Anglo-Iranian talk? for settling of the oil nationalization . dispute brought about tin- British squeeze on Iran. I ; New Vault Tough Job A three-ton steel door was a touKh job to stand 'upright and place into the vault entrance in the Canadian Bank of Com merce ouiiuing ana Bans Man- ager toward Boulter la happy that tU-' work Is Hearing com- l)lfctlon- ( In line with expanding busl- ness. a new vault was found nec- '' essury. The huge streamline mauel, with double locks, arrived in Vancouver aboard SS Parma, dii;ct from London via the Panama Canal route. It was landed here lust week by Princess Norah. LONDON P -Hospital authorities examining a man chanted with attempted suicide found lie had . swallowed pins needles, broken glass, cufflinks, studs, buttons, llashiight bulbs, pieces of tin, paper clips and wool. - STRATEGIC ISU.ND I 1 The iiland of Formosa, last stronghold of the Chinese Nationalists, i is 225 miles long and item 60 to 80 miles broad. Iiik outfit (ieneral Eleclrl'i it - " ! IMS 1 So So Gay Gay ad ad Feminine Feminine f ( You'll You'll M ooiiuuje iuuiu. ruuue iteu 769. Iltci1 WiNTtU In i , CVD C S T C UT n ,.J VIJ (A It I) OF THANKS i 1 - - I Wish Slncervlv til thank frienas lor tneir Kind exoies-i sions ot svmoalliv anu lor tne utauiuui lioral uilermtis in mv recent twrsjavement in mv Ot'ar husband. Jacoo Hansen Sutoiai thiink-s to Pastor Ol.sen Tliae senclina flowers: Tiie lam- j llv. Mr. and Mrs (Tnree i.'r!tv 1 Mrs. C. Postula. Mr. and Mrs! ! Wiekditl. Irene and Otto Mos-tad. Mr and Mrs. Harrv Nelson 1 and tamilv. Aine and Rov Paul- ! sen. Mr and M:s O Mostud, Mr. and Mrs-. Kcv. Dominalo. i Mr, and Mrs. M. Moiitesano Mr. I and Mrs. H Hellunil. Liihe. Ce.'il ; and Alice Mvers; Ivv and Alfi Blraklev; Mr. and Mrs H Chiids: Mr. and Mrs. Fred ! Green; Mr and Mis. Jens Mun-j the: Mrs. Brothen Andrew and; Rarhnel: Mr. and Mrs Furni-sii and Mildred- Mr. and Mrs. K L. 1 Monteith: Mr. and Mrs. J. T Kasuar: Mr. and Mr Storrfal mid Betty Mr anri Mrs Bill Simmons: Mr and Mrs Shannon; Mr. and Mrs Olrardet; Mr. and Mrs. Olof Rudsvick: Mr. and Mrs. R E. Mortimer: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Dvhhavn: Gus and Norn Strnmdahl: Mr and Mrs H. Slanuehv: Lily and Tlior 'iravinifUin. Norwav; Thora. Ester and Thorvald. Norwav; Brothers nnd slaters. Norwav and New York- Mr and Mrs. S "er? Mr nnd Mrs Kasa and H'irold Fher "nd fhris Ka-il. Mr and Mrs Jnhn Olovnn. Miami M'-s. John Pear-'n. Vncnu-M". a"r? Mrs Ed .lohnm. rd nnd o,nnv Mr snd Mr?. Woaber nd OrvM. Fvelvn. R.C : e nhn anH Terrv Olse'1 tiVo Ka'hlvn BC Mr O T"rho nnH fupiiiv Mr nnd Mr i rH- d.iH'k. Martha and tack rir"Xu hlrle" ""i inren TiV"n pin, mrf nY)n irlsOIl and family. Sml',' c Mrs." (lto) FOR SALE BARGAIN! MUST SELL IMME-uiHifcLY Anas nnuenal -cvcie neavv'nuiv oiesel marine enaine. bu braKe. L. fat. utioO Kf.M. isoie i'a'. strode b-i Mouei lu.uoO series. Air itartliu lull uiesel. wemhi 4 ions. Reoulit coniDlele. ew riniis. new wrist oins. new wrist pin busiinms, all new i ! vaives. and vaive sorlntis. our tiU; m:iin ht .u.'l tun tirvt.c. new ttliu u.wu household furniture. SllKlitlv ; J REWARD - used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom; ft"t bv end o! i SuiU-s. Chesterfields. Bovs' soier. huu or , Bicvcles. Bedside Kuas. Cribs. I b adult laai-,' Studio Couches etc.. sellliiar at Uailv Nt-ws. the lowest uossible price B. C. : w .MTrn Furniture Co. Pliotuj Black wC,1:7rP 70 RBT 324. (tf) FOR SALE-Bovs' uants. sch(H)l shoes, all sues, well made, lots in wear ktoou auoearance.i Bovs pants S2 Ta to i,i M. Bovs shuts S4.4a to fo.ib B.C. Clothiers. (I FOR QUICK SALE-12- Craft-master band saw. 2 blades. 1WM French binoculars. Buth new Precision Saw FUiiiu. 1343 PlaKott Place (21: RIFLES The amazlnelv accu- ruia htiH laiu.-i'i-Hil f'unHiliiiii Ross .303 rcueater. Three mod- FOR RENT Gen r By Eosley Blackwood of a rubber in 'which Mr. Muzzy against the experts. on the first five hands that East dealer North-South vulnerable Kurlli , (Mr. Mum) 8 J 7 H 5 D 8 2 C Q J 10 8 4 8 . I at (Mr. (Mr. Cliniuphtll) 8 3 S-10 6 i 0 2 H 4 It J 10 i A 10 3 d 7 e K II C A 6 south j-a k 4 h h. 7 3 PK,J 5 4 hJdmt -' utll xortli H iH1M -j u H Pa a N T P11K9 H All Paw "That Mr. Muzzy Is Just too clever for you," said Mr. Dale, grinning. "Flashing the eight of spades on the first trick was a masterpiece." The female octopus, found on the shores of most warm seas, may lay as many as M.OUu eggs within a few days. " PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE I'! For Repair and Alterations Smith&ElkinsLtd. PO. Box 27 rTl THE BEST aCTM QUALITY k Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 231 Dibb Printing Co. JJESNLli BLOCK OrMtXTlVt: S3200.00 GIVE GENEROUSLY 'I Afvaslmotrly 1,546,000 Can- I l j ! wara iMSsrtotly txIpsMl I ( lM y' by ssismI vk Hi lalvsMan Army i Ht MaWtnKy Homas Oanatsl Haspilols I I OM FaHis' Honws 1 1 riami oaal relic Court Work l ChlMran's Homas Chllaraa'a tuaamat Camp I Mlssinf Frtands' tarvlc . Fraa Labour Sofvks y Man's Hssasil LOCAL APPEAL SEPT. 4-25th Tom Christie Campaign Chair. Ed Gladding Campaign Treas Campaign Headquarters G. PERCY TINKER CO., LTD. BFSNFR BLOCK PHONE S7 The v. 0 Metals Lid , a t . COllver couver. u r ." Mil West, CUv. nou.sfKeeuiiis run-airl. hux 2ud. Ij.' FOK KLM FOR RENT-Bcd', man oreferreu. c LADY with smaii d,, room Ui one ur u women uh or or with kit Downtown A muv ohune Blue Hn t:. V.wr odlushtri f Phone Blue 11' f trie. 41 U-DRIVE Uite 111 Grenviiie Ctn: HUP .tn WANTED ilin fa (u-uarlnienl iiru.-some rXjerit'E:t eaarlltijl. Avii Daiiv tivWi. MAN OH W'OMAX whole CNR ii. s sen ot ions to Du: ' erablv i:ti :u pumer"tinn. Ai Paiiv News. WANTED- RelWIr leiirh Dealer necessary A fi.-n to sleu Into urn!' Where R.iwlei?h ? been u;d fof FnwlewhsDeDU' Winniprv. WAVTFD-Taxi t )12 Taxi WANTKD One A d o l v Paw: Cleaners, SAI.E MR CHMrF of U; INDEPFNDENT I vourself In fr". l'ii"stin mr" dealer and m ' In les tinv 'fir 'nur orcsent " rtnne lr vo'ir loiiiie h"."lt ra ." needert i'f' ! - Ir. tI-m ft '! rptijrn mqil T Art 3hlHW 2f''; St.. Montreal. V I-ItTations ' WORK WANTED-' with cau'tfU" car. will diw '; mar end of ' w'"inoK a(J, 111 -Red f,tf B-.irkiiie 515. BOATS K) H FOR SALE -3D f f beam, draw er,, ft. of saiM V enizlne. Sieew ol stove and " si s tmrgv Winds." Prw Club. 1.- Leneth MA f'f 2rHhp Vhrv'' Island REPA J Vv;ATCHHtPASfr' By Chit b.ttom end oeariius. One new 'FQR SALE Beelnners H.D. 'lrusi Mam ball Uearirm.i S15.00. Black (18. w ' ? co-operated beautifully. Mr. Dale elected to open a spade against M; Champion's four heart contract. As you know, ! the correct lead from his spade i holding is the king. But Mr. Dale knew Mr. Muzzy would not pay much attention u his leac no matter what it was. He would not t-'y to "read ' it-while Mr. Champion undoubtedly would. H So Mr. Dale laid dJwn the ac? D of spades, whi.'li usually denied c Fcsoission of the king. Now Mr. I Muzzy looked at his spade hold- ing. He saw the 3, 7 and 6. Tl "' were all "equals." He gives practically no thougnt to which card he plays in tins t situation. ( How can it make any ; l difference?) In any case, ne a grabbed for one of his small spades and came out with the ' eight spot. ' The combination of ths aae lead is on his left and the apparent come-on signal is on! ' his right was too much for Mi. Champion. He felt sure the king1 of spades was in Mr. Muzzvs. hand. Therefore when Mr. Dale ' led the four of spades at t 'ick two. lie ducked in dummy and Mr. Muzzy won with the jack. ! Nothing happened for a few moments and Mr. Champion started to fidget. "Muzzy." he growled, "are you going to sit there and think all night?" "Who's thinking?" ,-eplied Mr. Muzv honestly, "Well, whatever you're doing, k'ndly stop it and lead." It s not my lead, said Mr. Muzzy indignantly. An inspection of the last trick proved Mr. Miuzzy was wrong, as usual. Finally he led a thi.d round of spades and Mr. Dale won with the king. As you see, it was impossible for Mr. Champijn to avoid the loss of a heart trick to the quetn and he waj down pne. He hit the ceiling. "What eUe can happen to me in jtbU rubber? he roared, waving his aruu ii the air. IN RE ESTATE OP GONZAOUE LOUIS UENDRON DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE' NOTICE thatas Admlnls-' trator. duly appoinu-d by the court. : ot tiie etl ul Ooiizuirtle Louui Oen-I drun. who dmd at Queen Cb:irUitte ; City. BritLsh Columbia, ou the'14lh day ut March, 1M61. I rcqulrt all ! creditors and others having claims I against the said estate to scud the ! same to me, properly veriiied. at the f address mentioned below on or be-j lore the lath day ol October. IK61. alter which date I shall proceed to ; distribute the estate to those en-: lined by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified, j And further take notice that all ; persons Indebted to the said estate I arc required to pav their indebted ness to me forthwith. Dated at Prince Rupert. B C this tUi dav of September. ls51 OORDON FHA.StH FORBES Official AUmuusLrator Prince Rupert. B. C. IS 14. 15. M. ii) Don't Overtax it-OverHAUl It! Once your engine reoche$ "middle age" worn part$ overtax each other ond the motor deteriorates rapidly . . . UNLESS you order an expert Overhaul job by our master mechanics. II ll If you plan to keep ll I your car long, you'll save money in the long run. See us! SUPERIOR AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED AN ESTATE . . . pay the lint premium on a $5,000 policy you immediately creat $5,000. If you die the full amount for your family. If you liva you long as thirty years to pay fur iu your estate today? T. FOWLE Intermittent operations have i been carried on depending on i the degree of rainfall. Many l points which had just resumed i operations had to stop because ' of further showers. Rains oc-j curud the night of Sept. 12. They were heaviest in Northern Manitoba and northeastern Saskat- 1 1 chewan and lighter elsewhere. These intermittent showers, however, cause further delays .and prevent harvesting opera-1 tions from becoming general ' over widespread areas. j The major requirement 'jf I Western Canada Is warm dry sunny weather. The threat of frost cannot be discounted in all V SHOE POLISH V'l 2 B i Perfect Shoe Care (iEUKGE UAWfcS AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Keil 11 JOHN H. BULGER Orc tome, Irisl John Sulgcr Ltd. Third Avenue CREATING When you life assurance an estate of is available can take as H Why not create JOHN Box 855 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE an i Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St Ph. Black 38S R0RIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 6S5 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 ' QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Terminal Messenger We Cover the City ' PHONE 640 All deliveries fully insured Stand: Bus Terminal, 2nd St. v-,r : , ij , ft. :; '!, -;.. j '. "''I,' -, "ti. - els to choice from, Write lor free Illustrated folder. TARGET SALES COMPANY. Deot. DD. 270 Duroclitr Street Ottawa. Ontario. ITJS:H' FOR SALE 8" cedar bevel. War-1 time houslna tvoe. Phone! B ack 938. (220di FOR SALE Girl's OCM bicycle in a o o d condition. Phone Green 'i00. (tf-nci violin. i221pi H K.SONAL UNWANTED HAIR- Perman-nt-lv eiadii-ated with Saca-Pe!o The -most remarkbale discovery of the aae. Saca-Pelo 1 guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no druKS or chemicals. LorBer I.ab. 679 Granville, Vancouver. BC. (Hi GIVE the fa ks at nome a treat . . . net one ol our delicious cakes or pies Runert rakerv Ltd. Phone 64.1 for order- Ufl ACCOINJANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income lux specialist. S. O. Furk Stone Buildinit. Red 593. (20m REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Laree home, furnished or unfurnished with complete aoartment drawina eood revenue. Terms 1078 7th East. Plione Black 298.. I222P1 FOR SALE 2-bedroom house . Gillnel float, shed at Uodne Cove. What offers? Inouire J. Snellman. Port Essinaton i22ol FOR SALE Industrial lots 48 and 49. block 14. section 1. Next Imperial Machine Works. Lots are cleared and filled Anolv Standard Machine Shop. 'HI "IF vou must move to the Vancouver Area contact Robert E Montador at North 2fi" In North Vancouver for honest and courteous solution to vour housina problems." h FOR SALE Three lots together near Mc.r -..nont Prk: one on Slu;ibrqiike Ave. Blue 267 (2171 jToi'8ES WANTED TO Bl'Y WANTFH TO BUY-House Will nav S1500 down. Balance m mnnthW oavinenUs. Box 1flH Dailv News ( 2J7d For Results ADVERTIS Surely Love Them! Come in today . . . see our dresses made prettier with paper doll and other swing-out skirts. Choose one, two or three for a truly dressed up Foil. "Tomorrow's Styles Today" Annette Mansell Ladies Wear 1 523 3rd Ave. Ill DnUor'mg for ! Ladies and Gentlemen I LING II e tailor 220 Sixth St. rhcr.e 649 uduiedS HANDYMAN : HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES: PO. Box 1670 Red 894 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 874 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 Tot genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Sawi Taw aawa mm Mt cImbvt, sv trvae, foster nbn flltd oa Makasaar tmr precision machin. Uuiek Arrfea on all typos of ssws. Jf Bring roar sows in today V 014 saws rrtooUiod. PRECISION SAW FILING 1 ll.V PIGGOTT PLACE Bex 1011 Station B (Asi.nt: Pii Terminal) Terrace Builders Suppl) One new exnaust eioow. Two new iineclur tips new', delivery pump plunner. one-new water Dtiiiio ulunaer. Cranktshatt bushinas and beat mas hand tilted. Has run 84 hours in shuu for settinn up. Aoove eriKinp Is eauiDPed with aux. air tank, comorcs-sor on eniiine and aux enaine lor tmerirencv. tilth pressure valve oiDine governor for overload, fuel nauire. air ores-ure cause, oil pressure cause. Sold in area around Victoria, i $2000.00 down and $1000.00 when runnine to buver's satisfaction. Price complete $3000.00. For appointment to view or for fu.ther inlorma-tion . please contact D. H. Dakin. 335 Gorue Road. Victoria BC. Phone Bus. B-2043, , Niiihts B-5673. (Hi Llmj-beit Speeder Shovels; 1 Cranes: Draglines; Adams Road Graders: Liltleford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance Equipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T, L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklrft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable Centrifuttal Pumps; National Draellne Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Lovelv 10 - piece black walnut dlnlriK room suite, laree gulden oak library table. 2 larae upholstered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, lariie commercial floor w-axer and Dolisher. Hoover carnet sweeper complete with parts, one larKe electric fruit luicer, electric massaarer and reducer. 4 electric heaters. 1 small pot burner oil lanne 2 ttood oil heaters, nice pictures in frames. 4 flour lamps. 1 table lamp, fireplace with all tools, lame complete exercisina? kit, 40 gallons of paint. Standard tvpewrlter. 7 larce new French nlate mirrors. Black 823. Mr. Hicks. (tf) FOR SALE 1937 Ford 2 ton truck. House trailer. 18 ft., fullv furnished. House trailer. "B.C. Breeze." 18 ft., fullv furnished. Two work trailers, dollvs, nassenuer and truck tires. 1929 Chevrolet motor, radiators, etc. Aonlv Midland Pines. Phone Black 739. (tfi Phone Black 837 COMPANY OF CANADA e55ionct Eddie's Beauty Solon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 40 139 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Btoro MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 &TONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 528 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 ' 1 ' ' BLONDIE M e mo Knows Best! WAMA, I'M MO BABy ) fif.3 E 11 V -ijr V rSi a , a. : S f 0s Jill ..a